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Please no more Force-centric stories or bosses


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I understand the allure of Star Wars is the Jedi and Sith, but with the success of the Mandalorian, I'm hoping for more Rise of the Hutt Cartel type of storylines. And I say this as someone who has mained a JK since 2012. But I now want to really focus on my smuggler as my new main and - as much as I loved the latest update - that character felt really out of place fighting the emperor. At least she wasn't alone. There were a bunch of other powerful force users around to help, so it wasn't quite so jarring as going through KOTFE and KOTET as a smuggler knowing that there's no way any non-force user would stand a chance against the likes of Arcann and Vaylin. Let alone Valkorian.


So, going forward, I'm hoping for less force, more blasters. :)

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How about...NO.

The Mandalorian 2nd season is good because of all the "force stuff" happening (no spoilers). I sincerely hope the writers do not account for "who mains what".... and as for shooting - there are quite a lot of COD clones out there and SW:BF.

Edited by ExarSun
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TBH a smuggler feels out of place nearly everywhere, especially in every post class story content, even in RotHC.


Yes. Weird having Valkorian, the most powerful force-user of his time in the galaxy, laud my smuggler, a womanizing, money-grubbing, fortune-seeking, pistol-waving cowboy as being someone like him.


I don't play SW for the allure of drawing a pistol. If I wanted that, I'd go find a Louis L'Amour-themed MMO somewhere.

I'm all about the mystical aspects of the force.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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There were a bunch of other powerful force users around to help, so it wasn't quite so jarring as going through KOTFE and KOTET as a smuggler knowing that there's no way any non-force user would stand a chance against the likes of Arcann and Vaylin.

Why do people assume that "force powers" are necessarily "super powers"?

It's great that Jedi and Sith get to be in touch with "the Force", etc, but that doesn't mean they are Super heroes. The force is a "mystical energy that surrounds us all", but that doesn't mean it's particularly powerful.

I see no problem with blaster users being able to take on force users. (Especially if they have 'force bound' armor, which repels/absorbs the force.) 🙂


Or, to put it another way: Blast a hole in someone with the force, or blast a hole in someone with a blaster - they're dead either way. 😏

Edited by JediQuaker
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Let's have a look at the movies:


In the original trilogy, the experienced force users were either hermits or untouchable figures at the head of the empire. "sad devotion to ancient religion" or "hokey religion" are the phrases people use for this obscure cult that talks weird philosophy and brings swords to a gunfight. The eponymous war wasn't won by a space wizard entering a mystic mindscape, using eldritch powers to destroy the unspeakable things that dwelled there. A strike team disabled a shield generator and then starfighters nuked the big bad's base while capital ships fought the enemy fleet.


In the prequel trilogy we experience the story from within one of the force user cults, but still most of the time they face completely mundane opponents. They got a buff so it actually makes sense to bring a sword to a gunfight, but once the sword-wielding space wizards lost their plot armor, they were quicklly gunned down, of course.


Even in the trilogy that shall not be named we have a focus on normal people doing normal things, even after learning they have the power of the hokey cultists. Only in the last part the sword-based wizardry goes completely out of hand.



So no, Star Wars isn't about the Force. It's a mix of SciFi and Western with a pinch of slightly reskinned Samurai fantasy. Force users exist and are an asset to every party, but they aren't the main focus. Leave the high fantasy demigod-level wizardry to the Palpatines, and let's go back to cuting off arms in a seedy cantina.

Edited by Mubrak
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Let's have a look at the movies:


In the original trilogy, the experienced force users were either hermits or untouchable figures at the head of the empire. "sad devotion to ancient religion" or "hokey religion" are the phrases people use for this obscure cult that talks weird philosophy and brings swords to a gunfight. The eponymous Star War wasn't won by a space wizard entering a mystic mindscape, using eldritch powers to destroy the unspeakable things that dwelled there. A strike team disabled a shield generator and then starfighters nuked the big bad's base while capital ships fought the enemy fleet.


In the prequel trilogy we experience the story from within one of the force user cults, but still most of the time they face completely mundane opponents, and got a buff so it actually makes sense to bring a sword to a gunfight. Once the sword-wielding space wizards lost their plot armor, they were quicklly gunned down, of course.


Even in the trilogy that shall not be named, we have a focus on normal people doing normal things, even after they learn they have the power of the hokey cultists, until things go completely nuts in last one where the sword-based wizardry goes completely out of hand.



So no, Star Wars isn't about the Force. It's a mix of SciFi and Western with a pinch of slightly reskinned Samurai fantasy. Force users exist and are an asset to every party, but they aren't the main focus. Leave the high fantasy demigod wizardry to the Palpatines, and let's go back to cuting off arms in a seedy cantina.


You're right about the high fantasy demigod stuff being crap, but i must disagree about the story not being about force users.


OT: Force User with good NFU friends. Growing up in a mundane world and suddenly learning arcane powers and deciding how to use them

PT + Clone Wars: Force Users whose only understanding of the mundane world was the worst of it (politics), which gets them into trouble.

Rebels: Force Users who have to hide in the mundane world to survive while still learning about/honouring their arcane legacy

ST: Not really SW, so not going to talk about it.

Mandalorian: NFU who gets thrust into the strange old but new arcane world that he has to come to grips with (and with the Ahsoka series intermingling with it and the other spin offs, this is likely to continue)


So the Force is a very integral part of SW, but it should not come at the expense of the mundane (which is what Valkorian did)



As for the smuggler though, the problem here is more than just FU vs NFU, it's his/her attitude that just doesn't reall fit.

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I'd call killing everyone on Ziost in one fell swoop fairly powerful.

Yes, but that's a particularly powerful individual. Your average Jedi or Sith can't wipe out everyone on Ziost, but yet, given the size of Ziost, you could probably kill everyone with one massive nuke just as easily.


Think of the force as being able to bend spoons with your mind instead of your hands. You're still just bending a spoon. 😂

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Yes, but that's a particularly powerful individual. Your average Jedi or Sith can't wipe out everyone on Ziost, but yet, given the size of Ziost, you could probably kill everyone with one massive nuke just as easily.


Think of the force as being able to bend spoons with your mind instead of your hands. You're still just bending a spoon. 😂


If the force can be mustered to such an extent by one person, it's powerful. Hands down.

That few can do it is beside the point.


Your point was that the force wasn't that very powerful. It is. Not everyone can wield it to such an extent.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I thought the smuggler had the best come back to Tanebrae. This great master of the Force is killed by a forceless vagabound. But yeah there is one chapter in particular in KOTFE in which I wish smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent would tell the jedi and the sith to shut up about their mystic nonsense.
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I thought the smuggler had the best come back to Tanebrae. This great master of the Force is killed by a forceless vagabound. But yeah there is one chapter in particular in KOTFE in which I wish smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent would tell the jedi and the sith to shut up about their mystic nonsense.


Force-blind classes should have had their own equivalent of KOTFE/KOTET.

Instead of going into Shadow Of Revan, force-blind classes should have gone into something absolutely not force related.

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Force-blind classes should have had their own equivalent of KOTFE/KOTET.

Instead of going into Shadow Of Revan, force-blind classes should have gone into something absolutely not force related.


It would've made things more interesting, and given more replayability to that time period.

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I prefer stories that don't focus on super insanely powerful force badies. Regular strength force badies like Malgus are perfect. And no more mindscapes! They are stupid! Voss was ok, but they have been way overused now.


I have high hopes for the Malgus/Aryn Leneer storyline next year. I'll be so sad if they do something silly with it.

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I prefer stories that don't focus on super insanely powerful force badies. Regular strength force badies like Malgus are perfect. And no more mindscapes! They are stupid! Voss was ok, but they have been way overused now.


I have high hopes for the Malgus/Aryn Leneer storyline next year. I'll be so sad if they do something silly with it.


Trippy mindscapes are fun. I loved C2 of KOTFE for that.

I take it you didn't like entering the painting into an alternate reality in Oblivion.

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Yes, but that's a particularly powerful individual. Your average Jedi or Sith can't wipe out everyone on Ziost, but yet, given the size of Ziost, you could probably kill everyone with one massive nuke just as easily.


Think of the force as being able to bend spoons with your mind instead of your hands. You're still just bending a spoon. 😂


There is no spoon.

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I'd be happy to see no more Emperor force story, but I think for a game centred around Jedi/Sith asking never to see a force-centric story again is just not going to happen. I would be happy if not every story was, and we will see if the entire Mando story if free of it (I doubt it however). It is Star Wars after all.
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I'd be happy to see no more Emperor force story, but I think for a game centred around Jedi/Sith asking never to see a force-centric story again is just not going to happen. I would be happy if not every story was, and we will see if the entire Mando story if free of it (I doubt it however). It is Star Wars after all.


There's always going to be a Sith Emporer or Empress pulling the strings, thats how Star Wars, the force and balance works. IF one is forever lost, another takes up the mantel, the force makes sure of it to keep the balance between light and dark

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There's always going to be a Sith Emporer or Empress pulling the strings, thats how Star Wars, the force and balance works. IF one is forever lost, another takes up the mantel, the force makes sure of it to keep the balance between light and dark


Which the Jedi do not understand and got Anakin's role all wrong.


On the other hand attributing such actions to The Force, is treating it as if it were an intelligence not a force. A lightning bolt doesn't decide where it will strike. An earthquake doesn't choose to happen.

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There's always going to be a Sith Emporer or Empress pulling the strings, thats how Star Wars, the force and balance works. IF one is forever lost, another takes up the mantel, the force makes sure of it to keep the balance between light and dark


Ok I'll be more specific, I was talking about Emperor Valkorion

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