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QOL issues you would like to see Bioware address


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that was indeed an awesome utility, and while the devs may have been very OCD in shutting it down, it would have been more PC and user friendly to take the hint and allow some more flexibility in each users unique system performance.


along that vein, allowing players to turn off player effects (many of which are over the top as it is) would be the next 'logical' step, but we already know that 'logic' is a bad word in their vocabulary.


I mean, it's a funny thing that on the Steam page for swtor they added the minimum requirement for the game, but no recommended ones, because even with an incredible rtx30XX and last gen CPU along with a SSD you will still have stutter that is unavoidable.


Some issues can be resolved easily. Like the freeze whenever you open the legacy window is here because they made Each. Separate. Icon. its own entity which has to load independantly Each. Time. You. Open. The Window.


While I get that it's for flexibility purposes whenver they update the tab, the fact is that they don't update the legacy tab at all for this to still be a feature. Preload is a thing that exists, or simply optimizing the way your game loads assets can make the difference.

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A QOL I would love to see is an improvement to the in game chat tab(s).

Many games have built in translators to enable players from various cultures/language groups to communicate easily without having to use a 3rd party translation service. (This feature should be implemented so that it can be turned on or off by players.)


Maybe also modify the current guild chat tab to add a little more flexibility for modification or perhaps just being able to use old fashioned Ansi escape codes so players can use different colors if they want to announce an important guild activity and want the announcement to stand out from the casual chatter. Similar to the Officer tab we currently have, Most guilds prefer to have a separate Officer tab, and don't want to use that for general guild activity announcements. Hence an extra channel or just a slight modification of the current Guild chat tab could help.

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updating chat system, yes. even at the most basic level, they intentionally disabled the mod features when the game went live, and we have been wanting them enabled ever since (yet another one they remain silent on)


player (other player) defined colors in my chats? OHN. keep that trash in social media where it belongs. in-game chat needs to be kept relatively simple with minimal "bling" for the off-meds adhd trolls to abuse

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updating chat system, yes. even at the most basic level, they intentionally disabled the mod features when the game went live, and we have been wanting them enabled ever since (yet another one they remain silent on)


player (other player) defined colors in my chats? OHN. keep that trash in social media where it belongs. in-game chat needs to be kept relatively simple with minimal "bling" for the off-meds adhd trolls to abuse


Haha I fully agree with you, but I meant a "controlled" option. Similar to the current Officer tab we have. IOW only the GM can change these colors for specific ranks in their guild.

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A QOL I would love to see is an improvement to the in game chat tab(s).

Many games have built in translators to enable players from various cultures/language groups to communicate easily without having to use a 3rd party translation service. (This feature should be implemented so that it can be turned on or off by players.)


Other games have a built-in dictionnary that auto-translates when you press tab while writing a word.

If I wanted to tell the healer in my group that I'd want him to cleanse a debuff on me, I'd type the cleanse spell in the chat, press tab so that the game enables translation for this word, which is now highlighted in chat to show that it's an auto-translated term.


Sadly, I doubt they'll even care about this feature untill they merge all EU servers into one, or enable cross-server queue (which they probably won't).

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Sadly, I doubt they'll even care about this feature untill they merge all EU servers into one, or enable cross-server queue (which they probably won't).


honestly, no. even if they did such a merge, the language selection would be tied to the core system preferences, and left at that - basically, we would have /general.en / trade.fr /pvp.ger etc that would be auto-assigned to /1 /2 /3 based on your core language preference. if you wanted additional languages, they could allow manual access to them (/cjoin general.en - /cjoin general.ger - etc), but that may be stretching expectations a bit as they still can/will not enable the player chat mod system.


as to in-game version of google translate... yeah, no. hard pass on the attempt even to be considered. We'd have international incidents left and right because someone put "rabbit" in french and ended up ordering soup in Latin, insulting someones ancestry in German, and got a [unidentifiable object] linked in English.

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Other games have a built-in dictionnary that auto-translates when you press tab while writing a word.

If I wanted to tell the healer in my group that I'd want him to cleanse a debuff on me, I'd type the cleanse spell in the chat, press tab so that the game enables translation for this word, which is now highlighted in chat to show that it's an auto-translated term.


Sadly, I doubt they'll even care about this feature untill they merge all EU servers into one, or enable cross-server queue (which they probably won't).


Yes! Exactly what I was referring to. Ty for explaining it better than me. :)

We actually did have a server merge about 3 years ago, and it was since that merge that I saw more European players on Star Forge for instance. I think they moved from the French and German servers to try and play on the more active NA servers. I love playing with and learning from them, but sometimes communication makes it difficult in more advanced OPS. We wont mention these other games, but it really is an awesome feature IMO. :)

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I consider this a QOL improvement, but I have no idea how hard it would be to code so I have no idea how feasible it is.


I would LOVE for there to be true auto-loot in this game, so that I don't interrupt the flow of going from one battle to the next by stopping and grabbing loot.

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be very careful what, and how you word, what you ask for...


By Popular Demand: Your Personal squad of auto looting Jawas!

You kill it, they loot it! Get your very own [Jawa Loot Squad] today!

Caution: Jawas may require some "bribing" to surrender your hard earned loot

*Fine Print Disclaimer* Hey, we said they would loot it for you, not that you would ever actually get said loot...

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Didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this has been mentioned; but one issue still presses me today since launch.


I want to name my toons whatever I want (provided they meet naming current naming restrictions). If there's a duplicate name out there, so be it. Enough with the stupid symbols, uncanny names, and other related naming issues from server merges etc.


Been here since the start and I would think that a new player that cannot name their toon what they want would be an instant major turn off of the game. Please address this.

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Okay, but how would you have them address these, Aries?


Let's say we have two players, both named Aries. One of them buys an item from the GTN; how does it get sent to the correct one?


I want to send mail to my friend, Aries, but there are five other Aries on the server. How is the recipient determined?

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Okay, but how would you have them address these, Aries?


Let's say we have two players, both named Aries. One of them buys an item from the GTN; how does it get sent to the correct one?


I want to send mail to my friend, Aries, but there are five other Aries on the server. How is the recipient determined?


GW2 added a series of hidden numbers after the name, something a player chooses to see or not. Aries.0001, Aries.0002.

Interface setting "hide player id numbers" or something to that effect.


And you normally don't have reason to send mail in game to another player that isn't one of yours, a guildmate, a party member, or an ops member other than to spam real world credit sales. Seriously consider that, I haven't send one in 9 years of playing. If fact, there is a warning not to do so, I believe.

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TLDR: no, allowing multiple "Aries" to run around is just not ever going to happen


Character names have been unique in MMO's for a very long time for a multitude of reasons. If that alone chases people away from MMO's, so be it, because I can guarantee that will be the least of the complaints as they get further into the game.

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I consider this a QOL improvement, but I have no idea how hard it would be to code so I have no idea how feasible it is.


I would LOVE for there to be true auto-loot in this game, so that I don't interrupt the flow of going from one battle to the next by stopping and grabbing loot.


I agree!


This is something that always gets me when I load up another game after playing FFXIV, which has proper, no messing about, you kill it and the loot is automatically in your inventory type auto loot.

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Character names have been unique in MMO's for a very long time for a multitude of reasons.

I don't think so. Played Ultima Online back in '96. Was one of several "Sephiroth"s running around the world, and was often associated with an infamous one. Unique naming is predominantly and condescend to WoW, not mmorpgs in general.


If a new player creates their character, spends time actually perfecting the look with a name in mind; then proceeds to check if the name they've selected. You bet they're disheartened if it was taken. We've all been there in SWtOR and WoW, a simple QOL change to fix. Isn't that the purpose of this thread?


Yes there are others QOL changes to be made, but after server merge after server merge from the start, this one is the one I selected.

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Reddit: Is it reasonable that most MMOs require a name that is 100% unique?


its not a new discussion by any means, but the answers tend to be the same. Could BW do something to lessen character naming restrictions by utilizing the old DB's from the merged servers (eg: Aries@shadowlands; Aries@harbinger; etc) sure.


Are they likely to? Given previous BW comments from RL events a a few discussions elsewhere...

it has about a snowballs chance in a Florida summer.

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QoL Adjustment: Currencies

Over the years, we were given "improvements" to things like currency storage, automatic consumption of reputation and point grant tokens, but they always came with a hook.



With reputation, we pointed out that we used to be able to cash out the excess points once we maxed out, but the change made them poof into the virtual ether. They (eventually) changed it so the excess rep tokens went into our inventory again, and all was right in that corner of the omniverse.


However, anything else that has a defined limit on unified storage /gains still goes poof, or in the case of tech frags and other such currencies, they are left to rot where they dropped, sometimes impeding the processing of harvesting of the target because its pockets are still not yet empty. With the old system(s) of collecting gear tokens, this was never an issue. Now.. not so much.


Point in case: player ran an op friday night, went late, didn't get a chance to go clear frags as they planned to. Saturday afternoon is a scheduled progression run, but once again life conspires to reduce the planned play time before the scheduled run so they once again do not have a chance to clear frags before the run, and now the decision is to ask the group to wait so they can clear frags, or proceed and eat the loss of frags that have to literally be left on the ground.


Its not an excuse, its not a dodge, its a real event that happens time and again, and will continue to do so until the heat death of the universe (or the game dies, which ever comes first).


ITS A GAME - ITS MEANT TO BE FUN - requiring players to be CPA's and micromanage their in-game budgets due to un-necessary restrictions and limitations is hardly anything resembling "fun" by any stretch of any definition of any known language.



A simple adjustment would be to allow those items to also revert to per-character storage if the defined unified storage limit has been reached, thus the currency tab also becomes more like materials storage where we can move our legacy /per character units of tender to appropriate storage for safe keeping and future uses (without requiring us to mail said tenders to other characters just to put them into storage)

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Reddit: Is it reasonable that most MMOs require a name that is 100% unique?


its not a new discussion by any means, but the answers tend to be the same. Could BW do something to lessen character naming restrictions by utilizing the old DB's from the merged servers (eg: Aries@shadowlands; Aries@harbinger; etc) sure.


Are they likely to? Given previous BW comments from RL events a a few discussions elsewhere...

it has about a snowballs chance in a Florida summer.


The one issue I have with this, saw you're on fleet talking

Aries@shadowlands says "Something nice"

Aries@harbinger pops up, and says something nasty, how will they know who is whom unless you plan on showing Aries@harbinger in chat. But that will cause an uproar in the rp crowd, I think it would really break immersion for them.

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The one issue I have with this, saw you're on fleet talking

Aries@shadowlands says "Something nice"

Aries@harbinger pops up, and says something nasty, how will they know who is whom unless you plan on showing Aries@harbinger in chat. But that will cause an uproar in the rp crowd, I think it would really break immersion for them.


Yeah, I think it would be a pretty frustrating eyesore -- at least moreso than the occasional special character.


imo allowing spaces in character names is a perfectly fine compromise. If you really want "Aries," you can have "Aries." Just plop your legacy name after or create a last name.

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The one issue I have with this, saw you're on fleet talking

Aries@shadowlands says "Something nice"

Aries@harbinger pops up, and says something nasty, how will they know who is whom unless you plan on showing Aries@harbinger in chat. But that will cause an uproar in the rp crowd, I think it would really break immersion for them.


I personally find the idea of allowing non-unique names to be foolish and more trouble than they think it will be, but the example was just using their terminology and what appears to be their thought process to show why it would be a pain


take a step further any try to get it to merge with the existing guild management or legacy ignore systems...

and have fun with that headache, I'm grabbing #popcorn to watch this show from the sidelines....

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Yeah, I think it would be a pretty frustrating eyesore -- at least more so than the occasional special character.


imo allowing spaces in character names is a perfectly fine compromise. If you really want "Aries," you can have "Aries." Just plop your legacy name after or create a last name.


Or players that use naming conventions like Aries'aurek; Aries'besh; Aries'cresh; etc


Star Wars alphabet: Aurebesh


Stretch the mind, do some research, mesh some personality with existing naming systems, both RL and virtual, there are literally more naming conventions in existence than you could possibly plumb the depths of in a single life time, but you can skim them to learn from and use /adapt to your own system that will work within the confines of what we presently have available


while on the topic though, I'll just reiterate the one standing complaint I have about the SWTOR naming system:


they have never published any official naming allowance (there was a restrictions post that listed what we could not do, but that got moved /merged with the rules of conduct), and when the legacy system was made live, issues arose from those unpublished allowances suddenly causing formatting problems (namely the forcing of first letter capitalization - which made some sense for character names, but duplicating the rule for Legacy Names? someone needs to get out in the world a bit more, tons of cultures do not use first letter capitalization on last names). Rather than publishing the allowances and helping the players that ended up with a naming format they never wanted, they were given canned responses the amounted to "too bad so sad, we do not care", and then later gave us a CM item that we could buy to "fix" their fubar.


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In crafting interface, have the default viewing option be rating not difficulty.


At the 700 the difficulty colour indicator greys out for the premium tier attachments so you have to either sort by rating or look alphabetically for them each time. Gets old fast.

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In crafting interface, have the default viewing option be rating not difficulty.


At the 700 the difficulty colour indicator greys out for the premium tier attachments so you have to either sort by rating or look alphabetically for them each time. Gets old fast.


+1 Default = "rating" (or at least make it remember what we last changed it to), and add 'grade' to the sort by list

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I personally find the idea of allowing non-unique names to be foolish and more trouble than they think it will be, but the example was just using their terminology and what appears to be their thought process to show why it would be a pain


take a step further any try to get it to merge with the existing guild management or legacy ignore systems...

and have fun with that headache, I'm grabbing #popcorn to watch this show from the sidelines....


Popcorn sounds good, as long as it's smothered in proper butter :-D

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In crafting interface, have the default viewing option be rating not difficulty.


At the 700 the difficulty colour indicator greys out for the premium tier attachments so you have to either sort by rating or look alphabetically for them each time. Gets old fast.


This is an excellent idea and should not be a major change as far as implementation, 100% want this.

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