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Please stop forcing Lana on us. I was disappointed when my character woke up and Quinn wasn’t there for my Sith,Doc wasn’t there for my Jedi, Arcann wasn’t there for my sage and bounty hunter. I don’t know why you all aren’t willing to bring old companions for love or just scenes in general . Quinn has been quite since His return and the same the rest. It is obvious you guys love love Lana but it BS for the rest of us who want our romance companion or other by their side.
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In my opinion they doesn't even need to let our inGame romances do all these scenes where Lana pops right in our face, but you're definitely right in one point: By now it is obvious that the Devs absolutely love Lana and Theron and it seems that even if there would be cool possibilities where our Romances (or even just other NPCs) could show up they choose to use Lana and/or Theron because they adore them. Yesterday I counted all the scenes where our characters are unconscious and woke up and Lana got shoved in our face.


1) KOTFE where we wake up from carbonite and Lana was there.

2) KOTFE where we dueled Arcann and Lana showed up to aid/save us.

3) KOTFE where we were unconscious on the gravestone right after Arcann stabbed us (after the duel) and again, Lana was the one who showed up.

4) Echoes of Oblivion where we are unconscious and once again Lana got shoved in our face, even tho Kira/Scourge were the main companion-part of this story part.


And I'm quite sure I missed some. I get it that Lana/Theron played a huge part in the Alliance story part with KOTFE/KOTET etc. because they are our "advisers" and what not, but even now where we are back to Republic/Empire they still can't get enough of Lana and Theron instead of bringing some new or even other characters besides these two up. By now everytime I play a new story and Lana and Theron shows up the whole thing is ruined for me personally because I'm absolutely sick and tired of them already. And hey, even the announcer on the Republic Fleet has Lana's VO, great...

Edited by Jesseriah
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By now everytime I play a new story and Lana and Theron shows up the whole thing is ruined for me personally because I'm absolutely sick and tired of them already. And hey, even the announcer on the Republic Fleet has Lana's VO, great...

I'd like to add that while Lana/Theron don't show up constantly since Ossus anymore, since then there has been a tendency of "temporary story companions" which feels like a non-solution to me. The point isn't that we don't want Lana/Theron the point is that we want inclusion of the companions that were interesting to us in class missions or that we romanced.



Copero: Raina Temple. Used once and then a free member ship into the recycling bin that we call "the alliance."


Ossus: Tau Idair, Major Anri, Malgus.


Onslaught: Slightly freer, for once they even added some Mando-dialogue to Shae/Torian/Akaavi and included Gault. It still ended up with the same Ossus companions taking part in the final flashpoint but companions never really interacted with you during those in the first place so I think it gets a pass.


Currently: Revan and Satele. Kira and Scoourge are relevant for a single mission. I'm sort of hoping they'll go back to their home nations so there's at least a chance that they'll be included in oncoming story content simply instead of being put in the recycling bin.

Then there's the Mando flashpoint. Yet another nobody to be our temporary companion.


Edited by JuventusAndFCK
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I have no problem with temporary companions. At least they add something new.
I don't think they're wholly negative, I'm just pointing out that it's becoming a bit of a story-content related trend, one that I hope they do not keep up too often. It only adds something new as long as they can think up characters that a vaguely interesting.


I think one of Bioware's strengths are writing fun characters but there are only so many personalities that you can explore before they start to repeat.

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I don't mind Lana at all but I understand when other characters are not getting the same amount of love that people start getting upset.

Honestly I think they should bring back the character conversations they use to have and work from there. If they had those I really won't mind the mix up of characters we tend to get for each new story arc.

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Seconded. I used to like Lana but now she starts to feel almost as creepy and unwelcome as Liara in Mass Effect.


Yes, that is exactly it. Lana is the new Liara. There was nothing about Liara that I liked. She was a chore that I had to suffer to enjoy the game. I never spoke to her unless necessary.

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You do realize thats like, a dozen different cutscene and dialogue stuff they have to account for.


I mean maybe if this game had a bigger player base they'd do that but the reason we keep getting theron and Lana is due to them being 2 specific characters they can focus on rather then like, a dozen different variables or more.


I mean I'd love if they did, I just don't see them doing that much work for small things like that.


Plus the moment a character has a "life or death, keep or leave em" choice they become basically irrelevant and a non entity, with a couple exceptions.

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:) Ya, Lana is still BW's "Go To WAIFU" for SWTOR. Maybe it's easier/cheaper/quicker for them to still give *All the dialog to 1 VA instead of the different Romanced Companions but it's also easier to detach the Check Engine light then it is to Fix whatever the problem is (get what you *Pay for). I thought we were past all this by now, long past.
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Please stop forcing Lana on us. I was disappointed when my character woke up and Quinn wasn’t there for my Sith,Doc wasn’t there for my Jedi, Arcann wasn’t there for my sage and bounty hunter. I don’t know why you all aren’t willing to bring old companions for love or just scenes in general . Quinn has been quite since His return and the same the rest. It is obvious you guys love love Lana but it BS for the rest of us who want our romance companion or other by their side.

Lol, i've made a long rant about that a few hours ago.

The thing though is that they could not account for everysingle LI, but here as Kira, Scourge, and potentially Theron and Arcann were all with us, they should have been the ones we woke up to, not Lana who wasn't even there, and they should've given a romance scene to Kira and Scourge at the end like they did for Arcann, Lana and Theron at the begining.


In my opinion they doesn't even need to let our inGame romances do all these scenes where Lana pops right in our face, but you're definitely right in one point: By now it is obvious that the Devs absolutely love Lana and Theron and it seems that even if there would be cool possibilities where our Romances (or even just other NPCs) could show up they choose to use Lana and/or Theron because they adore them. Yesterday I counted all the scenes where our characters are unconscious and woke up and Lana got shoved in our face.


1) KOTFE where we wake up from carbonite and Lana was there.

2) KOTFE where we dueled Arcann and Lana showed up to aid/save us.

3) KOTFE where we were unconscious on the gravestone right after Arcann stabbed us (after the duel) and again, Lana was the one who showed up.

4) Echoes of Oblivion where we are unconscious and once again Lana got shoved in our face, even tho Kira/Scourge were the main companion-part of this story part.


And I'm quite sure I missed some. I get it that Lana/Theron played a huge part in the Alliance story part with KOTFE/KOTET etc. because they are our "advisers" and what not, but even now where we are back to Republic/Empire they still can't get enough of Lana and Theron instead of bringing some new or even other characters besides these two up. By now everytime I play a new story and Lana and Theron shows up the whole thing is ruined for me personally because I'm absolutely sick and tired of them already. And hey, even the announcer on the Republic Fleet has Lana's VO, great...

Please, don't put Lana and Theron on the same level, Lana is far more used than Theron. She's more with us during KOTFE, they're relatively equal during KOTET, then during most of the Traitor Arc we're stuck with Lana again, while Theron was taken away for 9 month before geting him back with a KILL OPTION as a "bonus", and we've been stuck with mostly Lana ever since, with Theron sometimes if they feel like adding him, as he's killable.

This is the only time we actually spend more time with him than her, and only because this story involved his mother. And even though Theron was with us, he still abandons us on the ship for Lana to come pick us up...

Not to mention, that aside from the one in Hearts and minds, every single romance scene with Theron starting from JUS has had Lana as a third wheel.


About the 2) though, i nearly always get Koth coming to me right after Arcann stabs my toon, not Lana. I guess i'm at least lucky on this one.

And you forgot one between 3 and 4 : at the end of KOTET when we wake up from a nightmare and Lana is in the room watching us sleep.

And another one on Iokath after you get knocked out on the throne, you wake up to Lana again.

Edited by Goreshaga
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  • 2 weeks later...
Lol, i've made a long rant about that a few hours ago.

The thing though is that they could not account for everysingle LI, but here as Kira, Scourge, and potentially Theron and Arcann were all with us, they should have been the ones we woke up to, not Lana who wasn't even there, and they should've given a romance scene to Kira and Scourge at the end like they did for Arcann, Lana and Theron at the begining.



Please, don't put Lana and Theron on the same level, Lana is far more used than Theron. She's more with us during KOTFE, they're relatively equal during KOTET, then during most of the Traitor Arc we're stuck with Lana again, while Theron was taken away for 9 month before geting him back with a KILL OPTION as a "bonus", and we've been stuck with mostly Lana ever since, with Theron sometimes if they feel like adding him, as he's killable.

This is the only time we actually spend more time with him than her, and only because this story involved his mother. And even though Theron was with us, he still abandons us on the ship for Lana to come pick us up...

Not to mention, that aside from the one in Hearts and minds, every single romance scene with Theron starting from JUS has had Lana as a third wheel.


About the 2) though, i nearly always get Koth coming to me right after Arcann stabs my toon, not Lana. I guess i'm at least lucky on this one.

And you forgot one between 3 and 4 : at the end of KOTET when we wake up from a nightmare and Lana is in the room watching us sleep.

And another one on Iokath after you get knocked out on the throne, you wake up to Lana again.


Agreed. My Jedi is married to Theron. He should have been there when I woke up, especially to thank me for saving his mom even if they have a distant relationship. We had a kiss in the beginning. A kiss at the end would have been perfect.


Koth rescues you instead of Lana if you take enough flirt options in dialogue with him and shut down the power plant instead of letting it explode while escaping from Zakuul. He's into you and thinks you are into him. It's not finalized until the Cantina scene where you don't have to choose Koth but you can.

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Agreed. My Jedi is married to Theron. He should have been there when I woke up, especially to thank me for saving his mom even if they have a distant relationship. We had a kiss in the beginning. A kiss at the end would have been perfect.

Would've been perfect.

That being said, i'd have been fine with no second romance scene with him if that actually gave one at the end to Kira and Scourge who were not in the mood at the begining, instead of giving a second one to Lana.


Koth rescues you instead of Lana if you take enough flirt options in dialogue with him and shut down the power plant instead of letting it explode while escaping from Zakuul. He's into you and thinks you are into him. It's not finalized until the Cantina scene where you don't have to choose Koth but you can.

I doubt it, i think it's more if he has a higher influence than Lana, because i get Koth to the rescue even on characters who never picked a [flirt] with him.

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Well, the arguments about Theron sounds fair I guess. I just hope for the love of god that they stop their obsession with Lana and start executing cutscenes better to give other companions - or rather companions that have been important to the plot at this moment - more and senseful screentime instead of just throwing Lana in. Edited by Jesseriah
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