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Sensitivity problem? Be honest, tell us why people will be on your legacy ignore?


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Like so often they took something that was working fine and started to make changes without considering the consequences.


Been playing since a few months after launch and my legacy ignore list is already full so I can't add anyone to it.

Then to make things worse I see someone in the general chat talking who I know I had on ignore because he was always spamming general chat on almost every planet.

They took him off ignore!!!

After that I wanted to see who I can definitely keep on my ignore list and who can go off, but all I see is legacy names, not the original names I put on ignore.


It would help a lot if you could add more legacy names to ignore (especially with the amount of credit sellers around) and actually see the name of the character you originally ignored.


It would also help that you could add a comment, so you can see why you ignored someone.

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It's not about sensitivity.


I want to log in and play SWTOR, not log in and hear teenagers arguing over politics and expressing their really explicit, weeaboo caveman/cavewoman sexual desires on /general chat....


Behavioral problem? Be honest, tell us why YOU are ending up on someone's legacy ignore?

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HIf they listen to the people who treat ignore like a Amazon wish list soon enough we will probably have to solve a captcha every time you want to speak in chat then have a moderator approval afterwards. .


Ah the slippery slope fallacy. It's been a while, how have you been? I most definitely use my ignore list like a "Amazon wish list". That's what it's there for, so I don't have to read the garbage from people I have zero interest in interacting with.


Politcs ranters. Spammers. Hyperactive idiots who can't stop shouting their mouths off. The edgy brigade who think its cool to spout off about racism, gender roles or any other MMO fav bait. Welcome to oblivion.

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Seriously how many of you are planning to use it because you're personally harassed? How many will use it because they hate a person in gen chat for simply mentioning politics? How many like legacy ignore because this is the perfect way to get the last word in? By the way, all acceptable uses of it, but some of those reasons just make you seem like a cry baby versus a victim. People here say their ignore list is full, but how? Did that many people harass you or annoy you? If it's the former, I'm sorry for you. If it's the latter, then maybe you can mellow out a little bit.


Do not get me wrong I am 100% all for legacy ignore, removing vote kick, and more the devs are doing to combat toxicity. With that said, I hope they do not go too far with it and turn the game into a bland sterile environment to cater to the people who log in just to make sure no one has a different thought or play style.


C'mon someone legit wanted players to be banned for throwing snowballs which is on a cool down timer anyway.


Most folks are sensitive cry babies. This was my first MMO and when I finally grouped up at level 50 I was kicked out of many flashpoints and raids for being a noob. It only motivated me to learn my class as best I could and a few years later I was in a NiM prog team.


I get the credit spammers on ignore lists, and maybe a few real jerks, but the rest.......have fun waiting in queue cause you ignored everyone :eek:

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It's not about sensitivity.


I want to log in and play SWTOR, not log in and hear teenagers arguing over politics and expressing their really explicit, weeaboo caveman/cavewoman sexual desires on /general chat....

Many are not teenagers. Many adults however, are just the stuff of nightmares when it comes to current affairs.


I'll be adding the types who always end up in my ignore list: racists, misogynists, homophobes, names that reflect any of those and people in flashpoints who moan about newbies who ask for help. What the eff is their problem? Never understood that as I'm happy to help if people don't know. Sensitivity is irrelevant; I will not waste time with harassing-troll-[/insert-the-best-British-swear-word]-talking-utter-crap.

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I get the credit spammers on ignore lists, and maybe a few real jerks, but the rest.......have fun waiting in queue cause you ignored everyone :eek:


Implying everyone is a chat troll. Majority of people just get on with their game. I'm willing to bet ignoring the idiots results in no impact on queue times.

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Implying everyone is a chat troll. Majority of people just get on with their game. I'm willing to bet ignoring the idiots results in no impact on queue times.


It won't, it's like most things, it's only a small % of the game population that are <redacted>, so it shouldn't affect ques at all.

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