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Maybe we need a kickstarter for a full-blown SWTOR expansion. They obviously don't have proper funding right now from EA. I'd be willing to donate a few hundred and I know other people might. If we can get another meaty expansion and not let this game grow stale, especially with the increase of subs and players via steam!


It's been the longest drought I've ever seen, and I can only pvp so much. Also maybe some improvements to the engine maybe add some Raytracing features like WoW is doing.


This isn't a doom and gloom post but a request for more content even if we have to pay more for it.


Do you guys have any suggestions?

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Thing is that the engine swtor uses probably wont be able to use raytracing


It doesn't matter. This game already has better lighting than WoW (and saw improvements in Onslaught actually). This game actually looks really nice despite all people say about the engine. The issue is performance, not the graphics.


Anyways, the team has been focusing on back end improvements and i think that is important. In particular how they are working to improve performance and hopefully end desync issues. They have been fixing the base game as well, improving the presentation with for example the new planet intros. Those things were horrid for years with Taris for example being a planet of noticeable mess of green pixels. Now it actually looks really nice and is immersive.

They said they are working on fixing some issues with quests as well. Conquest systems have been better integrated too.


So, i am hoping that once these are done and the foundation is there, that we can see more focus on content.


But, yeah, it would be awesome to see a meaty expansion like other mmo's get.

Edited by Nemmar
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We already have a kick starter, it’s called a $15 monthly subscription


Trust me, EA / Bioware and swtor have enough income if they want to spend it back on the game instead of other projects or shareholder dividends.

EA don’t need hand outs for gods sake. LoL. They should just reinvest it in the game.

Plus, even if you got them to agree to a kick starters, all they’d do is what they do now and just send more of our sub money somewhere else.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Maybe we need a kickstarter for a full-blown SWTOR expansion.


It's been the longest drought I've ever seen, and I can only pvp so much.


Do you guys have any suggestions?

Kind of a silly idea. What would you do, give the Kickstarter funds to BW?

BW isn't going to let some Kickstarter group take over their IP


If you can only PvP so much, maybe it's time for you to do some of the many other things you can do in SWTOR, like PvE for example. 😂


I'd also suggest that ray-tracing is kind of meh, overall. It looks nice in screencaps, and when you're standing still, but who really notices it while playing?

It's just another niche thing like 3-D (remember that?) or VR.

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I think giving kickstarter money to a company like EA is silly. What will you do? Pass over a check to EA and say "This is for X feature in SWTOR!" They would take the check and say "Oh yeah sure. We'll get top men looking into that for you." And thats the last you would hear of it.
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I think giving kickstarter money to a company like EA is silly. What will you do? Pass over a check to EA and say "This is for X feature in SWTOR!" They would take the check and say "Oh yeah sure. We'll get top men looking into that for you." And thats the last you would hear of it.



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We already have a kick starter, it’s called a $15 monthly subscription


Trust me, EA / Bioware and swtor have enough income if they want to spend it back on the game instead of other projects or shareholder dividends.

EA don’t need hand outs for gods sake. LoL. They should just reinvest it in the game.

Plus, even if you got them to agree to a kick starters, all they’d do is what they do now and just send more of our sub money somewhere else.


Amen to this

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I'm not saying I do the kickstarter I'm saying bioware do the kickstarter lol. They obviously don't have enough funding for swtor even with our 15/month sub. Guys have any other ideas to get more content?


Also to the guy that says do more pve instead of pvp, well thats exactly why I pvp because I did a lot of the same pve over and over. PVP is endgame believe it or not. Game has plenty of content for new and returning players, but not for preorder/beta veterans like myself.

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I'm not saying I do the kickstarter I'm saying bioware do the kickstarter lol. They obviously don't have enough funding for swtor even with our 15/month sub. Guys have any other ideas to get more content?


Also to the guy that says do more pve instead of pvp, well thats exactly why I pvp because I did a lot of the same pve over and over. PVP is endgame believe it or not. Game has plenty of content for new and returning players, but not for preorder/beta veterans like myself.


They have plenty of funding but they used the worst engine and it killed it from day one I would like to see a SWTOR 2 but that will never happen but it could give hope for a real multiplayer game with mass numbers instead of a game that crumbles at 16M and pvp on planets is ruined due to a bad engine.

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They have plenty of funding but they used the worst engine and it killed it from day one I would like to see a SWTOR 2 but that will never happen but it could give hope for a real multiplayer game with mass numbers instead of a game that crumbles at 16M and pvp on planets is ruined due to a bad engine.


For sure. I'd love a SWTOR 2 or a SWG 2.. i'd be willing to.. yup you guessed it.. do a kickstarter to fund another one of these games. :D

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For sure. I'd love a SWTOR 2 or a SWG 2.. i'd be willing to.. yup you guessed it.. do a kickstarter to fund another one of these games. :D


I applaud the notion and enthusiasm, but you are missing the bigger picture. DISNEY/EA/Bioware own the intellectual rights to Star Wars (Disney) and EA owns Swtor. Both companies have MORE than enough money to fund the project on their own. They don’t need a kickstarter to fund it.


The problem is they don’t want to do it because their marketing modelling and focus groups they run say they won’t make as much profit. So even if you and me and others give them the money to make it and got them to agree, what do you think they’ll do with it? They would do what Robertspaceindustries has done with their kick starter and keep milking donors and never release a live game.

It would be in perpetual “beta” cycle and they would use it as a testing platform for other ideas for games they actually fund and they would train up talent using your money and transfer them to other projects in the EA family.


I’m also not even sure it’s legal for a company like EA or BIOWARE or Disney to run a kickstarter. They aren’t poor companies. They aren’t small independent private companies, they are publicly listed companies with share holders,

And what happens even if they could do it and did? What happens to your share of the money you give them when they launch the game, make it a subscription, add a cash store or pay to win mechanics?

They take you share and say thanks very much, then they give themselves and their shareholders bonuses and then expect you to keep giving them money for a sub or other things after you’ve already paid to make the game.


I tell you, most kickstarters are the 21st century’s version of the snake oil sales conman. Unless your donation (which is what it is) provides you with some share in the profits or complete access to the finished product, less what you donated, then you are being tricked to hand over your cash.

There are of course some good legit kickstarters that make physical products and the amount you donate is deducted off the final retail price. But just as many are scams and people abscond with the money.


At the end of the day. Disney and EA are billion dollar companies with more money then they know what to do with. Even when they make a flop, they still make their money back and bosses get huge bonuses and stock holders get looked after. And they will still push out sub par products or defund them to make more profit like they do with swtor. If they made swtor 2 from a kick starter, they’d do exactly the same thing.

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I'm not saying I do the kickstarter I'm saying bioware do the kickstarter lol. They obviously don't have enough funding for swtor even with our 15/month sub. Guys have any other ideas to get more content?


Also to the guy that says do more pve instead of pvp, well thats exactly why I pvp because I did a lot of the same pve over and over. PVP is endgame believe it or not. Game has plenty of content for new and returning players, but not for preorder/beta veterans like myself.


That’s just not true.


You know EA own Bioware and give them a cost budget to run off, just like every business?

Swtor makes plenty of money for them. The problem is all of that money isn’t put back into the game. EA take some for shareholders and the bosses multimillion dollar bonuses, Disney take some for royalties and Bioware get some to give to pay their staff. The rest is profit that goes back to EA.


Swtor could make a billion dollars in profit, but if EA say here is a million for more development, then that’s what they have to work with. Bioware don’t control the budgets or the purse strings, EA do because they own Bioware.


You only need to look at the last 9 years of the EA financials and you can see swtor has made them a truck load of profit. You can also see they haven’t reinvest enough of that back into the game. So the notion that the game doesn’t make enough money to support better development or more of it is completely false. The game makes plenty of money, EA just choose not to reinvest in it as much as they could or should. They’d rather milk the cow dry till it’s dead than fatten it up to produce better milk.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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