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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

give us Sub Reward: Nico vs Shae 2 (*both companions)


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There are tons of players who missed out on Nico vs Shae during that month where we got both Nico and Shae Vizla for subbing. Before, they were brought back a second time: Nico vs Shae, they were attainable individually during a sub month. Nico and Shae have been brought back before, please bring them back again, it's long overdue, players have incessantly been asking for another return for years now.


Please fulfill the needs of your players who keep subbing; Shae has been the poster girl of this game since preorder times and both Nico and Shae are in this game's opening cinematics, so please don't be so stingy and throw a lot of us a bone here (so-to-speak): Nico vs Shae 2

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Would that be per account, or per toon....?

It is an account currency ... but maybe they can give us a coin that we can unlock in collections and redeem on any character whenever we want. People that play this game should obviously have everything, so this would help a lot. I hate seeing less-fortunate gamers being poor-shamed because they don't have the newest armor, the best gear, or at least 49 companions.

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Firstly I want Nico, Shae and Paxton. Just saying.


Secondly this is quite interesting that post about sub rewards are more and more frequently creates. One per 2 weeks?

And while for some this can be annoying I ser this in good action. Repeat and repeat and your requests will be fullfilled lol

I mean probably Bioware see these posts too. Most probably they will eventually.


Whole only sub rewards were stupid idea and Bioware acknowledged it as well.

Sub in particular time is good idea or more preferably and to end once and for all problem that problem give themto CM as with HK-55.

On same post but in other category someone gave an idea of reccuring CM system for limited, unobtainable items like comps, crystals, armors etc.

Actually this is good idea. Not only comps are wanted back but also other stuff by other too. Players would have an unlimited chance of getting what they want and BW money.

3800 for 2 comps and chapter, then I think all 3 shouldn't be more expensive than 3000.

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They should just make them available for Cartel coins something equal to the cost we subbed to get them and that way everyone wins well mostly Bioware but it means the new owners will have met an equal cost to recieve them. Bottom line is they should have a chance to get them they are part of the stories and Bioware movies so in effect part of the game. Edited by CaptainBlackjack
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You already have something of equal value.


You have these exact sub rewards.


Not the same thing. If you get them as sub rewards, then the ones that already have them need something for a sub reward. This was a problem when they already did this once before and stated they would probably not re-release them as sub rewards as it gives the impression that the veteran players didn't matter.


Now if they put them on the cartel shop where you have to purchase them that would be different like they did the HK chapter.

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You already have something of equal value.


You have these exact sub rewards.


BW should never redo sub rewards a 2nd or in this case with Nico/Shae a 3rd time because it makes it so people have no reason to be a subscriber for sub rewards when they first come out because we'll all know they'll just release them again later. Sub rewards should be linked to the original times they were offered from Date X-Date Y.


When BW did offer Nico/Shae a second time the community did not like the fact the 2nd time it was offered nothing was offered for those that had been subbed the first time (Like a bran new companion or something along those lines).


Edit: For the record this thread should never have been put in the general section of the forums. It should have been in the suggestion box, like the other post about the same subject yesterday or the day before.

Edited by Toraak
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Not the same thing. If you get them as sub rewards, then the ones that already have them need something for a sub reward. This was a problem when they already did this once before and stated they would probably not re-release them as sub rewards as it gives the impression that the veteran players didn't matter.


Now if they put them on the cartel shop where you have to purchase them that would be different like they did the HK chapter.

BW should never redo sub rewards a 2nd or in this case with Nico/Shae a 3rd time because it makes it so people have no reason to be a subscriber for sub rewards when they first come out because we'll all know they'll just release them again later. Sub rewards should be linked to the original times they were offered from Date X-Date Y.


When BW did offer Nico/Shae a second time the community did not like the fact the 2nd time it was offered nothing was offered for those that had been subbed the first time (Like a bran new companion or something along those lines).


We subscribe to get subscription time. "Sub rewards" are just a bonus. It's a nice bonus, make no mistake, but they should never be the primary reason to keep people subscribed. BW should be honouring its veteran players by delivering a quality product, listening to their feedback, and communicating with them, not by coming up with a unique goodie once in a blue moon to stroke the vets egos, that would automatically exclude all new players since, gasp, they weren't playing the game at the time.


Veteran players already got the sub time, the sub rewards, even the ego-stroking in come cases for years. Staying subscribed is not a feat or an achievement. No one deserves yet another reward in "compensation" because "BW promised I would be unique forever! I only got to be unique for three years :mad:!" It is not the end of the world if these sub rewards become available for more people. Going forward there are three options:


1) Just giving away sub rewards. While I wouldn't care whatsoever (seriously, could someone take those bloody crystals off my hands?), but where would you draw the line? Do you give away one or two? Do you give away all? Do you give away all by a certain point of time?


2) Putting them all on Cartel Market. Play your way, get rewarded at your own pace! This would be the fastest way. You can wait until you accumulate the coins from subscribing or referrals, or just buy Cartel Coins.


3) As someone over in Suggestions forum suggested some time ago, establishing a system where it matters how many months you've been subscribed in total, regardless of whether they were in a row or whether you were subscribed by a certain date. This would make rewards available for many players, still require them to be subscribed, and incentivize staying subscribed.


The last one is probably the most sensible and would have been the most win-win option, but 2) is the one most likely to be implemented.

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Look at the "why" they existed in the first place.


That whole sub reward system, including all those stupid HK themed garbage pieces, was to try and make up for the fact that Bioware was failing at the core game at the time. If you have to bribe people with stuff like that to sub to your game, something is very wrong.


If you ended up subbing just for those rewards, and not really to play the game, then you did Bioware, and more importantly the playerbase, a huge disfavor. The best way to communicate with EA/Bioware is with your wallet. The sub reward system that they used was an intentional disruption of that communication.


This whole attitude that many people have, that "We got em and you don't, so we're special." is pathetic. The only thing special about those people is they gave money to a company that didn't deserve it at the time, and helped to keep actual issues in the game from being addressed.


Sub rewards, if any at all are used, should be based on the entire time someone has subbed. That means, theoretically, as long as the game isn't shut down anyone can potentially and eventually earn what anyone else has. That way, if you need to let Bioware know you're unhappy, you can still click that unsub button.

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Look at the "why" they existed in the first place.


That whole sub reward system, including all those stupid HK themed garbage pieces, was to try and make up for the fact that Bioware was failing at the core game at the time. If you have to bribe people with stuff like that to sub to your game, something is very wrong.


If you ended up subbing just for those rewards, and not really to play the game, then you did Bioware, and more importantly the playerbase, a huge disfavor. The best way to communicate with EA/Bioware is with your wallet. The sub reward system that they used was an intentional disruption of that communication.


This whole attitude that many people have, that "We got em and you don't, so we're special." is pathetic. The only thing special about those people is they gave money to a company that didn't deserve it at the time, and helped to keep actual issues in the game from being addressed.


Sub rewards, if any at all are used, should be based on the entire time someone has subbed. That means, theoretically, as long as the game isn't shut down anyone can potentially and eventually earn what anyone else has. That way, if you need to let Bioware know you're unhappy, you can still click that unsub button.


Honestly I could not agree more with you.

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I believe, as has been suggested multiple times on the forum, that the sub rewards should be based upon time subbed rather than dates subbed. It's a better showing of customer appreciation than specific dates. It also encourages consistent and repeated subbing over just buying a 3 month subscription to get the shiny.


Personally, I couldn't care less if other players have things I have. It's not like the devs reach into my game and take my sub reward to give to someone else. I see other players with HK, Shae, or whatever reward and don't even for a second wonder if they got it the first round or the second. In fact, I don't even think about it at all. I'm playing the game and it doesn't impact my game in any way.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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This whole attitude that many people have, that "We got em and you don't, so we're special." is pathetic. The only thing special about those people is they gave money to a company that didn't deserve it at the time, and helped to keep actual issues in the game from being addressed.


I can just as easily say this sounds like envy.


I've never actually seen anybody with that attitude you described, I've only seen numerous posts here describing people as such because they refused to agree with people arguing for these types of things. I have no problem with things being exclusive in this game. It doesn't matter to me how they were distributed by design (Ranked PvP rewards, NiM Ops rewards, RNG, Sub rewards, etc...). If I didn't qualify for something, it's not going to make or break this game for me. I believe that if the Devs decide to offer exclusive awards or rewards, they should stick to that design.


Finally, it's absurd to sit there blaming people for subbing when any sub rewards were being offered as if this really made the game worse. The last thing a company will do is pump more money into a game nobody is supporting. So are you really claiming that the game is worse today because people subbed?

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Also, with the new armor set on the Cartel Market of the ToR version of the outfit of the lady <The Armorer> (from the show "The Mandalorian"), Shae is the only female Mandalorian companion in this game, hence the only companion who can complete the look.


Shae is not the only female Mando comp. Akaavi Spar.

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I can just as easily say this sounds like envy.


I've never actually seen anybody with that attitude you described, I've only seen numerous posts here describing people as such because they refused to agree with people arguing for these types of things. I have no problem with things being exclusive in this game. It doesn't matter to me how they were distributed by design (Ranked PvP rewards, NiM Ops rewards, RNG, Sub rewards, etc...). If I didn't qualify for something, it's not going to make or break this game for me. I believe that if the Devs decide to offer exclusive awards or rewards, they should stick to that design.


Finally, it's absurd to sit there blaming people for subbing when any sub rewards were being offered as if this really made the game worse. The last thing a company will do is pump more money into a game nobody is supporting. So are you really claiming that the game is worse today because people subbed?


It sounds like you already have these sub rewards and you're just firewalling the rest of the community who doesn't have them.

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