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Maintenance: July 28, 2020


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- Finally! WOW. Finally i will play without traitors who leave fight before it ends! Thanks. Fix now flags on Odessen and i can die tomorrow.


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

Nah, you'll just end up in Warzones full of people who refuse to participate. You tell me which is better.


-- SteveTheCynic, Also Alliance Commander

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- Put a eff ton more of them on Nar Shaddaa.

- Add an instanced VIP room that has one so people can reset the phase if it gets broken and can not have to worry about a line.

- Create a decoration of it that we can put in our strongholds to use. Probably the most difficult for you to do, but ultimately would be the best solution.


These are all good ideas. BW should have known this would happen and taken steps to do one of these.

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Even if the Emperor's machines get fixed, there is still the problem with massive demand with minimal supply. 3 machines per instance isn't enough...as soon as the servers were up there was a line of 10 people waiting to use it.


I see a few solutions that you guys could implement -


- Put a eff ton more of them on Nar Shaddaa.

- Add an instanced VIP room that has one so people can reset the phase if it gets broken and can not have to worry about a line.

- Create a decoration of it that we can put in our strongholds to use. Probably the most difficult for you to do, but ultimately would be the best solution.


All of these are great ideas and would I would like to see either the first or the second being implemented.

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Nah, you'll just end up in Warzones full of people who refuse to participate. You tell me which is better.


-- SteveTheCynic, Also Alliance Commander


I've been playing for 6 years and never quit warzone (dc doesn't count). I know how to have fun when others are trolling, I'm sick of idiots coming out of a fight when it's ONLY 0-1 for the opponent and there is still a chance to equate or win. I look forward to my sunday pvp.

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Not seeing any mention in the patch notes of the swoop event. Is the "Horizon's Perfection on Onderon" achievement fixed and now obtainable?


Nope, not fixed ... :( ... as stated by multiple players here in general & in the bug report section



Dang it BW - you had one job but nothing is fixed it seems

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Because you are punished by being put on timeout for 15 minutes when you leave a warzone I support the sit-in strategy.

So rather than try to make the best out of a bad situation, you're going to attempt to ruin the warzone for the rest of the people on team who may actually want to play? And for what, because you'd rather waste everyone else's time then sit out 15 minutes of your own time? Or, god forbid, just play the wz to the best of your ability if you're going to be there anyway?


I'll never understand this kind of thinking.

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I think trixxie must be joking, because a sit-in is a really dumb way to protest in a game. I guarantee the devs won't see it, and the only thing you'll do is piss off your team.


If you want to make your voice heard, unsub and say why. Ideally, get a bunch of other players to unsub at the same time and have all of them give the same message. Pitch it to Kotaku or somesuch as BW's first patch since going on steam that completely alienates pvpers, I'm sure they'd eat that up. Do that, and you'd have the makings of a pretty good cooperative action.


Or you could just moan on the forum and be a brat inside matches.

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Why? Just play the damn match or get off the game.


This is a double edged sword. It's easy to say just play the match, but what happens if it's huttball, and like huttball does for most people is lag, desync, etc, so the map is ultimately. And the other side is, the people who just don't like the map so quit, etc. And the worse of them all is the ******* who decide that the team is bad, and they are the only good person left in the game, so the rant, rave, and quit, over and over.


Some of it can be sorted, as someone said in a different post, they are looking to fit HB in to one slot, so it doesn't pop as often, that might help. They also said they were removing the latest two, to try and fix. Again, that would help.

Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about the other two types of people, a 15 mins lock out, might cool their jets.

Edited by DarkAnnmarie
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Those who truly dislike the 15 min timeout just wont play pvp and find other things to do.
Maybe, or they could end up doing what some of the ranked players did, they went in to regs and started trolling, etc.




Now I cannot even stay connected. I'm on for less than a minute, I lag out then get disconnected. One time I was unable to even log in! I'm not the only one either, and it's not my internet.


There's a few giving out that it happened during PvP, and they got hit with the lockout. (Another con for the lockout, it can't tell the difference between someone leaving, and disconnecting)

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