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Your suggestions for SWTOR's complete overhaul


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My question for you guys is, what would you like Bioware to redo if they get endless funds and are forced by EA to work on renovating SWTOR due to the massive number of subs brought in by Steam Players?



What would you suggest they do in a complete overhaul of the game?




I suggest they essentially make a SWTOR II, basically keeping all the original chapters, and then just adding to them. Adding enriching stories on all the older planets, using characters already seen on these planets and giving them deeper backgrounds and involving them with the player, this is what I'd like to see with their stories going into the future.


Honestly I don't think they need to make these preposterous, over-the-top stories for our characters for them to be enjoyable. Personally I'd far more enjoy more intimate stories that are more nuanced with smaller characters, I mean why do we always have to be off saving the world and being the Master of The Sith and Republic or whatever they want us to think we are.


I'd like doing tasks for a faction of Ewoks fighting Imps on one of the planets, or something like a mission saving some kidnapped child from a Sith academy, etc. They could do so many side adventures and make them just as meaningful as these gigantic plot-driven stories they seem to prefer making only instead of making them simple, these side adventures could really be quite detailed and challenging!




Other requests:




1. Recreate the engine so the game runs properly. Once the game engine is capable and running as it should, they could start to do RvR large scale battles as they once tried with Ilum, etc.


2. Create 2 new classes.


3. Create more options for races! Jawas, Wookiees, all sorts of races ought to be added as playable!


4. Totally overhaul crafting.


5. Totally overhaul conquest.


5a. Make conquest tied to RvR large scale PVP battles where cities/planets are taken control of by one faction or the other.


5b. Tie in GSF to conquest, make it so that the battles in GSF and WZs both impact control of fought over cities/zones/planets. Conquest would be a large strategic element of the game if it were up to me! If anyone played WAR, I'd want to make planetary battles similar to how realms were fought over by the RVR teams there. These battles would include takeovers of enemy bases much like how we used to take castles on WAR, something like that.


6. Balance the classes in PVP and PVE.


7. Tone down the bloated amount of speed movement buffs, CC, anti-CC in PVP.


8. Revisit the WZs and make them better suited to handle the overdeveloped abilities of the classes. For example, make it so Ops aren't able to teleport, roll, and cheese their way for a goal in 10 secs. (One class should not have all these tools in their kit btw, but with class balance happening that would be fixed too.)


9. When new stories are added to play through, all the original voice actors will be brought back, more adventures will continue on with all the original chapter companions, and any future characters added to the game would always have deep and rich voice acting just as the Bioware has always done when they have added voice acting.



These are some things I'd like to see them do.




To recap the question, if the massive influx of Steam Players creates millions of new subs for BW, and EA is forced to push Bioware to focus development on completely overhauling SWTOR, what would you suggest they do?

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Those massive subs payments coming in....they're not for us, they are for the FAT CATS, stock holders, etc , etc....They'd never reinvest it in to this game. To busy looting our pockets for that.


Bwah! Mommy, the bad meanie wants me to pay! 😥


Oh grow up. 🙄


EDIT - on topic. The greatest overhaul would be to migrate SWTOR to a new 64-bit 'engine'.

Another possible overhaul would be eliminating mod slots on gear. Given that we now have basically a "bonus" set for stats and gear is mostly cosmetic, they could just replace base 'bonus' gear with a set of permanent mod slots and 'bonus' slot(s). The 'gear' could become purely cosmetic. (Perhaps including weapons.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Completely overhaul the combat system. "Dumb down" abilities so You would only have 8-10 and make the game challenging based on positioning, cc, interrupts, so make the mechanics challenging instead of executing your rotation perfectly and hope the enemy healthbar goes down before yours. Overhaul the old quests story etc to reflect this. Get rid of the god companions and change them to useful instead of immortal in story.
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Fantasy bubble time? Off the top of my head, rework the original class arcs to include SG romances. Go back to a model of different stories per class, even through expansions/DLC. I'd fix SoR to have more involvement for certain companions who have lore connections to Revan and the Emperor. Try to work out a system that allows for genuine defecting to the opposing faction, and the first to get to do so through gameplay would be the IA at the end of their class story. Improve and add customization options, add dye buckets that you can unlock after purchasing a dye once.


Reality though... take it for what it is and try to find enjoyment with what we've got.

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I am a newer player (started playing right before 6.1) so i don't really have many complaints, yet.


1. I would love a new engine, the switch to 64-bit and general performance upgrades.

2. Having the ability to replay class story from the beginning (or begin at a specific chapter) would be pretty epic. I would prefer not to have like 5 Sith Warriors just for story alone (love the Warrior story).

3. This is the most important one. REMOVE BITRAIDER!


That's really all i can come up with at the top of my head. I'm a newer player so soon this list will expand. probably.

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Combat wise .. kinda:D


God please don´t dumb it down. The reason why I left ESO is (after the boring storytelling) the combat.

The classes aren´t really diverse and it´s basically button mashing (not the good kind).


ESO has some good stuff (graphics, the races are beautifull, tons of content) but the combat is inferior to SWTOR.

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Wish list time?


New modern engine designed for MMO game play, modern client optimized for 64 bit multi-threading and current VFX, development environment that supports rapid development and allow on the fly changes without patching.


Never going to happen though.

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Fantasy bubble time? Off the top of my head, rework the original class arcs to include SG romances. Go back to a model of different stories per class, even through expansions/DLC. I'd fix SoR to have more involvement for certain companions who have lore connections to Revan and the Emperor. Try to work out a system that allows for genuine defecting to the opposing faction, and the first to get to do so through gameplay would be the IA at the end of their class story. Improve and add customization options, add dye buckets that you can unlock after purchasing a dye once.


Reality though... take it for what it is and try to find enjoyment with what we've got.

2. Having the ability to replay class story from the beginning (or begin at a specific chapter) would be pretty epic.

Love all of this.


I'd add the full KOTFE/ET story as it was planned with the 3 x16 chapters.

And treating the killable companions as if they're alive by default, so still giving them meaningful content, especially when they make sense to be there or do things.

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Hey Lhancelot ...


Interesting ideas ... but frankly my list is a bit different than yours. See what you think. ( **** NOTE **** )


*** Overhaul PvP ... If I'm not mistaken the team did mention that they were addressing some of this. I would step up the process big time !!! In short: they probably have some good idea .. just needs to get pushed more to the front burner and at a better pace .


A.) Two new PvP zones: one "open" battle zone / Republic vs Empire ... One staged map with multiple goals before reaching "end cycle / match".

B). PvP goals appropriately tied in with CQ's


*** 2 New classes : I'm guessing that this might be one class (but one for the Republic side ... the other for the Empire) ... Or just two classes ( 2 for each side). I already have an idea of what ONE ( one each side ) could be ...

[/looks at development team ...uses force persuasion ] "You LIKE Ol' Buzzards suggestion for the new class ... YOU REALLY like it ... You have ALREADY placed the idea on the story board !!



*** New Planets: expansions with new story material... maybe even tied in with the new class. :D


*** Expanded customizations available for companions


*** 64 bit engine ... yeah this is a biggie ... But if we're talking a serious overhaul this is one of those that "if we hit the lotto" we get this one !!


*** Two new strong holds: Several really good suggestions have been made. Here are a couple that seem to be popular right now:

A). Space Station (one that I like)

B). Onderon Town House


*** Crafting overhaul: IMO ... crafting needs to mean more than just making a few billion credits annually. It should also be able to reflect unique craftsmanship even for gear. Even WoW lost its way in this regard. But ... yeah .,.. defiantly needs to be restructured.


*** RP server. If they don't have one: they need one. It could also server as PvP / RP ???


*** A reconciliation of some of the apparent contradictions in the recent story lines ( the recent battle for the ship yard being one of them ) . In short: clean up some of the loose ends and develop a multifaceted / story line again. Develop characters and classes again. We might not see 8... check that ... 10 new class stories ... but there should definitely be enough time and resource given over to allow for class / faction choices that are made.


Futile or not ... IMO .. it is good to review some suggestions from time to time. Just keep them positive.



ALL suggestions are made with the understanding that the prerequisite for said development is done with a "near zero" bug infestation.

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Hahahaha even if BW/EA gets a windfall from steam players, they're not going to reinvest it in the game, surely we've all realized that by now.


That said my vote goes to fixing the so pathetic its practically unfathomable lowered level "endgame" that I'm seemingly the only person left who cares. I refuse to grind gear to optimize for something so pathetic, and thus, have basically quit playing because in this game, gear IS content.

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Hahahaha even if BW/EA gets a windfall from steam players, they're not going to reinvest it in the game, surely we've all realized that by now.


That said my vote goes to fixing the so pathetic its practically unfathomable lowered level "endgame" that I'm seemingly the only person left who cares. I refuse to grind gear to optimize for something so pathetic, and thus, have basically quit playing because in this game, gear IS content.


*** regarding the $$$ perhaps ... then again maybe not ?? Clouded by the dark side the future is !! ;)


*** end game .. It's not that I don't personally care ... I'm just not sure the best direction to go (to be perfectly honest). Suggestions are welcomed !! (to me at least)


.... bottom line: I really don't care how much cash they stuff into their pockets ... if they take care of the list above and I'm good to go !!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Bwah! Mommy, the bad meanie wants me to pay! 😥


Oh grow up. 🙄


EDIT - on topic. The greatest overhaul would be to migrate SWTOR to a new 64-bit 'engine'.

Another possible overhaul would be eliminating mod slots on gear. Given that we now have basically a "bonus" set for stats and gear is mostly cosmetic, they could just replace base 'bonus' gear with a set of permanent mod slots and 'bonus' slot(s). The 'gear' could become purely cosmetic. (Perhaps including weapons.)


It's worse you are getting, I think lockdown has done serious damage to your sense of humour :p



Seeing as you didn't like my 'humourus' post. I'd like to see most of what has been suggested but ignored over the years. I'd like a new set of devs, that actually listen to the community when they tell them something doesn't work, I'd like to see a better quality assurance team, so that we might actually get content that works upon release. I'd like to see Ol Buzz's ideas, with (the other posters) ideas for a new class. We could use a better engine, we could use better moderation in chat. The list could go on, and has on many of these type threads. But usually when people put things up here, so <redacted> jumps up, gives out that people are crying, and whingeing, etc, etc. So yes, I decided a humourous post would be best. Guess we can't win either way. /shrug

Edited by DarkTergon
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Completely overhaul the combat system. "Dumb down" abilities so You would only have 8-10 and make the game challenging based on positioning, cc, interrupts, so make the mechanics challenging instead of executing your rotation perfectly and hope the enemy healthbar goes down before yours. Overhaul the old quests story etc to reflect this. Get rid of the god companions and change them to useful instead of immortal in story.


Please no, as far as condensing the abilities go. It's what I hate the most about modern MMOs.


I like having a lot of abilities, and interactons with those abilities, much more than "action" combat.

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*** regarding the $$$ perhaps ... then again maybe not ?? Clouded by the dark side the future is !! ;)


*** end game .. It's not that I don't personally care ... I'm just not sure the best direction to go (to be perfectly honest). Suggestions are welcomed !! (to me at least)


.... bottom line: I really don't care how much cash they stuff into their pockets ... if they take care of the list above and I'm good to go !!


I've made the same suggestion countless times before and since 6.0. Stop being lazy incompetents and rescale old content to be max level again, and I would prefer they put the one boss ops in gf in their own category to improve group finding for ops that aren't TC.


The alternate is to put ops back at whatever level they were when they released, with appropriate scaling and loot for that level, and make real new content to have a real level 75 endgame. But im not so delusional as to think BW/EA is going to invest the resources in such a venture. So rescale old stuff and split the gf into 2.


Why is (supposedly) not max level content dropping endgame gear? Because they can't make enough max level content, and are simultaneously too lazy, resource poor, or utterly incompetent to take the simple and previously utilized step of recycling old stuff.

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I've made the same suggestion countless times before and since 6.0. Stop being lazy incompetents and rescale old content to be max level again, and I would prefer they put the one boss ops in gf in their own category to improve group finding for ops that aren't TC.


The alternate is to put ops back at whatever level they were when they released, with appropriate scaling and loot for that level, and make real new content to have a real level 75 endgame. But im not so delusional as to think BW/EA is going to invest the resources in such a venture. So rescale old stuff and split the gf into 2.


Why is (supposedly) not max level content dropping endgame gear? Because they can't make enough max level content, and are simultaneously too lazy, resource poor, or utterly incompetent to take the simple and previously utilized step of recycling old stuff.


*** I'll be the first to admit that expecting the game to get the attention / work / overhaul it could use might be a bit of a stretch ... but I "aint" givin' up !! ( not yet at least).


*** Fixin' things up that need fixin' ... that's just doing what's right. No bonus points there !!

*** I doubt that the team is lazy. They answer to others who will see to that !! As for the rest ... to be perfectly candid about the situation I have no idea why some of the "rescaling" was handled the way it was. Does it work? Some would say yes .. others no.


End game stuff: Meaning having something available to actually use the new max gear? Then yes.. we need that!


*** IMO ... when it gets right down to it each day brings with it promise. That is one of the best things we get every day! It's fresh .. it's starts out clean. Hopefully we have learned enough from yesterday to make better decisions today !


Yeah .. I know .. old fashion and really crusty around the edges. And that's probably not going to change any time soon either !

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I'm not sure if I'd want a complete overhaul. I think going through everything from 2011 up to 2015 and smoothing out the edges, fixing major bugs that were forgotten since the expansions and finding a way to balance things better and be equally fair to PVE and PVP players would be nice.


I have noticed small things that are so minor it's pointless to ask, but would be great to see fixed, like missing characters in cutscenes and bodies vanishing in cutscenes (makes the deaths less significant), the evade bug that drives me crazy and actually bring some life to the original class stories by doing simple things like altering animations like when they redid the opening scenes.


I would also like the toon graphics updated so they match the newer NPC's or just stop making the NPC's more realistic.

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Please no, as far as condensing the abilities go. It's what I hate the most about modern MMOs.


I like having a lot of abilities, and interactons with those abilities, much more than "action" combat.


I could live with abilities staying the same, but still most of the fights are dull and just chipping away the enemies health faster than yours goes away.


I'm not sure how it is now, but in Kotfe (4.0?) i liked the star fortress bosses to solo in heroic because it was dynamic. Also eternal championship was fun. This would be so cool in the classic stories overall.


Now it's just go in with your immortal overhealing companion and do whatever . ask your cat to walk over the keyboard and you win every boss fight.


Even in flashpoints let's say KDY is just about spanking the boss for an hour and occasionally run to the healing station to get your health back up (veteran). Not too interesting imo and would need some refactoring which will never happen but in this topic we are in a fairy world :D

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Even in flashpoints let's say KDY is just about spanking the boss for an hour and occasionally run to the healing station to get your health back up (veteran). Not too interesting imo and would need some refactoring which will never happen but in this topic we are in a fairy world :D


I mean I've had plenty of "fun" with idiots in kdy -

Jedi/sith boss - other 3 all stand in the circles and refuse to move. Naturally they all refuse to click the healing station too. I downed it by myself, as a vigi guardian, by keeping up dots and running to healing stations. One of the 3 was asking me to /stuck, one never said anything, and one told me how amazing I was when I downed him after what felt like forever.


Droid boss - not killing adds, standing in beams, basically all kinds of stupid. Used all the heal stations and wiped. 2nd try one other guy and I downed it.


Trooper - refusal to coordinate the machine things, getting creamed, standing in stupid, my friend and I were able to 2 man it. One of the two idiots quit when we refused to /stuck.


Honestly, kdy was the original fp intended to be easily accomplished by 4 dps. Just cut the health of the bosses to make these idiotic scenarios go faster.


But then, scaling bosses is apparently so incredibly difficult for the supposed professionals at BW that the overwhelming majority of their pathetic endgame consists of content that is not at the current level cap.

Edited by KendraP
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Hmm the two new classes?

Republic has Trooper so Imperial Trooper class?

Republic SIS Agent because you have Imperial Agent

Republic Smuggler -> Imperial Criminal or Outlaw ?


why not create one as and purchasable DLC to check the market?

I would definitely purchase an DLC then buy Cartel Coins anyday..

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