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Please make the new social bar minimizable again


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Hello there,


The 'old' social bar could be minimized into a tiny rectangle, just like the chat window.

The 'new' social bar can unfold (no one asked for this) and collaps into the bar. But it stays quit prominent at the screen and ruins every screenshot.


So, please make the new social bar minimizable again.

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The new social bar is actually better for taking screenshots in my opinion, it seems to automatically go away when you enter a cutscene if it is closed. The old social bar would still show the close/open button, alongside the chat button as well. And as far as normal screenshots it seems to go away with control-u or alt+z to me, if it isn't for everyone than that is a bug that definitely needs fixing.
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Not a fan of the new social bar.


My main issues are not so much it starts in open format and has one of the three panels advertising cartel stuff. After all I already have the nice glowy gold button for cartel on the menu bar.


While it can be dragged across the screen, I cannot alter it with the Interface Editor.

This means:

I cannot resize it.

I cannot place it flush at the top of the screen.

I cannot alter its alpha transparency.


It's sits there glowing brighter blue than the rest of my GUI and with a slightly different style (curved edges rather than angles as the menu bar is).


It is awful.

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