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What it actually is and it's insulting to subs


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The new social bar is an advert. It's a way for EA/BW to tell you to support the game by buying items from the market. Without a doubt, the Cartel Market provides a significant source of income for the game.


As someone who pays their sub every month and has for quite a long time, it's insulting to me that EA/BW feels compelled to remind me to support the game by buying Cartel Market items. I am supporting the game. I am paying for a subscription to the game.


What more support do you feel entitled to? The very nature and extent of our relationship is that I pay for the game and you provide said game. If the insinuation here is that the Market is the more significant and preferred way for the game to be funded and subs are not then just tell me. I'll drop my sub and go else where. I'm sorry that my $15/month over the last 8 years hasn't been enough. In addition to the additional coins I've bought.


The overreaching, insulting nature of this window bar combination is beyond and a spit in the face of subscribing players.

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If you listen very very carefully you can hear a violin playing.


Just move it to a different location on your screen by just dragging it. I have put mine under the comp icon.


Can't do that if you don't have "Enable Movable Secondary Window" selected, which I don't. Then there's also the fact that pressing escape to bring up the Options window hides it, which is frustrating for those of us who like being able to see a population count of whatever instance I'm in, or how many guild members are online, or how many unread mail messages we have.

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If you listen very very carefully you can hear a violin playing.


Just move it to a different location on your screen by just dragging it. I have put mine under the comp icon.


That's not the point. Now I haven't looked at this since it was launched from pts, because at this time it appears anything crucial from the launcher/character selection screen to specific CM items that they adore working on so much are all broken so I'm not logging back on until someone over there fixes anything. But I'm sure this is just the last straw for most people.


They're sick of having to think overtime to find subtle little workarounds that let them somewhat ignore the problems that every update causes. Flashpoint players are STILL having to do the ridiculous workaround to Jindo Krey's missiles ship and not attack him at all until the ship is shot down because Bioware hasn't scaled the gd shield damage limit up at all since the level cap was 50, and that's the least of their issues right now so we know it's in the bottom of the pile they never look at anyway.


The team's doctrine seems to be "the players found a way to fix it, we can ignore it now", which is why I don't appreciate more suggestions to shut up and implement the fix the player base found anymore, at some point we have to say it's the devs responsibility to do something about it.

Edited by MagicTerror
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Yeah, it's a friggin' pop up banner ad.

It's also a big middle finger to the visually impaired, since you can't resize/manage it with the UI editor.

I know, I know, most of you players are youngins with 20/20 vision... but still...

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Yeah, it's a friggin' pop up banner ad.

It's also a big middle finger to the visually impaired, since you can't resize/manage it with the UI editor.

I know, I know, most of you players are youngins with 20/20 vision... but still...


This is the only thing that I've read in this post that makes sense. They definitely made it harder for me to read it since I can't resize it. However just moving it on the screen and ignoring the rest of it isn't hard. The only thing I ever used it for was to see at a glance how many guildies were on.

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Can't do that if you don't have "Enable Movable Secondary Window" selected, which I don't. Then there's also the fact that pressing escape to bring up the Options window hides it, which is frustrating for those of us who like being able to see a population count of whatever instance I'm in, or how many guild members are online, or how many unread mail messages we have.


You can, you don't need to do anything other than just drag it to a different location. No need to use Enable Movable secondary Window or anything else. Just drag it, that's it..

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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That's not the point. Now I haven't looked at this since it was launched from pts, because at this time it appears anything crucial from the launcher/character selection screen to specific CM items that they adore working on so much are all broken so I'm not logging back on until someone over there fixes anything. But I'm sure this is just the last straw for most people.


They're sick of having to think overtime to find subtle little workarounds that let them somewhat ignore the problems that every update causes. Flashpoint players are STILL having to do the ridiculous workaround to Jindo Krey's missiles ship and not attack him at all until the ship is shot down because Bioware hasn't scaled the gd shield damage limit up at all since the level cap was 50, and that's the least of their issues right now so we know it's in the bottom of the pile they never look at anyway.


The team's doctrine seems to be "the players found a way to fix it, we can ignore it now", which is why I don't appreciate more suggestions to shut up and implement the fix the player base found anymore, at some point we have to say it's the devs responsibility to do something about it.


It is exactly the point as my comment was aimed at the OP's post not what you have written in this post.

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The team's doctrine seems to be "the players found a way to fix it, we can ignore it now", which is why I don't appreciate more suggestions to shut up and implement the fix the player base found anymore, at some point we have to say it's the devs responsibility to do something about it.

Ok, I'm going to bring something up here, because you're right. Now it might seem small and in a way it is, but it's telling. The new social bar has a number of icons in a black area starting from the left


Then on the right there is an extra black circle with a down arrow in it to click for that new window. But look at that black circle. It's not even aligned with the large black area on the left. It sits higher and it's not aligned the same way to the right edge as the other side is to the left edge.


Now people can say who cares? Sure, it's not a big deal by itself but what that tells me is that these people who do this aren't people who take pride in their work. It's not a big design that bar and even then they can't manage to align things properly? I'm just sad they can't even get simple things like that right.

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to some extent I agree... it's a marketing strategy. Some financial analyst or manager said "let's disguise the Ad bar by adding notifications to other content in-game. This will let us use some additional space to advertise Cartel Market".


And then some director in Finance or Marketing says "DO IT", all while they increase the price of new sets to 40 dollars.

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Okay, one more time for people who keep saying...

Just move it!

Just minimize it!

Just enable "Enable Movable Secondary Window"!


The window launched on the bottom left of my screen, hanging off two sides.

The bottom bar (that I've only seen in screenshots) IS NOT VISIBLE on the screen.

You cannot minimize or drag it from anywhere else, no matter what preferences you set.

It's just a giant pop-up ad in your face, constantly.


If I could shrink it in the UI editor, I could get to the control bar.


So for now, I'm playing around with decorating my strongholds, since it's a visual nightmare to try and do missions.

Edited by Xina_LA
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The bottom bar (that I've only seen in screenshots) IS NOT VISIBLE on the screen.

You cannot minimize or drag it from anywhere else, no matter what preferences you set.

Um, not quite sure what the problem is here. "Bottom bar"?

I just left clicked on basically the middle of the bar, and dragged it. There doesn't seem to be a particular area you need to click on (other than the actual icons, of course).

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Reading the posts in this thread I was really confused.

I know the social bar you're all talking about, but when I logged in yesterday I saw three "launch" buttons for current missions in my mission log and nothing else.

I minimized it, and ignored it, on every toon I played.


Then just now I read about "an advertisement for the cartel market" and that's not what I saw at all.


I logged in a toon and it happened to be one that only has two missions in the mission log, only 1 of them is tracked at the moment.


Now I see the cartel window.


Still though, I don't get the anger.

There's a minimize button. You can put it back where the "mail" button bar was before and leave it there and forget about it.


Or you can keep 3 or more active missions / quests and just see a bigger quick launch button for them.

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I think there's a bug because at first I couldn't click and drag it , so it was stuck half on my screen and half off. Later after warping between planets/ship/stronghold and refreshing my UI, I was able to finally move it out of my way. I'm not sure which of my steps fixed it though.


Edit: After a second look at it, I think the problem might just be that the clickable area is weird. I have to click and drag the blue part to move it, but only certain parts of the blue part work.

Edited by Dan_Loto
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What's annoying is that after you move it, it resets back to the original location sometimes when going to certain planets or changing characters.


You are the second poster to say this. So far not had an issue. I moved it and it stays where i put it, just above the chat box. Not only has it not moved it is still there if I change servers and accounts.


OK, so i guess I have to ask, which plants phase or OP's FP'S. I have played in a total of 14 hours since this change, So I guess it must be some areas I have not been to yet. i have done all republic planets including heroics on republic side up to and including Ossus, CZ, Oricon, Yavin, and Black hole. Not as much on imp side has that be from today as i try to get my 500k conquests However have still done several imp side quests too.


So which planets and phase?

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Wait till you have 80+ toons,when it pops up again as you move to a differant location, or acept a guild summoms


Oh, right so my 600+ be a breeze, and yes i really do have that many over 9 accounts.


However not had a guild summons yet, so I will have to wait until i do to see what you mean by that comment.

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Oh, right so my 600+ be a breeze, and yes i really do have that many over 9 accounts.


However not had a guild summons yet, so I will have to wait until i do to see what you mean by that comment.

When you accept a guild summons you zone to another area. Whenever you zone for whatever reason, there's a chance this bar resets back to the middle of the screen. I've had it will using the travel option of the GF and also when logging in a character that is still in a Stronghold.

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You are the second poster to say this. So far not had an issue. I moved it and it stays where i put it, just above the chat box. Not only has it not moved it is still there if I change servers and accounts.

Just wait until the next time you log in. 🙂


I actually like the functionality of the new bar. But I don't like it's mismatched design and the placement issues.

Perhaps the new bar is a precursor to a redesign of the UI. So hold on to your butts, it may get worse.

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