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What Keeps You Playing SWTOR?


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The Star Wars aspect of the game is probably the biggest reason what keeps me playing. But, the stories and the characters are another large part of it. The eight individual class stories that allows you to immerse yourself into the character you're playing with an awesome cast of companions and other characters, only for their story to continue in the expansions, where other characters gain even more limelight. Plus, the fully voice-acted game is just great. There aren't many other MMORPGs that do this.

Simply put, the story and characters bring me back all the time.

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The world and my characters.


I take immersion quite seriously in this game and try to make my roster feel as authethic as possible. I even go as far as giving them a personality and backstories.


I've also grown quite attached to this era, perhaps even more than the Original Trilogy and the Prequels (the Sequel Trilogy is a joke). It's also the only current BioWare game that feels like the old BioWare, you know?


It's also the only tab-targeting MMO that I actually enjoy. I dunno why. Maybe it's the flashy animations and the sound effects mixed up with the great soundtrack?

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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I love the aesthetic and I love the voice acting. At this point it's like wearing a comfortable pair of slippers.


(And I agree with some of the above. I don't like having Imp and Pub in alternate universes. It worked better as one cohesive story.)

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It's Star Wars, I get to rp my own story of the 8 base stories available.

Pretty much this. Many of the original class stories are still (for me) the most fun thing to do and several of the original romances are still really good. I'm still coming across things I missed in the class story the first time (or even second, third and fourth times of doing them). And my main is lightning - despite all the nerfs, what's not to love about it :D I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this forum who will never get sick of the Trooper story & Aric romance or the Warrior story and Quinn romance :)

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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this forum who will never get sick of the Trooper story & Aric romance or the Warrior story and Quinn romance :)

Trooper's story is not my favourite, but fem Trooper x Jorgan really is one of the best vanilla romances, the main reason i replay this class story, and clearly has the best KOTFE reunion.


I'd really like if my male Warrior could romance Quinn

*sad puppy face* Please BW let my little guy romance him.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I'd really like if my male Warrior could romance Quinn

*sad puppy face* Please BW let my little guy romance him.


By the stars, yes! This is something I have been wanting for ages. Especially now that I am replaying the Warrior story with a male Sith PB, I can't help but thinking how badly I want Quinn to be a romance option for male Warriors! I am so bummed it never happened with Iokath, as I fear Quinn won't become relevant to the story again :( I hope I will be proven wrong, as I'd be so, so happy if Quinn became a romance option for male Warriors as well!

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By the stars, yes! This is something I have been wanting for ages. Especially now that I am replaying the Warrior story with a male Sith PB, I can't help but thinking how badly I want Quinn to be a romance option for male Warriors! I am so bummed it never happened with Iokath, as I fear Quinn won't become relevant to the story again :( I hope I will be proven wrong, as I'd be so, so happy if Quinn became a romance option for male Warriors as well!



I've always thought he would've been the best option for a male Warrior, but my latest one was really where i thought it was actually really sad that he wasn't, especially since everytime i see Quinn, i can't help but feel very strong "i'm gay but don't want to admit it" vibes from him, that's probably why i always had a hard time romancing him on female SW.

And one of the latest dialogues is really ambiguous as it really sounds like he talks about having children with the male SW. Maybe that was something that was intended to be there at first but the option to romance him with a guy was removed, but that particular piece of dialogue was not, or maybe it's only the french version that is ambiguous, idk.

But well considering they recently added the option for both Dorne and Vector after their return, we can hope he'll become available as well, but for the romance to be satisfying it'd need more than just 1 cutscene and then nothing, which has pretty much been the case for all post KOTET romances so far.

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Trooper's story is not my favourite, but fem Trooper x Jorgan really is one of the best vanilla romances, the main reason i replay this class story, and clearly has the best KOTFE reunion....


You know I've heard a lot of ppl say that over the years. All most all my characters are male, and my female characters never make it past the OG stories before I delete em. And the trooper is my least favorite story (I have 40 characters and only 1 trooper) I guess I need to play a female trooper through to see what all the fuss is about.:)

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I'd really like if my male Warrior could romance Quinn

*sad puppy face* Please BW let my little guy romance him.

Same - my only male character - a male warrior is still waiting for this as Quinn's class & return story fits so well with it.

You know I've heard a lot of ppl say that over the years. All most all my characters are male, and my female characters never make it past the OG stories before I delete em. And the trooper is my least favorite story (I have 40 characters and only 1 trooper) I guess I need to play a female trooper through to see what all the fuss is about.:)

From a woman's perspective it's sort of a fantasy mushy romance...Aric starts off as an arsehole and turns into ♥ ♥ ♥. And he has the best return in KotFE. I've never played the trooper story without romancing Aric; I don't think I could!


Edited to add:

That's my major issue with the latest storylines.

Up till the end of the Traitor arc, all my main chars could live in the same universe, all i had to do was pick the same choices in KOTFEET+ and i ended up with the same outcome.

And that's not possible anymore. This is seriously annoying to me, as my imps are far less enjoyable now considering their story contradict my JK's story, who is my "canon" Outlander/Commander.

OP said no hate so I've spoilered my reply:

I agree completely. After the traitor arc the story split into completely different outcomes. This really pisses me off; we were forced down the route of an alliance & I embraced mine and want to keep it separate or in some cases switch sides. The different endings of JuS & Onslaught makes switching sides impossible unless certain npc deaths or outcomes are ignored (I'm still annoyed with the numerous inconsistent outcomes for Gnos Dural). And don't get me started on being forced to be in the Hand or Task Force Nova and have them take over my base. For me consistency is what makes the original class stories still so appealing. It doesn't matter what class you play, or which side you're on; the stories all still make sense and work with each other. Later even Ilum & Makeb are good - two separate stories but both make sense in the whole swtor galaxy and all of my characters' stories


Edited by Sarova
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Same - my only male character - a male warrior is still waiting for this as Quinn's class & return story fits so well with it.

Well i've a few male characters (8 as i wanted a character for each gender and advanced class), but unfortunately, most of them are still waiting to find a suitable LI.

My SW id dead set on Quinn, and my fem SW is with Arcann so Quinn's all free.

My JC is pretty much waiting to see if Arn will be available at some point, because Nadia was just too creepy.

My SI is waiting to see if Scourge could be opened to non JK characters, or if they decide to bring Cytharat back, because Ashara is a big nope.

My JK is older and would love an opportunity with Senya.


I've a Smuggler with Akaavi, and a trooper with Dorne.


And then the last 2 (IA and BH), i still don't know if i'll go with their vanilla romances or not actually.

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It's Star Wars, story and my character Tsukito, about what i so proud of. Raids i like too but i done it too much times to enjoy them like i did before. Good i still have Dxun to conquer. Hope new incoming story will be better than 6.0. For me 6.0 is little dull and predictable.


Voice acting is so professional, it's epic. My favorite is Theron and Lana. I never get bored while listen them, not mention great fun parts.


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

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OP said no hate so I've spoilered my reply:

I agree completely. After the traitor arc the story split into completely different outcomes. This really pisses me off; we were forced down the route of an alliance & I embraced mine and want to keep it separate or in some cases switch sides. The different endings of JuS & Onslaught makes switching sides impossible unless certain npc deaths or outcomes are ignored (I'm still annoyed with the numerous inconsistent outcomes for Gnos Dural). And don't get me started on being forced to be in the Hand or Task Force Nova and have them take over my base. For me consistency is what makes the original class stories still so appealing. It doesn't matter what class you play, or which side you're on; the stories all still make sense and work with each other. Later even Ilum & Makeb are good - two separate stories but both make sense in the whole swtor galaxy and all of my characters' stories


To adhere to my own rule but to still reply to a few remarks, I'll spoiler my response as well :)



I think that the way they went about the Hand and Task Force Nova was the best way they could. Players really wanted to be able to rejoin their original factions, but the concept of the Alliance forced them to be unable to do so. Onslaught finally listened to player feedback that way and gave us the ability to return to our original factions. However, it still enables those players who liked the Alliance to keep it independent. This way they tried to appease both sides, which I think is the better way to go.


Because the fact that I was forced out of my original faction and forced to be in the Alliance seriously impacted my enjoyment of the game's story and I know a lot of players who felt exactly the same. The concepts of the Hand and the Task Force are highly enjoyable to them as well as me, because it gives us a certain amount of autonomy within our factions but it doesn't force us out of the Empire or Republic.


I believe the switching sides will become a possibility later down the line. The story team is trying to do that plot line justice so it needs time to develop. That's why you can't already switch in JuS or Onslaught, because it might have felt sudden. This way, you get invested in the saboteur arc and when you eventually do make the switch, it will be much more meaningful. Because sure, maybe in your headcanon your characters are already ready, but headcanon can't override actual storytelling.



That's my major issue with the latest storylines.

Up till the end of the Traitor arc, all my main chars could live in the same universe, all i had to do was pick the same choices in KOTFEET+ and i ended up with the same outcome.

And that's not possible anymore. This is seriously annoying to me, as my imps are far less enjoyable now considering their story contradict my JK's story, who is my "canon" Outlander/Commander.


But you see, that was what many players considered to be the main issue with KotFE and KotET. No matter how you played or what you did, you always ended up with the same outcome. It was horrible in regards to storytelling, as whatever class you played or whatever choices you made, in the end it didn't matter.


While I am not entirely a fan of how they went about it in Onslaught with multiple divergent continuities, it is better than what we had with KotFEET where the story felt like a train track you can't escape from. I would have preferred if they had gone about it like in RotHC, where each faction got a meaningful story that carried enough differences to feel unique each playthrough, but that held roughly the same narrative outcome in the end. That would have been the better approach, but if the Onslaught method means that we finally get rid of the railroad approach of KotFEET, I am all for it :)


As I said before, headcanon is nice of course, but it can't override storytelling or dictate how the story should go. Headcanon should adapt to the reality of the story, not the other way around, I think.

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I think that the way they went about the Hand and Task Force Nova was the best way they could. Players really wanted to be able to rejoin their original factions, but the concept of the Alliance forced them to be unable to do so. Onslaught finally listened to player feedback that way and gave us the ability to return to our original factions. However, it still enables those players who liked the Alliance to keep it independent. This way they tried to appease both sides, which I think is the better way to go.


Because the fact that I was forced out of my original faction and forced to be in the Alliance seriously impacted my enjoyment of the game's story and I know a lot of players who felt exactly the same. The concepts of the Hand and the Task Force are highly enjoyable to them as well as me, because it gives us a certain amount of autonomy within our factions but it doesn't force us out of the Empire or Republic.


I believe the switching sides will become a possibility later down the line. The story team is trying to do that plot line justice so it needs time to develop. That's why you can't already switch in JuS or Onslaught, because it might have felt sudden. This way, you get invested in the saboteur arc and when you eventually do make the switch, it will be much more meaningful. Because sure, maybe in your headcanon your characters are already ready, but headcanon can't override actual storytelling.


Yes, and no.

Yes you can decide to stay independant, but the Hand/TFN still pretty much invade your base, changing all the banners... I don't really feel at home anymore on Odessen now...

And i still really dislike the saboteur thing, i'd rather play the Republic story on my pub siding toons...




But you see, that was what many players considered to be the main issue with KotFE and KotET. No matter how you played or what you did, you always ended up with the same outcome. It was horrible in regards to storytelling, as whatever class you played or whatever choices you made, in the end it didn't matter.


While I am not entirely a fan of how they went about it in Onslaught with multiple divergent continuities, it is better than what we had with KotFEET where the story felt like a train track you can't escape from. I would have preferred if they had gone about it like in RotHC, where each faction got a meaningful story that carried enough differences to feel unique each playthrough, but that held roughly the same narrative outcome in the end. That would have been the better approach, but if the Onslaught method means that we finally get rid of the railroad approach of KotFEET, I am all for it :)


As I said before, headcanon is nice of course, but it can't override storytelling or dictate how the story should go. Headcanon should adapt to the reality of the story, not the other way around, I think.

Well that wouldn't be so much of an issue for me, if they went on like they did on Iokath.

You side with the Republic, you play the pub side story, you side with the Empire, you play the imp side story, no matter where your toon came from at the begining. At the very least, i'd be able to have a consistent story on all my main toons.

Here, Malora is a prisonner on my pubs, but she's potentially joining the Alliance on my imps, Gnost-Dural is free and well and helping the Jedi on my pubs, but he's captive on my imps, Arn is Tau's Padawan on my pubs, but he doesn't exist on my imps, Savik joined the Alliance on my pubs, but she's dead on my imps, Shaar is well and free on my pubs, but she's dead on my imps...


Or if the saboteur choices made it possible to have similar outcomes to the loyalist ones of the opposite factions.

For instance, G-D. If you're a pub loyalist, he's nearly killed but is saved in the end, if on imp saboteur we had a [saboteur] option to pretend to kill him, while letting him barely alive so that the Jedi could find him, we'd have similar outcomes on both sides, where he still helps the Jedi while pretending to be dead, and Arn could still be Tau's Padawan.

So even if the story would be a bit different, at least a pub loyalist and an imp saboteur could still somewhat live in the same universe.

That and the saboteur thing really doesn't suit most of my imps, they'd rather openly fight for the Republic than pretend to work for the Empire. Well they'd rather stay out of this if it was an actual option, but we have to pick a side, and none of them has any reasons to want to go back to the Empire.

Edited by Goreshaga
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Yes, and no.

Yes you can decide to stay independant, but the Hand/TFN still pretty much invade your base, changing all the banners... I don't really feel at home anymore on Odessen now...

And i still really dislike the saboteur thing, i'd rather play the Republic story on my pub siding toons...






They had to make a choice how to go about this. Because a lot of people were complaining about being in the Alliance and not being able to go back to their original factions. The outcry for returning to our factions was big. However, there were also voices who said they wanted to keep the Alliance as is. The approach the devs chose in Onslaught is the most solid compromise, I believe. Those who wanted to return to their factions have that option, yet those who want to keep the Alliance seperate also get to do that. The problem however, is that both still need to be able to follow the story of SWTOR. As such, the Hand/Task Force approach is the best way they could have gone about it, I believe, as it keeps the wishes of both camps (Return to Faction vs. Stay Independent) intact to a degree.



The point also is that Bioware cannot appease every single headcanon that is out there. As I said before, headcanon should adapt to the story and not the other way around. Yes, there should be some room for players to maintain their headcanons, yet the desire to keep that intact shouldn't override or overshadow the overall narrative, I'd say. The current approach walks a fine line where that is currently possible, although it is inevitable that some headcanons will simply fall to the wayside. If for example someone headcanoned that their Alliance is an isolationist faction that has no contact with anyone beyond Odessen, then the game can't accomodate that headcanon in the actual story, nor should it, I think. As I said, the game's narrative should come first and any headcanon should follow or fall in line with the reality of the story. Because headcanon will always be something subjective and personal and it should not be treated as a universal experience.


Here, Malora is a prisonner on my pubs, but she's potentially joining the Alliance on my imps, Gnost-Dural is free and well and helping the Jedi on my pubs, but he's captive on my imps, Arn is Tau's Padawan on my pubs, but he doesn't exist on my imps, Savik joined the Alliance on my pubs, but she's dead on my imps, Shaar is well and free on my pubs, but she's dead on my imps...


From a lore perspective I agree. It creates a lot of problems for RPers, who rely on consistency and clarity of lore in inter-guild and inter-player RP. However, in light of the overwhelming criticism that KotFE and KotET got for being too uniform, I think the current approach as introduced in Onslaught allows each playthrough to feel more unique. We finally left the railroad approach of KotFEET and got a story approach that allows for choices to matter. Is it the best approach? No, as I said before, the RotHC approach would have been better. But I will take the Onslaught approach over what we had with KotFEET any day :)


That and the saboteur thing really doesn't suit most of my imps, they'd rather openly fight for the Republic than pretend to work for the Empire. Well they'd rather stay out of this if it was an actual option, but we have to pick a side, and none of them has any reasons to want to go back to the Empire.


This is where I return to what I said before. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand your point of view and don't dismiss it as wrong or bad, absolutely not. However, I strongly believe that the individual headcanons that individual players have shouldn't dictate the direction the story goes or how the narrative unfolds. Because every single player could have a different headcanon and it's impossible for Bioware to appease every single one of them. That is why I will repeat that headcanon should follow the story, not the other way around. If the story introduces something new that might contradict the personal headcanon of an individual player, then that player should work to adapt their headcanon to the reality of the narrative that is unfolding.


So, for example in your case, I would suggest (of course, I don't presume to dictate, so feel free to dismiss this suggestion) that you try to adapt the headcanon that you have for your Imperial toons to fit with the Saboteur storyline. Perhaps you could add in a reasoning as to why the Imperial saboteurs recognise the value of weakening the Empire from within, before striking against it openly. That way you can keep the headcanon to fight the Empire openly intact, but your headcanon still fits the reality of the actual story.


Holding on tightly to a headcanon will ultimately prove to be counterproductive, as it will cause one to dislike the story simply because one headcanoned something a certain way. But while headcanon shouldn't be discarded or deemed irrelevant, it can't nor should it dictate things for others. For example, if the story team accommodated your personal headcanon, it would completely ruin the way I play the story and the way many other players go through the story. Of course, this also works vice versa, if the story team accommodated all my wishes for the story (the complete destruction of Odessen, the permanent disolution of the Alliance and the startling revelation that all of KotFE and KotET was only a bad dream) then that would also ruin the narrative for other players, like you, for example. As such, headcanon should stay in the realm of the personal individual and adapt to the story, not have the story accommodate the headcanon. That way the story team will ensure everyone can enjoy the story of the game, but it requires some will on our part to be willing to adapt our headcanons and to not let them dictate how the story goes. This is why we shouldn't hold tightly onto our personal headcanons and why we should be willing and able to part with them when necessary. After all, our headcanons aren't a universal experience, but a highly individualistic and subjective one.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Yes, and no. Yes you can decide to stay independant, but the Hand/TFN still pretty much invade your base, changing all the banners... I don't really feel at home anymore on Odessen now...


This is what really annoys me - I chose to keep my alliance separate on my main and most of my alts BUT the game's story writers decided that the Hand or Nova will take over my base anyway and changed all my alliance banners to Hand or Nova. This makes a mockery of choosing to stay independent. As a saboteur you're not even given the option of a choice. This is probably why I play class stories so often; the latest story is a shambles.



To adhere to my own rule but to still reply to a few remarks, I'll spoiler my response as well :)



I think that the way they went about the Hand and Task Force Nova was the best way they could. Players really wanted to be able to rejoin their original factions, but the concept of the Alliance forced them to be unable to do so. Onslaught finally listened to player feedback that way and gave us the ability to return to our original factions. However, it still enables those players who liked the Alliance to keep it independent. This way they tried to appease both sides, which I think is the better way to go.


Because the fact that I was forced out of my original faction and forced to be in the Alliance seriously impacted my enjoyment of the game's story and I know a lot of players who felt exactly the same. The concepts of the Hand and the Task Force are highly enjoyable to them as well as me, because it gives us a certain amount of autonomy within our factions but it doesn't force us out of the Empire or Republic.


I believe the switching sides will become a possibility later down the line. The story team is trying to do that plot line justice so it needs time to develop. That's why you can't already switch in JuS or Onslaught, because it might have felt sudden. This way, you get invested in the saboteur arc and when you eventually do make the switch, it will be much more meaningful. Because sure, maybe in your headcanon your characters are already ready, but headcanon can't override actual storytelling.


I don't have a problem with the devs creating a way for people who wanted to return to the original Imperial vs Republic thing, however they have made it impossible to switch sides in a way that makes sense. The best example is JuS & Gnost-Dural. On my Imperial Saboteurs, he is imprisoned or dead yet in the republic he is alive. I can't see the devs writing a story that addresses the fact that in a republic story-line Gnost-Dural is alive and free. It would mean two completely different stories in one galaxy whereas all previous stories have happened in parallel and made sense from either side. I still don't know what possessed the writers to introduce different outcomes for each faction for so many npcs in JuS or Onslaught. It's like we have two galaxies instead of one.


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Regularly added content expansions including playable races, new classes, new PVP maps, new FPs/OPs, new story chapters with well-written new companion side quests, and frequently updated class balance adjustments every few months. Oh wait. That's why I tend to take long breaks!
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Regularly added content expansions including playable races, new classes, new PVP maps, new FPs/OPs, new story chapters with well-written new companion side quests, and frequently updated class balance adjustments every few months. Oh wait. That's why I tend to take long breaks!


Well, then tell us the reasons why you come back after your long breaks! :) after all, this thread is meant to have a positive note instead of a negative one!

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Regularly added content expansions including playable races, new classes, new PVP maps, new FPs/OPs, new story chapters with well-written new companion side quests, and frequently updated class balance adjustments every few months. Oh wait. That's why I tend to take long breaks!


Well played !!


I might not agree 100 % … but well played.


** companion updates and side quests (some that can be just fun / funny … and repeatable)

** New FP's / OPs

** PvP (multiple needs here)


The positive side:

We have seen a few recent additions that were good and much needed. The ground work has been laid … just keep going with it!

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This is what really annoys me - I chose to keep my alliance separate on my main and most of my alts BUT the game's story writers decided that the Hand or Nova will take over my base anyway and changed all my alliance banners to Hand or Nova. This makes a mockery of choosing to stay independent. As a saboteur you're not even given the option of a choice. This is probably why I play class stories so often; the latest story is a shambles.


Yup, it's really what i find the most annoying about Hand/Nova.

I'm fine that they're invited to my base, but why did they change all my banners, that's my home, not theirs... What's the point deciding to stay independant if they act as if my base belongs to them ?

Not having the choice on saboteurs is kinda annoying too. My only main chracter for whom it'd make sense to play as a saboteur was my Nox as he hates the Empire more than anything and would gladly use the Republic to destroy the Empire, and taking his seat back would've been the perfect position to sabotage the Empire, but you're not even allowed that, you can kill Anathel, but then, nope you can't take the seat...




I don't have a problem with the devs creating a way for people who wanted to return to the original Imperial vs Republic thing, however they have made it impossible to switch sides in a way that makes sense. The best example is JuS & Gnost-Dural. On my Imperial Saboteurs, he is imprisoned or dead yet in the republic he is alive. I can't see the devs writing a story that addresses the fact that in a republic story-line Gnost-Dural is alive and free. It would mean two completely different stories in one galaxy whereas all previous stories have happened in parallel and made sense from either side. I still don't know what possessed the writers to introduce different outcomes for each faction for so many npcs in JuS or Onslaught. It's like we have two galaxies instead of one.


I really feel the same, i would've been far happier with JUS ondward if the story was not so different for characters who chose to support the same faction, just because they come from different factions.

The fact that the faction you support always wins is slightly annoying too as if it really was the case, there would be no reason for the war to last long... The worst being if you're an imp saboteur, Acina's dead, half the Dark Council's dead or deserted, Malgus is on the loose and they lost how many ships in that failed attempt to destroy the Meridian complex ? How can they still fight after all that ?

And i still think the saboteur is pretty bad, and that it would've been better to directly allow to switch sides, even if it only applies to the storyline you're curentlyplaying and nothing else



@ Ylliarus, see my aswers above as they can apply to what you answered to me.

I'd add too, that how can i adjust my HC to the overall story, when there is no overall story and that my characters who used to live in the same continuity / universe now live in completely different, separate alternate realities where everything is different between imp saboteurs and pub loyalists even though they chose to support the same faction ?

I've played Onslaught on 1 of my imp saboteur so far, a not too important alt that is not part of my main roster, and really didn't like the feel of it. The only thing i wanted to do the whole time was exterminate the whole Dark Concil members and be done with it... I actually ended up deleting that character to create a new one rather than continue with her.

This is making me dislike playing my imps actually, and if half my characters become unplayable, i'll have some issues with the game...

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Yup, it's really what i find the most annoying about Hand/Nova.

I'm fine that they're invited to my base, but why did they change all my banners, that's my home, not theirs... What's the point deciding to stay independant if they act as if my base belongs to them ?

Not having the choice on saboteurs is kinda annoying too. My only main chracter for whom it'd make sense to play as a saboteur was my Nox as he hates the Empire more than anything and would gladly use the Republic to destroy the Empire, and taking his seat back would've been the perfect position to sabotage the Empire, but you're not even allowed that, you can kill Anathel, but then, nope you can't take the seat...




I really feel the same, i would've been far happier with JUS ondward if the story was not so different for characters who chose to support the same faction, just because they come from different factions.

The fact that the faction you support always wins is slightly annoying too as if it really was the case, there would be no reason for the war to last long... The worst being if you're an imp saboteur, Acina's dead, half the Dark Council's dead or deserted, Malgus is on the loose and they lost how many ships in that failed attempt to destroy the Meridian complex ? How can they still fight after all that ?

And i still think the saboteur is pretty bad, and that it would've been better to directly allow to switch sides, even if it only applies to the storyline you're curentlyplaying and nothing else




@ Ylliarus, see my aswers above as they can apply to what you answered to me.

I'd add too, that how can i adjust my HC to the overall story, when there is no overall story and that my characters who used to live in the same continuity / universe now live in completely different, separate alternate realities where everything is different between imp saboteurs and pub loyalists even though they chose to support the same faction ?

I've played Onslaught on 1 of my imp saboteur so far, a not too important alt that is not part of my main roster, and really didn't like the feel of it. The only thing i wanted to do the whole time was exterminate the whole Dark Concil members and be done with it... I actually ended up deleting that character to create a new one rather than continue with her.

This is making me dislike playing my imps actually, and if half my characters become unplayable, i'll have some issues with the game...

Wow, we really are in agreement! I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking any of this.


I keep hoping that the next story release will at least make sense but no. It's not as if they have to create a story that meets all expectations; they just needed to create a story that makes sense no matter which side you choose or which side you play. I think they forgot that many of us play alts of both factions and have connected legacies (even our legacies trees won't make sense after JuS or Onslaught). I think they thought players only ever play empire or republic. If you follow the team on Twitter this is the impression they give. I don't think they notice what we say on the forums at all. On a side rant,. I think that's pretty clear when in comes to some female players, their male companion romances but that's a whole new (or ressed) thread! I saw they announced on Twitter yet again that Lana is the player's favourite companion (not mine) and Vette is second favourite (I hate her) grrrrrr


However, I still have the class stories to fall back on :)

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Wow, we really are in agreement! I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking any of this.


I keep hoping that the next story release will at least make sense but no. It's not as if they have to create a story that meets all expectations; they just needed to create a story that makes sense no matter which side you choose or which side you play. I think they forgot that many of us play alts of both factions and have connected legacies (even our legacies trees won't make sense after JuS or Onslaught). I think they thought players only ever play empire or republic. If you follow the team on Twitter this is the impression they give. I don't think they notice what we say on the forums at all. On a side rant,. I think that's pretty clear when in comes to some female players, their male companion romances but that's a whole new (or ressed) thread! I saw they announced on Twitter yet again that Lana is the player's favourite companion (not mine) and Vette is second favourite (I hate her) grrrrrr


However, I still have the class stories to fall back on :)


Yeah. If none of my toons were connected to other ones, that'd be fine, but as it is, it's not, to me at least.

That's why i would've been happier with 1 story for Republic siding characters whether they were originally pubs or imps and one for Empire siding character, no matter if they started imp or pub. At the very least pub loyalist and imp saboteur could still live in the same universe and imp loyalist / pub saboteurs as well


Yeah i saw that on Facebook, so i kept posting screenshots of Theron instead of Lana/Vette, and i'm not ashamed :p

Lana's not one of my fav and Vette's dead anyways as i always save Torian, even if i'd have saved her as well if it has been an option, but it's not so i go save my BH's lover.


Recently i've been mostly replaying various class stories too, latest being SI, SW, male trooper to try the Dorne romance, male IA and DS JK and DS JC to see how it goes, but i don't think i'll keep the DS JK and JC after their respective chapter 3.

I also took advantage of the double xp to start toons on SF but i've pretty much nothing there as i've never played on that server before, so progressing is a bit slow right now.

And i'll keep campaining for my male SW x Quinn romance as i've no interest in either Jaesa or Vette on that character.

Edited by Goreshaga
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And i'll keep campaining for my male SW x Quinn romance as i've no interest in either Jaesa or Vette on that character.


This is one of the things we passionately agree on! :D Soon my new male Sith PB Warrior will be leaving Dromund Kaas for Balmorra and I can't stop sighing at the fact how badly I wish Quinn was a romance option for male Warriors...

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