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The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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So, now that my smuggler has gotten her smuggler companion, I'm even more disgusted and bothered by the ridiculously limited appearance customization (since I have to deal with the same issues and annoyances on two characters, one of which can't even hide the head slot item). I'm seriously at that point where I have to fight my urge to leave the character and go on to an alt; a scenario I find myself in whenever I am frustrated with making MY character into the character I want. It's the reason that, though I started playing WoW the May after launch (when CU hit SWG ;) ), I didn't reach level cap until just before WotLK launched, and because I was focused on getting to the level of that content. I did, however, have more alts than I could count, each of which I played until I got annoyed with their appearances.


Add to that the other issues I have with missing/poorly-implemented (that's being generous) features, and you end up with me sitting here typing this into the forums instead of logging in to the game.

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give me an appearance tab, and I'll resub in a heartbeat.


Thats exactly what i wrote those kind young men on the survey i got cause i clicked on the "cancellation" button.


For me personally there are not enough things i like to counterbalance the many things i dislike about this game in its current state.


If there was an appearance tab or just more control over the appearance of my character i would not be so distracted by the things that bother me.

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I am level 50. I understand moddable gear. I am aware of upcomming changes to crew skills. I STILL want an appearance tab. Let my character look however I want!


Gear that has slots is an interesting idea. I have a chest piece i really enjoy with a matching helm and i am glad i can keep using it. But I have not found matching legs, modifiable hands or belt. The Boots i am wearing are the same style as the chest but different color. So even with modifiable armor i still run into the principle problem which is my character looks like he is made up of different parts.


Modifiable armor is a poor solution when compared to an actual Appearance tab.

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it doesn't make sense to me at all why Bioware put in the orange gear, and then made it basically worthless in endgame pvp. Why didn't bioware simply treat the pvp armor like orange gear; viz., with removable mods, so that we could customize our looks? Very frustrating.
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it doesn't make sense to me at all why Bioware put in the orange gear, and then made it basically worthless in endgame pvp. Why didn't bioware simply treat the pvp armor like orange gear; viz., with removable mods, so that we could customize our looks? Very frustrating.


Basically, they saw a possible exploit (farming the cheapest/easiest to acquire item and removing the mods to gear up all slots) and tossed in a quick-and-dirty, poorly devised, untested solution. They are fixing this particular problem in patch 1.2; making purple armor/barrel/hilt mods removable, but putting slot-specific restrictions on the mods (ie. . . armor mod removed from boots will only be usable in boots).


It's a step in the right direction, but only solves one of the many shortcomings of the current appearance customization in the game.

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Basically, they saw a possible exploit (farming the cheapest/easiest to acquire item and removing the mods to gear up all slots) and tossed in a quick-and-dirty, poorly devised, untested solution. They are fixing this particular problem in patch 1.2; making purple armor/barrel/hilt mods removable, but putting slot-specific restrictions on the mods (ie. . . armor mod removed from boots will only be usable in boots).


It's a step in the right direction, but only solves one of the many shortcomings of the current appearance customization in the game.


You have a point with your argument. I hope that they do come up with a method for allowing us to wear orange gear with pvp and expertise mods.

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I just hit lvl 50 so I'm clueless about the difference in costs between pieces but instead of this whole mess, why don't make all armor pieces costs the same amount of tokens ? It's not like you can go around without a full armor anyway so a belt has the very same value (IMO) of a chestpiece, 1/7 of a full armor.


Beside, I'd rather go with the appearance slot for a number of reasons:


1) it let you change the way you look WAY faster and more often then swapping mods around.


2) Some pieces of armor aren't even in the game as orange gears. This way the devs could spend time on useful things instead of redoing every single model into orange gear.


3) No more mob camping. Let's face it, to get THAT particular piece of orange gear you really like, many of us are spending time camping specific mobs for a specific piece of gear.

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Just thought I would throw my opinion into the mix as well. This is a Huge issue.


Lack of Player 'Visual' Customization. There are quite a few 'Decent' clothing models in this game.....HOWEVER....you MUST use either an ORANGE Item that needs to be constantly upgraded (Ok fine with the Cred Sink) or look like you just found a few pieces of gear laying around and plopped them on.


Orange Items are fine folks. They are NOT acceptable for Cosmetics. Some people like myself do not do PvP. I just enjoy Grouping for the Heroics/Flashpoints....so I will NEVER receive War Zone Commendations. So basically I am stuck finding Vendors around the 'Zones' that may have 1 or 2 Orange Items that can be used. I have looked at every vendor selling Spec Goods, Armour, Weapons, Misc Mods, Commendations.....there are Orange Items but they are far and few between. Social Items are nice but are usually Light Armour. When you Group every so often there will be an Orange Item that drops and all 4 of us ROLL on it. Someone gets it.....usually they sell it on the Galactic Trade or do as I do.....tuck it away in my Cargo Hold and keep trying to find parts to MATCH it.


I have 4 characters that are over 30. Each has a different Crafting Specialty to support the other. Works great! I have 1 Orange Recipe and check the GTN often for recipes. The 1 recipe I have is for Sith/Agent and I cannot even use it (I think I got it from a Mission I sent a companion on).


Some of you may automatically say that since I am not Level 50 and have not Experienced the Entire game I cannot make the case about the Orange Item Availability from Vendors. I want to Look Cool at Level 10 and KEEP a couple 'Costumes' until I am Level 50. What is wrong with that? If I want my Jedi Guardian wear the Nar Shadaa Slave Girl Orange Items while battling? Why not? (It DOES look cool to be blocking and parrying with that social set on.....if anyone plays a Female Guardian or Sentinel.....try it....it is really fun to watch the fighting in that. Reminds of Picts fighting without the Blue Woad paint. Or maybe an Amazon or Warrior Culture where females are part of the fighting culture).


Look....the rest of the game is excellent and fun. I don't even mind the constant Server Down issues....fine in my book. I don't have the laggy issues others complain about. I have great iNet and really stout computer (Graphics is the real killer for most of these folsk I think). I like the Grouping with most players and team play is solid. Those are not my issues.


I happen to LIKE my characters LOOKING cool while playing. 1 Cosmetic Tab would even be enough....swapping to that for various looks. Is that REALLY too much to Ask For? Most of the Orange Items that look cool are in the PvP Vendors......REALLY? You MUST PvP to LOOK Cool? Really? Examples.......


Lord of the Rings Online (LoTRO) - 6 Cosmetic Tabs....ALL Filled...Players LOVE IT

**Free to Play Players even get a Cosmetic Slot....I think 1-3 to start with.


World of Warcraft (WoW) - 1 Tab....took a looooong time but works


Neverwinter Night Multiplayer Servers - No Cosmetic Tabs....However....EVERY Visual Piece of Armour could be Changed and Coloured....Even your Eyes, Skin, Head, and Hair! Crazy System! Spend HOURS in front of the Appearance Mirror making you look cool!

**Particularly the ones running this one called ORS


Even NON MMO Games like Dragon Age 1 & 2 have Mods that can be installed so we can be Stylish. Mass Effect 2 did not need a Mod since that was already really nice.


I think the point in ALL of these Posts is that Players (Paying or Free) Want and Need to LOOK and FEEL like that is Their Character and Their way of Looking. With the way Orange Items are now.....the 'Casual RP Gamers' have a rather large issue participating in it.


By the way. I have been playing BioWare games since Baldur's Gate 1 and EVERY game since then. I even designed and ran a few Neverwinter Multiplayer Servers. I AM a HUGE fan of BioWare. I guess I will save my money and sink it into Mass Effect 3



Maybe I will come back in 6 months to see what is happening.



Again....thanks for the Thread....Excellent Thread!!

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I'm personally happy that the Dev's are trying to give people more "options" on how they look. Every MMO that has came out in the last 10 years that was worth talking about had some kind of feature to allow the players to look how they wanted to look.


I'll support whichever option the Dev's implement but from past experience I'd say a "appearance tab" is probably the easiest route to go to satisfy the requirement of MMOs to allow people to look like a individual instead of a clone to the x factor. The Dev's are doing it right to boot in implementing this sooner than later (take EQ2 as a example, the game was dieing when it implemented the appearance tab, which revitalized the game some but in the end it was too late).



Fully moddable purples and oranges with a "augment" mod you can add to the armor piece would be another option for fully satisfying this feature. If you do go the augment mod (like buckles in WOW) in my opinion it should be player made only to keep crafting relevant. If you did go the augment mod option you could even implement later on "criting" on the augment mod to allow for 2 augments to be added to the piece of armor. The possibilities the Dev's could go could keep people grinding, questing, and buying from eachother for a long time.

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Yes, the changes being made are a (baby-)step in the right direction, but they aren't going to make much difference for most. Even those for whom the changes will have an effect will still be extremely limited.


-Need non-light options for social gear

-Need to be able to convert any look/item into a customizable item; random buried within random hypothetical versions of gear do not constitute options. My character cannot wear a hypothetical outfit. Based on the dev logic, everyone has access to $310 million dollars, right now. Oh, sure, you have to buy a Powerball ticket and get lucky on the drawing, but the money is there and everyone has access to it.

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I would use my current Mando set over all the top tier sets forever.

There would be no variety.


If you chose to have no variety in your look, that'd be your prerogative. Some of us would have variety in our looks. Some days I might want a rough and rugged look for my smuggler, others I might want a sleek and clean look. I'd have variety in my look; my prerogative.


Right now, I can choose to wear a long jacket with a floatation device around the neck or without, a short jacket with a pop-up collar and a mic (with or without a metal plate on the front of it), a brown jacket, or a blue vest. That's it. Those are my options.


Of course, there are other looks, they just aren't available in-game. (Theoretically in the code is not the same as in-game.)

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Under the current proposed changes we still do not have appearance freedom. If we can have crit-crafted oranges and endgame mods become swappable, then orange crafted gear (with aug slot) becomes the de facto standard.


Unless they make every model and texture available as a crafted orange, we are still limited to a narrow slice of what is available.


I, for instance, have a preferred look where the highest level piece is 26 and 4 of them are greens with no orange alternative. Even of those peices that are orange, none of them are crafted, but come from commendation vendors or drops (i.e. no augment slot possible).

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I freaking hate my Sage's pvp gear. HATE it. When I get enough expertise, I'm going to switch out the chest for something less hobo-ish and bulky. I don't even care if I lose expertise, I hate it that much.


Please, please, please allow us to take out our expertise mods or atleast give us an option to customize!

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Some good news if true, finally.


match to chestcoming in 1.2


So when does this patch come, in March?


Yup, 1.2 in March is the latest Messiah patch; it will fix everything that is wrong with this game. :rolleyes: At least, that's what the devs want us to believe. Of course, they didn't actually say what the changes will be on any of the topics coming, just that they will be changes. Anyone who has been watching knows better than to take their "it will be a better version" statements without a whole Dead Sea of salt. The word "better" in BW marketing speak usually means "changes that make everyone scratch their heads and wonder if the devs are even on this planet".


Did everyone notice that even their new and improved ("better") match to chest is going to be followed by more changes? Yup, they are releasing an incomplete feature that will be changed again.


-Feature in-game

-Remove feature because it did was it was designed to do


-A little more nothing

-Hype the replacement without any specifics



-Months more of nothing

-Hype the upcoming, yet still vague, replacement

-Be sure to note that this replacement, after all this time, is still not complete and will have additional nebulous and unspecified changes to it at some vague point in the future.

Edited by Vodalus
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