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The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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1- How do you know which server I am?

2- Check the marauder subforum and the numerous complaining about the gear art. The gear seen in our video progression is NOT available.

3- It's unacceptable regarding themepark standards: being suboptimal is not a goal that players should tend to in order to enjoy a good customization.

4- you don't know anything about their philosophy and you seem to have missed Emmanuel Lusinchi's post talking about transferring bonus sets to custom quality gear. So you're wrong.

5- You're wrong and thus your statement about TOR not being the game for me is wrong.

However, this thread's sake is being "optimal" (note: not just viable) and benefiting from a chosen appearance. Since you're definitely not arguing this anymore, this thread is the wrong thread for you.


1&2 - You had wrote, "some marauders use light armor". Whether on your server or another matters little. My bad assumption that you meant on your server but, the point remains that some of them do play with less than optimal gear like me and many players I know.


3 - As I said before, we disagree on unacceptable. To my credit, an awful lot of people seem to be accepting it enough to continue paying to play.


4 -I don't know their philosophy which is why I wrote, "I think their philosophy is more about offering alot of customization while remaining viable as opposed to being optimized in all possible looks."


5 - Not quite sure which part you mean I am wrong about but, contextually, I am assuming you mean, "If it really is unacceptable, I think you may have picked the wrong game.". It seems perfectly logical to me that an unacceptable game is the wrong game to you. As for this thread being wrong for me, it's broad title topic, "The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread", as well as the many, many topics that we both know it's preceding versions have covered easily encompass my comments here.

Edited by Matte_Black
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1&2 - You had wrote, "some marauders use light armor". Whether on your server or another matters little. My bad assumption that you meant on your server but, the point remains that some of them do play with less than optimal gear like me and many players I know.


3 - As I said before, we disagree on unacceptable. To my credit, an awful lot of people seem to be accepting it enough to continue paying to play.


4 -I don't know their philosophy which is why I wrote, "I think their philosophy is more about offering alot of customization while remaining viable as opposed to being optimized in all possible looks."


5 - Not quite sure which part you mean I am wrong about but, contextually, I am assuming you mean, "If it really is unacceptable, I think you may have picked the wrong game.". It seems perfectly logical to me that an unacceptable game is the wrong game to you. As for this thread being wrong for me, it's broad title topic, "The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread", as well as the many, many topics that we both know it's preceding versions have covered easily encompass my comments here.


1- They do/did for the leveling phase. Once level 50 is reached many abandon customization for focusing on Tionese/columi/rakata gear.

Marauders are so squishy and have talent trees that provide 1 -2% of increased damage reduction, which is immediately removed by equipping a custom quality light armour.

- it all boils down to "optimality" not "viability" - while having a chosen and appreciable appearance.


3- Can you support that claim? Because if by a lot of people you mean you and some of your friends, as opposed to many supporting the customization cause, then this is the weakest reason to deny that wish for extended customization.

You won't make anyone buy that the majority of people are okay with just being viable, and lose optimality. Otherwise, why would this thread exist? As far as we know, being just viable and customize one's appearance is already an option.

Many find this acceptable? Then what? The problem still remain. We can't have good stats and the advertized appearance.


4- Then what is the weight, interest and purpose of such "I think their philosophy is" if it is not for creating indignation with such appeal to authority? You know what? According to forum rules that may be considered as "trolling" and might just report you for that. After so many iterations you have no more excuse.


5- You're wrong by default when you tell someone who is paying a subscription and just want to see the game improved in a precise domain and is not seeing that happening, that the game is not for them. With such non-argument, it advocates that every discussion and suggestion is futile and that we should accept the game for what it is and that the devs know better.

I won't start on how stupid it is, since many changes in the game have players's feedbacks as their source.

You're wrong because Bioware recent announcements contradict this statu quo, and every single day passing witnesses a timid step forward more customization.

Notice how you did not react on Lusinchi's post.


As for your views. You still can't understand that:

- it all boils down to "optimality" not "viability" - while having a chosen and appreciable appearance.

Since you're okay with just viability, and since that is precisely not what this thread is about, then it is obvious that you are off-context with your posts and are trolling, undermining the cause.


For that reason, I will no longer bother interacting with you and will put you on ignore. I encourage you to ignore me as well.

Edited by Ethern
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Since they plan on making adjustments based on fan feedback, you know, because "this game is for you guys," I would really like the modification system to brought up to par with an appearance tab as soon as possible.


TOR is about your character. Over half the game is watching them in cutscenes with high-res textures. How is a player's character not looking the way they want to due to statistical advantage acceptable in this scenario? It isn't.


I say this as someone currently wearing the Noble Consular's Robe as my modifiable gear. I'm pretty sure it isn't possible for me to look more like a consular, and yet I'm put at a constant step behind in order to maintain this appearance as opposed to just strapping on a wedding dress and tiara. This is lame beyond imagining.

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I agree completely. The ability to ensure your appearance matches your characters persona is a major point of immersion for myself, I hope to see it implemented. So far, my only real dissapointment with the game is my and my companions mis-matched armor.



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Since they plan on making adjustments based on fan feedback, you know, because "this game is for you guys," I would really like the modification system to brought up to par with an appearance tab as soon as possible.


TOR is about your character. Over half the game is watching them in cutscenes with high-res textures. How is a player's character not looking the way they want to due to statistical advantage acceptable in this scenario? It isn't.


I say this as someone currently wearing the Noble Consular's Robe as my modifiable gear. I'm pretty sure it isn't possible for me to look more like a consular, and yet I'm put at a constant step behind in order to maintain this appearance as opposed to just strapping on a wedding dress and tiara. This is lame beyond imagining.


While it'd be great if the JO quote were true, I simply don't believe it to be so. They have proven time and again that they care nothing about what we want, they only care about what they think will dupe people into buying the game so that they can then weakly try to bribe them to re-sub for a stupid title that isn't even accurate (second wave members of a group are not the founders, those who are there at the beginning are).

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I'm all for an appearance tab or working mod system.


Do I expect to hear anything about changes? No.


Why? Because we don't want to hurt the feelings of their art team...

It's better to hurt the feelings of the players instead.

Art is subjective as Zoeller said, but the tastes of thousands of players < of a few artists.

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I'm all for an appearance tab or working mod system.


Do I expect to hear anything about changes? No.


Why? Because we don't want to hurt the feelings of their art team...


Since fortune has yet to grace me with modifiable boots, I am currently forced to wear snow-white, silver filigreed, pretty pretty princess boots. This is very much in keeping with the jedi standards of modest robes and earth tones. I want to hurt the artist's feelings as much as possible, this is ridiculous.

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Modifying the appearance of your character sounds eminently easy and nonintrusive. Some characters no longer have that sunburnt look after a few weeks. Women don't wear the exact same makeup, hairstyle or evn haircolor every day. Sometimes that scar you loved the first weeks of play now drives you mad.


Being able to recustomize your character's look would do wonders towards enjoying your character. It really is needed, and seems simple enough to implement. Please make it happen.

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Not sure if this is the correct thread to mention this in, but it was the closest I found in a search. So, if I am in the wrong place, please redirect me.


My main concern, is Imperial armor. Honestly, almost all of it is horrible to look at. I would like to see more variety, and some more classic feels to the design. I hate to be a pooper, but what was Bioware thinking when they designed the Imperial armor. It is so outlandish, and utterly impossible to find a gear set that I like the appearance of. I have spoke to many people in game, and generally, most people tend to agree with me. At least on my server, Port Nowhere. Am I alone here? What is the general consensus from the rest of the community? What do you guys (and gals) think of the Imperial armor for all four classes? And do you think we are going to see some new looks in the near future?

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Not sure if this is the correct thread to mention this in, but it was the closest I found in a search. So, if I am in the wrong place, please redirect me.


My main concern, is Imperial armor. Honestly, almost all of it is horrible to look at. I would like to see more variety, and some more classic feels to the design. I hate to be a pooper, but what was Bioware thinking when they designed the Imperial armor. It is so outlandish, and utterly impossible to find a gear set that I like the appearance of. I have spoke to many people in game, and generally, most people tend to agree with me. At least on my server, Port Nowhere. Am I alone here? What is the general consensus from the rest of the community? What do you guys (and gals) think of the Imperial armor for all four classes? And do you think we are going to see some new looks in the near future?


Imperial modded gear is great to look at! http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc232/Dekkameron/Star%20Wars%20The%20Old%20Republic/Screenshot_2012-01-21_00_53_22_599619.jpg

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Yeah i want my bounty hunter to hit the gym and buff up lol


on a lighter note... I really hope this gets implemented very soon, for a modern mmorpg i think these things are a given! I find it very strange how SWTOR doesnt have these features.


One example, off topic: guild banks... i know it is coming soon but i really think stuff like these should had been in the game on release day!

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PErsonally I like the way my character looks for the most part, my only problem was i looked at his hair and said, oh crap, I forgot to make it red, instead its brown. And I meant to give him a scar across the eye, rather then a chin scar. And as an add on, maybe give him a few facial tattoos, maybe one on forehead. Perhaps more facial options too, that would be nice, like keep the look of one of the faces, but add on to it.


Anyway, those are my ideas

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In this case, I agree. Your gear looks sweet, however, good looking gear for Imperials is hard to find. Especially on a PvP server, since at lvl 50, everyone from the same base class is stuck wearing the same looking gear. I am a SW, and I don't want to have to wear the droid look-a-like with spiked shoulders gear. But if I want the PvP gear, and the expertise, and the highest armor rating in the game, that's the suit I have to wear. I will admit, there are some good gear outfits, and a few individual pieces, but in the overall, good gear is in the majority.


Also, I am not really requesting appearance tabs, I never liked that solution, despite it's effectiveness. I like the idea of mod-able gear, if only there were more mod-able pieces. Also, I would love to see crafters have the option to choose the color scheme of the gear they make. Most pieces are limited to 2-4 colors on the actual piece, I would think that if they can implement a system where all your armor syncs to match your chest piece, that you should also be able to simply select the colors when you craft the piece.


Just my little armor wishlist, but hopefully they will do something, and sooner as opposed to later.


Also, thx for the feedback everyone!

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In this case, I agree. Your gear looks sweet, however, good looking gear for Imperials is hard to find. Especially on a PvP server, since at lvl 50, everyone from the same base class is stuck wearing the same looking gear. I am a SW, and I don't want to have to wear the droid look-a-like with spiked shoulders gear. But if I want the PvP gear, and the expertise, and the highest armor rating in the game, that's the suit I have to wear. I will admit, there are some good gear outfits, and a few individual pieces, but in the overall, good gear is in the majority.


Also, I am not really requesting appearance tabs, I never liked that solution, despite it's effectiveness. I like the idea of mod-able gear, if only there were more mod-able pieces. Also, I would love to see crafters have the option to choose the color scheme of the gear they make. Most pieces are limited to 2-4 colors on the actual piece, I would think that if they can implement a system where all your armor syncs to match your chest piece, that you should also be able to simply select the colors when you craft the piece.


Just my little armor wishlist, but hopefully they will do something, and sooner as opposed to later.


Also, thx for the feedback everyone!


Fellow Port Nowherian! I am on the same server as you ! :D


i personally love the way my maurader looks, and i think most of the other classes look cool too, although imperial agent does look rather lame in comparison to others i agree with you there

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