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The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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But guys, there are literally billions of armor sets on their "wall of crazy!" or whatever.

most of which aren't in the game


You won't need appearance tabs, with the mod system!

that only applies to a fraction of models/items.


With the social armor, you'll be able to get neat unique costumes and make them as strong as you want!

Unless you don't wear light armor...and you have to party up 24/7 and grind FPs just to reach the stupidly high ranks needed for anything past coruscant


...Dozens of lightsaber colors!

nine, but only four aren't a pain in the *** to get

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Let me first thank you magnuskn for making this post. I am an avid fan of appearance tabs in role playing games. I was an active supporter of the "Appearance tab" threads which were found in the official WoW forums for years. It took a while for the developers of that game to understand how fun this feature can be, not everything in a MMO has to involve killing something in order to have fun.


My hope is to have an Appearance Tab feature (by whatever name it is given) in SWTOR. The devs here have a great advantage because there are several games out there already with different types of Appearance Tabs, they can either modify an existing one or take one that already exists and put it in SWTOR.

Lotro (Cosmetic Tab)

Champion Online


Aion (unique system)

WoW (Transmog)

Global Agenda

Dragon Nest

Age of Conan


All these allow the players the freedom to make their characters look how they want them to look.


In the WoW forums the Appearance Tab thread existed for years and it was always met with lots of opposition. People claimed that to invest time in adding this feature would take away resources for creating "new content". But now that it is in WoW i do not see anyone complaining. I do not know anyone who does not use it. At the very least, it has given a completely new dimension to a game that is already 7 years old. Just a few days ago i read about a player who made a million gold in a few days by buying and selling gear that can be used in the Appearance tab feature (Transmog).


Now i'll give credit where credit is due. The gear you can mod in SWTOR is nice but i am finding it very difficult to come by. I am level 29 and i have found more gear i like that cant be modified than gear that can.



It took WoW 7 years to get over their "silhouette" and "gear progression" ideas which are ridiculous. Be better Bioware, be better than those developers. Put in a real Appearance Tab feature. And while you're at it, toss in a dye system. Thank you.

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So much of the armor in this game is just so damn ugly. What happened to things like this http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a27/arod628/1.jpg

Were are the toggled hoods, hell just long hair would have been nice.


I have faith this will be fixed but it needs to be fast.... also fire the guy that approved the cow horns

Very good appaearance; So I take it from your post that it has been removed from the game? That does not sound good. at all.
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So much of the armor in this game is just so damn ugly. What happened to things like this http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a27/arod628/1.jpg

Were are the toggled hoods, hell just long hair would have been nice.


I have faith this will be fixed but it needs to be fast.... also fire the guy that approved the cow horns


I like the look of your example too and I think everyone feels there are many armors they don't like. I took the intended look of each class into my decision of what classes would I play so I haven't found myself tripping over that problem as much. I do feel like armor customization gets raised over more important avatar and color customization limitations because people don't like the specific styles as opposed to whether there is enough customization to be unique.


I don't think they can make the hoods togglable without them bumping head slot gear or making the item slot system more complex. The whole interplay of head/shoulder animation can be a bit tricky without eating up alot of bandwidth and is why things like lekku, long hair and hoods will always be a bit troublesome. It's all possible to do but the trick is keeping the game streamlined and frankly, they need to nail down some other parts of the code before they get into aesthetic issues like these.

Edited by Matte_Black
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I want my appearance and my stats completely separate.




Why do developers lock us into (potentially) ugly outfits? There is zero benefit and negative player satisfaction for doing so.


How I want to look : http://www.bitter-pill.net/images/swtor_pilot.png


How the game wants me to look : http://www.bitter-pill.net/images/swtor_pve.png


Le Sigh.

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Hey all, saw somebody on the forums saying that the devs plan to make the endgame gear moddable so that the BiS mods as well as set bonuses can be moved to whatever moddable armor the players want. Anyone can confirm this?




It took BLizzard 6 years to add an appearance tab system, let's hope BW know how important it is.


And yet they still didnt do it right. They're still not allowing people with legendary weapons to use them as skins... so their legendary loot is still useless and people still keep them stored in guild banks hoping for Blizzard to bend...

Edited by Zangaboing
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My favorite "appearance tab" feature in a game is from Lord of the Rings Online. Allows you to change every visible piece of armor. Unfortunately it lacks the ability to change the aapearnce of weapons/shields. In this aspect I have to say WoWs version is better. Transmog is a very good system, not at all ground breaking but a feature like an appearance tab doesn't need to be. It very simply has to allow me to change the appearance of my gear.


Let me say again that I like the idea of gear that can be modified, I use it on my now lvl 31 trooper but it is not good enough. They are rare and often of a style I do not like. Compared to an appearance tab feature this current modification armor feature is terrible.


Please add this Bioware.

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Hey all, saw somebody on the forums saying that the devs plan to make the endgame gear moddable so that the BiS mods as well as set bonuses can be moved to whatever moddable armor the players want. Anyone can confirm this?






And yet they still didnt do it right. They're still not allowing people with legendary weapons to use them as skins... so their legendary loot is still useless and people still keep them stored in guild banks hoping for Blizzard to bend...



This is true. They are going to make the purple gear fully modable, meaning mods can be added/removed, but will add a "slot" requirement on the key mod of the item. Basically, if you pull the armor mod out of your end-game purple boot, it will only be able to be put into another boot. This is to keep people from farming boots and gearing out their entire set of orange gear off of those mods.

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I support this.


Character Customization adds a lot of depth to the game. I for one, thoroughly enjoy developing a theme for my characters. Being that one of Star Wars major features is its story, I would like to see more immersion capability added by enhancing character customization, with gear and other accessories.


I also would enjoy seeing visual customization for my Space Ship. Paint jobs and the like, would be a small, but none the less nice bit of polish.

Edited by Verikon
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Character Customization adds a lot of depth to the game. I for one, thoroughly enjoy developing a theme for my characters. Being that one of Star Wars major features is its story, I would like to see more immersion capability added by enhancing character customization, with gear and other accessories.


You said it right there. Preach on =)

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Ok levelled to 50.. I like the modding system.


But serious problems with social armour and still clones when raiding.


we need an appearance tab IMO. Maybe have this unlock with a legacy just for lvl 50 characters would add to the game rather than detract from it

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One cosmetic isue I have deals with Cyborgs I would like to have made a Pure Blooded Sith Cyborg, but it appears that only humans can be cyborgs. According to lore etc this is vastly incorrect. I would love for them to implement the option to make cyborgs of other races. This fo the most part will only be a cosmetic thing. If or when this is implemented I pray I do not have to create a new character to do it.


Also, one thing in game that should be changed if they are changing the way orange gear works or endgame gear anyway. Such as being able to transfer mods and set bonuses. I feel that they should make all orange gear able to be augmented. Otherwise the only point of this would be for cosmetic purposes, and players will still be forced to wear endgame gear. i say this because from what I understand only orange weapons can crit when being created. Pleease respond with your thoughts anyone.

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/signed. I really don't understand why they didn't just build this into the game. It can't be that difficult to add another slot to your armor just for appearance. I would love this, because I'm a lvl 31 jedi shadow and I can't stand this weird looking armor I have. Mostly because my lower robes look NOTHING like my upper body armor and it's just an eye sore. Anyway, I think they should include this in the next update if not sooner, but that's just my opinion. Edited by C-Dazzle
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/signed. I really don't understand why they didn't just build this into the game. It can't be that difficult to add another slot to your armor just for appearance. I would love this, because I'm a lvl 31 jedi shadow and I can't stand this weird looking armor I have. Mostly because my lower robes look NOTHING like my upper body armor and it's just an eye sore. Anyway, I think they should include this in the next update if not sooner, but that's just my opinion.


They intentionally avoided appearance tabs, it does not appear to have been a matter of the effort or ability to include it.

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Both games I've played most (i.e. for the longest) have had a lot of customisation. Perfect World and LOTRO had fashion or cosmetic appearance slots, plus dyes to dye them. They add immersion in your character, and enjoying hanging out in your latest gear, plus a lot of longevity of play meta gaming either doing instances where the right looking gear drops, or grinding materials to make the clothing and the dyes.


In LOTRO this was a major attraction for the levelling the relevant crafting skill to makes dyes so introducing this could have a knock-on effect in revitalising a crafting skill here. It's very frustrating all the trousers are grey or brown, I'm wearing red trousers from Fleet and I hope no one complains I'm too squishy because I'm wearing light armour.


As mentioned by others the option to show/not show headgear and hoods for the player and companions is key.


Secondly cloaks. After a certain number of levels all the 'orange' gear seems to come with capes/cloaks/greatcoats. There are some nice tops but all you see is the ugly cloak when you're running around! It would be great to be able to toggle capes off.


My concern on graphics is a lot of the clothing seems very shiny. I know some are called plastifibre or some such but really a lot look weird.


Thirdly the level of detail on your own outfit seems really low. I wear a smuggler eyepatch which is really blocky pixels and looks very unfinished.


As a smuggler I'm crouching a lot in cover - the cloak doesn't gather in a heap on the floor at all, it seems to just go through the floor and get cut off by ground level. Maybe because it's plascticy!


Finally the preview window is very small and very low res and seems a bit amateur. Trousers just look like they have smudges on rather than detail or trim. It doesn't show blasters at all.

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