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Nightlife event 2020 rewards


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With summer closing in i was wondering if we might get new rewards+achievments from the casino once Nightlife event is running again. Since 2014 there wasnt much change in rewards for first few years but lately it picked up and we got some nice interesting stuff. So will there be any new rewards coming?
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Probably at least something (new companion and new mount as the grand attractions), with the previous stuff moving to the vendors, as it was last year with the Rodian companion as the new one, and the Gammorrean (?sp) Guard from before moving to the vendor.


But no guarantees - I'm just Some Dude On The Internet, so my blitherings are guesswork at the best of times.

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Probably at least something (new companion and new mount as the grand attractions), with the previous stuff moving to the vendors, as it was last year with the Rodian companion as the new one, and the Gammorrean (?sp) Guard from before moving to the vendor.


But no guarantees - I'm just Some Dude On The Internet, so my blitherings are guesswork at the best of times.


I seem to remember a post that said they were working on new rewards for it.

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Probably at least something (new companion and new mount as the grand attractions), with the previous stuff moving to the vendors, as it was last year with the Rodian companion as the new one, and the Gammorrean (?sp) Guard from before moving to the vendor.


But no guarantees - I'm just Some Dude On The Internet, so my blitherings are guesswork at the best of times.


Be nice to get a new comp, at least for me.

Was not the Gammorrian the top prize two years in a row before it was replaced by the Rodian, and got moved down to buy with GC. Just asking as the Rodian might be two years as well.

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Be nice to get a new comp, at least for me.

Was not the Gammorrian the top prize two years in a row before it was replaced by the Rodian, and got moved down to buy with GC. Just asking as the Rodian might be two years as well.

It was. We'll see, I guess. And of course the COVID situation doesn't help things at all.

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Probably at least something (new companion and new mount as the grand attractions), with the previous stuff moving to the vendors, as it was last year with the Rodian companion as the new one, and the Gammorrean (?sp) Guard from before moving to the vendor.


But no guarantees - I'm just Some Dude On The Internet, so my blitherings are guesswork at the best of times.


They posted vaguely on this in the Upcoming Releases thread seen here. Look in the 6.2 update section.

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After years of being both puzzled and flummoxed at the lack of SWTOR devs updating vendors I have no expectations. Kind of sad because F2P games like Destiny really draw a crowd in we a new Exotic weapon, Title, Armor, & Mount.


But what they really really do that brings people in is they limit the shelf life of an item meaning you don't know if they'll ever be back in a years time or not.

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Yet they are still creating a whole new event based around swoop bike racing gangs.


it was probably in the works before hand, and either had the voice work done, or it only needed a little done, and who ever was doing it had a home studio. /shrug

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They posted vaguely on this in the Upcoming Releases thread seen here. Look in the 6.2 update section.

That's almost vague enough for it to be "an exciting new random reskinned astromech droid with choices that matter" (er, did I hit all the badmemes?)...


More seriously, it will be interesting to see what it ends up being, but I'm disinclined to hope for anything specific.

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seems some swoop bike quests on dantooine, tatooine and onderon will be granting casino tokens as reward, saw some pics from pts today.


update: scratch that, just same icon, but different currency.

Edited by Darittha
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