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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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i think this thread has devolved into "i just want to complain and vent about my dislike about the new conquest additions that brings more to the table". just let people have fun...



I highlight various aspects of the new system that feel either unbalanced or downright broken. You don't seem to be willing to participate in that conversation at all. You fill two threads with " its fantastic!" without having any kind of conversation about points underlining flaws and irrationalities within the system.



"Just let people have fun"

Well, if fun of people is tied to their ability to pull obscene amounts of conquest real fast from content they like doing, howbout the fun of people doing pvp,grp content or gsf? This stuff got nerfed. While adding 15k from a single heroic mission, 10k from giving 6 gifts to a companion, etc, they were actually nice enough to nerf conq coming in from pvp.




Howcome people who do content that requires other people don't get to have this same fun? Why is your idea of fun exclusively mostly present on enial fleet stuff or some of the most straightforward solo content available?*

Edited by Stradlin
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This is how conquest is going to be now . It's meant to be a part of the game, not just some afterthought anymore. Which is great, because i dont need every thing in an mmo to be this big challenge. I dont' need to conquest to be like an operation. I want it to be incorporated into the game so I can come home from work, hop on..play the game how I want, have more options to do things, have fun with my guild and others, and that's that. not EVERYTHING has to be this big challenge or competition.


Nope, they will mess with conquest again, they can't help themselves. It's actually "supposed" to be the only non-pvp competition in the game.

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Nope, they will mess with conquest again, they can't help themselves. It's actually "supposed" to be the only non-pvp competition in the game.


Yeah.This aspect of conquest..and encouraging people to do a wide variety of content that involves other people is so very present in the DNA of the system. It feels like they overwrote it with something entirely different. When it comes to conq you earn from fleet, it is essentially closer to a system offering a daily log in reward rather than being an ""update" to conquest. I'd be fine with daily log in rewards..Just don't overwrite and break conquest for it.


Just give people free matrixes if that's what this is all about. Just don't make a mess out of conquest.

Edited by Stradlin
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Which is right:


A) It is a good thing that menial tasks and extremely straightforward content is far faster and more efficient conquest than group content.

B) It would be a good thing if group content and challenging single player content (Master mode chapters etc) were equal conquest with menial tasks and straightforward solo content.


Well, based on you and just one or two others complaining, and everyone else being broadly happy I'd have to say A).




All The Best

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Well, based on you and just one or two others complaining, and everyone else being broadly happy I'd have to say A).




All The Best


Don't you feel at least a little bit strange or selfish if you find yourself considering it a GOOD thing your fellow players got screwed over? People doing multiplayer content in multiplayer game get inferior rewards than people doing menial tasks. Why does this feel right to you? I thought folks wanted conq that makes varius playstules equally relevant in earning it? It isn't the case.



based on you and just one or two others complaining,

There's been quite a few more in this thread alone. However, you absolutely are onto something here...


..People, please read the post I'm answering here and don't hold your silence if stuff like this strikes as bit off. In terms of conquest, content that requires other people to happen is getting shafted hard. If you like earnign conquest via grp content, please make your voice heard.

Edited by Stradlin
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Not that I care what happens to the cq or anything but from what I can see people who are nobodies, can't kill nothing but trash, can't do anything but story because they are that bad really happy about these changes because now they feel rewarded. And people who actually wants this game to live to its potential disliked it.


To the people who says 'uuuu mmo doesn't mean group content' yes it does, and numbers shows that heavily. Look at WoW, Ffxiv sub numbers and look at swtor. It's not even 100/1 it's more like 10.000/1. So just story isn't enough for an MMO. And both wow/ffxiv has much more story content in this game so jokes on you.


I really agree with one comment tough, just put a button that spamming cq points. Problem solved. And again people will say 'it's my way of play, don't tox'. You are a joke. Keep killing trash in starter planets, that's the maximum you can kill in this game nothing more.


Good changes, carry on, buff the trash selling, déco putting tough, it's my way of play, don't be elitist and don't be toxic.



Most messed up bit in this thread is the persistent implication that conquest had been some exclusive, hard to catch elitist "end game thing" previously. Notable majority of content it encuraged was extremely accessible. People here keep calling the former conq. system as "end game". I was huge fan of conquest. Yet, I've not done any content traditionally considered as " end game" in TOR in 5 years. I used to bring 5-12 chars to target each week. Not single one of those characters ever happened due to ranked pvp or vet/hard mode ops.

Edited by Stradlin
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i think this thread has devolved into "i just want to complain and vent about my dislike about the new conquest additions that brings more to the table". just let people have fun...


Dude, who are you seriously? What did you clear so far, except for your room maybe? Like seriously I know that you know nothing about the class or the game not even gonna ask but like how many cq achievment do you have since the topic is cq? Why the op or the others can't suggest or state something they don't like and we need to 'deal with it'

Tell us why you are the expert on cq and we all should listen to you?


Link your conqurer achievements if that is more than mine I'm not gonna say anything about cq anymore. If not you are just gonna shut up, deal?


For other people, I got 500k+ points on leveling a toon for 1-75. On, one toon i finished a cq on 5 on total it finished 25+ toons which I don't even do anything special. Are you seriously suggesting that one toon should be able to cap small yield by his own on mere of three hours of leveling? People got capped with 60 toon in mere 3 days. That's also normal I guess?



Don't worry bioware will keep listening you, so you can feel superior killing trash and getting rewards. You may even think that you are sooo good in this game. Keep on carrying.


P.S. STILL THE BEST SUGGESTION IN THIS THREAD IS MAKING A BUTTON THAT SPAM CQ POINTS. I didnt see single valid argument that why is that bad thing?

Edited by lord-angelus
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People, please read the post I'm answering here and don't hold your silence if stuff like this strikes as bit off. In terms of conquest, content that requires other people to happen is getting shafted hard. If you like earnign conquest via grp content, please make your voice heard.


Don't reply to trolls.

Don't argue with trolls.

These ppl (like person you're reply to) are paid for pretending to be alternatively rational on forums, praising anything BW does even absolutely insane things like this conquest overhaul.

Anyone unbiased can see that this is a catastrophe.

Edited by Kraysk
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P.S. STILL THE BEST SUGGESTION IN THIS THREAD IS MAKING A BUTTON THAT SPAM CQ POINTS. I didnt see single valid argument that why is that bad thing?


Sadly it has kinda gone past a mere suggestion. Open paperdoll, reroll amplifier stuff on your gear and earn fast easy 5k conquest every day. Takes 5 seconds. Its about 4 times more conq than you get from losing a pvp/gsf match.

Edited by Stradlin
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These ppl (like person you're reply to) are paid for pretending to be alternatively rational on forums, praising anything BW does


Given my posting record here of being, generally, hyper-critical of Bioware your comment is laughable, and shows you've made no attempt to understand the issue.


All The Best

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Don't you feel at least a little bit strange or selfish


Not as selfish as you.


You are saying "only my content should get CQ points".

I am saying "ALL content should get CQ points".


I'll let other, unbiased forum members decide which of those positions is most selfish.


All The Best

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Dude, who are you seriously? What did you clear so far, except for your room maybe?


How is that even relevant?

Oh... ...wait... ...it isn't.


The point of this and previous Conquest revamps was to make it MORE INCLUSIVE, and more rewarding FOR ALL PLAYERS.


Not just some elitist minority.


All The Best

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Its about 4 times more conq than you get from losing a pvp/gsf match.



You shouldn't get anything.


Your whole argument is based about not handing CQ points out for menial tasks; losing is a menial task.

Damn, your argument isn't even internally coherent... ...well done.


All The Best

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These ppl (like person you're reply to) are paid for pretending to be alternatively rational on forums, praising anything BW does even absolutely insane things like this conquest overhaul.


Wait....wait a minute.....so the 80% of people who like the CQ changes are paid by BW? In that case where's my money, pony up or shut.....


Anyone unbiased can see that this is a catastrophe.


So basically, the minority who dislike the CQ changes are the only unbiased ones, but the majority are biased

No idea where you learned your logic, but you might want a refund.

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Not as selfish as you.


You are saying "only my content should get CQ points".

I am saying "ALL content should get CQ points".


I'll let other, unbiased forum members decide which of those positions is most selfish.


All The Best


And people are saying Since when TAKING A TAXI, SELLING A TRASH, RE ROLLİNG AMPS considered to be a content? You kill hardest boss in the game, 10k cq points, placing a deco relolling amps 10k cq points

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Not as selfish as you.


You are saying "only my content should get CQ points".

I am saying "ALL content should get CQ points".



All The Best


I lifted exact quotes from a post you just made and based my argument on that. You had to reduce yourself into a liar by doing some extremely crude paraphrasing and cramming stuff I never said between them """s. You just earlier made it clear how you consider it a good thing group content got shafted.It kinda contradicts this new " all content should get cq" bit. At least if you feel all content should get cq at somewhat equal rate. Any and all content that gives any xp at all hasn been conquest for 10 months now or so. Assuming that " equal" bit isn't an issue for you.



You shouldn't get anything.


Your whole argument is based about not handing CQ points out for menial tasks; losing is a menial task.

Damn, your argument isn't even internally coherent... ...well done.



Heh. On the other hand, according to you, conq should be so accessible that stuff so menial you can not even lose or fail in it deserves significant wealth of conquest at an insanely good rate. Yet, On the other hand, when it comes to actual matches and games between players, then its time to shift into your big boi pants and go full hardcore and refuse them conquest points from those who lost all together? That's..truly something else.


At any rate,whole point is kinda irrelevant: Win ONE pvp or GSF match a day and all the rest you do on any character has you stuck grinding infinitely repeatable that gives far more modest conq than it used to. You are seeing an increase of at least 300-400% or so in conq made. Yet, group content they actually NERFED.


Win a match and you get 7.5k. That's nice. Ofc, thats you being in match for 12-14 mins and earning less than you would get doing a very straightforward 2 minute lasting heroic mission. But still nice. Ever since then, you get 1300 points from a match. Win or lose. Clicking a button on your paperdoll gets you better conq. Couple of normal missions gets you better conq. Doing any heroic mission gets you better conq. Everything gets you more.

Edited by Stradlin
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Ok, since this thread seems to divulge into name calling and strawman now from both sides, I'm out. Just wanted to leave with the notion that as a proponent for the change I really tried to understand the reasoning for the resistance to the new mechanic beside the understandable concern that specific activities (hard mode flashpoints/operations, warzones) need some tuning compared to others. But I still think it is a good change for the majority, which I believe was the idea behind it.
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Conquest is now part of the game. There is no point comparing it to how conquest was before this patch now. Since it is NOW incorporated into gameplay, which it should have always been. Instead of us doing the same boring 10 or 12 missions every single damn week, we have MUCH MORE to do now that actually has a POINT to do. It's fun, it's awesome, it gets people active, and it encourages alts. I can tell you right now that EVERYBODY I talk in game absolutely loves it. It breathes new life into conquest and really spruces it up.


there is no hesitance to this. It's a handful of people on the forums that are complaining that they don't like this system due to reasons. They are comparing it to the previous way of conquest and how it was before this patch, but that is illogical and stupid to do. Because conquest is not like that anymore. it's NOW part of the game in a big way and not just some "oh lets do a few things....do i really want to? sigh..fml". you can get conquest for now PLAYING the game and having fun the way you want.


The WHOLE point of them saying "introducing play your way!" and it's bloody fantastic! Don't listen to any of these jokers that try to ruin everything else for everybody. They are bitter and don't really represent the community in game. They come onto the forums to cause a stir based on whatever is going on in their head, and they think because THEY DONT APPROVE, that bioware must listen and put conquest back to the way it was, or nerf tons of points across the board just to make them happy. Because in THEIR mind , "the old way was balanced".


It's best you steer clear of it now. Just have fun in game! I haven't come onto the forums in YEARS while playing this game because of the silly little mind games and arrogant people wanting to gaslight people or call people names. But I needed to come on here to show my support for conquest 100 percent. What they did has been absolutely amazing. THIS is what conquest should have been, always.


Thank you BioWare! Have fun all! :D

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I highlight various aspects of the new system that feel either unbalanced or downright broken. You don't seem to be willing to participate in that conversation at all. You fill two threads with " its fantastic!" without having any kind of conversation about points underlining flaws and irrationalities within the system.



"Just let people have fun"

Well, if fun of people is tied to their ability to pull obscene amounts of conquest real fast from content they like doing, howbout the fun of people doing pvp,grp content or gsf? This stuff got nerfed. While adding 15k from a single heroic mission, 10k from giving 6 gifts to a companion, etc, they were actually nice enough to nerf conq coming in from pvp.




Howcome people who do content that requires other people don't get to have this same fun? Why is your idea of fun exclusively mostly present on enial fleet stuff or some of the most straightforward solo content available?*


This is the way conquest will be now. Either deal with it , or don't do it. I think you just want to argue and have people agree with you.

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Conquest is now part of the game. There is no point comparing it to how conquest was before this patch now. Since it is NOW incorporated into gameplay, which it should have always been. Instead of us doing the same boring 10 or 12 missions every single damn week, we have MUCH MORE to do now that actually has a POINT to do. It's fun, it's awesome, it gets people active, and it encourages alts. I can tell you right now that EVERYBODY I talk in game absolutely loves it. It breathes new life into conquest and really spruces it up.



Conquest has always been exctremely inclusive. I haven't been doing anything considered end game in TOR in 5 years. Yet, I enjoyed conquest a great deal.


Once again, largest problem here has NOTHING TO DO with there being more and more varied conquest objectives. That's great and very welcome actually. Largest problem here isn't even the ridiculous notion of one being able to reach conq target every day in 10 mins now.Without leaving fleet.


Largest problem here is how CONTENT THAT NEEDS OTHER PEOPLE TO HAPPEN is VASTLY INFERIOR in terms of how much&fast conquest it brings when compared to some of the most straightforward solo stuff and utterly menial tasks like giving companions a gift or gaining 1 skill point in slicing.


None of them extrremely generous and easy of the new conquest objectives, such as selling garbage, clicking your gear or placing 5 deco are leaning towards grp content at all. By the looks of it, I'd say people are making 400% or so more conquest than they used to. Yet, some of the grp content actually got NERFED. (Infinitely repeatables, which are largely all that warzones or GSF have got conq made REDUCED) It is insane.

Edited by Stradlin
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Don't you feel at least a little bit strange or selfish if you find yourself considering it a GOOD thing your fellow players got screwed over? People doing multiplayer content in multiplayer game get inferior rewards than people doing menial tasks. Why does this feel right to you? I thought folks wanted conq that makes varius playstules equally relevant in earning it? It isn't the case.




There's been quite a few more in this thread alone. However, you absolutely are onto something here...


..People, please read the post I'm answering here and don't hold your silence if stuff like this strikes as bit off. In terms of conquest, content that requires other people to happen is getting shafted hard. If you like earnign conquest via grp content, please make your voice heard.


oh now you are playing the old game of "don't you feel you are doing ____ to people?" you are absolutely ridiculous in your claims. You just want people to argue. Also, you don't speak for the forum community or others when you say "don't feel bad you have screwed other players over?" That's how YOU feel. Stop making things it look like people feel you do as you twist the words and make it seem like you have more support than you actually do. You can't go around saying people got screwed over because that doesn't reflect on the forums or in the game. People are giving this nothing but praise in game AND on forums. It's you and a few others that don't like it for some reason.


I know you don't like the changes and you are VERY VERY against it. But this is the way it will be. Deal with it.

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Conquest has always been exctremely inclusive. I haven't been doing anything considered end game in TOR in 5 years. Yet, I enjoyed conquest a great deal.


Once again, largest problem here has NOTHING TO DO with there being more and more varied conquest objectives. That's great and very welcome actually. Largest problem here isn't even the ridiculous notion of one being able to reach conq target every day in 10 mins now.Without leaving fleet.


Largest problem here is how CONTENT THAT NEEDS OTHER PEOPLE TO HAPPEN is VASTLY INFERIOR in terms of how much&fast conquest it brings when compared to some of the most straightforward solo stuff and utterly menial tasks like giving companions a gift or gaining 1 skill point in slicing.


None of them extrremely generous and easy of the new conquest objectives, such as selling garbage, clicking your gear or placing 5 deco are leaning towards grp content at all. By the looks of it, I'd say people are making 400% or so more conquest than they used to. Yet, some of the grp content actually got NERFED. (Infinitely repeatables, which are largely all that warzones or GSF have got conq made REDUCED) It is insane.


at some point you either have to accept it, or just stay bitter and upset about it, stradlin. Stop trying to ruin other people's fun just because you don't like the change. BioWare did these additions so Conquest is actually something now. Not just some boring side quest activity like it was before. It was a yawn worthy system before, a borefest. ya snooze ya lose

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at some point you either have to accept it, or just stay bitter and upset about it, stradlin. Stop trying to ruin other people's fun just because you don't like the change. BioWare did these additions so Conquest is actually something now. Not just some boring side quest activity like it was before. It was a yawn worthy system before, a borefest. ya snooze ya lose


I promise you I will keep at this til BW fixes it.



Would ppl liking grp content getting conq at comparable rate to you somehow ruin your fun?


Your determined " this is the way it will be:):)" is kinda endearing:


Remember 10 months back or so, they made xp=conq a thing? Everybody earned tons of conquest so fast. BW considered this broken and adjusted it at launch of previous expansion. It became tougher for players and guilds to reach their target. Now, BW "fixed" thigs so people can bring one char to target in 10 mins, and some of the most hardcore people here are telling about bringing 30 characters to target. In one single week. Personal and guild conq targets are utterly irrelevant now.


Its great that there are more and more varied conq targets. It sucks almost none of them are for group content. Balance within the system is completely bonkers atm and I sure hope they fix it soon.

Edited by Stradlin
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Ok, since this thread seems to divulge into name calling and strawman now from both sides, I'm out. Just wanted to leave with the notion that as a proponent for the change I really tried to understand the reasoning for the resistance to the new mechanic beside the understandable concern that specific activities (hard mode flashpoints/operations, warzones) need some tuning compared to others. But I still think it is a good change for the majority, which I believe was the idea behind it.


The mods should have stepped in before now, so either we don't have any at the moment, or they just no longer care. I've been warned and banned for less than what these people are doing, if this keeps up all the decent players/people will be gone, and all that will be left are trolls, bigots, and idiots...basically DK chat when the kids are off :rolleyes:

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