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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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The goal Missions: Story Time is available every week so far. It's only available to level 10-49 and 50-70. At level 71+ it is replaced by a 1 per day chapter goal.


Ah, might explain why I didn't see it, was on a 75, who hadn't completed the class stories...lol.

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You're whole argument is based on what you get doing PvP & Gsf, as that is your preferred playstyle. So lets use your logic. My playstyle is just class stories, I love doing them, but if i was to rely on just class stories, who do you think would hit conquest first? Who would have to spend more time running things, just to get it. Does that mean, my points for story should be raised?



Well, first we'd have to figure out how far into "playstyle" you wanna zoom for them differences. When it comes to gameplay, how much does completing a normal mission usually differ from completing a class mission? Equation where somebody wants to earn conquest fast, loves doing class missions but refuses to do any normal missions sounds a bit off to me.


I think we can prolly agree that theres lots of people who want to earn sick, fast conquest in order to help themselves and their guild out, yeah? What valid methods are now available for these people? < - -Tis an important question that decides the directions where these people will look. We can prolly agree it is a motivation, even a playstyle of its own. If you are driven by this motivation, then any and all options besides spamming planetaries is excluded from the equation.


Secondly..Conq just got turned into a thing where you can easily get to target by spending 6 mins doing some of the most derpy and simplistic gameplay this game has to offer. Should class missions, too, be a valid route among others here? Why not! Let it rain from doors and windows some more. Place is already flooded so it truly don't matter. Conq target isn't a pursuit of any kind for an individual character actually chasing it anymore. Howbout a daily repeatable for completing last class story mission of each planet? Say, 50k.

Edited by Stradlin
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You do realize that PVP and GSF are a side bonus to what the game is actually about right?

200 million dollar MMO with so many different things to do. In general, it is a bit dangerous to start telling to other people which playstyles matter and which don't. Which are side activities and which aren't. "To which side activities can we afford to give some conq rewards?!" would be a valid argument to have in a situation where EA needs to literally mine Conquest, a rare limited natural resource, from a literal real world conquest mines and then decide to whom it should be distirbuted. What happened to conq in last patch implies they are done caring about conq targets for characters or guids. So why not ensure every type of playstyle, major, minor, gets comparable rewards here?


t what I or anyone else does to obtain their conquest has no effect on you same as what you do to obtain your points has no effect on me.

Have you thought about following this wisdom yourself? If my way to play this game would get elevated so it gives even ROUGHLY the same conquest comparaed to your way of playing this game, in what ways would it ruin your adventure?


I only have one character on one server in the entire game and we probably aren't even on the same server

No wonder if seems a bit pointless to you then. You have one character with his single 50k target to reach. You get there by sneezing. (10k daily repeatable,5k for wiping nose after. I checked.)There are now people who bring 30 characters to conq target within one week with ease. This mans they get 30x the rewards you get. Every week. For those, where and how fast they earn conquest - does- matter. People who want to earn this new sick conquest have one playstyle available. All others have been excluded. Would't it be nice for these people to have more playstyles available?

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Well, first we'd have to figure out how far into "playstyle" you wanna zoom for them differences. When it comes to gameplay, how much does completing a normal mission usually differ from completing a class mission? Equation where somebody wants to earn conquest fast, loves doing class missions but refuses to do any normal missions sounds a bit off to me.


You're playstyle is PvP & Gsf, mine is CLASS missions, why is that difficult to understand, not other mission, just class mission, you are focusing on what you like, why can't I? So by your logic, i have to do other mission, I can't just focus on class missions? Maybe just focusing on PvP is off? or Gsf? So it's ok to use YOUR logic when it only suits you? Guess we see that now.


I think we can prolly agree that theres lots of people who want to earn sick, fast conquest in order to help themselves and their guild out, yeah? What valid methods are now available for these people? < - -Tis an important question that decides the directions where these people will look. We can prolly agree it is a motivation, even a playstyle of its own. If you are driven by this motivation, then any and all options besides spamming planetaries is excluded from the equation.



Again, the point is, what does it matter to YOU how or why they earn their points, they are playing their way, they can earn them as they see fit. It doesn't impact you what so ever. All methods are valid, because they all get you points, the only difference is the time & amount, but you can earn points just as fast as these people by doing the extra missions in between POPS. If spamming heroics is their chosen playstyle, aren't they entitiled to do it,


Secondly..Conq just got turned into a thing where you can easily get to target by spending 6 mins doing some of the most derpy and simplistic gameplay this game has to offer. .


No, part of it is, not all of it, and those 6 mins is for 1 char, which you can avail of too, while waiting for the pop, other people doing it doesn't affect you. It doesn't matter if it's easy or not, some people like easy, some people like hard. Some people like peanut butter, some people like jelly, and ofcourse, some like both, should we exclude two groups, just because you only like one?


Should class missions, too, be a valid route among others here? Why not! .


Because how long will it take for you to start complaining over that? I mean if class mission start earning 50 k for completion, how long before you complain it's too much, and now pvp mission should have 800% points just to match it?



You're arguments are flawed, as the content you complain about is available to YOU, but you keep ignoring it. Also the content is only once a day. You actually have very little to compain about, it's obvious to most that you are arguing, just to argue, but it seems the mods are asleep, or maybe your friends, either way I've had my say, they'll do or not do what they usually do (or don't...lol)


One of the community managers should have stepped in long ago to sort this out, the fact that is has allowed to continue is a disgrace and is mocking this forum, and the decent people that actually post here

@EricMusco @CommunityTeam @DanielSteed

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Again, the point is, what does it matter to YOU how or why they earn their points, they are playing their way, they can earn them as they see fit.


When core of the argument is which activities make great conquest and which won't, it matters a great deal. Currently, all activities besides touring planetaries are excluded from the new conq system. What is or isn't your or my favorite activity changes this in no way.


I'll ask again:

In what way would your experience suffer or diminish, if my favorite activity gave as good and fast conquest as your favorite activity? You go on and on about how "they" should be allowed to earn as much conq as they please. Howcome this privilege is exclusively for planetary missions? Why exclude all other content from new conquest? In what way would your experience suffer or diminish, if my favorite activity gave as good and fast conquest as planetary missions do?


All methods are valid, because they all get you points, the only difference is the time & amount,

Hahah! Yeah I guess we disagree a tiny bit here!

"The only difference is work hours required and amount of salary given. " works grear IRL too.


but you can earn points just as fast as these people by doing the extra missions in between POPS. If spamming heroics is their chosen playstyle, aren't they entitiled to do it,

You absolutely fo not earn points as fast in such way. You've seen what one can get in 10 mins of planetaries. Why on earth would somebody who farms conq waste time on doing a pop of any other content? If we are talking about conq, which makes sense, since its topic of this thread and all, then doing anything except planetaries is waste of your time. This remains the case til you run out of..what, three dozen++ daily repeatables. By then, you've played for 3-4 hours straight. Might wanna call it a day.




Because how long will it take for you to start complaining over that? I mean if class mission start earning 50 k for

Part of your argument is imaginary situation in the future and imaginary compaints I make when you imagine this situation. ok. This as a response and reaction to bits where we could actually agree. (conq earned from your favorite acttivity. )ok.



You're arguments are flawed, as the content you complain about is available to YOU,

but you keep ignoring it. Also the content is only once a day. You actually have very little to compain about, it's obvious to most that you are arguing, just to argue, but it seems the mods are asleep, or maybe your friends, either way I've had my say, they'll do or not do what they usually do (or don't...lol)


Yeah it's pretty funny. I focus almost exclusively on game mechanics and stuff that appears to be imbalanced in a very obvious way. I point stuff out. Actually measure things. When asked for proof, I post screenshots and videos. But that is..flawed. You keep talking about mods and demanding wrong think gets a thread locked and all that.

When it comes to my arguments, I stick to game mechanics and stuff present in actual numbers almost exclusively. If you must, you can continue your discussion about me without me.

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You've never put down a clear argument, it has always changed, you've edited your first post a number of times.


So you could say... that OP's argument lost its shape and purpose...

Edited by Ylliarus
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So you could say... that OP's argument lost its shape and purpose...



I'm sure 99% of people checking the latest page will never want to read this entire swamp of a threat. But indeed, the newly tweaked OP is a pretty good summary of all the issues that have arosen.


You can make drive by quips about the headline or you could argue the points being made.

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You can make drive by quips about the headline or you could argue the points being made.


I tried arguing the points you made, numerous times, in several threads. But I think I'll have more luck in convincing a concrete wall to turn itself into a liquid, than reaching through to you. You simply won't listen to anything else other than your own heavily biased, severely flawed opinion. There's absolutely zero sense in trying to argue with you.

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I tried arguing the points you made, numerous times, in several threads. But I think I'll have more luck in convincing a concrete wall to turn itself into a liquid, than reaching through to you. You simply won't listen to anything else other than your own heavily biased, severely flawed opinion. There's absolutely zero sense in trying to argue with you.


All too often, so that the devs don't get a completely unwarranted and skewed opinion of what the greater base of players are doing or how they feel about a given game feature, and also so that the devs can see a truer picture, we must deconstruct, as so many people have labored to do here, the false, misleading, and conflated arguments of such posts as the one which started this thread (despite its many, many edits).


It is important that the devs acquire a clearer and broader perspective of what's going on than the falsehoods presented by such threads as this.


Had the original poster of this thread presented a fundamentally sound and principled argument, he would not have experienced the blowback he's received, maybe even would have received praise for a reasoned and well-thought out post, but when one's argument is based on phantom facts and an overreach of the truth, there is no sound argument to be made.


The result, as is so often the case with threads which originate as this one did, is a series of defensive, wandering arguments and unfocused rebuttals by the original poster, who feels compelled to charge on despite the many players whose shared, community-wide experience exposes the contents of the original post as solitary in nature, and certainly not any worthwhile foundation for the devs to implement changes in a given feature.


The original poster has the right to state his opinion.


We have the right to highlight to the dev team that the point he's trying to make is absolutely not shared in the minds of the rest of us.




to everyone who has shown the development team that the far broader community is not at all willing to sit down while players shovel out untruths and half-truths in the threads that they post, threads which, if acted upon by the devs, would result in harmful, deleterious, or at the very least, dismaying changes to any given feature...


thank you.


This particular thread has carried on far past the point where the devs need to see our contrariness to the original post, as I'm sure they've heard us by now, but the original poster is due his say, so we must remain energetic in letting the devs hear ours.

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, we must deconstruct, as so many people have labored to do here, the false, misleading, and conflated arguments of such posts as the one which started this thread (despite its many, many edits).

Alright, let's do some deconstructing then. Just so we are clear on where you stand:



Should new conquest system exclude all playstyles besides planetary heroics as it does now?


Would it somehow bother you if other playstyles (PvP, GSF, FPs to name a few) were roughly comparable in conquest they earn?



As it stands, conquest system in no way encourages content that requires other people to happen.



It is important that the devs acquire a clearer and broader perspective of what's going on than the falsehoods presented by such threads as this.

phantom facts and an overreach of the truth, there is no sound argument to be made.

Falsehoods such as? It'd help your argument a great deal if you..talked about points I have made a bit more and my posting on meta level a bit less. I post a video showing pretty badly played Sin earning 55k conq in 10 mins by doing planetaries. You post about my posting.


(Speaking of which,



so we must remain energetic in letting the devs hear ours.


And such voices they hear. You made quite a lenghty a post that almost exclusively discussed my posting on meta level and completely ignored any and all actual arguments I've made.


In general, I'm pointing out what appears as pretty significant mistakes or flaws in game balance. ( any and all other playstyles besides touring planetaries being excluded from the new conquest system) Why exactly should this be buried in praise and muted? What sort of a great victory is it for you if we are left with a new conq system that excludes every and any playstyle except soloing some planetaries?

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I recently subbed back up after taking a couple of months off and to see what's happened to Conquest is nothing short of laughable. At this point they might as well place a vendor on the fleet and allow people to purchase CQ points at the cost of a handful of credits...


The changes were obviously done to stem the tide of farming Ops trash, then of course you mix in the smaller guilds that were having a hard time hitting goal, the changes put into place were inevitable. This is about placating the masses, in other words, the almighty dollar.

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I recently subbed back up after taking a couple of months off and to see what's happened to Conquest is nothing short of laughable. At this point they might as well place a vendor on the fleet and allow people to purchase CQ points at the cost of a handful of credits...


The changes were obviously done to stem the tide of farming Ops trash, then of course you mix in the smaller guilds that were having a hard time hitting goal, the changes put into place were inevitable. This is about placating the masses, in other words, the almighty dollar.


Re: the boldened bits.

I think the pandemic has to have something to do with it. Devs suddenly had to start working in very unusual circumstances(like many others here) and many people in playerbase being bit too stressed or distracted to pay mind to stuff like test center in March of 2020. Understandably, lots of stuff got overlooked and underthought. And things such as " how much conq I can make by soloing planetaries" got tested by folks who RP walk around Voss in circles for 20 hours or somesuch.


To a degree, its fault of errybody who didn't show up in test center in March of 2020. Sadly I personally had muuch bigger worries back then. Each Conq upgrade is essentially devs poking around with something pretty over arching and complex. It is a pity they didn't bring in any big conq guilds in at testing stage. Staging some bit more..sponsored mock "race for the top spot "on test center would have done wonders in highligtning what actually is or isn't broken or lacking with this system.

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Alright, let's do some deconstructing then. Just so we are clear on where you stand:



Should new conquest system exclude all playstyles besides planetary heroics as it does now?


Would it somehow bother you if other playstyles (PvP, GSF, FPs to name a few) were roughly comparable in conquest they earn?



As it stands, conquest system in no way encourages content that requires other people to happen.




Falsehoods such as? It'd help your argument a great deal if you..talked about points I have made a bit more and my posting on meta level a bit less. I post a video showing pretty badly played Sin earning 55k conq in 10 mins by doing planetaries. You post about my posting.


(Speaking of which,





And such voices they hear. You made quite a lenghty a post that almost exclusively discussed my posting on meta level and completely ignored any and all actual arguments I've made.


In general, I'm pointing out what appears as pretty significant mistakes or flaws in game balance. ( any and all other playstyles besides touring planetaries being excluded from the new conquest system) Why exactly should this be buried in praise and muted? What sort of a great victory is it for you if we are left with a new conq system that excludes every and any playstyle except soloing some planetaries?


Stuff should rotate in and out, as it currently does. The next Conquest is Operations focused. I'm sure there's a schedule of what's upcoming somewhere, not that I'd know where, but since this current system is what, 3 weeks old, it's a bit soon to be panicking about "but my playstyle"...


If you're wondering why people might ignore your arguments, it may have something to do with snipping what they say out of context to try and distort or change what was actually said in an effort to support your agenda. You've done it to me personally, and I find it more than a bit ironic that you're now complaining about it? To be clear: You seem to believe that it's ok for you to ignore what other posters say, especially when it counters anything you believe, but then get indignant about people returning the favor?


You've tried to counter stuff with "well, you haven't played this long enough", but seriously, have you? It's only about 3 weeks old, today. I'm sure that extra 2 weeks has done wonders for your expertise over someone that's only played it for about a week... Except I'm not really seeing that reading through your posts. I am seeing a lot of "but everyone's going to do x instead of y", and a lot of stuff that led me to believe it's more about the GTN than anything else, but nothing that screams "my two extra weeks makes me an expert, and you're not qualified to comment because you've only been back a week"...

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Re: the boldened bits.

I think the pandemic has to have something to do with it. Devs suddenly had to start working in very unusual circumstances(like many others here) and many people in playerbase being bit too stressed or distracted to pay mind to stuff like test center in March of 2020. Understandably, lots of stuff got overlooked and underthought. And things such as " how much conq I can make by soloing planetaries" got tested by folks who RP walk around Voss in circles for 20 hours or somesuch.


To a degree, its fault of errybody who didn't show up in test center in March of 2020. Sadly I personally had muuch bigger worries back then. Each Conq upgrade is essentially devs poking around with something pretty over arching and complex. It is a pity they didn't bring in any big conq guilds in at testing stage. Staging some bit more..sponsored mock "race for the top spot "on test center would have done wonders in highligtning what actually is or isn't broken or lacking with this system.


No doubt most the points you hit on certainly play into it to some degree. It is what it is at this point. Although, when I peruse the leader boards and see certain guilds with nearly 200 million, there's something wrong. :eek: Once the double xp goes away it won't look as ridiculous as it does now I suppose...


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to everyone who has shown the development team that the far broader community is not at all willing to sit down while players shovel out untruths and half-truths in the threads that they post, threads which, if acted upon by the devs, would result in harmful, deleterious, or at the very least, dismaying changes to any given feature...


thank you.


This particular thread has carried on far past the point where the devs need to see our contrariness to the original post, as I'm sure they've heard us by now, but the original poster is due his say, so we must remain energetic in letting the devs hear ours.


I agree 100% :)

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Stuff should rotate in and out, as it currently does. The next Conquest is Operations focused. I'm sure there's a schedule of what's upcoming somewhere, not that I'd know where, but since this current system is what, 2 weeks old, it's a bit soon to be panicking about "but my playstyle"...


Its just thatt he most important aspect of this - doesn't rotate.- The meaty and meaningful parts of this new "improved" conq system are there every single week. Dozens of juicy targets all supporting the planetary mission grind. It looks like they're always there. Been there three weeks now. Test Center has brand new, completely unseen conq. event theme week going. Planetaries are up there as well. During these 3 weeks it has been up on live, the on- going actual " theme week" has been compeltely irrelevant. Example: Check Pirate Incursion right now. It doesn't exactly..stand out in any way this week in terms of rewards. Its planetaries, planetaries, planetaries. That's the real conquest event from now on dude. Every week.


to be clear: You seem to believe that it's ok for you to ignore what other posters say, especially when it counters anything you believe, but then get indignant about people returning the favor?

, I'm not gonna adress every single word in every single post. Generally speaking..talk about gameplay and I bet I'll reply. Your full unedited post is always like 10 inches upwards. Full context is always right there.


You've tried to counter stuff with "well, you haven't played this long enough", but seriously, have you?

Yeah I think we have. 3 different conq weeks live, 1 conq week on test. All 4 of these have the same insane planetary grind available for massive, fast and easty conquest. Come that 4th live week, I'd say we seen enough.No? Best way to earn conq. has remained exactly the same through all of these.


Did you see the video btw? You asked for it, I provided:)

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No doubt most the points you hit on certainly play into it to some degree. It is what it is at this point. Although, when I peruse the leader boards and see certain guilds with nearly 200 million, there's something wrong. :eek: Once the double xp goes away it won't look as ridiculous as it does now I suppose...



Double xp doesn't play a huge part here. Numbers will go down a bit. They won't go down much. ie you can check how much completing an objective gives you conq. Then compare that to how much conq xp+double xp gave on top of it. These are pretty irrelevant amounts.


Imo right now, the biggest issue is the downright broken disparity between various forms of gameplay and how much conq they tgive.

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Its just thatt he most important aspect of this - doesn't rotate.- The meaty and meaningful parts of this new "improved" conq system are there every single week. Dozens of juicy targets all supporting the planetary mission grind. It looks like they're always there. Been there three weeks now. Test Center has brand new, completely unseen conq. event theme week going. Planetaries are up there as well. During these 3 weeks it has been up on live, the on- going actual " theme week" has been compeltely irrelevant. Example: Check Pirate Incursion right now. It doesn't exactly..stand out in any way this week in terms of rewards. Its planetaries, planetaries, planetaries. That's the real conquest event from now on dude. Every week.



, I'm not gonna adress every single word in every single post. Generally speaking..talk about gameplay and I bet I'll reply. Your full unedited post is always like 10 inches upwards. Full context is always right there.



Yeah I think we have. 3 different conq weeks live, 1 conq week on test. All 4 of these have the same insane planetary grind available for massive, fast and easty conquest. Come that 4th live week, I'd say we seen enough.No? Best way to earn conq. has remained exactly the same through all of these.


Did you see the video btw? You asked for it, I provided:)


...and here we are again with you snipping out anything that may be "inconvenient"... At this stage, it's starting to border on trolling.

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Double xp doesn't play a huge part here. Numbers will go down a bit. They won't go down much. ie you can check how much completing an objective gives you conq. Then compare that to how much conq xp+double xp gave on top of it. These are pretty irrelevant amounts.


Imo right now, the biggest issue is the downright broken disparity between various forms of gameplay and how much conq they tgive.


I stand corrected. I had to actually look that up. Apparently double xp has nothing to do with Conquest Points. Zero.. lol Either way you slice it though, Conquest in its current form is nothing short of a joke. The fact I can remove something from my SH and immediately place it again five times and get 5k points displays a disconnect with the system as whole, and that's not including some of the other objectives. Whatever though. :D Again, just place a vendor on the fleet so people can buy the desired amounts...

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I stand corrected. I had to actually look that up. Apparently double xp has nothing to do with Conquest Points. Zero.. lol Either way you slice it though, Conquest in its current form is nothing short of a joke. The fact I can remove something from my SH and immediately place it again five times and get 5k points displays a disconnect with the system as whole, and that's not including some of the other objectives. Whatever though. :D Again, just place a vendor on the fleet so people can buy the desired amounts...


Yep. Double rewards doesn't include conq. Ofc, XP does bring little conq but it is drop in ocean with these new numbers..


Personal target for individual character isn't really a thing anymore. Basically, its " every day is your birthday" and people love it for now. I guess that isn't surprising.


What I DO find surprising is how everybody seems to love the notion of planetary grind being the only playstyle included. That 400% increase in conq earned you are seeing.. ALL of it comes from Garbage selling or deco placing tier or grinding soloable planetary missions. All -other- content been either nerfed(GSF and PvP) or left mostly as it were. (FPs, Ops)

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Yep. Double rewards doesn't include conq. Ofc, XP does bring little conq but it is drop in ocean with these new numbers..


Personal target for individual character isn't really a thing anymore. Basically, its " every day is your birthday" and people love it for now. I guess that isn't surprising.


What I DO find surprising is how everybody seems to love the notion of planetary grind being the only playstyle included. That 400% increase in conq earned you are seeing.. ALL of it comes from Garbage selling or deco placing tier or grinding soloable planetary missions. All -other- content been either nerfed(GSG and PvP) or left mostly as it were. (FPs, Ops)


And again you continue to ignore the fact that people do group up for those 'easy soloable' planetary missions and once again as I and others have stated when in a group whether it's for heroics, fp's, or ops you don't count as the whole group

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Yep. Double rewards doesn't include conq. Ofc, XP does bring little conq but it is drop in ocean with these new numbers..


Personal target for individual character isn't really a thing anymore. Basically, its " every day is your birthday" and people love it for now. I guess that isn't surprising.


What I DO find surprising is how everybody seems to love the notion of planetary grind being the only playstyle included. That 400% increase in conq earned you are seeing.. ALL of it comes from Garbage selling or deco placing tier or grinding soloable planetary missions. All -other- content been either nerfed(GSG and PvP) or left mostly as it were. (FPs, Ops)


Blatantly false. None of my characters made Conquest last week as a result of these things, especially the junk selling and SH decorating. In regard to the rest of it, welcome to how I've been making my Conquest since they changed it to where all earned xp was applied to Conquest. Pro tip: It's a bit late in the game to be complaining about that, it's been a thing for a good amount of time now.

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None of my characters made Conquest last week as a result of these things, especially the junk selling and SH decorating.


...I said that massive increase in conq made by people and guilds is explained via menial garbage seller tasks and Planetary missions. People make 300-400% more conq than they used to a month back, ok? You making just about as much conq now as you used to a year back does not explain a sudden 400% increase.



There are loads of ways for you to reach conq target. If discussion revolves around which activities bring efficient/fast conq and which don't, its not super relevant that you can idd bring a char to target by killing mobs for a few days. This is not about how ****you**** earn conquest for yourself. It is about comparing different playstyles and acitvities.


What do you ultimately wanna say man? Are you suggesting planetary mission grind is not awesome, fast conq? Are you saying it is, but it don't matter?


Did you watch the video btw? The one you asked for?

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There are loads of ways for you to reach conq target. If discussion revolves around which activities bring efficient/fast conq and which don't, its not super relevant that you can idd bring a char to target by killing mobs for a few days. This is not about how ****you**** earn conquest for yourself. It is about comparing different playstyles and acitvities.


What do you ultimately wanna say man? Are you suggesting planetary mission grind is not awesome, fast conq? Are you saying it is, but it don't matter?

It directly undercuts your "Gravity" assertion in the OP that just because something provides the fastest / most efficient means of getting conquest that people will gravitate towards it. While that may be true in some cases, I believe the effect is muted. Except for those guilds that truly are capable of winning a planet, points beyond your personal target / guild target are wasted. On my server, on normal conquest weeks that is like 3 - 6 guilds which probably equates to 2 - 3 thousand players which is probably an extremely small subset of the server population. The rest only care about meeting the target as points after that are useless because they have no chance to win a planet.


So yes, the change is largely irrelevant except that vast majority of people can meet conquest target however they want without tedious planning or coordination, while those who actual can conquer a planet do what they have always done, do the tasks that award points the fastest.


I'm not opposed to boosting the rewards for some activities like PvP or OPS / FP, but there are other considerations beyond time investment. For example, OPS and FPs also reward a lot more credits and gear compared to planetary missions and I think that needs to factor into the equation.


In any case, I've found that the changes have not significantly altered my group play. I still get conquest on my guilded toons via FPs. What has changed is that I play more overall, specifically my unguilded toons. On them, I do use the planetary missions to get conquest, so overall I'm more invested in the game which is a benefit to BioWare. If the changes to conquest had not been made, I'd be playing the same amount of group play as before at best or I would have canceled my sub at worst as the game was getting stale.

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