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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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Soloable missions give about 400% better/faster conquest than any grp based stuff!


^ - Would make a better/more urgent title for this post. - ^




Current Conquest patch introduced massive balancing issues. It excludes entire playstyles and breaks things.



Only the planetary mission runner makes great conquest now. New system excludes all other playstyles from the massive400% increase in conquest the mission runners make..




  • Extremely simplistic and straightforward low effort stuff that requires very little time and no other people is now much more efficient conquest than any group based content. Beyond these menial tasks, soloable planetary mission grind emerges as far better and more efficient way of earning conquest than anything else. GSF and PvP suffer the most. They've actually been -nerfed-. FPs and Ops, too, utterly pale in comparsion to planetary mission grind.



  • Planetary mission grind is a playstyle that has almost one hundred daily repeatable missions orbiting it. ( Max level character finished with storyline has 38 planetary missions and around 60 Slayer I&II missions available as conquest objectives. Every single day. Every single week.y No other activity has even 10% of such massive wealth of daily repeatables available! This pic should help driving the point across:
https://imgur.com/9GRp73o Note, only daily repeatables available every single week are included.



  • In practice, there are now two conquest systems available, Old and the new. Each is balanced entirely differently. Only planetary missions got included to the new system. This playstyle has up to one hundred daily repeatable objectioves available every day, every week. This playstyle can easily bring over 50k conq in 10 mins for you. All other playstyles simply got excluded from this new conquest. They don't have such huge wealth of new objectives available and they don't really earn more conq than they used to. On the contrary, PvP and GSF actually got nerfed in this regard.



  • Any content that gives fast&easy&plenty of conquest generates a ton of Gravity. People are drawn to this content. Generous conq reward elevates this content. It makes such content quite literally more rewarding. Currently, ONLY soloable planetary stuff, that in no way requires or benefits from popularity, generates tons of this Gravity. All of this content is always available for those who like doing it. Meanwhile, ALL of the content in TOR that requires other people to even happen currently generates none of this Gravity.




  • You can earn at least 35k conquest without even leaving the fleet. Every day. This being a very conservative estimate. Once you are done with fleet busywork , quikcly solo one of the two minute lasting planetary heroics. You have now reached your conq target.




  • Ignore these menial tasks (Garbage selling, gifts, etc) completely and focus exlusively on Planetary Missions. This way, you'll reach 54k conq or so within 10 mins with some ease.(Not an estimate, I tried and timed it.) After you've brought in 50k+ in 10 mins, switch another character and just continue doing heroic missions.In around 100 mins, you can easily bring four characters to conq target this way.




  • GSF and PvP in particular took serious hits. Patch that, overall, ensured people get 400% or so more conq than they used to actually NERFED conquest you get from GSF and PvP. One GSF match gives you 1500 points. Match lasts about 10 mins. Remember what also took 10 mins? Oh yeah, 54.000 conquest from doing some planetary missions, that's what. This imbalance is not about decimals. We don't speak of Acticity Y being 10.5% better or anything like that. Entire digits are missing.




- Bioware, please bring pvp, GSF, group content and challenging solo stuff to same level with menial tasks and straightforward solo content. Thanks to the recent patch, content that requires other people is now vastly inferior in bringing in conquest when compared to fleet busywork&planetary heroics. This is crazy.





Just how fast do you earn conq via planetary missions? How does it compare with all the rest?




Menial stuff and planetary missions Vs. all the rest.


Here is a video showing just how long it takes to earn 56k conq via Galactic Starfighter.

Stamp-sized vid covering chat window is me doing planetaries. That way I earned 57.000 conquest in 11 minutes. That video runs out just before 1st GSF match is over. Pure GSF brought 56k conq in 90 mins.

Full sized version of the stamp-vid is available on the same channel.


Summary of various things I've actually tried and timed. I'll post videos of these things eventually.


Do planetaries for 11 mins - 57.000 conquest.

Do daily menial tasks and one planetary mission in 4 mins - 50.000 conquest.

Do planetaries for 90 mins - 224.000 conquest.

Do a flashpoint. 30 mins. - B]20.000 conquest.[/b]

Do 8 matches of GSF in 90 mins - 56.000 conquest.


Trial Run I Planetaries for 11 mins.

150% SH bonus.

Sin in random 306 starter level gear. No set bonuses. 57.000 conquest in 10:55.

This isn't some perfect time attack run. Lots of mistakes along the way. I know which are the fast heroics, but I don't know which are optimal for this. I'm not very good at playing Sin. You can easily do a similar run bit faster than this.

Tour planetaries in fashion shown in the video and you can keep right at it without running out of content for two or three hours or so. Several hundreds of thousands of points of conq.


Suggestion: At least giver GSF and PvP many more daily repeatables. Put contet requiring other people to even happen in same BALLPARK with solable mission running at least . There are entire digits missing here.


Somebody doing a Warzone or a GSF match isn't necessarily even done with his match in 11 mins. That match is likely to give him something around 2-4k conq. Thats four digits. Somebody doing FPs to reach conq target isn't even halfway done with his run in 11 mins. Soloable missions for 11 mins? 57.000 conquest.


Trial Run II - Planetaries for 90 mins.

150% SH bonus. Tanking Sin in tank gear. ilvl 306. lvl 50 companion.


I spend 90 miutes doing planetaries just now. You know, ones I can do again every single day. Nothing else included in here either. No crafting, companion gifting etc. Just soloable planetary missions. 224.000 conquest earned in 90 minustes.

I did CZ weekly and half of Ossus weekly. On top of that, I did few missions from each of the vanilla planets. Didn't touch Makeb or any of the more recent stuff. Did many Slayer x 25 dings on planets mentioned. Did no Slayer x 50 dings. I'd have plenty of stuff to do today still, I just ran out of time. I could do some more planetaries til I ding those x 50s. I could do any and all of the content from Makeb and onwards. I could finish that Ossus weekly. Do Sextion X. Loads of this stuff is left. Most pvp and GSF matches give around 1600-4000 conquest. Four digits.


ITrial run III - Flashpoint

Random vet FP. 1st FP of the day so it comes with an additional grp finder mission ding. Dice lands on Boarding Party. We actually do a full clear (not all mobs, but all the missions, bonus boss) very good grp, no wipes, steamroll the place. Since its a full clear, its a bit slower than usual. Surely bonus boss and all those juicy 2x xp mobs give us tons of conq, right? Borarding party via grp finder with bonus missions complete and bonus boss killed? Bit under 20k conquest in 30 mins.



Do planetaries for 11 mins. 57k conquest.

Do daily menial tasks and one planetary mission in 4 mins. 50k conquest.

Do planetaries for 90 mins. 224.000 conquest.

Do a flashpoint. 30 mins. 20.000 conquest.



Also, did this!



From character creation screen to lvl 10 to fleet to conq target. You don't earn any conq til lvl 10. Total time played on the character, 31 minutes. None of this is some super optimized min maxing. Didn't even use DvsL gear. I don't know any super creative ways to speed lvl, Just did class story til 10 and went to get my conq target.






Diminishing returns





When completing conquest objectives, every playstyle has some diminishing returns involved if you stick to it for long enough. Ultimately, you might even run out of objectives to ding for that day all together. Example: You can easily make 57k in 11 mins via planetaries. Making 114k in 22 mins will be much harder due to daily heroic and daily bonus - objectives having already dinged. Planetary mission tourist has the option of literally speedrunning through content for at least 3-4 hours without running out of daily repeatable objectives. This playstyle has almost one hundred daily objectives available for it every day.Every week. In practice,almost everybody runs out of gaming hours available during that day before they run out of daily repeatable planetary objectives. Meanwhile, somebody doing pvp or GSF runs out of any and all daily repeatables witth 90 mins of gameplay.Also, notably, Socialite I and II, one of the very few daily repeatables any multiplayer content has -is shared- by all multiplayer content! If you spend one hour doing pvp and ding Socialite I and II, then you've just made Fps, Ops, GSF even worse conquest for you on that day. When it comes to Socialite dings, all multiplayer conent eats from the same shared table. Take diminishing returns into account whene valuating how good or bad conquest different playstyles are, and difference between planetary missions and all the rest appears even larger.







What this new conq system does to guilds?




. Closer look at 3 different guild types.

- Literal one man guild.

- Really small guild of close friends. Like 5-7 people.

- Large small guilds..and almost everything beyond


This patch was great for a literal one man show vanity guild. Person whose guild is his personal empty dollhouse to decorate is very happy now. It was possible to solo a guild to low yield target in the past. Just that it was a major undertaking and took lots of time. And we clearly don't like any of that in these parts. Now, its much easier and perfectly attainable within a week. With some extremely modest amount of gameplay, too. Doing the fleet janitor-- tier of this new conquest alone takes you like halfway there. For 4 mins of work/day. Heh. However, I guess you could say it still takes some work. It is a pursuit and an objective to chase.. so it feels rewarding for the one person doing his one person thing. At least for now.


However, everything that one man show can do in a week turned, as a pursuit, utterly irrelevant for the guild that is 5 riends doing their thing. They do in a day what took a week from the one man guild. Which is fine for these 5 people - they can now do mid yield ..or even high yield, if they're a bit hardcore and just love running planetary daily missions every single day. Patch is great for this 5 friends guild, too. They likely have new goals now, too. They're busy with medium (or even high) yield. It makes an actual pursuit for them and feels rewarding to reach. At least for now. Good for them.


Here is where things start falling apart. Howbout that 30 or 50 person guild though? Or that 200+ person guild? Everything 5-7 people can do in a week is an utterly irrelevant goal for 50-70 people. For so many of these guilds, reaching high yield target was the "victory" each week. Up until previous patch, thousands of people belonged in guilds where high yield target made an actual pursuit. Guilds where reaching it was neither easy enough to be irrelevant nor hard enough to be "too hard" or hopeless. For people in these guilds, ensuring guild made it to target was rewarding, annoying, fun, exciting, stressing, interesting. For thousdands of people, it was a THING. For all these people, this pursuit got erased. It got turened into nothing. Guilds that made something like 7-10 mil conquest pre-patch can reach high yield target in a 24-36 hours now.



So..more attainable goals for the one man vanity guild. New meaningful pursuits for a super small five close friends-guild. Less meaningful goals to reach for a 50 person guild. Or 200 person guild. Ah well, at least there is fight for winning them planets...


...There are very few large guilds on each server who fight for winning planets consistently. Or inconsistently. After last big merges, there are too few planets available and quite a few very well ran conq guilds. Since mostly, you only have 3 planets, something like 6-7 actual huge conq guilds is " too many". As a result, there are loads of large guilds on each server to whom reaching high yield was the " victory". To all of these guilds,to thousands of people,reaching high yield is no longer a relevant pursuit. It is nothing now.


Gaining levels is very important for every guild who is pre-64. In this new wonderful system, every living guild dings levels super fast. a large small guild (lets say 12-15 regulars) makes something like 10 levels a week now. Guild level is turning from a long term goal into something you can soft-cap in a month or something.(Soft cap=reach 64, nothing left to unlock) A small large guild also reaches the xp cap weekly. Ie, this small guild makes as much xp/week as largest and busiest conq farmer guilds in the world.


Besides low,mid and high yield targets turning into a joke, the long term goal of leveling the guild got turned into a short term goal. It was great when game&game mechanics gave growing/living guilds some long term goals.


Depending on which character you use, doing the menial garbage- tier objectives (gifting, crafting, deco,sell trash etc) bring like 35-45k conquest in 4-5 mins. Play 5 mins every day and do nothing but this stuff. That's 50% what a GUILD needs to reach low yield target that week.






Original OP below. it hasn't aged well: I wrote it before I had even noticed how BW had actually - nerfed- conquest you get from GSF and PvP..in a patch that increases overall conq earned by 400%! I stand behind the (entirely subjective) PoV given in old Op. However, people love getting stuff with ease much more than I love trying to explain what I feel got lost in the process. Considering what happened to GSF/PvP, and to lesser degree all grp content in general, we got some huge issues here that I feel are almost undeniably in an urgent need of a a fix.


Should reaching conquest target be something you can do in 10 mins without even leaving the fleet? OK, sure! For purposes of the conversation we can all agree this is actually just awesome. When it comes to earning conquest, please make sure content that needs other people to happen doesn't underperform in such drastic way when compared to extremely straightforward content. You actually nerfed conq coming in from pvp and gsf. In a patch where you made it possible to reach conquest target in 10 mins without even leaving theleet. Every day. People in general make like 400% more conq than they used to. Yet, pvp and gsf got nerfed. Please look into this a bit BW.










Conquest used to be a mechanic that encourages one to look into content you do with or against other people. You know, the MMO -portion in MMORPG. It was absolutely doable (well, on most weeks) to reach conquest target only by focusing on soloable content. However, if you wanted the most ouf of it, you'd be better off entering queue or asking some guildies to run some content with you. I think this is just about how it should have been.


Granted, previous conq nerf took bit too much away from soloable bits. This next patch goes all the way to other extreme. It is completely ridiculous. 5k conq for selliing vendor junk? 5k conq for giving a gift for your companion. 5k conq for having a companion level up. 5k conq for doing 5 crew skill missions. Selling literal vendor trash with your companion is more rewarding than losing a GSF/pvp match.


This is insane. It removes any shape and form from conquest. It is basically as " exciting" or " special" as earning xp. Now, conquest rewards huge variety of simple and straightforward low effort content. In doing so, it encourages and lures people away from group based high effort content.




Give few gifts to your companions. Sell vendor trash. Send 5 companions to do crew skill stuff. Do this today and tomorrow..and you are at conq target. ***??



When you think of conq nerf made around release of last epxansion and this particular.."""adjustment""" it sums up into such a bat sith insane track record. Completely random swinging back and forth instead od developing the system in any consistent way.


Do you want people to make five bazillion conq with massive ease, thus ensuring all of the rewards for it have their prices hitting floor hard? Do you want it to encourage group content, make queues more lively and so on or don't you? Do you want straightforward low effort content be all it takes to earn conquest or not? BW changes their answers with each conquest """fix"""" they do. It is quite frustrating. Conq is a cool mehcanic but it doesn't really move forward. it swings back and forth. In current state, it feels as relevant and exciting as slegacy xp.


Losing GSF match is less conquest than selling vendor junk. lol

Edited by Stradlin
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Conquest used to be a mechanic that encourages one to look into content you do with or against other people.l


Your premise is wrong from the very first sentence.


The purpose of conquest depends on what you want out of it. A guild wanting to level will have one purpose for conquest. An individual wishing to complete the personal goal has another.


To limit the scope of conquest to your opening sentence is of course to invite disappointment.

Can't feel for you on that one. Conquest is broader than your premise.

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When it comes to conq earned, grouping up with your guildies isn't as rewearding or efficient as selling vendor junk and giving gifts for your companions. For a long while, queues to WZs, GSF (and to some degree FPs) owed big portion of their..vitality to conquest. Now, sending 5 companions to crew skill missions replaces stepping in a queue yourself.
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The purpose of conquest depends on what you want out of it. A guild wanting to level will have one purpose for conquest. An individual wishing to complete the personal goal has another.


Conquest is broader than your premise.


Well now, that most certainly is the case now. Earning conquest is about as exciting or special or relevant as earning legacy xp. When it comes to how it used to be for past 18 months or so.. well, what gave conquest, how much and how efficiently speaks against your suggestions here, not mine. Conquest encouraged and rewarded those who wanted to do stuff with and/or against other people. It rewrded those who wanted to deal with MMO bits of the game. Since MMO bits of the game need other people to work, said aspects of the game were better for it. (queues) Now stuff that requires grouping or queuing gets to compete with some extremely straightforward stuff you do solo..or by sending your companion to do some missions. So yeah, now "scope of conquest" truly is broader than my premise. So broad there is no shape or form or a picture anymore. It is as meaningful as legaxy xp.


Recalibrating an amplifier is now more rewarding than losing a Warzone match.

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When it comes to conq earned, grouping up with your guildies isn't as rewearding or efficient as selling vendor junk and giving gifts for your companions. For a long while, queues to WZs, GSF (and to some degree FPs) owed big portion of their..vitality to conquest. Now, sending 5 companions to crew skill missions replaces stepping in a queue yourself.


You are all over the place as far as trying to make a point.

There are plenty of people for months if not longer who've come to these boards to post just how limiting conquest is for them.


Now that conquest has been shot wide open with tons of opportunities for people of all stripes, guild sizes, and play stiles to acquire conquest points, you come on board and complain, in so many words, that it's too easy.


Bioware can't make everyone happy. I don't believe it's ever made everyone happy. But I bet you'll find more people impressed than disgusted that there's now more choices available to complete conquest.

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Conquest encouraged and rewarded those who wanted to do stuff with and/or against other people.


Still wrong on your premise.


Conquest also rewarded soloers. I could hit my 50K without tripping over another soul in the game.

Now it's just that much easier.

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There are plenty of people for months if not longer whove come to these boards to post just how limiting conquest is for them.


Now that conquest has been shot wide open with tons of opportunities for people of all stripes, guild sizes, and play stiles to acquire conquest points, you come on board and complain, in so many words, that it's too easy.





We can skip subjective bits and stick to whats objective and undeniable: This change makes reaching conquest target and playing the game with conquest in mind much more simple and straightforward. It is one step away from giving people a button in feet to press to earn conquest. Come to think of it, less than one step really. I¨'m halfway to target without leaving fleet. By doing daily brepeatables with companions. Conquest turned extremely straightforward. I challenge you to find somethign to disagree from this paragraph.


Bioware can't make everyone happy. I don't believe it's ever made everyone happy. But I bet you'll find more people impressed than disgusted that there's now more choices available to complete conquest.


Yeah, I think there are plenty of examples of players being their worst enemies sometimes. If there were that literal button for conquest in fleet ( press it to earn 20k. works once/day) it'd be very popular among players. Do you think it'd be good game design or beneficial for the game? I wish this example were me overstating and exaggerating to make a point..but not really. Daily repeatables for your companions kinda count as that button. Will people love it? I guess! It totally " lets folks achieve conquest by playing their way" With " their way" being the easiest, fastest and most comfortable route available. " tons of opportunities" you speak of amounts to giving companion gifts for a few days.


Recalibrating a mod on your gear is better conquest than losing a warzone match.


Conquest also rewarded soloers. I could hit my 50K without tripping over another soul in the game.

Now it's just that much easier.

You know, I don't magically start being "wrong on my premise" simply by you declaring so repeatedly. For 18 months, conquest encouraged and rewarded content you do with other people. As I said myself, you totally could solo characters to conq target. . Its just that it was a bit longer and slower road that way. T'was a good balance I think.

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T'was a good balance I think.

This forum has been on fire for several months with people complaining about the great imbalances in conquest, especially between guilds of varying sizes.


Now that Bioware has made great strides in attempting to address those imbalances, so that small guilds don't have to dump alts in big guilds to complete conquest, you complain? Seriously?


Every small guild out there will be rejoicing that their conquest numbers are easier to meet. Ease of access for getting points addresses several underlying complaints about not enough events in any given week to complete personal conquest or to reach guild goals.


Yes, big guilds will still be big and still win the top spots on the boards. That's not going away no matter what. But take these changes for what they are, as a profound attempt to address some of the short comings many posters obviously felt.

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As I said myself, you totally could solo characters to conq target. . Its just that it was a bit longer and slower road that way. T'was a good balance I think.


1) Crafting mats are locked behind personal conquest.


2) How exactly does my achieving personal conquest goals on multiple characters impact you?


I'm not seeing your argument.



Edited by Jdast
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Are you for real? The new conquest changes are amazing! I absolutely love the fact that the Conquests has finally been broadened to every activity in the game. Especially that they are tiering the Conquest activities according to levels now, that will finally allow for low level characters still leveling to participate more broadly in Conquests as well.


I seriously fail to see the OP's point, the new system is a huge improvement!

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Are you for real? The new conquest changes are amazing! I absolutely love the fact that the Conquests has finally been broadened to every activity in the game. Especially that they are tiering the Conquest activities according to levels now, that will finally allow for low level characters still leveling to participate more broadly in Conquests as well.


I seriously fail to see the OP's point, the new system is a huge improvement!


That makes two of us. He's going to find a lot of incredulity thrown his way.

Edit: Didn't see Dasty's post.


Three of us.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Make that 4


Though I am quite active in rather large guilds there were still some weeks where I couldn‘t finish my personal goal and hence couldn’t help my guild - now I am quite sure I can so I really like those changes!

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Yes, big guilds will still be big and still win the top spots on the boards. That's not going away no matter what. But take these changes for what they are, as a profound attempt to address some of the short comings many posters obviously felt.


Now here would have been the venue of conq that I wish they had worked on instead of giving folks I WIN-buttons to press. Amount of planets available for conquest was tweaked with far more numerous but smaller servers in mind. Today, entire playerbase is packed on three servers pretty much. Yet, people packed on 3 servers compete for same amount of available planets people scattered across 15(etc) servers did.



This forum has been on fire for several months with people complaining about the great imbalances in conquest, especially between guilds of varying sizes.


Now that Bioware has made great strides in attempting to address those imbalances, so that small guilds don't have to dump alts in big guilds to complete conquest, you complain? Seriously

There would have been so many sensical ways to nerf this, if such nerf is needed. Simplest one being just cutting the 500k small yield target in half or something like that. Current "fix" comes with huge airquotes. " This race track is too hard, pls make it bit easier" " there we go, we made it into a straight line! Happy now?"


Also..I dont know man. "small guilds dumping alts to big guilds" If said small guild has two people doing this, thats 100k conq already right there. Had the two characters stayed, guild would be 20% done!

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But is it really supposed to be like this that almost everything you do gives you conquest points?

I've completed the conquest with my lvl 75 Sorcerer without leaving my stronghold in less than 30 min.

My lvl 68 Gunslinger completed it's conquest in less than an hour with one bounty mission and the rest just some regular playing and crafting.

It feels like there is a miss somewhere.

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A I absolutely love the fact that the Conquests has finally been broadened to every activity in the game. Especially that they are tiering the Conquest activities according to levels now, that will finally allow for low level characters still leveling to participate more broadly in Conquests as well.


I seriously fail to see the OP's point, the new system is a huge improvement!



Underneath this buzzword disco, you have a relaity where conq functions as a daily login reward. People are busy enjoying conquest broadened to every activity and feelign rewarded by tackling engaging, diverse content by selling vendor trash and giving few gifts to their companions every day. 3-4 days of this -and nothing else- gets character to target.

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There are three benefits to the current version of conquest.


1. The guilds I am in that set conquest planets will now be able to consistently hit low yield and have a shot at medium and maybe even large.


2. The small guilds I'm in can finally make progress leveling up.


3. Lower level characters can contribute in a much more meaningful way.


That said, this was a rather hamfisted way to achieve those goals, but I prefer this to some of the other versions of conquest they've tried.

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Underneath this buzzword disco, you have a relaity where conq functions as a daily login reward. People are busy enjoying conquest broadened to every activity and feelign rewarded by tackling engaging, diverse content by selling vendor trash and giving few gifts to their companions every day. 3-4 days of this -and nothing else- gets character to target.


So? Let people play how they want to play. There's tons of different ways for you to play your own way. If you want to go and complete conquests by doing group content, go ahead and do that, but don't tell others how they have to complete conquests just because you think it has to happen a certain way. You aren't the SWTOR police that can tell people how to play the game or what way is correct. If people want to complete conquests by the method you described, that does not affect you in any single way. You have no valid argument here and neither do you have a good point.

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That makes two of us. He's going to find a lot of incredulity thrown his way.

Edit: Didn't see Dasty's post.


Three of us.


lo, you go right ahead swinging those pom poms buddy. I'm arguing that a borderline literal " free conquest here daily" button in fleet is a bad thing. People like getting fast, easy rewards as quickly as possible. So ofc people like and press that button.


Objectively speaking, reaching conquest target became much, much more straightforward and simple affair. One that involves other players far less often. I'm guessing nobody here can disagree of this?


Lose a warzone or a GSF match and you get less conquest than you would get selling vendor trash on companion. Would you argue this is how it should be?


As a result, it is likely activities that need other players have less people in queue pools, LFG channels and so on. Comparatively speaking, you get rewareded less for this stuff now. People who actually DO like Warzones, GSF or other stuff that benefits from a busy queue get to see this side of the game suffering.


Conq at its current state encourages and rewards extrremely straightforward and simple gameplay. It encourages people to see it as a daily log in reward, nothing more. Come online, give few gifts to your companion, sell junk, log out. Rewards and conq targets come this easy now.

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Conq at its current state encourages and rewards extrremely straightforward and simple gameplay. It encourages people to see it as a daily log in reward, nothing more. Come online, give few gifts to your companion, sell junk, log out. Rewards and conq targets come this easy now.




It makes personal rewards easier. If you want the planetary / guild rewards it changes nothing.


OH NOEZ! Dasty got a crafting mat!!!!! :rak_02:



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lo, you go right ahead swinging those pom poms buddy. I'm arguing that a borderline literal " free conquest here daily" button in fleet is a bad thing. People like getting fast, easy rewards as quickly as possible. So ofc people like and press that button.


Objectively speaking, reaching conquest target became much, much more straightforward and simple affair. One that involves other players far less often. I'm guessing nobody here can disagree of this?


Lose a warzone or a GSF match and you get less conquest than you would get selling vendor trash on companion. Would you argue this is how it should be?


As a result, it is likely activities that need other players have less people in queue pools, LFG channels and so on. Comparatively speaking, you get rewareded less for this stuff now. People who actually DO like Warzones, GSF or other stuff that benefits from a busy queue get to see this side of the game suffering.


Conq at its current state encourages and rewards extrremely straightforward and simple gameplay. It encourages people to see it as a daily log in reward, nothing more. Come online, give few gifts to your companion, sell junk, log out. Rewards and conq targets come this easy now.


And where is the proof? Where is the evidence of people queueing less for group content because of Conquests? The update has been out like what, only a few hours and you have already surmised every impact it will have? Give me a break...


I repeat, you have no point. People can tackle conquests any way they like and you have no business in telling people how to do conquests or what the correct way is of doing conquests. There will be no impact to queues and group activities since there are incentives beyond Conquests for people to do those. Think of gearing, dailies and weeklies, mission rewards etc etc. People aren't going to stop queueing just because there is a conquest reward for gift giving or trash selling.

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So? Let people play how they want to play. There's tons of different ways for you to play your own way. If you want to go and complete conquests by doing group content, go ahead and do that, but don't tell others how they have to complete conquests just because you think it has to happen a certain way.


Wanna know the difference? Person who plays SWTOR as a single player game and utterly refuses to deal with other people at all in any way is totes allowed to have as much fun as they like. However, this player is completely removed from issues such as lowbie warzones or GSF or even master mode FPs growing too quiet to happen at all outside of serv peak hours. I'm guessing you can appreciate some people playing this MMORPG actually liking the MMO-parts, too? Can you perhaps see such people concerned they run out of people to play with? Or rather just not give a single F and keep happily soloing your way through the game as long as you are having fun yourself? Then coming here implying I'm the selfish one somewhere in the mix.


For a huge part of people liking conq, the method giving lots of it on any given week efficiently *IS* the "fun and rewarding" way to play the game. If it involves doing an FP with the guild, thats where they are. If its Warzone or GSF weekly..that's where they are. Loads of more exotic grp based content have benefitted a great deal from this vitality conquest gives them. However, for ppl liking conq..once most efficient way of earning some is facerolling through some soloable missiosn fast and giving gifts to your companiosn..that's what they are going to do. The, queu pools for Warzones, GSF and even FPs are bit more dry. Worrying about this stuff makes me the selfish one tho!

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a huge part of people liking conq, the method giving lots of it on any given week efficiently *IS* the "fun and rewarding" way to play the game. If it involves doing an FP with the guild, thats where they are. If its Warzone or GSF weekly..that's where they are. Loads of more exotic grp based content have benefitted a great deal from this vitality conquest gives them. However, for ppl liking conq..once most efficient way of earning some is facerolling through some soloable missiosn fast and giving gifts to your companiosn..that's what they are going to do. The, queu pools for Warzones, GSF and even FPs are bit more dry. Worrying about this stuff makes me the selfish one tho!


They are not mutually exclusive. You have not once answered how it impacts you if solo players have more access to crafting mats. If you play the GTN card, I will laugh at you.



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Wanna know the difference? Person who plays SWTOR as a single player game and utterly refuses to deal with other people at all in any way is totes allowed to have as much fun as they like. However, this player is completely removed from issues such as lowbie warzones or GSF or even master mode FPs growing too quiet to happen at all outside of serv peak hours. I'm guessing you can appreciate some people playing this MMORPG actually liking the MMO-parts, too? Can you perhaps see such people concerned they run out of people to play with? Or rather just not give a single F and keep happily soloing your way through the game as long as you are having fun yourself? Then coming here implying I'm the selfish one somewhere in the mix.


For a huge part of people liking conq, the method giving lots of it on any given week efficiently *IS* the "fun and rewarding" way to play the game. If it involves doing an FP with the guild, thats where they are. If its Warzone or GSF weekly..that's where they are. Loads of more exotic grp based content have benefitted a great deal from this vitality conquest gives them. However, for ppl liking conq..once most efficient way of earning some is facerolling through some soloable missiosn fast and giving gifts to your companiosn..that's what they are going to do. The, queu pools for Warzones, GSF and even FPs are bit more dry. Worrying about this stuff makes me the selfish one tho!


I've been queuing for Warzones and FPs just fine this evening. I don't see any difference in the time it takes for a queue to pop. I repeat, you have no evidence to back up your claim.


People aren't going to stop playing the way they play just because Conquests are easier to complete on a personal level. If they played group content before they will continue to play group content. If they played solo, they will continue playing solo. Nothing changes and before you say it does change, show me the concrete, irrefutable evidence to back it up.


Also, if all is truly so problematic as you describe, where are the others arguing the same? So far you seem to be the only one having a problem with this.

Edited by Ylliarus
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**And where is the proof? Where is the evidence** of people queueing less for group content because of Conquests? The update has been out like what, only a few hours and you have already surmised every impact it will have? Give me a break...



I saw it myself back when conquest was first introduced. GSF is a great example. It was super popular for a month or two after the GSF mini expansion. Then, gradually, it went more and more quiet. On my home server back then, Progenitor, queue times had jsut begun growing bit too much to deal with. When conquest was introduced, it rewarded all grp based content heavily. Everything with a queue pool got a really nice, really welcome vitality shot. First, lots of people doing GSF due to conq hated it. Then, notable minority developed a taste for it and sticked around. Similar cycle repeats/repeated multille times within GSF and, I'm guessing, Warzones too. People come in chasing the carrot but end up liking the race itself. Conquest pushed people out of their comfort zones and made them try aspects of game that might have gone under their radar otherwise. Now, there isn't much of an incentive for any of that. Why do a GSF match or WZ when you can just sell vendor trash instead for a better daily reward,lol.


Even if we ignore past expeirences: Straightforward, low effort content is far better conquest now for anyone playing in somewhat casual way. It is pretty reasonable to assume content that isn't straightforward or low effort will then suffer for it.


Selling vendor trash and gi9ving your companion a gift gives more conquest than doing a warzone for somebody who is extremely busy and has only 30 mins of playtime that day. Is this how it should be in your books?

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