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There are no such things as Rocket BOOTS!


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In the patch notes posted for 6.1.1 you guys have, once again, referred to a nonexistent item/ability. The ability in question is, in fact, Rocket BOOST, not Rocket Boots.


This is tongue-in-cheek and directed mostly at Eric who likes to call them that. :p

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In the patch notes posted for 6.1.1 you guys have, once again, referred to a nonexistent item/ability. The ability in question is, in fact, Rocket BOOST, not Rocket Boots.


This is tongue-in-cheek and directed mostly at Eric who likes to call them that. :p


Give him a break, maybe he's Lysdexic

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And given that if you don't have one of the right sets of gear(0), the rocket flames come from your boots (or from your sandals, of which there are a few, or the bandages wrapped round your feet, XoXaan style)(1), and "boots" and "boost" are very close in spelling(2), I think we can all be forgiven for enjoying the reversal.


(0) Or, in some cases, the *wrong* sets - the Exquisite Dancer top has backpack jets even though it doesn't have a backpack.


(1) Would you rather that we called it "Rocket Sandals"?


(2) In academic study of techniques involved in spell-checkers, it's called "lexical distance" and for "boots" vs "boost" it is very small.

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Mako: I think it's time we strap on our Rocket Boots and junior-birdman our way out of here.

BH: ...We don't have Rocket Boots, Mako.

Mako: Well... what do we have?"

BH: I have a Rocket Boost... you disappear when I use it, though.

Mako: I don't think I like the sound of that...



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Kira: So, how are we going to defeat the Emperor this time?

Jedi Knight: I have a cunning plan... I'll walk up to him then do a high kick and melt his face with my rocket boots.

Scourge: An excellent plan with just two minor drawbacks. One, you haven't any rocket boots, and two, you haven't any rocket boots.

Jedi Knight: Suddenly, everyone's a critic.

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Even though it's called boost, the animation in game DOES look like rocket boots. So boots it is.


Unless you have BH/other armor that has a jet pack on that will change the animation and the flame is coming out somewhere near the rear end. In this case it would be rocket butts. XD

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