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6.1.1 Conquest Feedback Thread (since there isn't one specifically)


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On my level 75 I can't see much difference so I copied over a level 51 character. What I've noticed:


The Good:


1. Harvesting now matters - excellent addition

2. Crew skills now matter - excellent addition (if it actually worked - see below)

3. The range of objectives for lower levels is pretty decent (when they work)



The Bad(ish):


1. Conquest objectives are supposed to be relevant to level:

Level Relevant Objectives

The way we plan on making Personal Conquests more accessible to all characters, not just ones at end-game content, is by breaking up Conquest objectives into three level ranges: levels 1 – 49, levels 50 – 70, and levels 71+. This way a level 50 character won’t be asked to kill enemies on Ossus or complete a Master Mode Flashpoint. In a couple of days we'll post an update in this thread with a full breakdown of a specific Conquest's Objectives.

Many objectives are not level appropriate; there are too many objectives that my level 51 can't do. E.G. chapters are in the list yet my character is too low to access them as are Ossus & Ossus world bosses, some ops, master mode fps, Iokath missions/enemies, Dantooine missions/enemies. It might be better to narrow the level ranges so only doable-by-current level objectives are listed OR have more than three level ranges. At the moment the frustration of not being able to do certain objectives because they are too high will remain.


However none of the above may matter to me as a solo player because:


2. Solid Resource Matrices need to remain as a reward for ALL LEVELS please, otherwise why bother with conquest as a solo player with crafting. I do conquest on lower levels as I have no other sensible ways to get those matrices & they are currently given as a reward at all levels completing the personal conquest weekly. If they are not there, doing conquest on a lower level character is a waste of time for a solo player. As I suggested before just lower the amount of Solid Resource Matrices rewarded for below 71s rather than remove them:

  • 1 for levels 1-49
  • 1-2 for levels 50-70


3. Bring back the daily heroic quests (Heroic Missions [insert planet]) as conquest objectives rather than "complete any heroic mission". What's the point of needing to complete just one H2 I'd rather get conquest points for doing all the heroics required for the daily.


4. Gathering Crew skill missions do not count toward the "Mission Director" objective which is very annoying. I did not have a crafting character so can't say if this objective is broken for all types of crew skill missions.



Mission EXP boosts

These will be a new type of boost. These will offer bonus experience from Missions only and they'll be stackable with other boosts. They will also have a shorter duration of 30 minutes per boost.

They're not and they don't. On the PTS these last for 1 hour but don't stack with generic experience boosts. BOOOOOOO. Scrap this nonsense and scrap removing the EXP gain from generic boosts for conquest.


6. My active companion is completing the objective "Junk Scrapper" if I send him to do anything except sell junk! Actually, keep this bug :p

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Roughly 30 minutes 74669 points


Some points with just exp / conquest conversion.

Account 1 - semi paying attention


Advancement: Amplifiers (change an amplifier on your equipment) 3250 points

Companion: Influencer (increase companion affection by 1 level) 4875 points

Companion: Benefactor (give a gift to your companion) 3250 points

CZ-198: Defeat Enemies 2 (didn't notice this one...happened while doing the weekly mission) 4875 points

Items: Junk Scrapper (send your companion to sell junk items...NOT using vendor) 3250 points

Missions: Bonus Mission (complete ANY bonus mission - the bonus from heroics...space pve missions/ etc) 3250 points

Missions: Heroic (any heroic mission) 6688 points

Space Combat: Fleet Command (complete ANY PVE space mission) 4875 points

Stronghold decorator (place any 5 decorations in your stronghold) 3250 points

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I did this on my 2nd account.

There is one major difference between the toons.

While both were level 75 with 306 gear from the last batch of testing I did.

I unlocked EVERYTHING in the legacy menu that I could on the first toon. This second one, nothing was unlocked.

No extra xp for mission completion / exploration....nothing.


I did the exact same things.


Here's the breakdown.


Companion Influencer: 4875 points for obective running total = 5478

Companion benefactor 3250 points for objective running total = 9331

PVE Space mission / bonus mission Objective points = 8125 Running total = 19888

Advancement: Amplifies Objective points = 3250 running total = 23741

Heroic mission points (man w/steel voice = no killing) Objective points = 6688 Running total = 40988


*** I actually got 16662 conquest points for that one...not sure how, but it's bugged somehow *****


Hidden conquest objective (not listed on conquest objective list) CZ198 Defeat Enemies 2 4875 points. RT = 55364


Renown rank up objective points 1625

CZ198 mission turn in (=625*6) 3750

Conquest mission completion points 625 New running total = 60739

Items: Junk Scrapper objective points = 3250 running total = 64592

Stronghold Decorator objective points = 3250 running total = 68445

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Darev, it seems from your feedback that level 71+ WON'T have any issues with completing the 50K conquest objectives with more than one character, even with the issues you've found. It's the lower levels I'm interested in both for the conquest rewards and objectives. At the moment it seems a bit of a mess if you're level 55 or below. I can't see it will be worth the effort for levels 1-55. If no significant changes are made, I won't be bothering unless I'm on a character that's above level 55. If resource matrices are not added back as a reward for all levels, I'll only do conquest on my level 71+ characters. Edited by Sarova
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Darev, it seems from your feedback that level 71+ WON'T have any issues with completing the 50K conquest objectives with more than one character, even with the issues you've found. It's the lower levels I'm interested in both for the conquest rewards and objectives. At the moment it seems a bit of a mess if you're level 55 or below. I can't see it will be worth the effort for levels 1-55. If no significant changes are made, I won't be bothering unless I'm on a character that's above level 55. If resource matrices are not added back as a reward for all levels, I'll only do conquest on my level 71+ characters.


As someone that has just returned, and is leveling toons, I don't understand the change to rewards. What they were giving was 100 percent relevant and if their data was showing sub 70 toons were not chasigg conquest, it's because of the objectives, not the rewards. Getting 2-6 of those mats a week has given me enough money to max out some crafting skills, buy some nice cosmetic gear, and catch up a bit. Now that I'm getting closer to max level I need to start saving them since I'll need 5 per augment for my eventual end game gear.


Honestly exp boosts, gear, low level mats, etc are all pointless. Leveling is super fast, gear is pointless since content is bolstered, pre endgame crafting is pointless.

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I started a new character on the test server, a warrior. He had 2 small Korriban rampage objectives, which were hidden at first, level up objective, skill point, and heroic. I focused the story and the 2 heroics on Korriban, and had 18k by level 11.


Unpopular opinion, matrices are fine to be removed from personal, but still given by guild rewards for lowbies, which it was showing was the case. But only if people can still earn them at a similar rate by taking more characters through cq and getting guild rewards. If it's just as slow to take sub 40s through cq, then matrices should not be removed, and if its a little faster but not quite the same rate as now, then give 1 matrix. (I also think tech frags should be given on every character no matter the level.)


Edit: I guess it's not fair of me to not think of unguilded lowbies. From my perspective I just never did cq on an unguilded alt, because it felt like such a waste. But I understand the perspective of leaving personal matrix rewards.


Edit 2 to comment on the 71+ objectives, I liked what I saw, it would be better to test if so many weren't broken. And I don't really like this massive scroll wheel to find objectives but I like having more objectives. I do think some are silly though, send a companion to sell trash, and give a companion a gift. I love the addition of space missions cq, and I think multiple heroics a day should be a thing instead of just one general heroic.

Edited by Krazhez
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I rather like the silly objectives, I guess some of them are meant just for lower levels? Anyway it is a good way to teach people that they can do things like giving gifts to companions, using a taxi, sell trash without need to run to a vendor, buying a stronghold, decorating it, harvesting materials, sending companions on missions.. sort of a mini tutorial in game that is rewarded, because very few read in-game help. And tbh I would do those even on my lvl 75 characters, just to take a break of repeating the same objectives of (go somewhere, kill everything, finish last boss).


Yay for space missions and for harvesting! Yay for differentiating between story/veteran/master modes! Overall the objectives looked really nice, good job on that.

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2. Solid Resource Matrices need to remain as a reward for ALL LEVELS please, otherwise why bother with conquest as a solo player with crafting. I do conquest on lower levels as I have no other sensible ways to get those matrices & they are currently given as a reward at all levels completing the personal conquest weekly. If they are not there, doing conquest on a lower level character is a waste of time for a solo player. As I suggested before just lower the amount of Solid Resource Matrices rewarded for below 71s rather than remove them:

  • 1 for levels 1-49
  • 1-2 for levels 50-70


I disagree. The solid Resource Matrix is a high level crafting material that isn't relevant to low level characters that can't even craft anything that requires it. The only reason to give Solid Resource Matrix to low level players is to sell on the (price manipulated) GTN for credits. I'd rather lower level characters be given level appropriate materials, or better yet, just give them enough credits to entice them to participate in conquest.

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I disagree. The solid Resource Matrix is a high level crafting material that isn't relevant to low level characters that can't even craft anything that requires it. The only reason to give Solid Resource Matrix to low level players is to sell on the (price manipulated) GTN for credits. I'd rather lower level characters be given level appropriate materials, or better yet, just give them enough credits to entice them to participate in conquest.


I don't sell solid resource matrices on my lower level characters. The fact they can get these for doing conquest is one of very few reasons I bother running my underlevelled characters. Get levels, get the matrices, it's a win-win.


Remove the matrices and I'll probably just stop bothering to level any more characters. Especially if they do as proposed and remove them even if the character hits 75 before completing personal conquest.

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Hey babe, it might just be me, but I’m having a lot of difficulty in understanding your comparisons.


The first account I did, I kind of rushed through and didn't take very many notes.

The point values in the first post are the conquest points listed on the objectives page. I didn't keep a running total of conquest points earned.


The second post / account I made a grid on a spreadsheet. One column for the listed totals, and a 2nd column for the running totals.

Rather than link a picture, or google sheets, I thought I'd try to just format it in a reply here.

Since I knew what I was intending, the post made sense.


Also, the two toons weren't on even footing, as I mentioned. The second one, doing the same things as the first, wound up with fewer points because many of the legacy menu bonuses weren't bought.



My "first day summary" is they're giving players more options to complete conquest, but they are more "once per legacy per day" options...so you still have to pay attention to what each alt is doing if you want to try for multiple alts per day.


Also, some of the new ones don't work. Some have less than obvious descriptions.


For example, one of the new objectives is to raise your crew skills. Well, my toon on PTS was already at 700 crafting from last time around, but scavenging was in the 680's. So...I went to Mek Sha and harvested some nodes. That should have advanced two objectives. Raising the Crew Skill, and the "harvest 10 nodes" It did neither.

When I sent some companions out on scavenging missions, when they came back, that triggered the "raise the crew skill" objective.

The "harvest 10 notes" seems broken. Nothing I tried advanced it, not even stronghold nodes.

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I don't sell solid resource matrices on my lower level characters. The fact they can get these for doing conquest is one of very few reasons I bother running my underlevelled characters. Get levels, get the matrices, it's a win-win.


Remove the matrices and I'll probably just stop bothering to level any more characters. Especially if they do as proposed and remove them even if the character hits 75 before completing personal conquest.


I agree with Kendra here.


This is a game meant for alts. Once you max crafting on one toon and do conquest on that toon, you can switch to other toons and still earn rewards for your crafter. Even if you don't need it NOW, you may want to hold on to them for some point down the road where you might need them.

Not everything is about selling rewards for credits.

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I disagree. The solid Resource Matrix is a high level crafting material that isn't relevant to low level characters that can't even craft anything that requires it. The only reason to give Solid Resource Matrix to low level players is to sell on the (price manipulated) GTN for credits. I'd rather lower level characters be given level appropriate materials, or better yet, just give them enough credits to entice them to participate in conquest.

I disagree with your disagree. As a solo player conquest it the only way for me to get them (I am not paying over inflated GTN prices and when I do get them, they are far too valuable to sell) and you need a lot of them to craft augments. I only craft them for myself (or rather my own characters) as getting the x5 need for one is a pain in the arse if you're a solo player who does not do guild conquest, ops, MM FPs or ranked PvP. If you play a lot of alts, getting the conquest reward whilst levelling/playing any level alt you chose, regardless of level was very useful to me AS A SOLO PLAYER.


BUT that said, if they are to keep this, I won't bother going out of my way to doing conquest on any character below level 71. It will be far easier to amass the credits needed to just buy the augment off the GTN (last I looked on DM it was far cheaper to buy x1 augment then to buy the x5 matrices needed to make one).


Edited to add:

I don't sell solid resource matrices on my lower level characters. The fact they can get these for doing conquest is one of very few reasons I bother running my underlevelled characters. Get levels, get the matrices, it's a win-win.


Remove the matrices and I'll probably just stop bothering to level any more characters. Especially if they do as proposed and remove them even if the character hits 75 before completing personal conquest.

I agree with Kendra here.


This is a game meant for alts. Once you max crafting on one toon and do conquest on that toon, you can switch to other toons and still earn rewards for your crafter. Even if you don't need it NOW, you may want to hold on to them for some point down the road where you might need them.

Not everything is about selling rewards for credits.


Thank you! Players who understand exactly what I was getting at. Not everyone runs the content where matrices drop like rain.

Edited by Sarova
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We are discussing the feasiblity of low level alts for "Solo Players" in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game..... Have to love the irony.


Low level alts getting Solid Matrixes.... Who cares? If you spend 8 hours (half that if there is double exp) playing the game, solo or not, you end up reaching the level cap.


Anyone likes it or not, the purpose of cq mats are credits. It doesn't matter if you use them or sell them, it is a credit reward for the amount of time you spent playing the game. That said, I would love to see some real credit rewards on those low level toons, than can actually be more meaningful for the new players. GTN being what it is, tends to be a trap for those that do not yet know what they are doing or what they have.


However, this conquest change is (as far as I understood) about changing the basics of conquest, by changing how you gain cq points, and the speed you get them. The buff side of the scale is more cq objectives, but I don't see the nerf side yet. I still can not comment on how fast or slow it has become to cap an actual toon with these changes, and that is actually what is changing here.

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We are discussing the feasiblity of low level alts for "Solo Players" in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game..... Have to love the irony.


Low level alts getting Solid Matrixes.... Who cares? If you spend 8 hours (half that if there is double exp) playing the game, solo or not, you end up reaching the level cap.


Anyone likes it or not, the purpose of cq mats are credits. It doesn't matter if you use them or sell them, it is a credit reward for the amount of time you spent playing the game. That said, I would love to see some real credit rewards on those low level toons, than can actually be more meaningful for the new players. GTN being what it is, tends to be a trap for those that do not yet know what they are doing or what they have.


However, this conquest change is (as far as I understood) about changing the basics of conquest, by changing how you gain cq points, and the speed you get them. The buff side of the scale is more cq objectives, but I don't see the nerf side yet. I still can not comment on how fast or slow it has become to cap an actual toon with these changes, and that is actually what is changing here.


Well, for a level 75, based on what I personally saw, it's faster. At least twice as fast with the idiotic additions.

Yes...changing an amplifier for conquest points is idiotic. Why not just have a vendor where you can buy 3k conquest points for 20k credits. You're accomplishing the exact same thing with that particular conquest objective.

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I disagree. The solid Resource Matrix is a high level crafting material that isn't relevant to low level characters that can't even craft anything that requires it. The only reason to give Solid Resource Matrix to low level players is to sell on the (price manipulated) GTN for credits. I'd rather lower level characters be given level appropriate materials, or better yet, just give them enough credits to entice them to participate in conquest.


This is absolutely incorrect. I have to imagine, especially when SRM prices were much higher, crafters were obtaining them via running conquest on their alts. So you run Conquest on a lower level character, they get the Solid Resource Matrices, and then you send to your higher level alt for crafting purposes.


That's built into the game, it's what the Legacy system is for and it's why they added the Legacy materials tab in 6.0. Suddenly pretending like alts don't exist makes no sense here, on your part and Bioware's.

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Some general observations:


1) it's too easy. Now, to be fair, I'm playing with 150% stronghold bonus. I chose not to use the available 10% conquest point boost from guild perks from the guild I "inherited" on PTS. There are far to many 30 second objectives.

a) place 5 decorations in your stronghold

b) re-roll an amplifier

c) send your companion to sell trash items

d) send your companion out on a crew skill mission...any level

e) re-roll your talent points utility points. (yes...seriously...you get conquest for using a utility point)

f) give your companion a gift (sub influence level 50)

g) raise your companion's influence up a level


There's more...those are the one's I can think of off the top of my head.


In a couple hours I got conquest on 3 different toons, stopping at around 55k each.


I like THAT part...but this feels "dirty" like it's cheating. big time.


2) I really like that there is inclusion for a space PVE mission...but also that it stops at 1 and done for the day. There are reasons which I won't type out.


3) Rampage has changed. different name...25 kills for the first, 50 for the second...not sure there's a third. Most appear hidden...as in not listed on the L menu in the objectives list.


4) Too many hidden objectives. Show them all on the list please.


5) This week on PTS, Tattooine had levels 1&2 "rampage. CZ198 had level 2 "rampage" only. Dantooine had level 1 rampage. There were others. Many planets had rampage of some sort.


6) You got extra conquest for doing any heroic on (seemingly) random planets. Most planets I did heroics on gave the extra conquest points in the form of an objective notice for doing "Hutta heroic" (in addition to the 625 points for the heroic by itself). Not all planets however. Again, a hidden objective.


7) If it were possible to group on PTS I probably could have done two more toons. I think I was the only one on tonight.

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Some general observations:


1) it's too easy. Now, to be fair, I'm playing with 150% stronghold bonus. I chose not to use the available 10% conquest point boost from guild perks from the guild I "inherited" on PTS. There are far to many 30 second objectives.

a) place 5 decorations in your stronghold

b) re-roll an amplifier

c) send your companion to sell trash items

d) send your companion out on a crew skill mission...any level

e) re-roll your talent points utility points. (yes...seriously...you get conquest for using a utility point)

f) give your companion a gift (sub influence level 50)

g) raise your companion's influence up a level


There's more...those are the one's I can think of off the top of my head.


In a couple hours I got conquest on 3 different toons, stopping at around 55k each.


I like THAT part...but this feels "dirty" like it's cheating. big time.


2) I really like that there is inclusion for a space PVE mission...but also that it stops at 1 and done for the day. There are reasons which I won't type out.


3) Rampage has changed. different name...25 kills for the first, 50 for the second...not sure there's a third. Most appear hidden...as in not listed on the L menu in the objectives list.


4) Too many hidden objectives. Show them all on the list please.


5) This week on PTS, Tattooine had levels 1&2 "rampage. CZ198 had level 2 "rampage" only. Dantooine had level 1 rampage. There were others. Many planets had rampage of some sort.


6) You got extra conquest for doing any heroic on (seemingly) random planets. Most planets I did heroics on gave the extra conquest points in the form of an objective notice for doing "Hutta heroic" (in addition to the 625 points for the heroic by itself). Not all planets however. Again, a hidden objective.


7) If it were possible to group on PTS I probably could have done two more toons. I think I was the only one on tonight.


But what if you have zero strong hold bonus and not in a guild? How does that compare?


a) place 5 decorations in your stronghold

b) re-roll an amplifier

c) send your companion to sell trash items

d) send your companion out on a crew skill mission...any level

e) re-roll your talent points utility points. (yes...seriously...you get conquest for using a utility point)

f) give your companion a gift (sub influence level 50)


I do think all of these things are silly conquest items. I don’t understand why they have totally ignored all the great suggestions over the years and gone for these terrible ideas.


2) I really like that there is inclusion for a space PVE mission...but also that it stops at 1 and done for the day. There are reasons which I won't type out.


I like the inclusion too. But maybe it should be a daily or more than one mission. Also, is it per Alt or just once per day, per legacy?

Adding the PVE weekly would be a good inclusion too.

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I agree with Kendra here.


This is a game meant for alts. Once you max crafting on one toon and do conquest on that toon, you can switch to other toons and still earn rewards for your crafter. Even if you don't need it NOW, you may want to hold on to them for some point down the road where you might need them.

Not everything is about selling rewards for credits.


I agree with both you and Kendra. Solid Matrices should not be removed for the reasons both of you have said.


I have mostly lowbie crafters, who all have 2-5 lvl 50 companions. Hardly any of my lvl 70-75s are crafters or have lvl 50 companions (they are pvp Alts) and I’m currently not playing them through conquest anyway.


Removing the Matrices from lowbie conquest rewards is a very BAD IDEA and SHOULD NOT BE DONE.

I will not be able to craft some things without them, which will force me to play Alts I don’t want to.


Crafters have already taken many hits with this expansion. This is just another punch in the guts for us.


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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