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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Wars, the High Republic ?


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Moving the story forward is the only way to hit a hard reset on the storyline and clear out all existing characters. Hutts live for a thousand years. The only way to get the point across that this is Star Wars Universe II is move the date way out there. It frees up the writers to do whatever the hell they want without being tied down to worn-out plot lines and the unending rehash of dead-not-dead characters and character arcs. Edited by xordevoreaux
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While not saying it would or would not happen as I will wait and see but if you recall Mr. Kanneg did say something about something big coming next year.


2021 – SWTOR’s 10th year! This seems like a great target to work towards doing something major…more to come, of course, but I wanted you to know we’re already starting to plan out the next few year



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The "1000 generations" thing was in ANH, when Obi-Wan (as "Ben Kenobi") tells Luke that the Jedi were the defenders of the Republic "for 1000 generations".


By Earthly conventional definitions, N generations is a number of years anywhere from 20 to 40 times N, most often around 25, so the "1000 generations" would be 25K years.


Thanks for the clarification. Quote aside though, aren't the Sith still supposed to have been extinct for several hundred years by this point in the timeline?

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Thanks for the clarification. Quote aside though, aren't the Sith still supposed to have been extinct for several hundred years by this point in the timeline?


The Sith were still in hiding during this period, yes. I think they said their villains are a group of alien viking-esque raiders from beyond the Republic's borders.

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One thing I always puzzled about with the timelines was how did technology NOT change in the 3 millennium between our game and the films? Sabres are the same, speeders are the same, buildings are the same; even the Mandalorians have the same armour. Never-mind how the Star Destroyers etc are the same. You would think 'our' sabres should be more akin to sticks. :)


Because Star Wars is, and always has been, sci-fantasy. And fantasy settings tend to have very stagnant development. Take for example, Middle-Earth, it's been around for thousands of years, but they're still using swords, spears, and bows, and don't even have steam power.

Edited by HeatRacer
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The Sith were still in hiding during this period, yes. I think they said their villains are a group of alien viking-esque raiders from beyond the Republic's borders.


Yea that sounds pretty horrible IMO... Jedi running around everywhere at the supposed height of their power, and their villain equal is a group of random raiders. No thanks. That's like the Jawas being the main villain in the Mandalorian the whole season.


Unless they do a retcon and somehow bring the Sith out of hiding/extinction, I won't be interested. Jedi demand Sith like plants require sun. You can't have one without the other... unless their plan for story, like I said, is to literally just be prequel-style politics the whole time with a sprinkling of fighting with these viking-esque raiders.

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Disagree totally OP. I have invested far to much time and money to just having to start again. In-fact I just would not which is why I have not got battlefront at all or SW: Fallen Order. Also I did see a youtube vid about the High republic just last night and well really just not interested. For me its far to close to the films era.
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No there isn't if you think about realistically.


1. They will never improve the engine of the game because they can't.

2. They will never overhaul the optic of the game, for example many of the existing armors (especially older ones), because they can't (Manpower). Edit: Well, they managed to overhaul the optic of the planets when you exit your starship. They only needed 7 years for that. :rak_03:

3. They will never get back to the roots to give us a proper, logical, good story because they can't (Manpower again and all the good writers they had, for example the team that designed the Dread Master Story Arc or Class Storys left)

4. They will never give us a proper expansion again with lets say 2 OPs, 4-5 Flashpoints and 2-3h+ Storycontent because they can't (and yet again, Manpower...).

5. They will never serve people what they actually want (PvP-Vendors for gear for example, like we had at the beginning of SWTOR so PvP-Content actually makes sense and fun again to do).


And there are so many more examples. Sure, I too wish they would use whats left of SWTORs "potential", but they never will. If this game had actually more than 5 devs working on it, then maybe we could get some proper content but I doubt this will ever again be the case. SWTOR had way too many fails and way too many players already left to bring this game to its former glory. All what is left and important are "minor" updates and of course the holy, mighty Cartel Market.


From time to time i reactivate my sub and go and look around or try to find new fun in this game and start a new alt or level an existing one, only to find myself quit again because there is absolutely NOTHING new, even after 7 years. I also already played the newest story (Onslaught) with more than 4 characters. I dont even want to begin to talk about endgame content, because there is none. Raids and flashpoints keep getting re-scaled and re-scaled because SWTOR devs 1.) have not enough money or/and b.) not enough time and manpower to come up with something new.


It's sad, but this game is in maintenance mode and I guess we all know now why: because there will maybe come a new game with this "High Republic Era". Lets just hope they dont **** this new game up too, like they did with SWTOR with every major game update. (SoR mistakes, KOTFE mistakes, KOTET mistakes etc. etc.).


You would be surprised how many new players are here, at least on DM - on prime time Tython has 3 instances. Heck, I saw Taris had 3 on an pub side. My guild reached 73 players online two days ago (double up from 5.10 numbers). Mandalorian brought great amounts, new episode of Clone wars will bring more trooper fans in, high republic is coming (which will be closer to revan times than anaking times) - the world is living and breathing star wars today.


If swtor has a chance to push a serious expansion it will be 7.0. Game was pretty dead 5.+ and thats why they got low funds for 6.0. Game is doing great atm and EA, no matter how stupid they are, must give decent funds to develop the game further. If 7.0 and 10th anniversary will fail, we are good to go. Till than - I will stick around.


P.S. If you played swtor for 7 years, than yea - there is nothing left for you :) Imagine new player who loves pvp, alts, stronghold building, story and raiding. Adult and fulltime job. And kids. Who has 2-3 hours a day to play the game. To a such person Swtor has years of content to offer.

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P.S. If you played swtor for 7 years, than yea - there is nothing left for you :) Imagine new player who loves pvp, alts, stronghold building, story and raiding. Adult and fulltime job. And kids. Who has 2-3 hours a day to play the game. To a such person Swtor has years of content to offer.


This is true 100%.


I believe I ran through this game so much there just aint nothing, not even a new gearing system in it to really feel fresh to me.


I despise the new changes they make, but a new player who never knew what SWTOR was like in years past might come in here and find it chock full of activities to do.


I suppose if anything that's where my resentment lies. Instead of trying to make the game better, they just dumbed it down and made it worse yet to a newer person the game probably feels very much different to them even fun.


So when people say they love it, I don't say one thing one way or the other I don't want to ruin a new player's experience or ideas about the game.


With long time vets it's easy to get into the frame of mind of wanting to tear down BW and this game for what it has become, but that's a waste of energy too. Sometimes you just got to vent. heh.

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P.S. If you played swtor for 7 years, than yea - there is nothing left for you :) Imagine new player who loves pvp, alts, stronghold building, story and raiding. Adult and fulltime job. And kids. Who has 2-3 hours a day to play the game. To a such person Swtor has years of content to offer.


So you automatically assume that everyone who plays a MMO(!) for 7+ years is playing the wrong game because one wants ongoing and evolving content (which is only natural for a MMO)?

And no, even with all the examples you mentioned you should have been completely through this game by now. SWTOR is 10 years old by next year, and you can clear every single content in under 2h even with family and job. Which is good, but lets compare SWTOR to WoW in this case, which i play occasionally too, and hey, in case you didnt know: WoW is already 15, nearly 16 years old and delivers NEW and FRESH content EVERY 6 MONTHS. And by new content i dont speak of 2 minutes of dialogue and 10 minutes of running around like we get in SWTOR. In fact, WoW is so much content, that i dont even know where to begin with. Especially in a game/MMO which lasts as long as SWTOR or WoW you should be safe to ALWAYS have something to do. And here's whats wrong with SWTOR in that case: because of the fact that SWTOR has only a hand full of devs left (for more than 3 or 4 years now, while EA is doing millions revenue with SWTOR, just saying) they have no manpower to actually give us this content. They cant even give us, as i already mentioned, new FPs for example besides the re-scaled sh*t that we already cleared 5 years before.


Just a few examples:


I want to do OPs? No, thanks because i already did them 5 years ago (talking about getting re-scaled over and over again.)

I want to do Story? Please no. I already have over 35 characters (and here are people who have over 100 characters, lmao) and know every single story mission of every class. I can do the new story updates but yep, after finishing them with 2 or more characters, everyone should be through because its always the same. I like the fact that SoR at least had a unique class quest for every class after the first half so it made sense to play it with every 8 classes.

I want to do PvP? Hell no. Why the f* should i? Just for the sake of it? Okay, fine. Could do that for a week. But i already have pvp rank 80+ on several characters, and personally i dont care about ranked, as many many others. Since there is no gear i could get and everything is random (hello crates) there is no sense in doing it.

I want to do I dont know what? Why exactly should I? There are no "real" achievements in this game besides of "Kill 1000 of this mob and kill 500 of these players" that i haven't done already. There are no pets to farm, no mounts to farm, no gear to farm (command crates or however it is called now is a complete joke. Look at all the existing threads about it), no titles to get. And do you know why this is? Because everything that *really* matters in swtor is the cartel market and another 3,5-5k lightsaber/armor set that i have to buy for 35+ EUR/Dollars. I wish i could go out and just farm something. Some titles or whatever. But i can't because there is none.


And all that is not because the game is nearly 10 years old. All that is because Devs and especially EA has already abandoned this game besides of the already mentioned "minor updates" and cartel market :)

Talking about "there is so much to do" is just completely wrong. Dont get me wrong: I still like SWTOR, and i like playing it. But after all these years of waiting and nothing really new, everyone should know by now that EA does not want to let this game flourish again besides the CM, especially when you compare it with games like ESO (which was down deep, same as SWTOR. But now they got their sh*t together and the game has over 10 million players). Sure, for someone like you who only wants or can play 30 min per day SWTOR may be fine. But we deserve more in general instead of waiting for a new SW-MMO.

Edited by Jesseriah
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Yea that sounds pretty horrible IMO... Jedi running around everywhere at the supposed height of their power, and their villain equal is a group of random raiders. No thanks. That's like the Jawas being the main villain in the Mandalorian the whole season.


Unless they do a retcon and somehow bring the Sith out of hiding/extinction, I won't be interested. Jedi demand Sith like plants require sun. You can't have one without the other... unless their plan for story, like I said, is to literally just be prequel-style politics the whole time with a sprinkling of fighting with these viking-esque raiders.


To me this point of view sure is narrow.


You sure limit where your imagination goes by having so many restrictions required for the story to be a true Star Wars story (in your mind.)


I don't know, I just think modern day "fans" go overboard with their own personal agendas and/or dogmas. Also, some strange phenomenon of entitlement occurs where "fans" really seem to believe the artist is supposed to be creating the art to personally appease said "fan."


I like certain types of movies, but I have never thought to myself how a certain director or writer ought to have written a movie when I found it to not be to my liking. I simply chalk it up as a piece of art I do not like or don't enjoy. Who am I to expect the artist to create something that appeases me?


The only choice a fan has here is to buy or not buy the art, there is no relationship between the fan and a movie director/writer where they are supposed to create or write something the way the fan thinks it should be done. This is not some working relationship where the fans input matters. It really doesn't. :(

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So you automatically assume that everyone who plays a MMO(!) for 7+ years is playing the wrong game because one wants ongoing and evolving content (which is only natural for a MMO)?

And no, even with all the examples you mentioned you should have been completely through this game by now. SWTOR is 10 years old by next year, and you can clear every single content in under 2h even with family and job. Which is good, but lets compare SWTOR to WoW in this case, which i play occasionally too, and hey, in case you didnt know: WoW is already 15, nearly 16 years old and delivers NEW and FRESH content EVERY 6 MONTHS. And by new content i dont speak of 2 minutes of dialogue and 10 minutes of running around like we get in SWTOR. In fact, WoW is so much content, that i dont even know where to begin with. Especially in a game/MMO which lasts as long as SWTOR or WoW you should be safe to ALWAYS have something to do. And here's whats wrong with SWTOR in that case: because of the fact that SWTOR has only a hand full of devs left (for more than 3 or 4 years now, while EA is doing millions revenue with SWTOR, just saying) they have no manpower to actually give us this content. They cant even give us, as i already mentioned, new FPs for example besides the re-scaled sh*t that we already cleared 5 years before.


Just a few examples:


I want to do OPs? No, thanks because i already did them 5 years ago (talking about getting re-scaled over and over again.)

I want to do Story? Please no. I already have over 35 characters (and here are people who have over 100 characters, lmao) and know every single story mission of every class. I can do the new story updates but yep, after finishing them with 2 or more characters, everyone should be through because its always the same. I like the fact that SoR at least had a unique class quest for every class after the first half so it made sense to play it with every 8 classes.

I want to do PvP? Hell no. Why the f* should i? Just for the sake of it? Okay, fine. Could do that for a week. But i already have pvp rank 80+ on several characters, and personally i dont care about ranked, as many many others. Since there is no gear i could get and everything is random (hello crates) there is no sense in doing it.

I want to do I dont know what? Why exactly should I? There are no "real" achievements in this game besides of "Kill 1000 of this mob and kill 500 of these players" that i haven't done already. There are no pets to farm, no mounts to farm, no gear to farm (command crates or however it is called now is a complete joke. Look at all the existing threads about it), no titles to get. And do you know why this is? Because everything that *really* matters in swtor is the cartel market and another 3,5-5k lightsaber/armor set that i have to buy for 35+ EUR/Dollars. I wish i could go out and just farm something. Some titles or whatever. But i can't because there is none.


And all that is not because the game is nearly 10 years old. All that is because Devs and especially EA has already abandoned this game besides of the already mentioned "minor updates" and cartel market :)

Talking about "there is so much to do" is just completely wrong. Dont get me wrong: I still like SWTOR, and i like playing it. But after all these years of waiting and nothing really new, everyone should know by now that EA does not want to let this game flourish again besides the CM, especially when you compare it with games like ESO (which was down deep, same as SWTOR. But now they got their sh*t together and the game has over 10 million players). Sure, for someone like you who only wants or can play 30 min per day may SWTOR be fine. But we deserve more.


Thing is, BW chooses to not have enough devs for SWTOR. They chose to put all their eggs in one basket called Anthem. They also chose to rush out this last expansion when it wasn't even close to being ready.


They just seem to make lots of dumb choices imo.

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One thing I always puzzled about with the timelines was how did technology NOT change in the 3 millennium between our game and the films? Sabres are the same, speeders are the same, buildings are the same; even the Mandalorians have the same armour. Never-mind how the Star Destroyers etc are the same. You would think 'our' sabres should be more akin to sticks. :)


I always thought this was interesting too. the star wars universe was always an interesting blend of sci-fi with old tech feel. like an alien steampunk. And in the back of my mind, I was always thinking, "So they can create AI's and tech that literally grows and evolves on it's own, but still looks like the insides of my grandparents 1940's toaster?"


I ended up going with the theme that it was different universe, different tech And based on how things change, I assume that tech and people adapt slower in the SW universe. so our 100 years is their 1000 years, or something like that.

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Thing is, BW chooses to not have enough devs for SWTOR. They chose to put all their eggs in one basket called Anthem. They also chose to rush out this last expansion when it wasn't even close to being ready.


They just seem to make lots of dumb choices imo.


Yep. BW lives of idiotic decisions.

(Removing gear vendors and giving us a rng-gearing system is one of them.)

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Thing is, BW chooses to not have enough devs for SWTOR. They chose to put all their eggs in one basket called Anthem. They also chose to rush out this last expansion when it wasn't even close to being ready.


They just seem to make lots of dumb choices imo.

Thing is, this is just another one of your unsubstantiated rants. 😍


In the real world, the number of devs assigned to SWTOR would usually be directly related to how much money the game brings in.

Just like how the number of employees at your local Tim's would be related to how much coffee they sell.


They may have chosen to divert some resources to bring out Anthem, but obviously they didn't put "all their eggs in one basket" or BW would be bankrupt. If Anthem had been a success, you'd be praising them for their foresight. 🙂


And, I don't think they "chose" to bring out the expansion before it was ready. In what way wasn't it ready? Because of bugs?

Well, I don't know what software BW uses for development, but they really need to do something about the seemingly random and unrelated bugs, that's for sure. I mean, one has to wonder how bringing out an expansion can cause things like incorrect dye colours, etc.

(Although, due to my limited experience with compilers, I do know how some obscure and hard to find bugs can happen.)

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As long as I can keep my Dread Master outfit and maybe get a holo for my characters, I would be up for it.

LOL I remember people Logging on here after SWG and being mad they did not get to keep their Elder Robes.... New game means fresh start all new.

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Am i the only one that thinks with yesterdays announcements its time to move the game forward in history?

The next grouping of films will be based around a time about 200 years before the Skywalker saga, this would seem to be the perfect time to move away from the old republic, and step into the next generation to me.



Sidenote on what should be obvious, can we please keep the 420 jokes to a minimum, thx :)


This game was released in December 2011. It is now pushing the lifecycle of SWG. Honestly, I'd expect a new SW MMO with the release of High Republic.

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Thing is, this is just another one of your unsubstantiated rants. 😍


In the real world, the number of devs assigned to SWTOR would usually be directly related to how much money the game brings in.

Just like how the number of employees at your local Tim's would be related to how much coffee they sell.


They may have chosen to divert some resources to bring out Anthem, but obviously they didn't put "all their eggs in one basket" or BW would be bankrupt. If Anthem had been a success, you'd be praising them for their foresight. 🙂


And, I don't think they "chose" to bring out the expansion before it was ready. In what way wasn't it ready? Because of bugs?

Well, I don't know what software BW uses for development, but they really need to do something about the seemingly random and unrelated bugs, that's for sure. I mean, one has to wonder how bringing out an expansion can cause things like incorrect dye colours, etc.

(Although, due to my limited experience with compilers, I do know how some obscure and hard to find bugs can happen.)


You think that one sentence of mine you quoted was a rant? Oh lordy. :o


You seem a bit confused let me help you here. "Put all their eggs in one basket" is a commonly used phrase to not literally mean "eggs" or "all of their entire existence." Basically it implies too much attention was put on one thing while other things got neglected. Hope my defining that phrase helps you out!


That's the exact scenario that occurred for 5-6 years while Anthem got developed and SWTOR was not developed.


(Again, let me explain what hyperbole is, just to erase confusion here! Let me point out that obviously SWTOR was developed in that 5-6 years, however, it was very slight and awful on top of that, the things they did "develop" for SWTOR. So for all practical communication purposes I wrote Anthem was developed while SWTOR was not. I hope this clears up some things for you!


Ok, well then now let's look what occurred in the 5-6 years time Anthem was in development.


Would you agree that SWTOR received little support during that period of time, or do you believe SWTOR was developed just fine during that period of time? I'd say the majority of players who been here since day one would agree SWTOR was neglected.


I think all of this proves that BW did indeed place all their eggs in one basket for 5-6 years while Anthem got developed and SWTOR got nothing. Nothing but gutted gear systems, ruined conquest systems, and a wrecked gearing system.


Now you brought up profit and how "in the real world" that normally means profit = more better development for game. Supposedly SWTOR raked in quite the load of money.


So, if SWTOR actually raked in quite the fortune, by your "real life" logic was that not enough money to funnel more into SWTOR over the years?


(I mean, I guess this is subjective because perhaps millions, or billions of dollars isn't much to some while to others that's plenty to warrant the game getting frequent and needed GOOD content updates. Oddly they didn't really put much development into the game at all though. Not like one would suspect they would for the worlds largest, most famous sci-fi IP on the planet.)


Or, do you think they have done fine regarding the development of SWTOR over the years?


(That's subjective too, I suppose. I mean, the game is still up and running! almost 10 years that's great and shows success right? Maybe. I don't agree though. I do not view longevity as a representation of greatness. I look at the journey of the game and judge it off that.)


I do not. I believe they really squandered a gigantic opportunity to continuously develop over time a winning successful MMO. With the brand Star Wars, this game ought to be amazingly profitable never before has there been so many Star Wars movies and stuff in our culture! Yet, here we are with a Star Wars MMO that appears to be ran by amateurs who'd rather piddle around on their own personal MMO (is it a MMO or what - Anthem I mean of course) than continue with meaningful high quality updates for SWTOR.


So yes. They chose this route. No one forced them to neglect SWTOR the way they did.

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I do understand that Anthem being a BioWare issue and SWTOR being part of other firms makes Anthem seem more attractive ($$$); but I also think going back to try again on a game everybody already made their decision (Kicking a dead horse) diverts a lot of BioWares abilities. Considering the amount of content SWTOR gets (Bits & Pieces) and how long it takes to get even that amount and comparing those amounts to any other (Even the smaller games) I believe if Anthem does take off, it'll be the death (Moreso) of SWTOR. Simply kicking that dead horse diverts attention from SWTOR.
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I always thought this was interesting too. the star wars universe was always an interesting blend of sci-fi with old tech feel. like an alien steampunk. And in the back of my mind, I was always thinking, "So they can create AI's and tech that literally grows and evolves on it's own, but still looks like the insides of my grandparents 1940's toaster?"


I ended up going with the theme that it was different universe, different tech And based on how things change, I assume that tech and people adapt slower in the SW universe. so our 100 years is their 1000 years, or something like that.


Honestly we all know the real reason is that it's a fictional universe, and in order to tap into our nostalgia for the franchise it needs to be recognizably "star warsy." That means that the details of the setting need to feel much more similar, than say comparing the current US to what things were like in Europe 400 years ago, much less going back to the stone age. Regardless of the fact that some of these stories are set hundreds or thousands of years apart, you just can't have the technology change to a degree that's realistic or you lose your audience.


Now as to how this storytelling necessity can be justified, I tend to think of it as most technology having plateaued by the time that Star Wars is set. Once you can fit a sentient computer capable of performing nearly any calculation you can imagine into a bread box, or build a ship the size of a large city that can travel faster than the speed of light, how much better or different is technology really going to get?


We can already see this happening now with some of our tech. For example, back in the 90s if you didn't replace you PC every two or three years, your PC was hot garbage. Now I have one PC that's like six years old I can still play modern games on. The jumps in graphical fidelity between the SNES, PS1, PS2 and PS3 generations of consoles were simply jaw dropping. The jump from Ps3 to Ps4 was much more subtle, and I doubt I can be bothered to buy anything from the PS5 era later this year. The rate at which cars change is slowing down too.


It might also be a matter of perception. We are outsiders to the Star Wars universe. Once technology is so far in advance of anything you are familiar with that it all looks like "magic space tech", all of it is going to look a lot alike to you. For example, to a member of an uncontacted tribe in the amazon the difference between a Model-T and a modern car would likely be pretty subtle. However, from our perspective the differences are beyond obvious. Before I had a smart phone, they were all pretty much identical to me. Not so much now.


I could make this stuff up all day ;-)

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Just a little food for thought... all based on my own thoughts and observations.. (In short just an opinion … which to most may not be worth $.02)


Anthem: just recently release after 5 years development … discover a number of issues that needed to be fixed. At least someone decided to "fix the game". Bold move (all things considered). Yes I'm quite aware that some will use this statement to springboard into the usual "BW is a bad company and can't (or wont) make a good game. I don't see it that way. IMO someone grew a pair of stones and decided to fix the game. IMO... that's a good thing.


Considering the nomenclature of Anthem if it gets off the ground and "goes viral" so to speak that might affect SWTOR somewhat … but if anything might help.


Changes that have already taken place within SWTOR indicate that the development team is and has been looking at ways to upgrade the game. Yes there are a lot of changes yet to take place. Yes … WITHOUT QUESTION there are:

*** bugs to squash

*** hot topics to address (such as crafting and PvP balance)

*** restoration and expansion of companions

*** continued development of future stories

IMO: companions / strongholds / Star Wars stories (including KotFE / ET) are just a few items that make this game unique and will continue to do so with proper development and growth. That gives this game an edge in that regard and will help retain interest as long as the developers use it wisely.


IMO... SWTOR is not dead … nor dying. If anything there is something to be learned from Anthem. And if used wisely it could be used to help this game.


Yes … the opportunity is there for gain … not loss.


So for the time being. I'll just watch: cautiously optimistic perhaps … but optimistic just the same !!

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