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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Give them more time..."


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You cant exactly expect the game to run perfect after such a short time after release sure the major concerns about gchat/partychat not working properly is a pain in the *** and minor gliches in the graphic but hey it will get better over time.


Besides its still holiday for some people and new year is around the corner you cant expect them to have a full staff up and running untill after next year.

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Your just dense, you look at WoW when it came out and all the bugs and lack of content that game had. Their was NO raids on release, and servers were down for hours and hours. It took them awhile to add Onyxia and then like months later a BROKEN as hell Molten Core.

Community in nutshell:

-TOR has 3 warzones omg lol talk bout lacklusterz.

-WoW pretty much had around that same number 1 CTF, 1 domination map and a couple other warzone areas that slip my mind.


Hell, I'm starting to forget about how WoW was at launch. Can't tell if that's good or bad. xD

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Wow is a better game? I guess its a matter of preference and style but I found the graphical style of Wow to be awful and unintresting and the storyline really poor. Not saying that the mechanics of the game was bad but the amount of intrest I actually had in what was going on was zero and the people hanging around in main towns doing nothing all day but ***** about how bored they were did not add to the apeal of the game


That being said SWTOR does have some really big issues that are kind of game breaking atm things like trying to join PvP only to be dumped at the character select screen most the time is really spoiling the game for me, the Space combat is a totally missed opotunity as well but its nothing that can not be fixed. I am kind of worried about what I am going to do once the storyline is finished and what end content their is going to be but we will have to wait and see.

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Your just dense, you look at WoW when it came out and all the bugs and lack of content that game had. Their was NO raids on release, and servers were down for hours and hours. It took them awhile to add Onyxia and then like months later a BROKEN as hell Molten Core.


This is being regurgitated time and time again. Not only are you wrong about when Onyxia's lair and Molten Core was available, but your logic is flawed. WoW was released in 2004. What year is it currently? Not 2004? You are expected to release a product that not only is competitive with the rest of the market but make strides forward, especially if you intend on charging the exact same amount. Swtor while it has made the odd step forward, it takes quite a few steps back. This is not acceptable in the current mmo climate, when will you people understand this?

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Let me just give you a couple of facts about WoW because I played it for 7 years and believe you me, I know that your impression of it is wrong. This is some of what happened before the first expansion:


WoW didn't have any form of a PvP system for the first 6 months.

WoW didn't have BGs for the first 8 months.

WoW had daily server crashes on almost all its servers for the first 2 weeks, crashes on several servers continued occurring for months.

WoW's classes were so ridiculously imbalanced that every other patch they had to redesign a class.

WoW had most of its patches introduce 5 man dungeons, not raids.

I am not kidding you, one of WoW's content patches's main feature was... weather. Another one just put in 4 world bosses.


So don't you come here telling me that ToR has had a bad launch and has bugs. It has NO BUGS compared to the **** I put up with WoW. FFS, a paladin did a reckoning bomb and 1 shot Kazzak. Not that I'd expect you to know who and what that is OP, since you are obviously so green you piss grass.

Edited by Bionixx
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Its astonishing how many people think everyone seems to care about what game they are playing and even more astonishing that people think they are going to change someones mind about the game for better or worse on the forums.


I'll share my movie butter kettel style popcorn with ya dude:D

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Let me just give you a couple of facts about WoW because I played it for 7 years and believe you me, I know that your impression of it is wrong. This is some of what happened before the first expansion:


WoW didn't have any form of a PvP system for the first 6 months.

WoW didn't have BGs for the first 8 months.

WoW had daily server crashes on almost all its servers for the first 2 weeks, crashes on several servers continued occurring for months.

WoW's classes were so ridiculously imbalanced that every other patch they had to redesign a class.

WoW had most of its patches introduce 5 man dungeons, not raids.

I am not kidding you, one of WoW's content patches's main feature was... weather. Another one just put in 4 world bosses.


So don't you come here telling me that ToR has had a bad launch and has bugs. It has NO BUGS compared to the **** I put up with WoW. FFS, a paladin did a reckoning bomb and 1 shot Kazzak. Not that I'd expect you to know who and what that is OP, since you are obviously so green you piss grass.


This is all true, but so what? Blizzard were in the right place, at the right time. You can't afford a mediocre initial release month in 2011. It wasn't acceptable in 2008 when Warhammer and Age of Conan were released. The only thing that has changed since then is that WoW has 'improved' more and the genre has grown into the stagnant mess we see today. The only question is if Star Wars is a strong enough brand name to survive a 'bad' first month post-wow where others have not.

Edited by iskxvx
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So tired about the games been out 2 weeks.


Wake up people...it was in testing for a year..of that year i spent alot of time in full-time beta and actively posted bugs and read bugs in the beta forums.


guess what...they pushed all those bugs into retail...they did nothing to fix them....so Yes...people have a right to be angry because bioware sold them a broken product.


So enough of the "Games been out 2 week crap"...its been out alot longer then that.


Biowares solution to fixing bugs in this game is to strip it all away when they dont know how to fix it...why do you think you dont have AA and other features. They couldnt fix it in beta so they stripped it out for retail.

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To the duders out there who misquoted me, go back and re-read the original post. I said nothing about the bugs or launch being a problem. I just said, if your going to say "give them more time", revise the statement to "give them more time and more of your money, they "may" eventually get it right"...


Yes... many people on other forums already said it, some even here... They knew who the competition was / what the standards were when developing the game, but they decided to pay no heed and failed at reinventing the wheel ;P


If you want to know my 2 cents, then here it is! Else stop reading because it's going to sound like all the other people 2 cents. Either way, i don't care, I won't post again.


1) The game wasn't fun =\ Its an obvious time sink. If I'm going to dump mad time into a character, I shouldn't realize I'm wasting time. I should be having fun and not be like, there's no fing way i'm rerolling o__o


2) The worlds are hella static. Wow zones are more diverse then these planets. When leaving a zone in wow... its like wow... In SWTOR, idk i couldn't put my finger on it until many pointed out the obvious, their straight linear, which is true.


3) Im on a pvp server, wheres the opposition >__< . In the time I put into my char, I didn't see anyone other then my faction and i was on "The Fatman"!


How do you patch these 3 issues let alone all the other issues people are voicing? Redesign the planets to break the linear-ness to them and make them "more" unique? Change the whole single player-ness and make it more interactive with other players/opposing players, hence the supposed genre the game is suppose to fall into: MMO!


Idk. I don't see them patching the core of the game. You can give them all the time you want, but if your expecting something more, by the time that happen, Diablo 3 will be out or Blizzards next innovation, or some other shinning star will rise up with something amazing. If your having fun, !boosh!, good for you hope it continues for you. If your waiting for something more, I hope it's worth the wait and money.


It sucks balls that it had to be Star Wars they failed at :( Its freaking Star Wars, it could of/should of been EpIc!

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To make the non-linear, sandbox, bug-free, game that the OP wants would have taken 30 years instead of three.


This is a whole galaxy, and whole planets!


Sure, they could have let us roam about as we liked, but the developers would have had to make it terribly repetitive. No doubt, there would have been whining about that.


Every little thing in the game that you can see has had to be designed, by a person. An artist has reached into his brain and created the landscapes, the items, the characters, everything.


And then all that art has had to be coded into the game.


And you wanted them to create whole planets? :)

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To make the non-linear, sandbox, bug-free, game that the OP wants would have taken 30 years instead of three.


This is a whole galaxy, and whole planets!


Sure, they could have let us roam about as we liked, but the developers would have had to make it terribly repetitive. No doubt, there would have been whining about that.


Every little thing in the game that you can see has had to be designed, by a person. An artist has reached into his brain and created the landscapes, the items, the characters, everything.


And then all that art has had to be coded into the game.


And you wanted them to create whole planets? :)


A planet is essentially a zone. Yes, they should have created non linear unique zones.

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?


Wildfire of criticism, you say? I see no wildfire. I see a few smoking embers. Yes, the game has bugs, but I'll repeat my position. I'd rather play the game as is now, than wait 3 months for them to "finish it" when any long time MMO player knows bugs are an inevitable part of the MMO experience. There are still single player games out there that the developers never bother to fix. I've been on these forums since my sig date, and the only reason I'm typing is because I'm at work and I can't be playing. The level of posters in comparison to pre-launch is horrendously small. People like you represent maybe 1/10 of one percent of the game's players. Sorry.

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I don't get it. Mature adults would pay a sub for a bap game in hopes that time & patches would cure said game bap-ness?


That's why adults keep having children.


Or did you think your mom kept you because you're so cool and awsome?

Edited by ozirizo
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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?


Name 1 game that was perfect at launch


You can't because there isn't one

Every game has flaws, every game.

Luckily SWTOR can be patched and those imperfections can be fixed over time.

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I am quite surprised to see that the mentality of: Release first, fix later, has caught up to the majority of the gamers.


If you remember, there was a time when we did not have internet. A game had to be "finished" before releasing it. Then there was the time where we did have internet, and games were still being released when they were "finished".


Now, one could say that this is an MMO, we could just patch things later. No, that is not how the world works, or should work. Anyone who supports this kind of behavior should take a look at their priorities in life, you are paying for this game.


I am enjoying myself though, but I wonder how long it will last, the game feels like it is missing something. I am dissapointed at my favorite gamestudio next to Blizzard, who are either intentionally leaving things out, or are just plainly forgetting to put basic things into this game. They did have a perfect example of 7 years experience to look at, and plenty of other MMO's too.


Yes, they do not have the programmers / code from Blizzard, but look at the wonderful things Bioware has released before, I have full faith in them.


I know that the game was probably rushed by the publishers to get it out there, but that gives us quite a lot of disappointed gamers, and a large crowd who will not stick around because of it.


/My 2000 credits

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This mentality is nothing new. It all boils down to something relatively simple:


Developer: "Guys. This really isn't ready. We still have a LOT to do."


Publisher: "We don't really care. We want to get the huge influx of cash. You have a contract. Oh, and if you push it out on our time table - whether it's ready or not - we'll give you a LOT of money as a bonus."


Developer: "Well, okay. It won't be ready. It'll be filled with bugs. It'll be unpolished. It'll make people really angry. But wait... this is a huge, huge, HUGE, Big McLargehuge IP we've got here - and the fans are rabid. They'll pay a big fee for the game up front, then we can beta it for YEARS while those idiots pay us a monthly fee. You know what? The publisher is right. To heck with quality, give us the cash!"


That's pretty much what happened with "Star Trek Online," and as I sit here reading the forums because I can't advance my toon due to a game-breaking bug that I reported in beta, it's like deja vu.


STO had and still has problems from beta - and it's been out for two years, now. Why? Because people there kept saying "Give them time."


STO is now going F2P, and the players are getting really, hugely, massively screwed by Cryptic and its new Evil Overlord, Perfect World Entertainment.


And what's scary is that reading this forum is a lot like reading the STO forums back when that game launched.


It's not just deja vu, it's deja vu all over again.

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I'm not giving them anything, I gave them $60 and they have failed to deliver. I will be hesitant about future products from EA BioWare in the future. It couldn't be any simpler than that.


This. I should have know better after Dragon Age 2 fiasco than buy another Bioware game. More fool I, but no more.

Edited by Sznur
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The game has only been officially out for 12 days. 19 if you are stupid and want to add early access in as well. 12 days. You expect them to have fixed a lot of bugs and have added more content and all that in just 12 days? Do you even know how long it takes to fix a bug? How many lines of code they have to shift through, how long it takes to find the right fix, and how long it takes to then test that fix before they can release it even to the public test server?
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