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Objective pvp is a mess


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I'm so glad this has been posted/brought up.


I'm completely objective-focused in Unranked Warzones. There has always been the odd occasion of your/opposing team forgoing objectives to farm/harass/ruin (depending on success) the warzone, granted.


But since November 2019-ish? (I didn't play for a few months) there has been a marked increase (to me, anyway) in the number of Unranked Warzones where objectives become superfluous...


When did this become a 'thing'? Guess it snowballed? Is everyone just trialling the new Set Bonuses & Tacticals? Maybe it's a phase. Maybe not.


You see it in Voidstar, when even though one team has the edge, they make no effort to plant a bomb.


You see it in Queshball, when people ignore the ball and scrap all around it.


Civil War, when they have the edge in mid, and don't cap the turret.


Odessen, when there's over 50% of your team fighting on the other side of the uncontrolled active control points.


I play on Darth Malgus, flitting between my Scoundrel/Operative, Sage/Sorcerer, Vanguard/Powertech. I suppose it's serendipity when you end up on a team that wants to win by objectives. As above, just seems to be a huge increase in the numbers of warzones where you're told, "**** the ball, fight!"


Just never known it so prevalent before! Not professing to be expert, but you can put out numbers AND play objectively.


I dunno, it's just striking to me.


Kind regards,



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I think it is quite easy to explain if you add up all the reason:



to do DPS each class as a guide and is relatively easy to follow instruction, ultimately is more or less always those couple of rotation two offensive and two defensives over and over (rarely really matter who your enemy or where you are! Just use the right rotation, and the right gear is all written down)


there are guides for warzone, but each warzone is different. They depend a lot from the enemy as well. You will need to have an awareness of surrounding counting people in your area react differently depending on what your team is going to do and locate them at all times looking in the map. Plus, you will need to learn other skills other than just doing DPS (carry the ball, team play, defending, stalling, ambushing, that's a lot of rotations to remember!)



at the end of the match, you have a number that tells you how much DPS you did. It is easy enough for you to understand and easy enough for others to see! You can brag with others even when you lose. You never feel you lost. You did the biggest number!


You may have low DPS low kill and have made a perfect game defending, practically you may have been the one that saved the match, or that made your team win, but there will be nothing to show for! and nobody will know! Can't brag really.



Dps you are in the center of the action for the all-time die and run back always doing something.


Slow action objective (even if more meaningful) there is a lot of running around positioning yourself strategically and waiting but usually much much less action and very compressed in few heavy moments (easier to screw up and feel useless)



Add A+B+C =

easy to learn and execute +

rewarding as personal fame (people remember names of big DPS), recognition by others/bragging rights +

fun overall, much more active, less waiting, and "wasting" time running around.


Why would anybody try to do something HARDER that gives you no way of a realistic understanding of your performance? It won't show to your team that you did well nor that you know your class and ultimately may force you to wait and do close to nothing for 3-4 minutes at a time or to run around doing very little for 1-2 minutes?


Are we really asking why people ignore Objectives?

Edited by Pekish
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I think it is quite easy to explain if you add up all the reason:



to do DPS each class as a guide and is relatively easy to follow instruction, ultimately is more or less always those couple of rotation two offensive and two defensives over and over (rarely really matter who your enemy or where you are! Just use the right rotation, and the right gear is all written down)


there are guides for warzone, but each warzone is different. They depend a lot from the enemy as well. You will need to have an awareness of surrounding counting people in your area react differently depending on what your team is going and locate at all times your team looking at the map. Plus, you will need to learn other skills other than doing DPS (carry the ball, team play, defending, stalling! that's a lot of rotations to remember!)



at the end of the match, you have a number that tells you how much DPS you did. It is easy enough for you to understand and easy enough for others to see! You can brag with others even when you lose. You never feel you lost. You did the biggest number!


You may have low DPS low kill and have made a perfect game defending, practically you may have been the one that saved the match, or that made your team win, but there will be nothing to show for! and nobody will know! Can't brag really.



Dps you are in the center of the action for the all-time die and run back always doing something.


Slow action objective (even if more meaningful) there is a lot of running around positioning yourself strategically and waiting but usually much much less action and very compressed in few heavy moments (easier to screw up and feel useless)



Add A+B+C =

easy to learn and execute +

rewarding as personal fame (people remember names of big DPS), recognition by others/bragging rights +

fun overall, much more active, less waiting, and "wasting" time running around.


Why would anybody try to do something HARDER that gives you no way of a realistic understanding of your performance? It won't show to your team that you did well nor that you know your class and ultimately may force you to wait and do close to nothing for 3-4 minutes at a time or to run around doing very little for 1-2 minutes?


Are we really asking why people ignore Objectives?


All very well, but lacking 'teamwork'.

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All very well, but lacking 'teamwork'.


that's a pro skill if we pretend people even care about others we lost it from the start! I don't even bother to reach that level of sophistication.


I just take an example of 2 single-minded players only care about their own fun and their playstyle and bragging right (more or less 90% of players)


Teamwork is a skill that really comes in play only for 5%-10% of players nowadays so there is no point in expecting it

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that's a pro skill if we pretend people even care about others we lost it from the start! I don't even bother to reach that level of sophistication.


I just take an example of 2 single-minded players only care about their own fun and their playstyle and bragging right (more or less 90% of players)


Teamwork is a skill that really comes in play only for 5%-10% of players nowadays so there is no point in expecting it


Despite everything, I'm eternally optimistic deep down.

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Despite everything, I'm eternally optimistic deep down.


The only way to make people care about objective more change (B)


they can't change (A) they can't change © but they honestly only can change (B)

remove DPS, protection, healing, kills, and death from score points and highlights Objective results:


seconds carrying the ball

DPS/Protections/heal over the ball carrier

successful passages/successful intercept

number of objective capped/number of temped caps

minutes of successfully defend an objective

number of double points and other effect activated

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Why would anybody try to do something HARDER that gives you no way of a realistic understanding of your performance? It won't show to your team that you did well nor that you know your class and ultimately may force you to wait and do close to nothing for 3-4 minutes at a time or to run around doing very little for 1-2 minutes?


Are we really asking why people ignore Objectives?


So what you are saying is it’s toooooo hard to play pvp properly? Therefore, players are just bad?


Good players can play objective and do good numbers. This was proven from launch, to 3.x. But too many of the “new generation” and some of the “lazy old generation” or pvpers can’t do both. Or never learn to do both.


So that begs the question. Are they actually good pvpers or just posers who can’t play properly?


I’m sure some just follow the crowd and others were never taught how to play objective pvp properly.


But some are just bad players and CANNOT do good numbers while properly executing tactical and strategic objective pvp.


If you are a good player, you can do fantastic numbers while playing the objectives. It’s a really simple concept and can be broken down into 4 easy to under stand parts.


1. If you hold the majority of nodes, the enemy MUST come to you to take it. Hence fighting at the node is where you do your biggest damage. You can actually do more damage there than having half the team being spread out across the map having 5v1 or 5v2 fights and moving onto the next solo person to global :rolleyes:


2. If you need to take a node to win, then YOU MUST attack one of them. If you don’t attack in force or with some tactics and strategies, you will lose. Which means you HAVE TO attack the nodes. Which is where you can and will do the most damage instead of trying to solo the 3 guys chasing you all over the map while the other team sits on all 3 nodes and kills your less skilled players as they throw themselves at the other 5 spread out across the map.



If that is “too hard” or “difficult” for players to achieve, then they aren’t good pvpers and all the epeen dps numbers mean absolutely nothing, especially if you lose as well.


4. Capping an objective or grabbing the Hutt ball IS NOT HARD. You just click on it, this is by far the easiest thing to do in pvp. But for some reason people don’t know how to do this. So how can they brag about their skills and how much damage they do and how they are epeen warriors when they can’t do the simplest thing in pvp?


Of course not all maps are created equal and shouldn’t be treated the same. Hutt Ball is probably the only map(s) that wouldn’t give you the biggest numbers these days by playing the objectives. But back in the day, you could do good numbers and play HB properly. Sadly, even if people play the objectives these days, the meta changes over the years and players lack of tactical and strategic play has diminished. They have become too accustomed to playing follow the lead in the other maps to understand their own classes HB strengths or how to even play Hutt ball against good players.


I feel HB is a dead art, which makes me sad as it was my favourite and I’m damn good at it. But it also makes me wonder why Bioware keep making more HB maps when Ray Charles could see it’s dead as a play style for the majority of players because they don’t understand how to play it properly. Therefore, those players hate it and have zero incentive to even learn.


BioWare have a lot to answer for, but so do the “epeen” and “regs don’t matter” crowd. They have systemically degraded the quality in objective pvp since arena was added and 8 man ranked was removed. Those players who still say such rubbish or promote such rubbish are the most destructive force behind objective pvp dying. They have taught a whole new generation of pvpers bad habits and instilled this worthless ethos that playing properly means nothing because only dps numbers matter. As if ranked even matters these days :rolleyes:


Both arena and objective pvp suffer from those attitudes and it’s sad to see the egomaniacally players have twisted and destroyed objective pvp. Not only are regs the only place to be able to play objective pvp, they are also supposed to be a stepping stone to ranked. People should first be learning in lowbies and not end game (which is mostly Bioware’s fault), then honing their skills in regs. This isn’t happening and so there aren’t enough good players to replenish ranked pvp either.


So these “elitists” ranked players who say regs don’t matter are essentially hurting themselves too. Myself and others have been pointing this out ever since arena was added and this attitude started to be promoted by some in ranked community. Well the crows have come home to roost because objective pvp is now so bad that the “newish” players can’t even damage their way out if a wet paper bag because they don’t know how or better yet, haven’t had proper roll models to learn from. It’s no wonder ranked is as much of a joke as it is and it won’t be long till the skill LvLs are no better than Regs was before 5.0.


Let me finish by saying, REGS DO MATTER if you want quality pvp players in the game and have them coach, encourage or lead by example so that newer or less skilled players can get better.

The worst thing Bioware ever did for pvp was removing objective ranked pvp from the game. If we still had that, then objective pvp would have been taken more seriously than it is now because people wouldn’t be able to play in a ranked version of it if they didn’t learn it in regs.

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Despite everything, I'm eternally optimistic deep down.


I wish I still had your optimism, but watching pvp slowly die over the first 3 years of the game and increase till it drastically accelerated after 5.x and even more so since 6.x, leaves me with nothing but dread for this part of the game I used to love the most. I’ve been subbed the whole time since launch and if pvp had been like this back then, I would have gone back to WoW in a heart beat.


Objective pvp as it used to be played cannot be resurrected. It’s too late for that because people won’t change and new people get corrupted by them.


If we could go back in time and change it so Bioware and part of the player base didn’t contribute to the decline in the way objective pvp is meant to be played, then I would prefer that. But that’s impossible to do.

The only way forward that I can see is a revamp of the objective map system. Which I suggested in this and another thread.


Edit: also, I love your name. I’ve had a Merc called Farren Heit and another called Wyde_Open, which was a Hutt Ball inspired one for people to pass me the ball. Sadly, some prude reported the name and said I was referring to something sexual and CS made me change it. At which point I made one that was rude, but only if people are smart enough to figure it out ;)

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bla bla bla


you understood very little of what I said so there is no point for me to reply. I told you what it is happening and why it is happening (i didn't say it is a good thing, a bad thing, a right thing or wrong! I stated the fact as I see them). You can take it, ignore it, twist it, turn it, or convince yourself is not true I really don't care.


Fact is to play dps just for dps sake in an objective match is (especially if you join SOLO)



C) usually MORE FUN / MORE ACTION-PACKED (especially good if you waited for a pop for 30 min and not in the mood to wait at a cap area that MAY or MAY NOT be attacked)


Nobody and I mean really nobody cares about winning/losing reward is insignificant with a very long wait (terrible terrible terrible reward/time invested). Nobody that join PVP does it for the winning reward so nobody really cares to win


You can't change how easy it is you can't change the fun factor but you can try to fix and remove the bragging right (that is actually quite important for those people) this may probably push people to change, hopefully. All your bla bla bla and your tears or whine or forum complain/preaching won't change one soul really.

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you understood very little of what I said so there is no point for me to reply. I told you what it is happening and why it is happening (i didn't say it is a good thing, a bad thing, a right thing or wrong! I stated the fact as I see them). You can take it, ignore it, twist it, turn it, or convince yourself is not true I really don't care.


Fact is to play dps just for dps sake in an objective match is (especially if you join SOLO)



C) usually MORE FUN / MORE ACTION-PACKED (especially good if you waited for a pop for 30 min and not in the mood to wait at a cap area that MAY or MAY NOT be attacked)


You can't change how easy it is you can't change the fun factor but you can try to fix and remove the bragging right (that is actually quite important for those people) this may probably push people to change, hopefully. All your bla bla bla and your tears or whine or forum complain/preaching won't change one soul really.


But reply you did?


For the record I did read and understand what you said, I just didn’t agree with it all. And my leading question was meant to be rhetorical. I also don’t fully disagree with what you said. I was pointing out that people are just bad at playing objective pvp because most can’t. Which in my mind, doesn’t make them good all around pvpers and they don’t deserve to call themselves good pvpers if they can’t do both. But that’s my opinion and I’m entitled to express it.


Honestly, my idea of fun is challenging myself in pvp and WINNING. I don’t like easy matches or smashing noobs or having my whole team ignore all the objectives while they peacock about trying to get high dps numbers.


I like to fight and do big numbers too, but how can I if I’m trying to stop ninja or other cappers and my team is dps farming between the nodes? I’m only one person, I can’t defend both nodes at once while 7 of my team are off galavanting all over the map to 7v2-3 enemy.


It’s just as boring for me to guard as anyone else, but I take my turn if it’s needed. I play as part of a team and I know my different classes strengths and when I should probably be guarding by default. That’s a choice I make when I take certain classes into the queue and one other people should take into consideration when playing some classes in different maps (But of course that’s probably too much to ask this generation of players to do).


If they just played at the objectives, the matches would be just as fun for everyone and not just the epeen, dps farming crowd who doesn’t care if they win or lose. They would also allow players who get stuck defending to also get some combat time. I can’t express enough how frustrating it is when I see my team fighting just out of range of me while I’m guarding (cause no one else will) and I have to stay and defend or some ninja will cap. All they need to do is come to the node and we all get to enjoy the match.


Games will also pop more because more people will play if matches are good and not totally one sided or a complete waste of time because your best combat players don’t care about winning. I stop queuing and I know many others do when this happens too much. Which only slows down pops and reduces the number of “proper objective” players in the queue. That obviously starts a snow ball affect and makes games worse and more people leave.

This effect is not just limited to any single days play, this happens so much that people don’t bother queueing at all or leave the game. That has obviously contributed to player numbers which in turn affects how many people are in the queue and the variety.


Lastly, if you don’t like my posts or my “tears”, as you insultingly put it, then don’t read them. You certainly don’t need to respond to them and if you do, be prepared to be debated if you make comments I disagree with. You are certainly within your rights to disagree with me and debate what I’ve said, but are insults really needed if you can’t be bothered to debate someone properly who has a different opinion to yours.

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Nobody that join PVP does it for the winning reward so nobody really cares to win.


Generalized statement but I agree with this sentiment. ^


For some, the reward of seeing big juicy numbers and feeling the adrenaline rush in a match from going totally bonkers attacking everyone and everything far outweighs any reward of winning the game gives for you know, actually winning the match.


The only thing we got is people's personal opinion when it comes to "winning" and "losing." For many, seeing hardly any performance numbers at the end of the match is losing, even if they see a big WIN at the end of the match.


That's also why many people avoid guarding nodes, it takes a special kind of player to go guard while everyone else goes running to mid for fun. Guarding nodes rarely gets any fashion points.

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Generalized statement but I agree with this sentiment. ^


For some, the reward of seeing big juicy numbers and feeling the adrenaline rush in a match from going totally bonkers attacking everyone and everything far outweighs any reward of winning the game gives for you know, actually winning the match.


The only thing we got is people's personal opinion when it comes to "winning" and "losing." For many, seeing hardly any performance numbers at the end of the match is losing, even if they see a big WIN at the end of the match.


That's also why many people avoid guarding nodes, it takes a special kind of player to go guard while everyone else goes running to mid for fun. Guarding nodes rarely gets any fashion points.


I know it's a generalization but I see you get the point! On the other hand, the other one that keeps writing over and over some belives that are not facts and not true for most of the people just because they are true for her, she totally misses the point!


You have to accept people how they are and if you want to change them. FIRST, you have to accept and understand what they like and why they like it (and this guy just did! read his post I quoted BIG number better than win prove themselves not boring waiting adrenaline all the stuff I highlighted as well )


Then try to make a small change to drive them toward a different playstyle and let them change themselves! (change to scoreboard would cut half of their current reason to ignore objective and a better-weighted reward will seal the deal)

Telling them to listen to you because they will have more fun if they do as you say... NOBODY will listen.

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I think it is quite easy to explain if you add up all the reason:



to do DPS each class as a guide and is relatively easy to follow instruction, ultimately is more or less always those couple of rotation two offensive and two defensives over and over (rarely really matter who your enemy or where you are! Just use the right rotation, and the right gear is all written down)


there are guides for warzone, but each warzone is different. They depend a lot from the enemy as well. You will need to have an awareness of surrounding counting people in your area react differently depending on what your team is going to do and locate them at all times looking in the map. Plus, you will need to learn other skills other than just doing DPS (carry the ball, team play, defending, stalling, ambushing, that's a lot of rotations to remember!)



at the end of the match, you have a number that tells you how much DPS you did. It is easy enough for you to understand and easy enough for others to see! You can brag with others even when you lose. You never feel you lost. You did the biggest number!


You may have low DPS low kill and have made a perfect game defending, practically you may have been the one that saved the match, or that made your team win, but there will be nothing to show for! and nobody will know! Can't brag really.



Dps you are in the center of the action for the all-time die and run back always doing something.


Slow action objective (even if more meaningful) there is a lot of running around positioning yourself strategically and waiting but usually much much less action and very compressed in few heavy moments (easier to screw up and feel useless)



Add A+B+C =

easy to learn and execute +

rewarding as personal fame (people remember names of big DPS), recognition by others/bragging rights +

fun overall, much more active, less waiting, and "wasting" time running around.


Why would anybody try to do something HARDER that gives you no way of a realistic understanding of your performance? It won't show to your team that you did well nor that you know your class and ultimately may force you to wait and do close to nothing for 3-4 minutes at a time or to run around doing very little for 1-2 minutes?


Are we really asking why people ignore Objectives?


I honestly dont even know where to begin on this one, i think its trolling its such a terrible take.

Youre basically saying you arent capable of understanding winning context any other way than your own personal dps in a team environment?

Good luck with that.

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I honestly dont even know where to begin on this one, i think its trolling its such a terrible take.

Youre basically saying you arent capable of understanding winning context any other way than your own personal dps in a team environment?

Good luck with that.


another one with a small brain I start to understand why people don't do objective if they have to deal with this type of players

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I know it's a generalization but I see you get the point! On the other hand, the other one that keeps writing over and over some belives that are not facts and not true for most of the people just because they are true for her, she totally misses the point!


You have to accept people how they are and if you want to change them. FIRST, you have to accept and understand what they like and why they like it (and this guy just did! read his post I quoted BIG number better than win prove themselves not boring waiting adrenaline all the stuff I highlighted as well )


Then try to make a small change to drive them toward a different playstyle and let them change themselves! (change to scoreboard would cut half of their current reason to ignore objective and a better-weighted reward will seal the deal)

Telling them to listen to you because they will have more fun if they do as you say... NOBODY will listen.


The problem on these forums is you got a small number of forum posters and unfortunately, most rather argue over semantics or some other issue, not even with the premise of what you write or the topic of what it is being brought up.


I think some people are misunderstanding what you write as if you personally feel a certain way and behave a certain way in which the responders here do not agree with, when in reality I don't read your post that way. People seem to think you are justifying the behavior when you are just explaining it as it exists, maybe? Who knows.


Like you, I see how people are in PVP, I did PVP on this game 100% of the time I played it, so am quite familiar with all the different variables involved in these matches and the different mindsets involved, too.


To change people's behavior, I even wrote something similar awhile back on different occasions, they need to add rewards people actually care about. Tech frags in lowbies to boost lowbie participation, and for wins they really ought to consider adding real reward for the win. People like to say "oh people should want to win for the spirit of PVP why do they need rewards?!" Well, not everyone is motivated equally, right? Some people will try harder if there's something on the line for their time and effort.


Otherwise, people will find mini-games within the game as soon as it starts going sideways. I know, because that's what I would do sometimes lol. If there's absolutely no reason to worry about losing, well, no one will. If nothing is lost from losing, why would some people care?


There are surely other ways to motivate better behavior in the matches too, I mean this company has been in the gaming business for years I can't believe they don't realize how their neglect of PVP and it's reward system does nothing to motivate players to queue, let alone to try and win the matches.


If people have something to fight for, chances are they just might.


It sort of reminds me of how the NBA just recently changed their All-Star format. Long story short, they gave the players real reason to win, putting a purse on the line so big and for such grand causes with charities being the recipients for the win that both teams played extremely hard the last quarter, harder than any NBA All-Star game I have ever seen.

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Im not the one who cant evaluate my performance without a dps number, just sayin.


or the one that can understand other people post nowhere in there I said it is how I play or it is the RIGHT way


I just say this is what people do because A/B/C if you can't admit that happens and I am not saying I am doing it or I agree with it you are blind or just not that open to accept the reality. If you were open to accepting the reality you could process what is happening and why and you could try to solve it. But obviously it is too much for you.


dear lord so many people have no clue in this game and then we wonder why it's all going wrong, everybody seems to play with eyes closed or like the horses with blinds on the peripherical view all they can see and think is their way.

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or the one that can understand other people post nowhere in there I said it is how I play or it is the RIGHT way


I just say this is what people do because A/B/C if you can't admit that happens and I am not saying I am doing it or I agree with it you are blind or just not that open to accept the reality. If you were open to accepting the reality you could process what is happening and why and you could try to solve it. But obviously it is too much for you.


dear lord so many people have no clue in this game and then we wonder why it's all going wrong, everybody seems to play with eyes closed or like the horses with blinds on the peripherical view all they can see and think is their way.


I was right the first time, trolling.

Good luck and have a peachy.

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I mean you can't make people play obj. Like if people don't want to guard they are not going to, if they don't want to call out then they are simply not going to but a couple of arguments i see here are not really solutions.


1. Get rid of premade argument

- This won't solve your problem, alot of people lack game sense. You don't need a premade to deny caps, heal your team, understand when to off heal, when to los, how to kite, what targets to focus. Alot of that can be learnt just by playing alot. Counting dcds and being aware. Also people will just que sync and leave games because they want to play with their friends. This is an mmo after all. And it does not take a super coordinated team to smack half the trash in que. Also teamwork in a game centered around roles and specs should put you on top of a bunch of people wailing into the guarded healer. Is it frustrating to be farmed by an aggressive premade yeah, is that part of the game....yeah.


- Also what do you want people who are playing with their friends do. Just sit in a dead group ranked que. All day just waiting. What if they don't want to play arenas. What are they supposed to do with their time. Just because they made friends with people who want to pvp they should be punished for that right. And the best part is, people won't get better in que overnight with that or start guarding nodes. And the game will still remain frustrating.


And also what incorporates a premade is another question, group of 4? 3? 2? Because if its only groups of 4 blocked then groups of 3 will just sync with each other or become the new way to control the games. Make friends with people, go que with them. You the chat box they supply you with. Because that solution does nothing but split the player base more, punishes people for grouping with long que times, doesn't solve the problem of playing obj, and just ruins the whole point of playing a game AS A TEAM. It will always be better to be in a team. And that is not just for swtor.

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Something I think would help alleviate the issue would be to give higher rewards to each player based on their objective score (and not entirely on the medals/outcome of the match) so someone who got 10000 objective points would get extra drops/credits/renown etc. whereas someone who’s purely number farming would get the drops as they are now.


Atleast that way if you lose you would be rewarded appropriately for focusing on the objectives (instead of having your rewards stymied because your teammates would rather number farm and couldn’t care less about winning) and the teammates still get their epeen bragging rights without being ‘punished’ for focusing on numbers instead of objectives.

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Something I think would help alleviate the issue would be to give higher rewards to each player based on their objective score (and not entirely on the medals/outcome of the match) so someone who got 10000 objective points would get extra drops/credits/renown etc. whereas someone who’s purely number farming would get the drops as they are now.


Atleast that way if you lose you would be rewarded appropriately for focusing on the objectives (instead of having your rewards stymied because your teammates would rather number farm and couldn’t care less about winning) and the teammates still get their epeen bragging rights without being ‘punished’ for focusing on numbers instead of objectives.


Tie it into conquest rewards. Something like obtain 250k objective points for a nice 10k conquest reward. Maybe a second reward for winning a WZ. Although I could see some people just sitting on the point guarding the entire match when they don't need to.

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Something I think would help alleviate the issue would be to give higher rewards to each player based on their objective score (and not entirely on the medals/outcome of the match) so someone who got 10000 objective points would get extra drops/credits/renown etc. whereas someone who’s purely number farming would get the drops as they are now.


Atleast that way if you lose you would be rewarded appropriately for focusing on the objectives (instead of having your rewards stymied because your teammates would rather number farm and couldn’t care less about winning) and the teammates still get their epeen bragging rights without being ‘punished’ for focusing on numbers instead of objectives.


I've advocated this ( or something along these lines) for some years, but alas it never gained much traction. My only ( albeit small) concern would be that people who simply number farm would see the match lost and simply quit to re queue instead of making an effort to continue to the end.

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