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Is it a privelage to play this game or is it Bioware honor to have us play it?


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So far on this forum I see the "You are lucky bioware decide to even make this game!" vs "We are the customer what we want is right !"


Soo..which is it? I mean I never heard of any company that said "my way or the highway." Most try to appease their customers. In the food service industry if you go to a high end restaurant, which I think of SWTOR as being, then they usually give you whatever you want even when it is not on the menu. Barring that they would apologize profusely.


Then you have places like Tacobell, Chipotle and other fast food chain who really couldn't give too crap and a damn if you are difficult. You want your food or not if so thank you if not ****. They pay lip service to customer service at most but for the most part they don't care.


So, what is it, are we lucky that Bioware decided to take time and effort out of their day to make this game? SHould we be on bended knee and kiss their feet?




I am paying for your product, you lie to us you don't even have the basic necessities that other games already have in their games. I want some form of compensation or appeasement. Some form of acknowledgement that you wronged us your loyal fanbase.



Which is the correct attitude to take with a multi million dollar company if not multi-billion?

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If you are going to rant, at least learn to spell key words in your title correctly. People will take you more seriously if you do. :p


As for your lame excuse to rant.... the reationship between player and game provider is mutual in terms of experience. So maybe pick a more relevant platform on which to launch the rant. ;)

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Bioware provides a service.


The players consume that service.


There is no privilege or honor to be had or given there.


If you don't like the service then quit using it.


This shouldn't have it any other way. The company should listen but the customers aren't given any rights because of it.

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Do these same people go into White Castle and flip out because their cheeseburgers don't have standard features, like lettuce and tomato?


I mean, Wendy's cheeseburgers come with lettuce and tomato. Shouldn't all cheeseburgers now come with lettuce and tomato?


Maybe I'm hungry.

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If you are going to rant, at least learn to spell key words in your title correctly. People will take you more seriously if you do. :p


As for your lame excuse to rant.... the reationship between player and game provider is mutual in terms of experience. So maybe pick a more relevant platform on which to launch the rant. ;)


I think that if you are going to come in and be a spell checker for anyone maybe you should also spell everything correctly , just so everyone take's you more "seriously"


My biggest beef is waiting in a queue of somtimes over 600 on a server that was chosen for me. That is bad form....just sayin. Willfully bought the collectors edition, happily provided my credit card for monthly sub , NEVER expected to pay for a game that queue's me in when i want to play .

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bioware provides a service.


The players consume that service.


There is no privilege or honor to be had or given there.


If you don't like the service then quit using it.


no, i'm entitled to the perfect mmo experience. Swtor must always be compared to wow!! [strokes neckbeard]

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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I highly doubt a Western gaming company (read: American) will bow down to their players and do what SquareEnix did and keep their player community pleased with offering a FULL YEAR of free access to FFXIV because they knew their game had its flaws.


Eastern business philosophies have many advantages over their counterparts in the West.

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Soo..which is it? I mean I never heard of any company that said "my way or the highway."


They don't. Companies listen to REASONABLE DEMANDS.


Most of the people on the forums amount to the crazy old guy at the grocery store whos red ni the face yelling at the cashier to return an item that was two years passed the return date.

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They don't. Companies listen to REASONABLE DEMANDS.


Most of the people on the forums amount to the crazy old guy at the grocery store whos red ni the face yelling at the cashier to return an item that was two years passed the return date.


Hmmmm.....but what if said item was sold to him 1 day before he tried to return it ? Is it then his fault for not looking or is it the grochery stores for not being responsible enough to take it off the shelf :D

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Bioware provides a service.


The players consume that service.


There is no privilege or honor to be had or given there.


If you don't like the service then quit using it.


Yup, exactly this. This is nothing more than a business transaction. There are no feelings of "privilege", or "honor" involved. If you like it, pay. If not, then don't pay. Simple as that.

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Bioware provides a service.


The players consume that service.


There is no privilege or honor to be had or given there.


If you don't like the service then quit using it.


Thank god I’m not the only one who understands this. Far too many people in here who seem to think that BW are doing us a favour by letting us play a game that we’ve paid for.

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I'm actually not ranting. I am wondering if we should genuflect before Bioware like how many wants too or have bioware appease us and gives us reimbursement like what the haters want.



False dichotomy.

Logic fail.

Argument invalidated by proponent.

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