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The Real truth why 95 % content only scale to level 70 and what that means for future


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The point of being sub 75 is to get to 75. The only difference is in how you choose to do it. As it stands now, endgame consists of what, 1 op.


Why am I grinding gear that doesnt matter, because theres nothing I do that's at the actual level cap.


The problem is theres nothing to do except grind gear either.


EXACTLY! Now we are getting to the point !


We have been lied to and manipulated. The so called "boost" or level "scaling " "tech" Bioware used here in this "expansion" is a sham and as You correctly stated its the grind for gear for reason of gear grind alone ! No actual improvement of your characters as the "scaling tech" throws it all out the window and makes any improvement you do to your characters totally irrelevant with this "communistic" everybody has to have same stats mechanism !


And before anyone goes "buuuuut other MMOs have also level scaling " no ! The level scaling in WoW for example is no where near the same or as totally purpose-less as what happened to SWTOR here.


Also now into 400 views more after I asked for any actual proof that any new gear or amplifiers and new augs actually increase your stats compared to the game and other players and there has been ZERO proof or links to this testing.....Yet the PVP players especially keep on trolling in their PVP forum that the new gear is a absolute MUST yet there is no actual proof that it improves you in any way !


8 years of paying several accounts (for family that also.plays) and a LOT more money on CC store (to loyally support this game) than I spent on ANY other game ever I am reaching the end of my patience with Bioware...the TOTAL cluster$##$$# of "level scaling" that in actuality does NOT improve Your characters in any way what so ever is by FAR the worst thing they ever did of #%#%#% ups of the many bad things they did in this games history and it totally makes it irrelevant to do any of the so called "content " in 6.0 at all.


In fact it is exactly as I Stated in my first post: What happened with 6.0s "level scaling tech" is an official admittance that they won't develop this game anymore.


And what is even more horrible is how many players that think they actually improve their characters by the endless and ELABORATE gear grind in 6.0 that in fact does ZERO to Your characters and nobody has ACTUALLY done any proof or testing to if their new gear actually improves anything.


It is time to say what the little boy said in H.C Andersens story about the Emperor and his new clothes. "But he is naked ! He is not wearing anything at all !"


- We have all been totally shamed and had by the devs in 6.0 -

Edited by Shinzzun
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Would you people control your conspiracy theories and making up of statements? They never said that.


They might not have officially said the words that way but what they IN FACT DID IS EXACTLY THAT by not scaling content to the new level cap of 75 like they did in previous expansions but keep it at 70, And it is also a big middle finger to the loyal playerbase.


Want to highlight this other excellent post about level scaling plus much more by KendraP



Edited by Shinzzun
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The point of being sub 75 is to get to 75. The only difference is in how you choose to do it. As it stands now, endgame consists of what, 1 op.


Why am I grinding gear that doesnt matter, because theres nothing I do that's at the actual level cap.


The problem is theres nothing to do except grind gear either.


If endgame for you is only one OP/FP and just gear grind is really your problem alone . and doesn't apply for the rest of the players. There is plenty of things to do in the game, you just have to bother . You are bored to death ? In that case.. you should speak for yourself and not generally as if the rest of the players are like you.


This whole thread... doesn't add anything , just another typical... let's whine about SWTOR . If you don't like gearing in this game OP, you can find another games that are more suited for your tastes.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Wait does it all explain why many ranked players now using like 3700 or even 4k crit? It is because of lvl scale in ranked and mastery/power useless? Iam the only dumb who runs with only 3100 crit and all other in power/mastery stats?


Can someone confirm it?

Edited by omaan
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Wait does it all explain why many ranked players now using like 3700 or even 4k crit? It is because of lvl scale in ranked and mastery/power useless? I am the only dumb who runs with only 3100 crit and all other in power/mastery stats?


Can someone confirm it?


Don't be so hard on yourself, not everyone is born an Einstein. :(

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Wait does it all explain why many ranked players now using like 3700 or even 4k crit? It is because of lvl scale in ranked and mastery/power useless? Iam the only dumb who runs with only 3100 crit and all other in power/mastery stats?


Can someone confirm it?


Yes power and mastery has been made WORTHLESS in PVE as well AS PVP because of the scaling "tech" by the worthless developers but crit is not affected so people stack that. This is just ONE of the many many side effects on this enormously stupid decision to keep scaling at level 70 because there is no more developers that are competent in SWTOR (even though EA CEO claimed to focus on SWTOR again at last shareholder call, but that is another blatant lie) they are all drafted to fix the smoking corpse of the mega fail called Anthem (which EA told in interview to IGN was Biowares last chance for success)


In short the new scaling "tech" is a disastrous choice and totally makes any progression and achievement in the game non existent except to play dress up Space Barbie with perceived (but in reality zero) improvements to your characters power level even after mindless gear grind.

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If you can do pve in your current gear, than its fine enough. But good luck being competitive in green gear without tactical in any form of pvp. Whatever suits your fetish.


Another half misunderstood perception of reality.


Yes tactical does affect your powers and abilities and DPS output (if it is not bugged like some tacticals are)


However the bit about green gear is not. As is evident by this thread and any scientific testing or proof of needing ilevel 306 legendary gear over green gear when the new communistic "scaling tech" is taken into account. This applies both to PVE as well as PVP scenarios.

Edited by Shinzzun
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If endgame for you is only one OP/FP and just gear grind is really your problem alone . and doesn't apply for the rest of the players. There is plenty of things to do in the game, you just have to bother . You are bored to death ? In that case.. you should speak for yourself and not generally as if the rest of the players are like you.


This whole thread... doesn't add anything , just another typical... let's whine about SWTOR . If you don't like gearing in this game OP, you can find another games that are more suited for your tastes.


Plenty of things to do ? You mean as in repetitive farming of old content where you are as good or sometimes even better in old level 70 gear than in the new level 75 gear.


Or you mean "other things to do" as in playing pretty Dress up Space Barbie ?


The whole raison d'être for playing an MMO is to improve your characters power level either by leveling or gear level and additional skills at max level.


With the total disaster (and hence indirect admittance by the developers the game is not being developed anymore and they cant even scale content to new max level as previously was the case) of the current "level scaling tech" the whole reason for the games progress of your characters was made void and null.


As the original post stated this is disastrous news for this games future - much more so than any of the historically moronic choices the dev team did.


Am not sure most players understand that this one thing - the failing to scale content to new max level (because devs either cant or there is no resources at all anymore for SWTOR) is a very bad, IN FACT THE MOST DISATROUS THING in this games LIFETIME.


It is very worrisome and sad that many players have not realised the implications of this yet, when they do, (eventually they all will) it will be public revolt in this game !


Short version: The very core essence and raison d'être for an MMO and this very game was betrayed and given up on in 6.0. - This is a disaster for this games future -

Edited by Shinzzun
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Plenty of things to do ? You mean as in repetitive farming of old content where you are as good or sometimes even better in old level 70 gear than in the new level 75 gear.


Or you mean "other things to do" as in playing pretty Dress up Space Barbie ?


The whole raison d'être for playing an MMO is to improve your characters power level either by leveling or gear level and additional skills at max level.


With the total disaster (and hence indirect admittance by the developers the game is not being developed anymore and they cant even scale content to new max level as previously was the case) of the current "level scaling tech" the whole reason for the games progress of your characters was made void and null.


As the original post stated this is disastrous news for this games future - much more so than any of the historically moronic choices the dev team did.


Am not sure most players understand that this one thing - the failing to scale content to new max level (because devs either cant or there is no resources at all anymore for SWTOR) is a very bad, IN FACT THE MOST DISATROUS THING in this games LIFETIME.


It is very worrisome and sad that many players have not realised the implications of this yet, when they do, (eventually they all will) it will be public revolt in this game !


Short version: The very core essence and raison d'être for an MMO and this very game was betrayed and given up on in 6.0. - This is a disaster for this games future -


I till don't understand what's your point with this thread... We have absolutely no way of knowing what the developers do or don't because none of us work there... or have any inside info about the development of this game .


There were many " prophets " and " I know it all " people who were posting threads about this game's demise years ago and they were predicting that we are getting the middle finger at best from EA/Bioware, yet here we are with a new expansion..


Instead of creating conspiracy theory posts about things you have no idea about, why not play the game ? Enjoy it while it lasts.


Oh, you don't like it anymore ? Please leave those who do alone . Maybe post some suggestions about improving the game play since you are such an " expert " on it's flaws. This is the problem with people like you. You are experts at pointing fingers and criticizing and complaining, but fail to write any constructive suggestions, enlighten us with how you would like to see the game.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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The whole raison d'être for playing an MMO is... [snip]


Sorry, not sorry. Any game-specific reason anyone gives as to why to play an MMO is pure opinion.


Entertainment, in whatever fashion it appears, for whomever finds value in seeking it out.

Not wanting to feel alone in a game.

There are many reasons. There is no absolute reason.


Certainly not just your horribly limited assessment to "improve your character's power level"

Edited by xordevoreaux
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They might not have officially said the words that way but what they IN FACT DID IS EXACTLY THAT by not scaling content to the new level cap of 75 like they did in previous expansions but keep it at 70, And it is also a big middle finger to the loyal playerbase.


Want to highlight this other excellent post about level scaling plus much more by KendraP




I know exactly what the problem is and if you bothered to read my posts you know i am in favor of changing it, in one direction or the other. The way it is now is not okay. Also, i actually listen to the devs and i know from their stream that nothing is set in stone.

Making up crap doesn't help anyone though. It only gets you ignored. So, you are not helping yourself or us by doing that. Deliver this feedback in a civil manner. Quantity will send the message, not anger and lies.

Edited by Nemmar
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I till don't understand what's your point with this thread... We have absolutely no way of knowing what the developers do or don't because none of us work there... or have any inside info about the development of this game .


There were many " prophets " and " I know it all " people who were posting threads about this game's demise years ago and they were predicting that we are getting the middle finger at best from EA/Bioware, yet here we are with a new expansion..


Instead of creating conspiracy theory posts about things you have no idea about, why not play the game ? Enjoy it while it lasts.


Oh, you don't like it anymore ? Please leave those who do alone . Maybe post some suggestions about improving the game play since you are such an " expert " on it's flaws. This is the problem with people like you. You are experts at pointing fingers and criticizing and complaining, but fail to write any constructive suggestions, enlighten us with how you would like to see the game.


Personally i just dont want to spend stats in something useless in ranked pvp while others spend stats correctly. If power and mastery are useless and other ranked players know it then i need to adapt too and not waste my stats. I just want confirmation if it is true about lvl scale, waste of power/mastery in ranked or no because lately i really noticed many highrated players using like 3700 or 4k crit with low mastery and power and i always wondered why

Edited by omaan
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The underlying problem is that for whatever reason (most likely development environment / engine limitations), scaling in SWTOR uses hard stat caps instead of scaling everything proportional.


Hard caps devalue buffs, consumables, augments, datacrons, bonuses, gear, procs, and such that effect capped stats.


I play several games with scaling - and none of them use hard stat caps, so players still have agency over their character progression when scaled, so gear, buffs, and all forms of character progression still matter.


And in all those games, stat differences between characters still exist when scaled such that a player with top gear, full buffs, and all character improvements has more stats that a player with crappy gear, no buffs, and little character improvements.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Personally i just dont want to spend stars in something useless in ranked pvp while others spend stats correctly. If power and mastery are useless and other ranked players know it then i need to adapt too and not waste my stats. I just want confirmation if it is true about lvl scale, waste of power/mastery in ranked or no because lately i really noticed many highrated players using like 3700 or 4k crit with low mastery and power and i always wondered why


Wouldn't it be easier to test that yourself ? If 4k crit is the way to go, you would surely notice a difference... a significant one.

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Another half misunderstood perception of reality.


Yes tactical does affect your powers and abilities and DPS output (if it is not bugged like some tacticals are)


However the bit about green gear is not. As is evident by this thread and any scientific testing or proof of needing ilevel 306 legendary gear over green gear when the new communistic "scaling tech" is taken into account. This applies both to PVE as well as PVP scenarios.


Have you actually PVP’ed in the new expansion? Team ranked? Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that gear is irrelevant in PVP? Omaan is an exclusive pvp’er and nearly exclusively solo ranked, so I would take their comments more than yours.

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The underlying problem is that for whatever reason (most likely development environment / engine limitations), scaling in SWTOR uses hard stat caps instead of scaling everything proportional.


Hard caps devalue buffs, consumables, augments, datacrons, bonuses, gear, procs, and such that effect capped stats.


I play several games with scaling - and none of them use hard stat caps, so players still have agency over their character progression when scaled, so gear, buffs, and all forms of character progression still matter.


And in all those games, stat differences between characters still exist when scaled such that a player with top gear, full buffs, and all character improvements has more stats that a player with crappy gear, no buffs, and little character improvements.


That is exactly the point! As I mention the scaling WOW and many other games is implemented in a PROPER way as You just described.


The new "scalin" in SWTOR is a disaster and even more spaghetti code.

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Have you actually PVP’ed in the new expansion? Team ranked? Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that gear is irrelevant in PVP? Omaan is an exclusive pvp’er and nearly exclusively solo ranked, so I would take their comments more than yours.


Which is EXACTLY what I have been asking for this entire thread !


Actually scientific and proper testing with proof in form of hard evidence in a detailed post or a YouTube video where it is proven that the new gear matters and is not neutered by the new level scaling "tech" and not just "feelings" by some "pro" SWTOR PVP player without any mathematical testing and numbers to back up these "feelings" about PVP in 6.0


You are more than welcome to post those proofs and links to this rigious testing that You say some PVP has done, in fact as mentioned I asked for EXACTLY that this entire thread, but I guess that is too much attention span for most people to do before passive aggressively post a reply here ;-)

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Which is EXACTLY what I have been asking for this entire thread !


Actually scientific and proper testing with proof in form of hard evidence in a detailed post or a YouTube video where it is proven that the new gear matters and is not neutered by the new level scaling "tech" and not just "feelings" by some "pro" SWTOR PVP player without any mathematical testing and numbers to back up these "feelings" about PVP in 6.0


You are more than welcome to post those proofs and links to this rigious testing that You say some PVP has done, in fact as mentioned I asked for EXACTLY that this entire thread, but I guess that is too much attention span for most people to do before passive aggressively post a reply here ;-)


You are posting about issues that have been known and discussed for months -- literally months. Good morning Grandma! /snicker


As several posters have pointed out, other threads discuss the issue in a much more nuanced, and therefore, useful (to the devs) manner. Not sure why you're acting all high and mighty as if you just discovered a new element.


With respect to PvP, it has long been known that gearing matters, not because of the item level, but primarily because of the set bonuses. Some tacticals are vastly superior as well. Frankly, there are two sets in game currently that I fully expect to get hit with the nerf hammer in due course. But, yes, stat capping makes certain items superfluous. Not sure why you are trying to reinvent the wheel here.


I'm with DavidAtkinson on this one. I have no idea what the point of this thread is. Many of us have expressed our concerns about the way they combined the level synching with stat capping. As Dawn Ash points out, it is the combo that is problematic. More broadly, they have made some changes, such as to Eternal Championship and Star Fortresses. Hopefully, they will make some other changes too.


As for your *cough* theory *cough* that they are no longer engaged in new development, well, nevuhmind...not worth my time.



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As pathetic as I think the failure of scaling to 75 is, because of how bad bolster is (and always has been), PvP is one of the few places gear is actually useful, while ironically, being one of the worst ways to get said gear. Using gear to mean ilevel, because tacticals and set bonuses are always useful.


My primary issues with the lack of scaling are in the PvE realm, where, even though I'm not delusional enough to think they will never create more content, I do think it points to a distinct lack of resources or talent. Taken in conjunction with the fact that we know the rate at which we will get new content, I am simply unhappy with only having 1 operation at max level, while being provided with a gear grind for stats that, at the end of the day, are mostly capped off in 99% of the content I participate in.


It will always be my opinion that, if scaling all "endgame" content to "endgame" level was too difficult for them, owing to incompetence, lack of resources, or whatever other reason, they should not have raised the level cap.

Edited by KendraP
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if you keep your lvl 70 gear at lvl 75 you are not fine at all...

you still have the lvl 75 tertiary stat curves...


which means you need 1600 acc.. your crit is really low and you cant even affort a 1.4 sec gcd without only having like 30% crit....


then you do like 6k dps in lvl 70 content...


thats not fine...


i am not a fan of level locking myself, but if i see stupid **** i call it out.....

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Guys i just played ranked match and decided to test this scale rumors...it seems this indeed requires some serious testing because when i remove my power/mastery augments my STATS REMAIN THE SAME LOL. nothing changes but when i remove crti augment my crit stat actually DROPS....it seems like all power/mastery stats are useless in pvp because swtor doesn't count them over some point. It looks like stats in this game are recked completely and in end game content no sense to use power/mastery buffs/augs lol Edited by bladech
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Guys i just played ranked match and decided to test this scale rumors...it seems this indeed requires some serious testing because when i remove my power/mastery augments my STATS REMAIN THE SAME LOL. nothing changes but when i remove crti augment my crit stat actually DROPS....it seems like all power/mastery stats are useless in pvp because swtor doesn't count them over some point. It looks like stats in this game are recked completely and in end game content no sense to use power/mastery buffs/augs lol


Yes is how it is, but the "pro" PVP players keep it to them selves and don't answer any posts on PVP forum about this, or reply just some childish "getguuuuud" so they can win their fantastic end of season "rewards" ...anyway it's also a train wreck in PVE the game has stopped evolving for your characters since level 70, that people call this old news and simply accepted it is speaking volumes about the playerbase that is left.

Edited by Shinzzun
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if you keep your lvl 70 gear at lvl 75 you are not fine at all...

you still have the lvl 75 tertiary stat curves...


which means you need 1600 acc.. your crit is really low and you cant even affort a 1.4 sec gcd without only having like 30% crit....


then you do like 6k dps in lvl 70 content...


thats not fine...


i am not a fan of level locking myself, but if i see stupid **** i call it out.....


And these "tertiary" stats was proven scaling the way you say and the difference from level 70 gear was tested, measured and documented with exactly which "addon" or DPS "meter" for SWTOR ? Please please remind me :-)

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