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Depends on what you are looking for. Smuggler is very light hearted with a lot of fun and flirts. I enjoy it a lot, so if you enjoy series like Firefly or The Expanse, the smuggler seems like a good choice (i recommend ruffian scoundrel).


Many claim that the agent story is the best, i don't know that yet. Bounty hunter has it's moments too.

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I think I might try Jedi Consular to finish out the force user roles. Then go to the others.


The consular is a very.... political, diplomatic, story IMO. The smuggler is full of LOL moments and flirts (I prefer gunslinger) Bounty hunter is also a cool story. Agent is a straight 007 fantasy with mystery and intrigue. I'm in the camp that considers it one of the best class stories in the game.

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Agent is a straight 007 fantasy with mystery and intrigue. I'm in the camp that considers it one of the best class stories in the game.

I'm not in that camp. It's well-constructed, for sure, but at its heart it is

a rather tired cliché of the lone Agent battling the Secret Masters / Illuminati


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I'm not in that camp. It's well-constructed, for sure, but at its heart it is

a rather tired cliché of the lone Agent battling the Secret Masters / Illuminati


Yes, this is probably the best assesment of the story. It does have some good parts, but others just have you thinking, what the hell......

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if you like story, consular is gonna be the hardest to swallow... but you can make it more interesting by playing it pure evil palpatine type schemer....


of the remaining stories, Agent > Trooper > Hunter > Smuggler.... the last two have some serious pacing issues in act 3 that can make them a bit of a turn off.


as for playability Agent/Smuggler I think the melee side is better, and I donl like melee.

hunter PT is amaingly strong tank, and great melee, and Mercenary (ranged) has amazing heals and the simplest rotation in the game

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Imperial Agent. Many people agree it has the most interesting story in-game. It's my personal favourite next to Light Side Sith Warrior.


But it generally depends on your tastes. I suggest leveling them all.

I've played like 6-7 times the Warrior story, and in each and every one of them i couldnt help it but go DS (turning Jaesa dark, killing ppl in true sith fashion).


So please, WHAT is it that makes LS Warrior so good, can anyone explain to me? Bc i've already seen a bunch of ppl talk how good LS Warrior story is. I was thinking of rerolling a female Warrior for a change, and i could try going LS if it's interesting enough, but i just dont see it.

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I've played like 6-7 times the Warrior story, and in each and every one of them i couldnt help it but go DS (turning Jaesa dark, killing ppl in true sith fashion).

I'm usually that way, but I have *deliberately* played through the story as LS on a couple of occasions.

So please, WHAT is it that makes LS Warrior so good, can anyone explain to me? Bc i've already seen a bunch of ppl talk how good LS Warrior story is. I was thinking of rerolling a female Warrior for a change, and i could try going LS if it's interesting enough, but i just dont see it.

What it does is offer an alternative philosophy of what it means to be Sith. It's not that either way is better or worse, but that they are *different*. The most "obvious" difference is the part on Tatooine after you encounter the Sand Demon.


It's worth trying, even if you decide afterwards that it wasn't for you. (And you can [Flirt] your way to kiss LSJ after Ossus if you want, whether your character is male or female.)

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Currently doing the Trooper. That, and the Sith Warrior missing to complete the set.


As much as i hate the Imperials in faction i have to say, that they got more interesting stories. Bounty Hunter, and Agent are both very interesting. Also all of them has it's fun moments. On of my favorite: Minor spoiler incoming.


Jedi Master to Bounty Hunter: Drop your weapons, and surrender.


Bounty Hunter: So. Has that ever worked?


Jedi Master: Some people have sense. Others must be persuated. *tries jedi mind trick* You will drop your weapons, and surrender to me.


Bounty Hunter: *imitates jedi mind trick* You will realize what a complete idiot you are.



For Republic the Smuggler is the only hillarious. The rest a re boring duty-carry "droids". Not much funny moments, or one-nighters.

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Currently doing the Trooper. That, and the Sith Warrior missing to complete the set.


As much as i hate the Imperials in faction i have to say, that they got more interesting stories. Bounty Hunter, and Agent are both very interesting. Also all of them has it's fun moments. On of my favorite: Minor spoiler incoming.


Jedi Master to Bounty Hunter: Drop your weapons, and surrender.


Bounty Hunter: So. Has that ever worked?


Jedi Master: Some people have sense. Others must be persuated. *tries jedi mind trick* You will drop your weapons, and surrender to me.


Bounty Hunter: *imitates jedi mind trick* You will realize what a complete idiot you are.



For Republic the Smuggler is the only hillarious. The rest a re boring duty-carry "droids". Not much funny moments, or one-nighters.


Agree completely. This has been mentioned off and on since launch. The Imperials have the better story lines(subjective of course), the better combat animations, and no question, the better looking gear. This is a huge reason why the Imp sides are typically larger in population.


My suggestion for anyone trying the game out for the first time, is to run through all the story lines, Republic and Empire. They're all good.

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The smuggler is amazing he has that fun way of talking sarcastic like. And his ability to persuade people will make an jedi or sith using force persuasion very jealous as the smuggler is that good. I do not know what the story was about even now but I knew at the end of the day he will be on top richer and with more little smugglers going on in the galaxy.
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This has been mentioned off and on since launch. The Imperials have the better story lines(subjective of course), the better combat animations, and no question, the better looking gear. This is a huge reason why the Imp sides are typically larger in population.

"Subjective" is an understatement. Particularly when it comes to gear. The Imperials have all that ugly, ugly gear with stupid masks (just ask Snopes 😉 ), and all those massive spikes, pipes, etc. Sith armor is closer to clown-wear than anything good looking.

The main reason why the Imp side had a larger population was all the kids wanting to be "bad boys". As the player base has aged, there is more balance in the Force. 🙂


P.s. Legendary player.

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