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What has SWTOR introduced...?


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People are moaning this isnt worth the $15 a month, and in comparison to other more established games (altho this is a new release) it has a lot less content.


Those are not people, those are trolls. ;)


So im asking all you likers of the game, and dislikers who want to change there opinion... what has this game actually introduced, that has made you come and live here? please dont just say 'fun' or something :D


The companion system and mechanics are totally innovative. Well done as well. Should go a long way to putting PUGs to rest, except for actual 4 man content at level.


Crafting is very well done and innovative to a degree. By well done I mean that it is not tedious, and it does not break the credit bank either. You can skill up as you level with ease and can make your own gear on the cheap (as long as you have selected and used the appropriate gathering skills that go with your craft). Not since DAOC have I seen a crafting system that allowed you to easily convert raw materials into credits (ie: essentially trinketing select items in the recipe list to maximize conversion of materials into credits without the hassle of GTNing the mats. Once you have multiple companions, you can really get to cranking on skill up and trinketing.


While it is theme park rather then sand box, it is so well refined that I have yet to feel like I am grinding in any way as I level.


While the combat mechanics get a lot of hits with the hate bat, I personally love the combat mechanics. They are fun, powerful, and effective in PvE (no comment on PvP, which is where I think most of the /ranting is going on).


I could go on and on.....but I do not favor walls of text.


My only gripe on the game is the GTN. It behaves like it was designed and coded by one eyed, spactic chipmunks with ADD.

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The game has reinvented the 'grind' from the traditional path of killing crap and clicking glowies to an engrossing story and player personality driven.


I doubt another MMO with able to be done without doing something similar.


Excellent work-- who could go back to questing ala WOW style now? Not me.


Very much agree,

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The game has reinvented the 'grind' from the traditional path of killing crap and clicking glowies to an engrossing story and player personality driven.


I doubt another MMO with able to be done without doing something similar.


Excellent work-- who could go back to questing ala WOW style now? Not me.


I agree, the quests are actually interesting due to the story. However, when you make an alt, or are an altaholic like me, I bet you start clicking through the conversations for side quests :)

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NO other MMO has had fully voiced quests. Every single quest, fetch or not, fully voiced.


This isn't even remotely true. Half of the quests are either bonus quests or from mission boxes. The word "Bonus" in front of them doesn't mean they're not real quests.

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1) Voice-Overs (Of this magnitude has NEVER been done in mmorpgs)

2) Dialogue Tree when talking to Quest Npc's

3) Story (Different on all classes)

4) Your own ship

5) Companions that do work for you!

6) Lightsabes (When you hear that epic sound, you know what i mean)

7) Upgradable Companions & Ship

8) Space combat

9) Crew skills

9) PvP/Pve/Flashpoints/Warfronts/Crafting/Etc (This is shared by many mmorpg's)


This is just a few. But you get the point.


1. 7 minute cut scenes for side quests where you have to kill 35 droids are annoying.

2. Choices in this game are pointless. The only thing that change as a result of your choices are what dialogue you hear, your DS/LS points, and if an NPC that was just introduced 5 minutes ago will die or live and if you let them live you never see them again anyway.

3. lol what? Every MMO ever has a story. No one just ever read quest texts.

4. Not really your own ship, everyone has one. Your ship is just a personal shuttle. It's basically the boats or zepplins in WoW

5. Companions that play the game for you. Rather than you leveling up your crafting skills your Companions do it all, at an unreasonable rate. I'm at 175 for underworld trading and it takes 20 minutes to get up 2 points.

6. Lightsabers were in SWG and that's all you can come up with for what this game introduced? lol.

7. Up-gradable companions? So you're telling me no MMO has no companion/pet/animal that can be upgraded. Upgrabable ships? The upgrades are invisible.

8. lol the space combat is a joke. It's not space combat it's a mini game. A bunch of MMOs have mini games. Also space combat? Ever hear of Star trek online?]

9. Crew skills? HAHAHAHAHAH you're telling me no game ever has had crafting skills? HAHAHHAHAA



Also the point of this thread is what TOR introduced. Not what TOR did that a ton of other MMOs have done before.


Biodrones gonna drone.

Edited by notafanboy
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The game has reinvented the 'grind' from the traditional path of killing crap and clicking glowies to an engrossing story and player personality driven.


I doubt another MMO with able to be done without doing something similar.


Excellent work-- who could go back to questing ala WOW style now? Not me.


Take away the cut scenes and this game is exactly like all the others where you kill crap and click on glowies. There is no difference in the actual game play.

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1. 7 minute cut scenes for side quests where you have to kill 35 droids are annoying.

2. Choices in this game are pointless. The only thing that change as a result of your choices are what dialogue you hear, your DS/LS points, and if an NPC that was just introduced 5 minutes ago will die or live and if you let them live you never see them again anyway.

3. lol what? Every MMO ever has a story. No one just ever read quest texts.

4. Not really your own ship, everyone has one. Your ship is just a personal shuttle. It's basically the boats or zepplins in WoW

5. Companions that play the game for you. Rather than you leveling up your crafting skills your Companions do it all, at an unreasonable rate. I'm at 175 for underworld trading and it takes 20 minutes to get up 2 points.

6. Lightsabers were in SWG and that's all you can come up with for what this game introduced? lol.

7. Up-gradable companions? So you're telling me no MMO has no companion/pet/animal that can be upgraded. Upgrabable ships? The upgrades are invisible.

8. lol the space combat is a joke. It's not space combat it's a mini game. A bunch of MMOs have mini games. Also space combat? Ever hear of Star trek online?]

9. Crew skills? HAHAHAHAHAH you're telling me no game ever has had crafting skills? HAHAHHAHAA



Also the point of this thread is what TOR introduced. Not what TOR did that a ton of other MMOs have done before.


Biodrones gonna drone.


Looking at your username makes me think you came here just for trolling

Edited by SNCommand
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The game has reinvented the 'grind' from the traditional path of killing crap and clicking glowies to an engrossing story and player personality driven.


I doubt another MMO with able to be done without doing something similar.


Excellent work-- who could go back to questing ala WOW style now? Not me.


I actually tried a few days back helping out a friend OMG it was like going back to a MUD after playing LOTRO .....I just can't see how anyone can continue to play that.

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The game has reinvented the 'grind' from the traditional path of killing crap and clicking glowies to an engrossing story and player personality driven.


I doubt another MMO with able to be done without doing something similar.


Excellent work-- who could go back to questing ala WOW style now? Not me.


Questing in this game is WoW style. Only now they give you a 7 cutscene explaining why you have to kill x droids or collect y material or talk to z. And every MMO engrossed you into the story it's just nobody read the quest texts.

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The game has reinvented the 'grind' from the traditional path of killing crap and clicking glowies to an engrossing story and player personality driven.


I doubt another MMO with able to be done without doing something similar.


Excellent work-- who could go back to questing ala WOW style now? Not me.


Questing and leveling are just the side dish, if endgame stays as crappy as it is this dinner is going to suck more then the holiday special.

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Questing and leveling are just the side dish, if endgame stays as crappy as it is this dinner is going to suck more then the holiday special.


I haven't gotten to 50 yet but if the end game is really as crappy as I hear I'm gonna have to quit. I'm having a blast leveling up, I mean this leveling really isn't that different from any other MMO leveling, I just really like star wars, but I have no desire to do it again, at least not for a while. What's the status on SWGemu? I haven't checked on that in forever.

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Questing and leveling are just the side dish, if endgame stays as crappy as it is this dinner is going to suck more then the holiday special.


nope, questing and leveling isnt just the side dish, the main reason I am playing this game is for the story (wich is, the questing and leveling). if it was not a good story and cutscenes, just a arrow pointing me to a tree I need to climb then I wouldnt bother with an mmo again.

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nope, questing and leveling isnt just the side dish, the main reason I am playing this game is for the story (wich is, the questing and leveling). if it was not a good story and cutscenes, just a arrow pointing me to a tree I need to climb then I wouldnt bother with an mmo again.


So you paid at least 60$ and than an additional 15$ a month to play an MMO as a single player game? lol

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So you paid at least 60$ and than an additional 15$ a month to play an MMO as a single player game? lol


What's wrong with that? Plenty do that on WoW.

Also, it's not really a 'single player game' fif you rely on things like the auction house. yeah, I know, that's not the full MMO experience, but still..


To each their own. I'll group with people occasionally, but traditionally, I want to be left alone. There's absolutely nothing at all wrong with that.

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What's wrong with that? Plenty do that on WoW.

Also, it's not really a 'single player game' fif you rely on things like the auction house. yeah, I know, that's not the full MMO experience, but still..


To each their own. I'll group with people occasionally, but traditionally, I want to be left alone. There's absolutely nothing at all wrong with that.



>wants to be left alone in an MMO



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I'm a huge Star Wars fan (and loved playing KOTOR) and not really interested in playing games with wizards and trolls and orcs. So I could care less how this game compares to other MMOs...that has absolutely no bearing on my opinion or enjoyment of this game. The only other MMO I've even played is CoH and I dropped my sub there as soon as this game launched.
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Hey notanenglishspeaker- do you know what 'engrossed' means? It means you are interested in the story and dont skip quest text. So when you are skipping quest text in wow that means you aren't engrossed in the story.


Read a book or two, you sound dumb!


SWTOR has so far been the best MMO I have played and I've played a lot. I say that because I'm leveling up right now and the leveling up experience has been great. It is the only MMO where I have been 'engrossed' in the story and didnt feel like I was just grinding to 50. The group quests have also been fun and very interesting in that you actually have to use CC and planning instead of just AOEing down every mob. We had some guy who just blindly AOEd down all our CCs and we wiped time and time again even though he was 5-6 levels over the mobs. So, in other words its not braindead like post-vanilla WoW.


Whether the endgame is bad or not, I dont know. I DO know that a lot of the people complaining about endgame haven't even reached 50 yet, lol. Not to mention there are only a few 50's on my server so its a bit premature to judge yet even for them.


Regardless, having bad endgame isnt a unique thing. A certain other MMO that I'm sure most of these trolls come from was originally horrible in endgame. But it picked up quickly and I'm sure SWTOR will as well.

Edited by Jellytooth
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