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The Rise of Skywalker (( Spoliers ))


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I can't help but compare as in RoS when everyone was looking for Palpatine and the planet Exogol it was like when Raven and Malak found the Emperor and then they searched for the Star Forge. As well when Rey was fighting Palpatine and then the voices of all the Jedi were "with" her, I felt like that was simialr to the ending of the Sith Inquisitor's story

Over all, not particularly happy with the ending and whats with Rey taking the name Skywalker. :(




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as someone who saw the OT as a child, the saga of skywalker is more of a tragedy than anything else now. I have unfortunately endured, now 6, movies after rotj and the best one was rogue one in my opinion. Bioware's stories are better than anything that has been put out in this trilogy.


it's a mess and i think the movie did it's best trying to put together what TLJ did. It's unfortunate how people can get a story thrown in their lap and tell something so totally different.


i always go back to how the force was viewed in the OT. How it took serious mental training, and time to learn to use it , even just a few rocks. The force became some sort of shazam super power , more and more ridiculous each movie.


The rebels, destroy the empire, luke is now "the" jedi. The force awakens, and leia couldn't keep it together for 30 years? Luke couldn't train one generation of jedi? The rebels are dead again , already, by a new "empire"? No story, explaining it in the movies...just bending the skywalkers over , yet again and creating a complete collapse of everything , right after they defeated evil.


None of it is good story telling, none of it makes sense, and reys backstory is just mind boggling to think about. They didn't learn their lesson after the prequels.


I am not mad, i gave up on the franchise after the ewok christmas special. The games however, have always delivered !


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So after having seen the film earlier today, I am not sure what to think about the film - it is very thought-provoking, that´s for sure. I enjoyed the film, I really did but there were things that left me with a sore taste, particularly in regards to Palpatine and his return.

Now, there´s no doubt in my mind that he has somehow survived his fall and explosion of the Death Star II thanks to the dark side of the Force. The problem here is that we aren´t exactly explained as to how he managed to survive. People mumble about Sith sorcery, even cloning, but none of those provide an actual response as to how he has survived. And how he has been able to raise an army in secret with all the Star Destroyers fully crewed and manned.


Rey Palpatine.. That made me cringe. It sounded like being taken from a theory of a Youtuber on the internet. I understand that Abrams wanted give her a meaningful lineage as a way to justify her powers but in my opinion, that was unnecessary. Sure, they still retain that her parents were nobodies because they chose to be in order to protect Rey, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth. And I was hoping for an explanation as to why Palpatine decided to have an affair that would produce a child - did he have a vision of sorts or was it an expirement? I can only speculate.


My ranting aside, the good parts that I enjoyed:

Rey and Kylo interactions. They are my favorite characters by far in Sequels and it was great to see the two back on stage together. Their Force-bond moments were strong and the final moment between the two, beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

Chewie finally getting his medal after 42 years.

Threepio´s adventures after his memory wipe and before the restoration filled me with joy and laughing.

The small scene showing Luke and Leia training together. It was so small yet felt so important.

Scenes with Carrie Fisher, may she rest in peace.

Kylo Ren redeeming himself as Ben Solo.

Babu Frikk was cutest. He melted my heart with D-O.

John Williams´ music, masterful as always.


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Honestly I enjoyed the movie. She took the name skywalker because not only where the skywalkers the only people she could consider parents but she also loved their son. Making her Palpatine daughter while a bit cheesy made sense and really made vitiate as cannon imo. We also confirmed mace windo is dead because his voice was "with her" and honestly assuming they connect baby Yoda and ray together at some point then that would be amazing. But before that, I believe Fen who has officially been made force sensitive will be next in line to be trained. The move set up the potential movies of the rebirth of the Jedi, an Old Republic movie and a movie dealing with the senate or the rebuilding of the republic as a whole.

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I saw it yesterday evening.

It was....... perplexing.

Definitely rushed, desperately trying to restore anything that is left after the TLJ disaster.

Resulting in too many rapid scenes, too fast cut-offs, too much shortages.

They coud deasily make 3 hour movie and people would still see it. (remember "Return of the king"?)




But I was happy to actually see that - whichever way Palpatine survived - he is using very similar approach as Vitiate/Valkorion has. They use some "unimaginable Sith powers" to keep their spirit alive and use different bodies. It would be even better if it happened on Korriban, but one cannot have everything, can he? All the Exogol (not sure why not Smeagol :) ) with all those humongous statues and Sith rituals, that was good. The hidden armada? ofc, why not, Palpi had all the time to prepare if when he was "armed and operational" and hide it just for that particular ocassion. It is no strange in Sith environment.


The Kylo-Rey interaction - fanstastic and truly shining moments of the movie. I am afraid the only ones.


if I look at the Obi-Wan and Anakin (or even Maul - Quai-Gon) duels - they were extremely fast, agile, equilibristic and volatile.


The one between Kylo and Rey is more like banging with hammers but that was probably the point - to prove the strenght more than anything.


I also do not know why the ending is like that - it would be much better if Rey got a child with Ben - THAT new character could be THE most powerful being ever. (except baby Yoda :) ) whom he will eventaully meet. And definietly be a Skywalker.


I guess J.J. just did what he could, given the "state of Galaxy" left afyer Johnson's "subversion of the expectations".


I wonder however HOW come people in Disney could let that thing out ?? They MUST HAVE KNOWN it will derail everything and make people angry? And it was easily fixable even in 2017, just by doing alterations to the TLJ story - they KNEW about Leia already - why, oh why?


And don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact they gave Princess Leia proper farewell on the screen (especially with Billie) but it could have been avoided, if only they got some balls in TLJ and let her die in the space instead of making her Mary Poppins.



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I like it quite a bit ... it wasn’t the story I would have written, but I think Abrams did a very good job with the $h!t sandwich Rian Johnson gave him. And obviously, Carrie Fischer’s death added several levels of difficulty to the plot.


I’m going to see it again to pick up on some of the small things I’m sure I missed. In particular, I want to see the Jedi voices scene again to see if I can recognize them better. I could only distinguish Luke & Yoda ... lol. I missed Mace Windu, Obi-Wan & Anakin. Is Qui-Gon a voice in the scene?


Also, for the briefest of moments, I thought Rey’s mother was going to be Mara Jade ... that would have been epic.


Overall, I thought there were some great emotional moments that were very satisfying such as Han-Kyli scene and I thought Chewie breaking down after Leia died was absolutely perfect. The final scene was great as well.


I do wish Luke had a larger role, but I think it was more Johnson’s failing that caused it.


One last thing, there’s obviously a ton of nods to the EU and particularly the Old Republic ... it’s frustrating that they refuse to use the planet names (such as Korriban or Tython) ... I can understand wanting to create the world over in their image but what’s the harm in using existing names.




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I saw it yesterday evening.

It was....... perplexing.

Definitely rushed,


Agreed, it was somewhat of 'hot mess'...but a very fun (and funny) glorious mess. :D


I enjoyed it and would def. pay to see it again.


Now then, as for 1 of your other spoiler points....




I also do not know why the ending is like that - it would be much better if Rey got a child with Ben - THAT new character could be THE most powerful being ever. (except baby Yoda :) ) whom he will eventaully meet. And definietly be a Skywalker.




TOTALLY AGREE and i thought something very similar afterwards too.


Not sure why J.J. (or others) didn't think of that as well (maybe they did, but DISNEY veto'd ) .



p.s. We never found out why....


Maz Kinata in Ep. 7 said, after Han asks her where she got Luke's/Vader's old LIGHTSABER: "That's a story for another time." ----- Why not reveal that memory story in Ep. 9 as well ?!?!?! :(


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Ok just came back from it. I have to say I'm disappointed. Sure it's understandable since TLJ killed Snoke and left a mess with other things like wiped most of the rebels, but this movie still has its own fault.




The climax sucks because of the personal conflict wasn't well handled. Both Kylo Ren and Rey were a swing and miss.


Who was Kylo's main struggle? LUKE! But Luke was missing through the conflict with him. That has made his turn very weak. Snoke was also missing, at least he could show up as a Force Ghost because it WAS HE who turned him to the Dark Side.


Who was Rey's main struggle? Palpatine! He was the one who responsible for her parents' death and her only relative..


But Palpatine only appeared in this one and they didn't have enough interaction between the characters to bring up. To Rey he was a nobody other than keep manipulating her and killed her parents. He doesn't even have humanity anymore other than one or two lines.


Kylo and Rey has different struggle, and they really don't share much parallel at all. They failed as the core characters. Nor was others helping much.


Also how it was handled also sucks. All the struggle between Kylo and Rey was done after the battle in the Death Star II. But because Luke was missing, Kylo Ren's change was weak.


And Rey already knew she was Palpatine's granddaughter and her parents were killed. All the twist were gone so the climax was weak.


Let's look at OT, Vader has been menacing since EP4 and had a lot of interaction with Luke through the trilogy, the conflict and struggle was settled in both characters. Vader using Leia to cause Luke's outrage was the climax and made him so close to the Dark Side, then his decision turned Luke back to redeem Vader. It was tight, it was intense, it was nicely done.


PT didn't do that well, especially Padme and Anakin's love. But at least we saw Anakin's difference with Obi Wan and the Jedi. His relationship with Palpatine as well. The finale was strong enough to show Palpatine's scheme and Anakin dueling with Obi Wan.


The ending was nowhere close to EP3 or EP6 as well because the buildup and climax sucks. Also Rey has little to do with Tatooine, so it doesn't have the power like EP3's ending did. Her main struggle was with Palpatine so the Force Ghost of Luke and Leia doesn't help much.


I also think this ending has a lot similarities with the MMO SWTOR's KOTET xpc ending. The throne and a massive fleet, the fight with Valkorion/Palpatine was also quite similar. Even KOTET was handled better because we had enough interaction with Valkorion before.


Also the ship battle sucks compare to EP6 or RO.


BEST PART: The voice of the Jedi, including my favorite Ayala Secura.


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I posted a separate thread on this, but it was suggested I copy it here.



Saw Rise of Skywalker last night and overall enjoyed it (the movie has some issues, but in the end, I liked it overall). While I know there are alot of opinions about the film, I really wanted to get a take from the SWTOR community on a potential reference to the game in the film.


I had joked with my husband sometime back that I would be delighted if Palpatine just admitted that he had gone by many names in other lives, including Vitiate, Tenebrae, and Valkorian. I didn't seriously expect that theory to have any traction, but after seeing the film, I have to say the correlations between Palpatine and Vitiate are astonishing... to the point I am wondering if someone on the writing team played KOTFE and KOTET or at least read the Revan novel.


The real Easter egg that stood out to me was that I could have sworn the First Order officers called one of the ships the Vitiate. I gaped when I heard it, but I could have misheard too. Did anyone else catch this? We know a KOTOR film, trilogy, or series is on the way, so this type of Easter egg could make sense. Whatever you thought of the film, just curious . I will say playing the game and being familiar with that backstory gave the Palpatine arc so much more depth for me, despite some of the convoluted plot elements throughout the film. Am I crazy or did anyone else hear this? 😆




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Saw Rise of Skywalker last night and overall enjoyed it (the movie has some issues, but in the end, I liked it overall).



I will say playing the game and being familiar with that backstory gave the Palpatine arc so much more depth for me, despite some of the convoluted plot elements throughout the film.




I'm sure others will reply eventually (they might all be out watching the movie now lol ) but i for one def. AGREE with what you said that i quoted there above ^^ (both the viewable as well as the spoiler-able part)


And let's keep our fingers-crossed for...

*the possible SWTOR based FILM*


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I thought it was great, we gotta remember Luke was a mary sue too, the story telling in this universe has never been great so as long as theres wookies and siths and stuff its gonna be fine.



I giggled a bit when Palpatine said I am all the sith when he literally had multitudes of sith in the weird amphitheater but who cares? the yellow saber was awesome and Im glad she took the name


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It was good. Not perfect, but thoroughly enjoyable. There weren't so much "parts I didn't like" as there were "parts that would have been even better if done differently".




Case point #1: "Rey, there's something I have to tell y-"


We are treated to three separate scenes where this is addressed. Finn has some secret. He wants to tell Rey his secret. He does not want to reveal it in front of Poe. And then, in the end... nothing. This is a Chekov's Gun moment; if you're going to throw something out like that, then you need to answer it. Leading with that early in the film and then delivering towards the end makes it foreshadowing and scene-building. Leading with that, but then NOT delivering just makes it a distraction that pulls away from the existing story. Either it needed addressed, or it should have been left out altogether.


Most people seem satisfied with the idea of some unrequited love story: Finn is crushing on Rey. If that's it, that's fine. Not something groundbreaking, but it's fine. Alternatively, if it was something of a fake-out, with it being a case of "I just wanted to thank you for believing in me when nobody else did" or "Han told me he recognized you. Ben used to draw pictures of you when he was a kid."


But my personal preference would have been a reveal that Finn was just faintly force sensitive. Every time Finn says that he's "got a feeling" or he "just knows". When he tries to give credit to the force, only for Han to say "that's not how the force works." The long distance connection to Rey. The fact that Finn was able to pick up a lightsaber, having never touched one before, and survive a six minute duel with a master force user like Kylo Ren. There were plenty of clues that would have supported it. If, later in the film, Poe had manifested a small amount of Force power in order to help Rey, complete with nosebleeds or something to suggest that it's really hard for him, then he could have explained afterwards that he also felt a connection to the Force and didn't know how to handle it. That certainly makes likes like "You don't know what she's going through. // And you do? // Yeah. I do." resonate a lot more powerfully.


Case Point #2: Leia's jedi training.


I was thrilled to see that Leia had gone through Jedi training. I wish this would have been presented earlier in the story. Leia force-pulling herself through space after the explosion of the command deck, Leia projecting herself to see Ben, Leia feeling Han's death from across the galaxy, Leia handling the force illusion dice and being aware that Luke was just a projection, all her Force moments deliver just as well if we know that she's had some training. But specifically Leia completing Rey's training felt awkward without that reveal happening in advance. Leia was not actively participating in that training, not dueling Rey or even talking to her about what to do. Basically it was Leia watching Rey run around a jungle, and then Rey thanking her for completing a training that Leia didn't actually seem involved in.


A simple moment of Rey kneeling in front of Leia and calling her "Master Leia" or "Master Organa", only for Leia to counter with a dismissive "Don't call me Master. I completed my training, but I never moved on to even become a Padawan. I chose the path where I could save the Galaxy and still have a family." That would have presented a stronger feeling that Leia actually did train Rey, and that Rey has had guidance since that time.


Case Point #3: Scruffy Finn.


Finn has some scruffy, longer, unkempt hair throughout the film. I would have loved for him to also have a tiny amount of beard scruff as well, as though he'd been too busy to keep grooming. Then, after Lando arrives and saves the day, at the party at the end Finn would be cleaned up and presentable before going to make his move on whatever girl he ends up deciding on, except Finn would have trimmed his beard to a very obvious Lando-esque mustache, as though he's trying to copy the coolest man he's ever met. That would have been the sort of tiny glance-and-you-miss-it moment that would have been awesome.



Like I said, the movie was really good, but there were just several tiny places where I felt like a little change would have made it even better.

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Did no-one else click that the transference of one's soul also points to the very early story of the Inquisitor, when Zash tries to pull that **** on you through an ancient Sith ritual, but eventually is foiled by Khem Val.


Plenty of people mentioned the similarity to SWTOR. (not sure if you actually read the entire thread before posting ? )


p.s. Your post is very close to breaking this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=973823 ...so you might wanna be more careful. :cool:

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I saw it and I hated it. Rey being a Palpatine is a dumb plottwist that makes no sense and is just there to connect her with someone previously, as well as contradicing TLJ whose message of "The Force belong to everyone" was beautiful but no screw that let's have Rey be related to someone, the pacing in the movie was absolutely awful and it is clearly a result of JJ shoving 2 movies into, Sidious is back now which is something I was excited for but he's so lame in this movie the man doesn't have any cool memorable lines and there is no explanation whatsoever of how he is still alive despite having his body incinerated by the Death Star 2.


Hux was even more of a joke in this movie than in TLJ, his death was so anti-climatic when he could've been a great character. Luke apparently could've flied off Ach-To all this time but didn't? Another dumb retcon which makes this trilogy lose even more consistency. And that ending... instead of showing us the Force Ghosts in some manner they're just voices in Rey's head? Its ridiculous, even the Sith Inquisitor story had the courtesy to show Force Ghosts. And the way they bring down Sidious is so terrible, blasted by his own lightning? Just terrible, the guy wouldn't stop blasting and this isn't a proper mystic way to bring down the embodiment of the Sith... also Rey taking the Skywalker last name when every last one of them is dead now, that was terrible. Just terrible.


If they wanted her to be a Skywalker Ben Solo should've been left alive, they marry and boom she is a Skywalker now. But no let's kill the only character in this trilogy that had an actual story arc. And also burying the lightsaber on Tatooine... why? Leia wasn't from there, Luke and Anakin hated that place. Just more "Remember this" nostalgia plot. Oh and now she actually builds her own lightsaber... why wouldn't she have done it sooner? It would've been so cool to have her own lightsaber built at the start of TROS, instead of continuing using Anakin's lightsaber for more nostalgia.


Anyway I found the movie to be a rushed mess with a very weak story, its not worthy of being the last chapter in the Skywalker saga in my opinion. Hell with the way it throws away consistency just to retcon TLJ its not even worthy of being the ST ending in my opinion, which is legitimately sad as I was really looking forward to this movie.


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as someone who saw the OT as a child, the saga of skywalker is more of a tragedy than anything else now. I have unfortunately endured, now 6, movies after rotj and the best one was rogue one in my opinion. Bioware's stories are better than anything that has been put out in this trilogy.


it's a mess and i think the movie did it's best trying to put together what TLJ did. It's unfortunate how people can get a story thrown in their lap and tell something so totally different.


i always go back to how the force was viewed in the OT. How it took serious mental training, and time to learn to use it , even just a few rocks. The force became some sort of shazam super power , more and more ridiculous each movie.


The rebels, destroy the empire, luke is now "the" jedi. The force awakens, and leia couldn't keep it together for 30 years? Luke couldn't train one generation of jedi? The rebels are dead again , already, by a new "empire"? No story, explaining it in the movies...just bending the skywalkers over , yet again and creating a complete collapse of everything , right after they defeated evil.


None of it is good story telling, none of it makes sense, and reys backstory is just mind boggling to think about. They didn't learn their lesson after the prequels.


I am not mad, i gave up on the franchise after the ewok christmas special. The games however, have always delivered !


I'm with ya. Saw the original in 1977 , got lucky to see the ESB world premiere at the Kennedy Center have always been a collector of Ralph McQuarrie stuff, actually got to be in his presence and Frank Oz while working for a newspaper covering the opening of the Smithsonian's Star Wars Magic & Myth. That's my preamble of how my life has had SW as a longtime part of it.


I didn't mind ROS and found it way way more watchable than TLJ and TFA combined. Rogue One, The Mandalorian, Clone Wars, Rebels animated series definitely 'Get' what Star Wars is and are more authentic. I appreciate that JJ respected the original characters and understand he's not very invested in the lore like Dave Filoni. Of the 3 prequel trilogies ROS is the only one I think I'll rewatch a few times simply for the always amazing Richard E. Grant. 75/100


p.s. thought the Power Ranger was out of place :D

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The plot thickens! Apparently, according to the Visual Dictionary for Rise of Skywalker, the sith cultists are divided into legions. One of these is called The Revan Legion, but there is a more subtle nod to The Old Republic story too: one of the legions is called the Tenebrous Legion. That's awfully close to Tenebrae... I am starting to think more and more there are some purposeful nods to the game 😁.
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Is it me, or in the end when ray is hiding the ligthsabers, are they being folded in cloth like Thexan and Arcann did in the sacrifice trailer?


No, I think that it's much simpler than that.


She's about to bury them and wants to put them in something to keep the dirt off them, either for mechanical considerations or as a mark of respect, or more likely both.


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Yes, i agree with you. I just found it funny the cloth being folded in the same way, they did...


No, I think that it's much simpler than that.


She's about to bury them and wants to put them in something to keep the dirt off them, either for mechanical considerations or as a mark of respect, or more likely both.

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To my taste, by far the best of this, so to :cool: speak, unfortunate (...) last Trilogy.


A virtue of it is that the

"the dead was pulling the strings from the very beginning"

concept answers (satisfactorily in a SW Galaxy framework) some serious questions about Episodes VII and VIII...


Its real virtue is, in some measure, its real weakness; I mean that its seriousness, its essence is that it is most of all (in fact absolutely)

a moral-religious approach to the evil and good discussion and the dialectics of their interaction: Darth Sidious' reincarnation is essentially the, nearest so far, version of a "zombious", dark, so to speak, Lucifer

and therefore the, so focused, trilogy tends to become comparatively poor; everything else is just an appetizer, an ornery ... and often a :( wannabe appetizer... :mad: ...


Take, for example, the Knights of Ren;

the unique, the one and only reason of their existence (in the whole trilogy) is -in fact- their eventual performance as Palpatine's pawns, nothing else!!



The result is that the only characters that really count are Rey, her dual,

the antagonist, Luke, Leia and Han Solo,

perhaps nobody else...


I must add that Daisey :) Ridley gave a really convincing, one really existing Rey, she is able to make complete emotional contact with her character and the audience and that Adam Driver's performance was very accurate and balanced, almost perfect! Moreover the


was, as usual, able to give a pretty

alive and -both literally and metaphorically- radiating



Alas, the movie will pay (in some measure) the crimes of TLJ and TFA.


With regard to the initial post of this thread, I have to comment that Rey is truly a

Skywalker, she owns her life and freedom not only to her dual but also to the struggle of the members of the Skywalker family who had been able either to deliver serious blows to the antagonist of provide serious moral etc. support to her!

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Finally I got to see The Rise of Skywalker today! My (spoiler-free) thoughts?



I am absolutely delighted, satisfied and content with everything I got to see. The pacing was great, the amount of content to digest was absolutely a treat and there wasn't a single minute in the movie where I felt it had become dull. The movie managed to answer most of the questions that I had after Episodes 7 & (especially) 8 in a highly satisfying manner (to me at least). The storytelling was also very nicely approached and executed, it felt well-woven into a whole as a single movie and a nice, solid knot as the end of a saga, with just enough room for continuation in the future. The humour was also very nicely done and much better than in The Last Jedi, actually. There were also a lot more emotional moments and yes, I cried during that scene. Overall, I found myself incredibly immersed into the story and really experienced it in a manner as if I was there and a part of it. The story and cinematographic execution were highly engaging and captivating, in my opinion.


There were two things that I thought could have been approached differently, but they didn't bother me to the point of annoyance or disliking. It was simply that I would have imagined or executed it differently, but they nonetheless satisfied me. There was one moment near the end of the movie where I rolled my eyes and almost groaned out loud, but I could stomach it, even though I found it completely unnecessary and highly fan-servicing. There may be a plothole or two, but I didn't find them that glaring and almost looked over them to be frank.


To conclude, the Rise of Skywalker really did it for me. It was everything I wanted from a Star Wars movie and I left the cinema feeling incredibly satisfied and content. The movie now ranks 2nd in my ranking of all the Star Wars movies, coming just behind Revenge of the Sith which ranks 1st and closely followed by Return of the Jedi on 3rd. To me the movie was a solid 9/10!


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Two more words, namely a brief explanation why I do love this movie - I hopefully elaborate more on this in due time!


I have written that it's essentially

a moral-religious movie and this holds for all of this Trilogy... Namely it strongly reminds me of the Temptation of Jesus Christ in the desert (narrated in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and "Luke" - Lucas in Greek!) and its famous interpretation at Fyodor Dostoevsky's legendary parable chapter "The Grand Inquisitor" in "The Brothers Karamazov" novel of his.

Namely not only Palpatine's offer to Kylo Ren but also the rise of the instrument of absolute galactic power, the Sith Fleet who's appearance is essentially biblical! I feel obliged here to explain that I, myself, am not a believer...

More of it; Dostoevsky's interpretation of the offers of the Tempting Spirit, epitomizing in Miracle, Mystery and Authority, a.k.a. Power!! I know that the color I made use of it makes reading quite hard, therefore you are ... advised to pay a visit to "The Grand Inquisitor"!!...


All these three concepts are fully -and fundamentally- incorporated (not only under a "dark", negative but also under a positive ... light) in all of Star Wars!!...

I will go further and tell that this idea must be the main inspiration of this whole Trilogy...


Of course there are way too many ... passages, destined to

essentially make contact with the large part of these audiences consisted of children and our childish self



However the concept of the aforementioned, main spoiler is hard to realize, harder to digest and even harder to ... adopt, accept or embrace!!... Hence a comparatively unfortunate Trilogy, for the time being of course; in the future the fanbase will embrace its merits!!


Nowadays the Disney shareholders are counting the profits... and they are thinking about the ... "projected" profits and ... the lost :rolleyes: profits :csw_redsaber:...

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