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plz nerf sin


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this is getting to be a joke.





double cloak .

tactical swap.


This is ridiculous.


Agreed. One class should not have possibility to guard, do huge dps, mezz hard, and easily survive with guarding. Thats nonsense.

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nerf dps operative heal, 10k ticks is too much, should be 1k per tick.

Nerf operative dps capability.

Nerf dodge roll.


There you go.


Operative burst needs to be nerfed but 10 k heal ticks are not existent lol. Even operatives healers can't have such strong probes. Maximum ticks dps oper has is like 4k.

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nerf dps operative heal, 10k ticks is too much, should be 1k per tick.

Nerf operative dps capability.

Nerf dodge roll.


There you go.


Aside, from the false statement that Scoundrel have 10k ticks with Kolto Probe.

What will Scoundrels be good at? Nothing?


Defenses on Ruffian are weak, nerfing healing capabilities will make them weaker. DPS in Ruffian is weak as well especially when you get your DoTs cleared and have to waste 2 GCDs to apply them (3 if you’re applying Sanguinary).


Ruffian only has Viral Elements to show in PvP. Beside me, on SF I haven’t seen a single Ruffian Scoundrel in Ranked PvP in 6.0.


Serenity and Ruffian are some of the weakest classes in 6.0 PvP. If they didn’t have stealth I’m sure they would be focused hard in Ranked.


If you’re going to nerf sefhealing on Scound Ruffian, you know the only defense they have...

Buff the DR from Defense Screen drop.

In the same trait, increase Defense Screen strength.

Edited by UltraFlashStar
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I would say "reverse all mess to 1.0" :D


They added roots, they added resist, etc, etc.

Now basically - slows works RARE (because everybody cleanse it, mara does aoe cleanse, can repeat each 10s or so).

Roots/force push/force pull - everybody have resists to it now, had hutball when 2 lifts and 2 pulls FAILED because all those micro-resists. then wz ended as we lost already....

Oh ye, and to make things more fun - speeds/slows are plain accumulated, so when mara does 80% boost...there are very rare skills which can beat it like "recovery from kick slows by 90%" ...and mara is ready to just cleanse it.

Edited by alexzk
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Well, according to devs, we will have some class balance next year sometime ? At least that's what they said in the live stream yesterday.


Will that mean any nerfs or fixing of some clearly obvious issues ? We shall see...



A good first step would be the elimination of life warden from ranked. It's clearly a joke and it carries games a lot of times for classes that can vanish and exit combat. ;)

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hi prum

please keep the thread daily we support you, i mean i dont want qq but spaming maul with 65k to 70k in 3x in arow just not right


Well, that's not so bad ...play tank with big shield rate, once per 2-3 wzs sins will finally hit u for 40k once.

...I will be experimenting using shield too on "dwt", as it seems working with any stance now once geared.

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Aside, from the false statement that Scoundrel have 10k ticks with Kolto Probe.

What will Scoundrels be good at? Nothing?


Defenses on Ruffian are weak, nerfing healing capabilities will make them weaker. DPS in Ruffian is weak as well especially when you get your DoTs cleared and have to waste 2 GCDs to apply them (3 if you’re applying Sanguinary).


Ruffian only has Viral Elements to show in PvP. Beside me, on SF I haven’t seen a single Ruffian Scoundrel in Ranked PvP in 6.0.


Serenity and Ruffian are some of the weakest classes in 6.0 PvP. If they didn’t have stealth I’m sure they would be focused hard in Ranked.


If you’re going to nerf sefhealing on Scound Ruffian, you know the only defense they have...

Buff the DR from Defense Screen drop.

In the same trait, increase Defense Screen strength.


No Coppes, you are completely wrong. Not only are there tons of leth OPs in solo ranked (on SF in particular) but their dps is insane. They don't have the burst that conc has but with viral elements tactical even two people clumped makes for insane numbers. You are one of the people who gets targeted first because you are extremely easy to kill. Don't let that make you think that all leth OPs are easy to kill or not in a good place.

Edited by Whiskey_jak
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No Coppes, you are completely wrong. Not only are there tons of leth OPs in solo ranked (on SF in particular) but their dps is insane. They don't have the burst that conc has but with viral elements tactical even two people clumped makes for insane numbers. You are one of the people who gets targeted first because you are extremely easy to kill. Don't let that make you think that all leth OPs are easy to kill or not in a good place.


Uh, I'm with Coppes on this one. I have seen extremely few leth ops on SF in solos, and I've seen none do insane damage.

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My issue is less the damage itself (Though that is a huge problem.) and more how absolutely mindless and without skill or setup it is.


Even back in ye'olden SWTOR days, where Operatives were still overnerfed and Assassins could end you in a few GCDs, the assassin actually needed to know how to open properly. If he just spammed maul you would have killed him in like three GCDs, now that stupidity is being rewarded.

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