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Everything posted by csdon

  1. csdon

    RIP Ranked

    Ranked pops on SF all the time too tho. I think it pops more consistently over the entire day on DM, but on SF you get pretty quick pops between like 6pm-3am EST (or later) every night.
  2. csdon

    plz nerf sin

    just chiming in to say I enthusiastically support this campaign
  3. It's the Defel Spliced Genes tactical; it makes using predation reset the CD on camo.
  4. That's only true if you blow all your DCDs at once and/or fail to make effective use of force camo to escape and heal. AKA if you're bad at playing the class.
  5. Seriously tho what the hell was the point of this fake scrutiny? After actually resetting ratings and banning people who've been blatantly wintrading/selling accounts for multiple seasons you just turn around and reinstate them like 2 days later? It is beyond pathetic to see you guys walk this back on the last day when you'd FINALLY taken action, particularly in the case of certain EU players who get you to do their bidding while openly flaunting the rules to such an extent that there isn't a single person that pays attention to the leaderboards who's unaware of said player's wintrading ring. Next season please don't bother with this two-week façade since it's clear that you do not care about actually enforcing your rules in the slightest.
  6. If this is still the case for you feel free to send me a private message; my regular ranked teammates and I recently started up a guild with the specific purpose of getting competitive teams together after we got tired of running into the same issues you mentioned. Trying to recruit as many skilled ranked players as possible so that we can get legit games going more often, as well as make it easier to form up a group on the fly without having to worry about discovering you're queued with trash teammates until it's already too late.
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