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The reason why we play this game is because of our charactrers


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Our characters are the sole reason why we are attached to this game. Even though this post was not needed, I decided to write this message for any Bioware Developer that may read this. Please focus more on character customization and development options that reach beyond story decisions. Allow our personality to be fully represented in this game by offering us more choices. That is all
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I get attached to my Characters, I even remember ones in games gone 10yrs ago. There was one game I played I actually spent more time character creating than actually playing because there were so many great options.

Some like WoW have pretty sparse choices and STO had quite a few options. So yes, my Characters are very important to game play.

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Who's this "we" you are talking about? Or do you presume to talk for all players? Surely there's lots of people who don't give a crap about their character beyond it's gear level and effectiveness. 🙂


EDIT - Btw, I'm just being pedantic here. I would be counted as a player who is here for the characters, but I won't presume to speak for "we".

Edited by JediQuaker
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IMHO, each MMO has its own special strengths.


SWTOR's strength is in its Class stories, and to a lesser degree, the Chapters that come after.


If you just want a pretty icon and it's all about the numbers, I suggest an FPS or World of Warcraft.


If you want a social game, go play Lord of the Rings Online where they have a music system and more types of roleplay toys and events.

(Heck, these days they even have a better player housing system, as there is more X/Y movement and also Z axis.)


Sure, there are players here for something other than the story, perhaps because they love the Star Wars setting, but there's nothing wrong with asking for more of the one thing that makes this MMO different from all the others.

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Who's this "we" you are talking about? Or do you presume to talk for all players? Surely there's lots of people who don't give a crap about their character beyond it's gear level and effectiveness. 🙂


By far the most common definition of the word "we" is the speaker and one or more others. It rarely is used to mean "everyone". Clearly the OP does speak for more than just himself, so the use of the word "we" is perfectly accurate.


Back to the OP. I was just talking about how the game has drifted away from the PCs character development to focus on developing NPCs. Perhaps the writers just cant figure out how to write our characters now that they are trying to blend 8 disparate personalities into one.

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I care about the story. I enjoyed all the character story arcs. I enjoyed all the expansions. I prefer them to all but the original trilogy movies. It definitely feels like I'm playing Star Wars. I get to be the Hero or Anti-Hero. Character build is the fun in playing, but the stories are the experience.
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Our characters are the sole reason why we are attached to this game. Even though this post was not needed, I decided to write this message for any Bioware Developer that may read this. Please focus more on character customization and development options that reach beyond story decisions. Allow our personality to be fully represented in this game by offering us more choices. That is all


I've always thought Dark versus Light side should be how skills were determined, not faction. There is so much that -could- be done with this game, but it languishes because Lucas is always chasing customers they -don't- have in favor of those that they do. Its been a pattern since Galaxies. There are equivalent skills for both light and dark already. They only difference would be that they'd need a 'neutral' set of icons too, and a way to fade them as you became more aligned in the Force. Color powders, that could be applied during crafting or later as 'paint' are another no brainer. This game is Star Wars, so they -could- print money, but instead they keep messing with stuff that isn't really broken, alienating their customers in the process, and never addressing quality of life/immersion. Its really dumb.

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By far the most common definition of the word "we" is the speaker and one or more others. It rarely is used to mean "everyone". Clearly the OP does speak for more than just himself, so the use of the word "we" is perfectly accurate.

It's *accurate* but also aggressively ambiguous. Which "we" is OP talking about?


There's also a tendency to assume that a person who uses an unqualified "we" means "myself and everyone else", or in the context of a game forum like this, "myself and all the other players", on the assumption that if the poster meant a proper subset(1) of "myself and everyone else", he would have said so.


(And "The reason why we-who-play-the-game-because-of-our-characters play this game is because of our characters" contains no information. None.)


(1) A "proper subset" is a subset that does not include all the members of the superset. Set S is a subset of itself, but it is not a proper subset of itself.

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IMHO, each MMO has its own special strengths.


SWTOR's strength is in its Class stories, and to a lesser degree, the Chapters that come after.


If you just want a pretty icon and it's all about the numbers, I suggest an FPS or World of Warcraft.


If you want a social game, go play Lord of the Rings Online where they have a music system and more types of roleplay toys and events.

(Heck, these days they even have a better player housing system, as there is more X/Y movement and also Z axis.)


Sure, there are players here for something other than the story, perhaps because they love the Star Wars setting, but there's nothing wrong with asking for more of the one thing that makes this MMO different from all the others.


Not very realistic here. Unfortunately there is not a game for everyone that checks all their boxes so neatly and concisely as you indicate above. Many people love Star Wars, where exactly do those people go for a MMO?




SWTOR is a MMO for gamers that want to delve deeply into a Star Wars fantasy world. Things get more complicated though, because every gamer has different likes and dislikes. Some SWTOR players love gameplay, some love PVP, some love raiding, some love GSF, some love RP, some love stories...


Just because you might think WOW ought to check all the PVE boxes or PVP boxes for a player, that’s from your perspective. Others may not view WOW at all as a great PVP game, instead they like WOW for RP. Just wanted to point out that what “the players want” is highly subjective and this goes for the OP, too.


I think it’s fine to want parts of the game we personally enjoy to improve and add more content in that vein, but none of us are in a position where we can determine what is better for others to go do for themselves especially when it comes to playing games like a MMO.

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It's *accurate* but also aggressively ambiguous. Which "we" is OP talking about?


There's also a tendency to assume that a person who uses an unqualified "we" means "myself and everyone else", or in the context of a game forum like this, "myself and all the other players", on the assumption that if the poster meant a proper subset(1) of "myself and everyone else", he would have said so.


(And "The reason why we-who-play-the-game-because-of-our-characters play this game is because of our characters" contains no information. None.)


(1) A "proper subset" is a subset that does not include all the members of the superset. Set S is a subset of itself, but it is not a proper subset of itself.


Great explanation teach! :D


On topic: I play this game because it's Star Wars. If this were any other Sci-Fi mmo, I wouldn't being playing it. I have almost no connection to any of my characters. The only one that stands out at all would be my Gunslinger. The rest of my alts could be changed out and it wouldn't bother me at all.

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By far the most common definition of the word "we" is the speaker and one or more others. It rarely is used to mean "everyone".

So, when the preamble to the US Constitution says "We the people", you're saying that "we" just means Gouverneur Morris a few of his buddies? :D

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Indeed my main characters are the biggest part of why I love this game. Seeing them be themselves in cutscenes is awesome. There was much more of this in the original class stories ofc, but so far the new story has been going uphill, so I have hopes. Edited by Neulwen
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Op, you know this thread is useless right?


You want to, you know... be more specific on what you want? Cause there is a lot of customisation already. Aside from weapons not being in outfit designer, i have no idea what you are on about.


Also, no, i play this game cause of the gameplay. The classes are a lot of fun to play.

Edited by Nemmar
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It's *accurate* but also aggressively ambiguous. Which "we" is OP talking about?


There's also a tendency to assume that a person who uses an unqualified "we" means "myself and everyone else", or in the context of a game forum like this, "myself and all the other players", on the assumption that if the poster meant a proper subset(1) of "myself and everyone else", he would have said so.


(And "The reason why we-who-play-the-game-because-of-our-characters play this game is because of our characters" contains no information. None.)


(1) A "proper subset" is a subset that does not include all the members of the superset. Set S is a subset of itself, but it is not a proper subset of itself.


While it would have been helpful for the OP to define who he included in his "we" it shouldn't be necessary since using "we" to mean "everyone" is the less common use of the word.


I seriously doubt anyone genuinely thought he meant every single player. People like to pretend they don't understand that a subset is implied when they don't fit in that subset and they are spoiling for a fight. It's disingenuous.


So, when the preamble to the US Constitution says "We the people", you're saying that "we" just means Gouverneur Morris a few of his buddies? :D


In that case the "we" is clearly defined as "the people".

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Who's this "we" you are talking about? Or do you presume to talk for all players? Surely there's lots of people who don't give a crap about their character beyond it's gear level and effectiveness. 🙂


EDIT - Btw, I'm just being pedantic here. I would be counted as a player who is here for the characters, but I won't presume to speak for "we".


Since he didn't say ALL players, it can be understood the OP was referring to more than just himself, and would be granted a certain level of carte blanche to express their opinion. Not every post needs to be prefaced with "I'm not speaking for everyone when I say...". Maybe be less of a problem, and more of a solution.

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* Ignores all the fuss above *

@ Op

I do play this game for my toons... so much time and money spent on them (favorite ones anyway), customizing looks, armour and dyes then weapons then searching for specs and lvling. :) and tbh when I am away or playing other games (regardless mmo or sp) I kinda get a longing for my toons :p that pulls me back. ;)

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Since he didn't say ALL players, it can be understood the OP was referring to more than just himself, and would be granted a certain level of carte blanche to express their opinion. Not every post needs to be prefaced with "I'm not speaking for everyone when I say...". Maybe be less of a problem, and more of a solution.

Yes, THIS. Lately, darned near every single thread gets critiqued like this is a literature class forum.

Curmudgeons, quit wasting everyone's time. We don't expect people to write like lawyers.

Allow people to generalize for the sake of brevity.

Being a critic is easy... and LAZY. Contribute to the conversation in a constructive way, please?


As for the earlier post...


When someone says all they care about is the numbers, then they don't care about the setting, so they can pick an MMO with the best system, regardless of whether it's fantasy or sci-fi or whatever. If they care more about playing in the Star Wars genre, that's their choice to place the setting above other aspects of the game.


Every MMO has its strengths. And yes, while we can ask for our favorite game to improve in certain areas, they only change so much. For example, SWTOR isn't ever going to have the social systems of LOTRO, no matter how much we ask. IMHO, asking for things that are in line with this game's strengths and goals makes it more likely those requests will be granted.


I would love to see more focus on our characters, and by that I mean more custom dialog and missions based on our Light/Dark alignment, Class, and most importantly... story choices. "We", meaning those players who care about story and character most of all, have been asking for this consistently for years. Fortunately, we're getting more than we were before.


I would also like to see more character customization options. I've seen many threads asking for more hair styles and colors, tattoos and other body modifications, especially for the non-humans. All these years and no new masks? I can't argue with those who say it's overdue.

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I would love to see more focus on our characters, and by that I mean more custom dialog and missions based on our Light/Dark alignment, Class, and most importantly... story choices.


My response wasn't to argue with you, I just wanted to point out that it's not really fair to direct people to what MMOs would best suit them. That's all I was trying to say.


SWTOR started out being very friendly to a wide array of player types. I think that's where tons of disappointment comes from, too. Many people were attracted to SWTOR early on and while some features are focused on when the game gets new updates, it always seems to fall short of what players want.


It's not hard to understand why, I mean it's clear they put out very little content, and if they try to please all the different player types it only waters the updates down more. They seem to pick one major area to work on, but even then what they create usually is met with "GIVE US MOAR."


Ask any player type on SWTOR what it is missing most, and everyone will point out whatever part they enjoy the most as the one most lacking in updates. That's proof right there that it's nearly impossible for a plethora of reasons why BW never really fulfills any group of player type even when that player's favorite activities are focused on when new updates are released.


To fix this, they'd have to actually invest some major resources into the game and they prove over and over again this is not their plan. I do think the quality has risen when it comes to story content, although it was very short, which is my point they just don't do enough to fulfill ANY of the major player types (PVP, PVE, Story-RP-social casuals.)


BW needs to turn on the faucet and give the players something to really chew on. Not only that, it would be nice to get a fully complete update that isn't dropped on the game half-baked/broken and crawling with tons of bugs.

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Ask any player type on SWTOR what it is missing most, and everyone will point out whatever part they enjoy the most as the one most lacking in updates. That's proof right there that it's nearly impossible for a plethora of reasons why BW never really fulfills any group of player type even when that player's favorite activities are focused on when new updates are released.


To fix this, they'd have to actually invest some major resources into the game and they prove over and over again this is not their plan. I do think the quality has risen when it comes to story content, although it was very short, which is my point they just don't do enough to fulfill ANY of the major player types (PVP, PVE, Story-RP-social casuals.)


I heartily agree with this, and for the love of Pete, players need to stop blaming each other when they don't get as much as they want of what they want! The blame game gets us nowhere :mad: Everyone* thinks their favorite is being neglected and everyone thinks their area is important to the survival of the game. Everyone is right too!



BW needs to turn on the faucet and give the players something to really chew on. Not only that, it would be nice to get a fully complete update that isn't dropped on the game half-baked/broken and crawling with tons of bugs.


On that note, I really think Bioware needs to stop trying to strong arm players into narrow content focuses. It is hard to take the "play your way" slogan seriously when the only planetary weekly that rewards a gear box is Onderon and the only heroics that reward gear boxes are Mek-sha. The best part of Command gearing was being able to play any content and make progress (however slowly) instead of re-running the same exact thing day in and day out. Ditto conquest. *** are they removing objectives for when they should be adding them instead? If Bioware can't generate much in the way of new things to do at least keep the old things rewarding!


*I am not literally saying everyone. I'm sure there are some people out there that are perfectly content with how much content their niche is getting.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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By far the most common definition of the word "we" is the speaker and one or more others. It rarely is used to mean "everyone". Clearly the OP does speak for more than just himself, so the use of the word "we" is perfectly accurate.




In this case maybe, but far too many players go well beyond that and the "we" they talk about in there words is "The Majority" Even say so in posts, Oh the Majority want this, The Majority think this, The majority think the same as me! etc etc. etc. So he IMO does have a point. So no I don't think its acceptable.


You mention Command crates which I did like, How many threads complained about Command Creates? was it really that many? Consider how many players in total there were when players post in more than one thread. I know I posted in many of them if only to say I liked them, to me it was a good system mainly for the reasons you mention. to me if players start talking about the majority very often the perception is exaggerated beyond what it is. I used to work in market research and this was often the case. Once you get pasted the perception and look at the cold hard facts very often (not always of course) there is a very different outcome.


a good example of this is (yes this is made up to make a point) If you get 4 players who make 5 threads each complaining about a single issue with 20 other players posting in each thread multiple times, its very easy to think Oh there's a lot of threads on this topic, when in-fact it's still just 24 players complaining. Is 24 players the majority? No, but the perception is, that it is. This has happened more than once on these forums. So posters here that keep using the word "We" or "The majority" can have a very negative effect. Such as the new gear system. As you pointed out. Now I agree with you on that, but I am just one player. that's all. So if I go on to post in 20 other threads on gear I still represent just one player. BW need to keep that in mind as that applies to every player. As each represent just one player. They don't represent there family, there guild or anyone. So yes it is IMO it is important.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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**Allow our personality to be fully represented in this game by offering us more choices. That is all**


well I can agree with this, not with the 'Dress up' game is why I'm playing Gig :p


Kotfe and Kotet were a good exemple of a railroaded story where you have zero input as a player. You just click a button, fight trash mobs and click another button to advance . The 'Choices' of killing companions is meaningless in the big pictures and the vilains. So don't call that 'Choices that matter' BW! Those are smoke screen .


I Picked up Swtor cose there was nothing else to play :p


Even back then, I didn't approve of the MMO part attached to Swtor. I didn't ask for a kotor 3, I just wanted a SINGLEPLAYER RPG in Star wars, with similar quality of writing as Kotor 1&2 .


well there is that new Star wars, but you play as a generic white Joe..so I shall pass .


Nowdays I'm sticking around, because of Lana romance mostly and making new alt . I don't play as much as I did before in the past, due to health issue .


Once upon a time, I would've been playing my singleplayer game no stop, but BW dropped the ball twice in a row. So I instead been playing this MMO . lol


My Lol is cose, its called Swtor MMO but it never felt like one . It has MMO activities but if you take those away, it easely wrap as a single player game with a cash shop .


Single player game with a cash shop lol that make me feel old..:D

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Our characters are the sole reason why we are attached to this game. Even though this post was not needed, I decided to write this message for any Bioware Developer that may read this. Please focus more on character customization and development options that reach beyond story decisions. Allow our personality to be fully represented in this game by offering us more choices. That is all


:) I'll agree with this for my part. The first Chapters were and still are my favorite "Part", of the game, but my characters are well past those and yet I still like my characters, care about "How" they react to the different situations and where they seem to be going. It's The Characters themselves for me. When that bit is damaged by the different choices from the Admin, then its a problem. :) Story Player, was before and always will be in this game.

Edited by MikeCobalt
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