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Major Anri >>> Tau Loser


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Tau and Arn are both great!

Not so fussed on the imperial chick though.


I'm not so sure I agree with this … ( I don't see Tau and Arn as "great" ) the personality of Arn is "OK" … but he should have been considerably less cybernetic in the upper torso. (again just my opinion) … looks like the left over ideas from Alita Battle Angle. The rest of the story from Arn is good to go.


BUT... I definitely don't agree with OP (on yet another) negative thread of this nature. I personally don't care for that much for Tau in the position she is in. And DEFINATELY did not like being forced on Ossus to being limited to her as the only companion through out the entire story.


That said: I rather suspect she will head the next Jedi council after it is reconstructed. To some degree it's sort of a Disney theme right now !


Before someone gets the wrong idea: I have enjoyed the last story from BW on the LS characters thus far.


(just my opinion)

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I think it really depends on when and how you interact with Tau.



When I first encountered her it was on my Merc. So of course I really disliked her at first. But when I ran through with my Jedi, oddly enough Empire sided, it was a bit different. Tau is like a less whiny Anakin. A capable warrior but seems to be battling some inner demons IE dark side urges. Keep in mind I have only just completed Ossus as a Pub player. The Anakin comparables continue as they want to give her a Padawan just like they did Anakin in the Clone Wars show. I prefer Anri much more so far, but I am curious to see where Tau's progression goes. Would be pretty neat to corrupt her. The only instance of Sith corruption is through the Sith Warrior stor (not sure if it happens during the Inquisitor story I don't think it does otherwise I'd remember) sadly. Would be cool if they expanded on that more by letting us corrupt another Jedi.


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They are both reasonably well done IMO.

Anri is however overall more interesting.

I'm not one of those "kill Tau" fanatics though.

That fanaticism was reserved only for Skadge.


All The Best

I think I'm only fanatical like that about Tharan Cedrax.


I didn't like Tau at first, during Jedi Under Siege. But Onslaught warmed me up to her and Arn. I think we make a pretty good team. On the other hand, I love Anri. She's attractive and likable. Love the accent. There are certain people that my Imp saboteurs would try to avoid killing. Anri is one, and Vowrawn is another.

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I enjoy Anri as a character and I love her VA. The only thing I cannot understand is why she would put her life on the line for the Empire. Sure, they've made a bit of progress over the years but with what she's been through and as a former slave, I find it odd she'd be so loyal and fight on their side. On the other hand, I admire her for making the best of her situation and fighting for a better future, naive as it may be.


As we can see from current American politics, a huge percentage of people readily believe whatever they are told, regardless of how little sense it makes or how it goes against their own self interests.


Tau and Arn are a complex pair. I do see the wisdom in them helping each other heal but at the same time, it's a gamble. I'm not a fan of their models, though. Something about them feels off and I get that, as a man who's mostly cyborg parts, Arn is supposed to look unconventional but something about it just doesn't quite work. Tau... I dunno. I almost feel they were trying to go for a Brienne of Tarth type deal (big, tall, tough-looking Knight woman who has a softer, kind and insecure side as well) but just missed the mark. It doesn't work.


What bothers me is that the light reflection on Tau is set too high. You can really see it in her hair, her white eye lashes and how the inside of her mouth shines white when she talks. It's very distracting. To top it off, the physics on her quirky half robe is also done wrong so there is a break in the flow when she strides about.


Now Arn looks like his hair is a wig rather than natural hair. There is too sharp a division where his skin ends and his hair begins. But that isn't as disturbing as the way his "good" eye looks dead. I like his voice and his character. Normally I would find him attractive despite his cybernetics, but he is definitely in the uncanny valley.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Well, that's your opinion.

I enjoy Tau more than Anri, and the way she talks in english just make my ears bleed(i'm lucky i play in french and she has a far less annoying way of speaking in that language)

Anri's voice was far far worse...they've improved it since Ossus. Now instead of being a huge insult to those of us Brits with English accents, it's a mild annoyance.


As for Tau, I'm not a big fan and I really wanted to be. She's just awful as a character imo. Why they decided to make her a boss fight is beyond me because she doesn't have that level of greatness. I feel sorry for her padawan - she's completely incapable of supporting him. Arn Peralun would have faired better in the Alliance (for people who kept it) there should have been an option for him to join.

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Anri's voice was far far worse...they've improved it since Ossus. Now instead of being a huge insult to those of us Brits with English accents, it's a mild annoyance.


As for Tau, I'm not a big fan and I really wanted to be. She's just awful as a character imo. Why they decided to make her a boss fight is beyond me because she doesn't have that level of greatness. I feel sorry for her padawan - she's completely incapable of supporting him. Arn Peralun would have faired better in the Alliance (for people who kept it) there should have been an option for him to join.


For some reason, I got the feeling it was a New Zealander accent.

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I feel Major Anri's English accent is fine.

There are so many different types of English accents, even in the UK itself.

Some sound nicer than others.

When I went to Scotland, I could hardly understand what some of the people there were saying...it was almost like a different language...

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Anri's voice was far far worse...they've improved it since Ossus. Now instead of being a huge insult to those of us Brits with English accents, it's a mild annoyance.


As for Tau, I'm not a big fan and I really wanted to be. She's just awful as a character imo. Why they decided to make her a boss fight is beyond me because she doesn't have that level of greatness. I feel sorry for her padawan - she's completely incapable of supporting him. Arn Peralun would have faired better in the Alliance (for people who kept it) there should have been an option for him to join.

Well good that it was improved, but i still really dislike it, and i feel really lucky to play in french because at least in french she doesn't make me want to kill her for just opening her mouth.

Another thing is i just don't understand why she's so loyal to the Empire when they were the reason she was a slave in the first place, but i could say the same about SI who are loyal to the Empire (which is not the case of mine).

I hope we can turn her aganst the Empire, because if not, i'll have to kill her anyway (maybe that's also one of the reasons i won't get attached to her anyways, just in case)


Hm, i guess Tau is the Corelia FP boss to be Malgus's counterpart as Gnost-Dural is already out for imp characters (there's still a difference, when playing a pub toon, you're 3 vs Malgus, but when playing an imp, they're at least 10 vs you and Malgus)

While i quite like Tau, i wanted to steal Arn from her too, and get him in the Alliance, but i also want to see how they'll turn out together as master and apprentice

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As for Tau, I'm not a big fan and I really wanted to be. She's just awful as a character imo. Why they decided to make her a boss fight is beyond me because she doesn't have that level of greatness. I feel sorry for her padawan - she's completely incapable of supporting him. Arn Peralun would have faired better in the Alliance (for people who kept it) there should have been an option for him to join.


I don't think a lot of people realize it, but Tau is basically meant to be the Jedi version of Malgus. Tall/imposing, quick to action, force user, etc, on the Jedi/Republic side. The vanilla game paired Satele against Malgus but that pairing never really fit/worked. Satele was the Grand Master of The Jedi Order, tried to avoid conflict, and so on whereas Malgus was more of an enforcer or Vader esque figure. If you were going to contrast Satele with somebody it should've been Marr or if you wanted to someone to more properly oppose Malgus it should've been Jace Malcolm in the vanilla game. Thing is though Jace is a character that can potentially be dead given your choices, so he's no longer an option to put in that position.


Tau's place/character/design in the current story makes sense when you realize/understand that she's meant to be the Republic's version of Malgus. That might not be a good way to design/create/write a character, but that's the situation.

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I don't think a lot of people realize it, but Tau is basically meant to be the Jedi version of Malgus. Tall/imposing, quick to action, force user, etc, on the Jedi/Republic side. The vanilla game paired Satele against Malgus but that pairing never really fit/worked. Satele was the Grand Master of The Jedi Order, tried to avoid conflict, and so on whereas Malgus was more of an enforcer or Vader esque figure. If you were going to contrast Satele with somebody it should've been Marr or if you wanted to someone to more properly oppose Malgus it should've been Jace Malcolm in the vanilla game. Thing is though Jace is a character that can potentially be dead given your choices, so he's no longer an option to put in that position.


Tau's place/character/design in the current story makes sense when you realize/understand that she's meant to be the Republic's version of Malgus. That might not be a good way to design/create/write a character, but that's the situation.


Which raises the question of... where is Malgus' apprentice?

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  • 3 months later...
I find Tau annoying. The only thing good about her is she drag's her apprentice along in the flashpoint so you essentially have two companions instead one of the imperial side. At like all jedi she completly failss to notice when a jedi is darkside and in my case a saboteur working for the Empire.
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I find Tau annoying. The only thing good about her is she drag's her apprentice along in the flashpoint so you essentially have two companions instead one of the imperial side. At like all jedi she completly failss to notice when a jedi is darkside and in my case a saboteur working for the Empire.


Well, I could say the same thing about the Empress and the Dark Council. They have failed to notice my Empire characters working against them helping the Republic.

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I didn't think there was anything more annoying than Jar Jar Binks..... then, there was Tau Idair. Please, BW, let us give her a quick and painful boot from game, far more than Mace Windu (who wasn't deep in the red on the erkingly annoying, utterly [un]interesting & want to kill off immediately meter.) She's a Brienne of Tarth hack and just the most annoying character, ever. Edited by Willjb
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I for one, like tau and arn better than anri.


Plenty of IRL figures have, at one point or another, faced self doubt. Washington himself, for one. And perhaps this worked out in our favor, considering what happened with Napoleon mere years later.


I believe such is what the writers are going for - if, I admit, a bit poorly executed.

Edited by KendraP
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I didn't think there was anything more annoying than Jar Jar Binks..... then, there was Tau Idair. Please, BW, let us give her a quick and painful boot from game, far more than Mace Windu (who wasn't deep in the red on the erkingly annoying, utterly [un]interesting & want to kill off immediately meter.) She's a Brienne of Tarth hack and just the most annoying character, ever.


Let's not. We already had enough killing/booting in the past where it became a problem for those that didn't want people killed and those that did. Too many problems already.

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Let's not. We already had enough killing/booting in the past where it became a problem for those that didn't want people killed and those that did. Too many problems already.


^Kill her off (preferably] or exile her to the outer rim/ another dimension or something (but stays as a companion, for those who don't kill her - we get a choice w a great, [interesting] & super powerful character like Arcann (I've every single companion in this game and he's my #1 - he was done right), it's only fair we should have a choice with a dud like Tau - I'll kill her off every time - her flying out an airlock would be wonderful): [she should just stay out of the storyline] - she's plot cyanide.

Edited by Willjb
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Let's not. We already had enough killing/booting in the past where it became a problem for those that didn't want people killed and those that did. Too many problems already.


I agree, the simple truth is no matter who BW brings in as a character that's there really just to move the story forward will get this kind of hate threads. SWTOR forums has a 9 year history of doing just that.

Last year it was Lana, further in the past well take your pick of characters there is a long list of player(s) wants to kill off X,Y & Z. This year it's Tau & Anri, If Tau or/and Anri were killed of then the OP would be back the very next game update asking (then demanding) BW allow us to kill off whatever character replaces them.... who ever it happens to be.



Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I agree, the simple truth is no matter who BW brings in as a character that's there really just to move the story forward will get this kind of hate threads. SWTOR forums has a 9 year history of doing just that.

Last year it was Lana, further in the past well take your pick of characters there is a long list of player(s) wants to kill off X,Y & Z. This year it's Tau & Anri, If Tau or/and Anri were killed of then the OP would be back the very next game update asking (then demanding) BW allow us to kill off whatever character replaces them.... who ever it happens to be.




^Well, I never wanted a character gone til Tau (beta player); I completely agree with the OP and disagree 100% w the rationalizing to keep her. She's far worse than any plot character prior, sorry.


I pray she stays squashed like a stink bug:mon_angel:

Edited by Willjb
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^Kill her off (preferably] or exile her to the outer rim/ another dimension or something (but stays as a companion, for those who don't kill her - we get a choice w a great, [interesting] & super powerful character like Arcann (I've every single companion in this game and he's my #1 - he was done right), it's only fair we should have a choice with a dud like Tau - I'll kill her off every time - her flying out an airlock would be wonderful): [she should just stay out of the storyline] - she's plot cyanide.


It doesn't work that way too well for most. I was one that romanced Koth on my smuggler and a lot of people wanted him dead so I lost a companion because of people killing him.

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