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If you think Marauder is weak...


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LMAO is all I got to say about this troll.



When you get to the big boy areas let us know.


they do not exsist... NOTHING in the game is hard, its just not wow most sinple. People seems to forget before Wrath of the casual MMOs and games in general had this thing called "challenge" its lost on most people because they have never experainced it. But "challenge" is not something being broken, its something that is intended. If you think anything in this game is hard its because you are bad, not because something is under powered or over tuned.

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Honestly, I've got a vanguard, marauder, operative (healer) and gunslinger. The gunslinger was the direct replacement for the marauder and it's so insanely good compared to marauder it isn't even funny. Without DPS meter or log it is hard to say for sure but the numbers I put out of my gunslinger make it hard to believe the marauder can compete with that and the gunslinger just owns face in PVP with flashbang, leg shot and dirty kick. With Sabo tree the bleeds and 18 second slow is just ridiculous for stomping level 50 marauders at level 22. If the marauder uses their escape skill to get out of the 30% speed reduction to avoid being kited they're on cooldown and I still have 3 CC's to use to line up sabo charges and aimed shots with.


another fine example of someone who cannot understand the difference in "easier" and "better"


Different classes are different, if you expect every class to be the same go back to wow, they did that there.

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Honestly, I've got a vanguard, marauder, operative (healer) and gunslinger. The gunslinger was the direct replacement for the marauder and it's so insanely good compared to marauder it isn't even funny. Without DPS meter or log it is hard to say for sure but the numbers I put out of my gunslinger make it hard to believe the marauder can compete with that and the gunslinger just owns face in PVP with flashbang, leg shot and dirty kick. With Sabo tree the bleeds and 18 second slow is just ridiculous for stomping level 50 marauders at level 22. If the marauder uses their escape skill to get out of the 30% speed reduction to avoid being kited they're on cooldown and I still have 3 CC's to use to line up sabo charges and aimed shots with.


I don't PvP myself , never been in a warzone in this game at all, but does that slow overide predation?


I would think thepredation buff that goes to your group as well, especially if specced up to +80% , would be one of the most valuable skills in the game for PvP, our interupt is the best in the game too , but you have to get close to use it obviously.


I think the thing with marauder v the others, especially the ranged classes, is that overall damage is probably similar, but its a lot less hassle to put out the big damage with say gunslinger than it is with marauder, we need cooldowns to be right, rage built and hit skils in the right order to get big numbers.


Its easy to do in PvE, but I would think its much harder in PvP where your gameplan can be messed up with CC and the like.

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another fine example of someone who cannot understand the difference in "easier" and "better"


Different classes are different, if you expect every class to be the same go back to wow, they did that there.


Where did I say easier? I do more damage, I have more CC's, I've got range and utility and AOE, better bleeds, better energy management...It's not a matter of easier, it's just flat out better. FWIW I never played WoW, I came from Eve Online and PVP Muds so I get the keybind thing and I don't consider playing a marauder to be 'hard' - spamming a rotation on a marauder to max out smash damage is not complicated and neither is crippling strike and saving your force charge...If it was a matter of taking more skill to get more reward I'd be ok with that but no matter how well you play a marauder a sniper/gunslinger/operative will always be better.


The point is that marauder is just bad and when I can smoke multiple level 50 marauders at level 22 in PvP in melee range without breaking a sweat there is something wrong there.

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I don't PvP myself , never been in a warzone in this game at all, but does that slow overide predation?


I would think thepredation buff that goes to your group as well, especially if specced up to +80% , would be one of the most valuable skills in the game for PvP, our interupt is the best in the game too , but you have to get close to use it obviously.


I think the thing with marauder v the others, especially the ranged classes, is that overall damage is probably similar, but its a lot less hassle to put out the big damage with say gunslinger than it is with marauder, we need cooldowns to be right, rage built and hit skils in the right order to get big numbers.


Its easy to do in PvE, but I would think its much harder in PvP where your gameplan can be messed up with CC and the like.


On interrupts, one thing people don't realize is we have 2 interrupts.


Force Charge interrupts as well as disruption.

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I don't PvP myself , never been in a warzone in this game at all, but does that slow overide predation?


I would think thepredation buff that goes to your group as well, especially if specced up to +80% , would be one of the most valuable skills in the game for PvP, our interupt is the best in the game too , but you have to get close to use it obviously.


I think the thing with marauder v the others, especially the ranged classes, is that overall damage is probably similar, but its a lot less hassle to put out the big damage with say gunslinger than it is with marauder, we need cooldowns to be right, rage built and hit skils in the right order to get big numbers.


Its easy to do in PvE, but I would think its much harder in PvP where your gameplan can be messed up with CC and the like.


Predation requires a full stack of fury and what most of the people here neglect is that, ultimately, all things marauder based can be stopped with some well timed stuns, roots and interrupts (which is typical for most classes, you can face roll operatives this way too). The real big issue is that, even if we both just stand toe to toe spamming rotations marauder doesn't out-damage other classes well enough to make up the gap, I'd like to see marauders get better CC abilities and hard stuns or a moderate boost to burst damage.


And FWIW, I'd bet money they will buff this class by March, in spite of the 3 people spamming these threads with L2P - because when you play other classes side by side with it - it's so freaking obvious it is hard to even seriously debate. So I'm hanging onto my Marauder for now.

Edited by dcgregorya
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People seems to forget before Wrath of the casual MMOs and games in general had this thing called "challenge" its lost on most people because they have never experainced it. But "challenge" is not something being broken, its something that is intended. If you think anything in this game is hard its because you are bad, not because something is under powered or over tuned.

Thank you. It's nice to know some folks don't want to sleepwalk through life.


Not everyone plays games to pwn people in PvP. Not everyone wants to solo groups of 5-7 mobs with ease. Sorry, but if Luke Skywalker went up against a gaggle of Bobba Fetts he'd have been handed his *****. Why does anyone think Darth Maul should be able to take on a gang of Jangos?

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On interrupts, one thing people don't realize is we have 2 interrupts.


Force Charge interrupts as well as disruption.


we have 4 interrupts actually.



Force Charge


Force Choke

Intimidating Roar




Pro Tip: Before acting smart, actually be smart.

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On interrupts, one thing people don't realize is we have 2 interrupts.


Force Charge interrupts as well as disruption.


4 really.


or 4 and a half.


Charge, the actual interupt, choke, roar , and obfuscate is almost as good as an interupt in that you get 6 seconds of at best 20% damage.

Edited by Voblat
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If you think the Marauder needs any kind of PVE survivability buff then watch this video.

If you think it's underpowered, then watch this video.



video of a 31 Marauder w/Quinn easily killing a 34 Elite mob on Taris.

Seriously people, stop the QQ about the class,it's not broken.


ROTFL all praise darkclicker the overhealed!

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  • 1 month later...
we have 4 interrupts actually.



Force Charge


Force Choke

Intimidating Roar




Pro Tip: Before acting smart, actually be smart.


4 interuupts with the possibility to interuppt 6 Times in a row


1. Charge

2. Disrupt

3. Force choke

4. Disrupt

5. Intimidating Roar

6. Disrupt

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I have to agree with OP on this. its not underpowered most people just can't think dynamically. Kinda have to with this one. personally Ihop emor epeople don't like the class and stop using it, they don't want to adapt to one that has so much potential but would ratehr cry like little girls.


My personal suggestion is this if you want to cry about this class and how OP the others are go play the others.


secondly congrats OPon being a clicker. I have done rather well in not only pvp here but in others someties beating 3v1 solo and yes I am a clicker and keyboard turner. I only use the binds that come with the game ie 1-= and no others. I don't see a speed increase in clicks verses moving a finger to a key. . . .Those that have skillz wouldn't need it any way. I never have and never will.

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Where did I say easier? I do more damage, I have more CC's, I've got range and utility and AOE, better bleeds, better energy management...It's not a matter of easier, it's just flat out better. FWIW I never played WoW, I came from Eve Online and PVP Muds so I get the keybind thing and I don't consider playing a marauder to be 'hard' - spamming a rotation on a marauder to max out smash damage is not complicated and neither is crippling strike and saving your force charge...If it was a matter of taking more skill to get more reward I'd be ok with that but no matter how well you play a marauder a sniper/gunslinger/operative will always be better.


The point is that marauder is just bad and when I can smoke multiple level 50 marauders at level 22 in PvP in melee range without breaking a sweat there is something wrong there.



on the other hand I pwn most of the snipers/gunslingers I encounter in the 50's bracket

operatives and scoundrels are harder to kill especially if they get the jump on me..



but imho there is no better class to send against a healer than a good marauder.Maybe I'm dumb but with our interrupts,sustained damage and very good mobility we are a true pain in the a** if we know what we re doing

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HAHA, what? OP, how is that any indication of Marauders not being underpowered?


As a Mara I'm able to solo champions my level (albeit with Call on the Force+Quinn) but I still agree with the notion that the class needs a bit of a buff. Utility wise, not damage.

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4 interuupts with the possibility to interuppt 6 Times in a row


1. Charge

2. Disrupt

3. Force choke

4. Disrupt

5. Intimidating Roar

6. Disrupt




"on bosses" - we can only use 2 really - charge and disrupt, others don't work.

I think other classes only have 1? correct me if I'm wrong.

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You beat an elite mob with the sith warrior's best companion. Congratulations?


You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


Having to rely on one companion just to finish your class quest is a massive oversight. The secret base in corellia is a nightmare with any other companion besides quinn.


this. /thread

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I like when he use the mortal strike ability (dunno the english name, -20% healing received on target, green tooltip ability that is a flying saber for 2 rage IIRC) on the elite mob...


Gotta click whatever comes off cooldown when you're a clicker I guess.


WotLK private servers (to play RetPal) are this way ->(.)

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Marauder doesn't feel broken to me. Marauder IS difficult. Marauder IS easy to play wrong. Marauder IS sensitive to gear. I had a slump through my early 30's that turned out to be a bad choice of secondary stats for Carnage. I fixed that and it was improvement x2.


I've consistently worked missions and mobs 2 levels above me since I got ahead of myself on Balmorra. I'm not bragging. Just my impatience to get off Balmorra two levels early forced me to knuckle down and assess what I was doing from Naar Shadda onwards.


To the person who said you can only be successful post 40 using Quinn. Not true. From 41 to 50 I used Vette as my primary companion. I use Quinn when I'm feeling lazy or just want my best buddy to bromance. After getting Massacre I actually got through missions faster and more effectively with Vette or Jeasa. Yes I had to be constantly on the ball but it worked very well.


I leave Marauder's merits in PVP to the experts. I don't qualify in this department.


So a small tweak ok. But I don't want the fundamental aspects changed. The constant battle assessment/change tactics on the fly is what I like most about Marauder. I don't want it to feel like a "one rotation beats all" DPS bot.

Edited by Reil
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You beat an elite mob with the sith warrior's best companion. Congratulations?


You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


Having to rely on one companion just to finish your class quest is a massive oversight. The secret base in corellia is a nightmare with any other companion besides quinn.


I never used quinn once all the way to 50. Rage spec.


I demand a prize.


1 Internet shall do fine.

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You beat an elite mob with the sith warrior's best companion. Congratulations?


You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


Having to rely on one companion just to finish your class quest is a massive oversight. The secret base in corellia is a nightmare with any other companion besides quinn.


I'm on Voss atm @ lvl 45.Been here since lvl 44 and only thing i have had trouble beating is an elite in a cave that was for a quest.it being lvl 47 and steam rolling me with 3111 crits.personally #1 companion is Jaesa :D

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