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5 Hour Slicing Results


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24 pages? wow. so i'm sure this has come up but what skill combination would recommend for the sole purpose of making money? when you say i can take any profession and sell what i make do you mean sell to a vender or at the AH?


For right now selling to a vender would be the best way until the community gets bigger and more wealthy.

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Anyone who attacks the slicing nerf is a an idiot.


1. Slicing is not a profession....its a gathering skill


3. They fixed it

4. Stop trying to make money with a GATHERING skill


Anyone who posts in this thread saying we're attacking the nerf itself is an idiot. Idiot. I myself (and two others in this thread who have stated an inclination to un-sub) support the nerf of slicing. It's the SEVERITY which is the problem, and the LACK OF COMMUNICATION. Clear?

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To be honest, as a Synthweaving/Archaeology and Underworld Trading, I don't think I've made any money infact I would say its cost me alot. I have 400 in each of the above. I was furious, as a paying customer hearing people making over 2 million credits by slicing. It should never have been in the game and people do it the old fashioned way. Im amazed people are getting so worked up over a cheesy ability. Im glad you cancelled, you don't deserve to play this game.
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Wake I have a serious question for you, and for any other person that is claiming that the slicing nerf was too harsh:


How many bag slots do you have and how many bays in your bank?


I have expanded my inventory once, and I haven't bought my second bay yet. I haven't really had the need to do so yet, I just stop by the vendor in between quests.

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Just to catch up, OP cancelled their subscription over the slicing nerf?



340 UT Trading Special Missions cost 3k to send companion. Buy mission from AH for some credits or guild might be giving them away. Returns sell on GTN for 40-80k.


I made a killing with slicing, was one of the first people in guild to go that route and made others switch. Slicing nerf doesn't kill the game, I do wish the nerf was a bit lower though.

Edited by Ramuk
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"everyone knows it was OP" blah, blah, "it needed a nerf" blah, blah, "I can't believe you rage-quit" blah, blah.


Can't any of you people see that the bigger issue, that several have said repeatedly is the more proximate cause of their unsubscribing, is the early severity of the nerf and the lack of communication about it? Not to mention the complete ignoring of all the high levels that reported how Slicing was not so hot at 50, thus failing to understand the distinction between an early peaking skill and a late blooming skill and how they can be balanced in the long run even if they don't seem to be in a particular arbitrary level window.


It is inconsiderate to take a skill people have invested time in and reduce it to near uselessness but give next to no explanation and provide no feedback to the flood of resulting complaints. That is not how you should treat paying customers.


Stop with the "rage-quit" and "nerd-rage" nonsense and try reading entire paragraphs instead of just the subject line. Those inane replies only show their posters' ignorance and lack of attention.


It's not that Slicing was nerfed. It's that any skill was hit this hard and this early with no discussion and no feedback and what that bodes for the probable future.


Quoted for truth

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Somewhere north of 350k accounts, all on the same server. How many servers worldwide has Bioware split their 2 million into? What does that work out into, on average? 25k per server? Yeah, apples to oranges.


Again, I'm not complaining about slicing getting nerfed. As I've posted previously in this thread, I supported slicing getting nerfed. But it got decimated. Nuked to the point of being useless. So far in the opposite direction that it isn't even funny.


Meanwhile there are still unscavengable items on my minimap due to bugs, and there are wording issues on some of my skills, and the UI is still horrifically bad. But we got slicing killed, thank heaven.


And no word from on high as to what the reasoning was behind the nuking of slicing; how they figured the balance should work out, or how they envisioned slicing working which would give all of us a better idea of what to expect from it.


So without more information, my conclusion is that whining=nerfs. Which means my sorceror is next, as I'm sure people are eventually going to think that force lightning is overpowered and needs nerfed, and suddenly all those points I put into lightning skills will become useless and I'll have to pay for a re-spec through no fault of my own, just the whining of crying children.


First, they came for the slicers...


Simple explination for the crying over that-


Your lightning does damage to them.


Your lightning is purple.


Players have been brainwashed into thinking purple = epic


Therefore your Sorc has epic lightning that must be nerfed!!


Brace yourself cause you are prolly gonna get with some garbage "Force use of all lightning spells increased by 45 force points and 2 min cooldowns have been added!"

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Just putting my 2 cents in here....


My level 15 BH (with two companions) maxed out slicing. Slicing was a good way to make a some extra credits. If I was lucky and I could send my companions out on Rich lev 4 or 5 missions I could bring in about 8 to 12k profit in an hour, considering most missions take 40 minutes or so. For me this was not game breaking as it was a good way to make a few extra credits on the side and it was only the Rich missions that gave the most credits. Some of my guildies have made millions from slicing but most of them are lev 50 now and were slicing boxes as they quest as well.


Did slicing need to be toned down, probably a little but as it stands they over nerfed it. I had my 11 year old son pick up slicing on his character so he would have an easier time of making money (since he has no idea how to work the GTN effectively) and now I am just going to have him switch it to Diplomacy (to help out with his Biochem).


I would have rather seen Bioware bring other professions more in line with slicing. Leveling up armormech and cybertech is a pain and expensive. Missions in my opinion take to long and sometime when you need a certain mission from a specific level it is not available (IE need lev 3 Biochemical compounds but only have missions for Biochemical Sample and D-Package implant Processors) meaning you have to send your companion out on a mission you don't really need in hopes that after you finish it you will see the mission you need.

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24 pages? wow. so i'm sure this has come up but what skill combination would recommend for the sole purpose of making money? when you say i can take any profession and sell what i make do you mean sell to a vender or at the AH?
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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.




I've seen petty and pathetic excuses for publicly canceling one's account but this is by far the most hilarious.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.

I've made 25k in 3 hours post nerf. Thats without selling the missions I get which at higher tiers which I'm selling anywhere from 1k to 5k. Made an extra 15k off those alone. Your doin it wrong....
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It will be funny to see some of the "LOL GOOD RIDDANCE NUB" people in this thread crying a month or two down the line when BioWare starts ultra-nerfing classes based off forum whinging.


It obviously wasn't based on forum whining since a dev tweeted that it was OP way before the patch notes were even released.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


Cancelling your sub because you don't make as much money as you used to is ridiculous.


That's like throwing away a whole box of cookies because one tastes worse than the others.

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OP is doing it wrong. Yes they did nerf slicing but you can still make a lot of credits but it requires you to use your head a little. I'm not going to sit here and explain how its done because its really a common sense issue if you consistently lose money when slicing.
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It will be funny to see some of the "LOL GOOD RIDDANCE NUB" people in this thread crying a month or two down the line when BioWare starts ultra-nerfing classes based off forum whinging.


You assume that the nerf was due to forum whining. If that was the case then there'd have been nerfs to every class, a few quest, class quest, PvP war zones, and on and on.



Im assuming the nerf was due to data they monitor in-game....


Forum whining rarely = in-game issues. If you don't understand why then welcome to MMOs!

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What's with all the posts of people saying "you're doing it wrong", lol, its kind of hard to not do it right. Send your companions out on rich rank 4-5 lockbox missions and lose money. If that's doing it wrong then how can you do it any better?
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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.



It was never going to work anyway, you clealy dont have the patience.

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