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Marauder not so bad in pvp?


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I don't play a marauder but I have been tempted to start one. I know people complain they suck and die fast but I seen this pvp video from a well geared BH. First fight is against a marauder and even with the jump the marauder almost wins.




If you are willing to dredge through 45-50 levels of feeling insignificant and worthless only to hit 50 and finally be able to fight on par with everyone by putting forth a lot more effort to fight on equal ground.... then yeah go for it!


I just feel mara and the sentinel get the short end of the stick, I don't know if anyone else has the same issue but I find it hard to find mara gear! It seems to be either or medium for agent or heavy for jugg and BH.


The class needs some work to stream line the whole thing... but just FYI until BW gets there head out of there ......... and starts acknowledging the issues and informs the community they are working on it. You are going to be helpless and frustrated

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...whereas other people love the class and think the class is fine as it is. You should look around the threads you should see some real good advice on how to spec and what to do.. ultimatly it depends on ur playstyle


carnage - probz the weakest tree of ours - needs some work - has some nice burst but stil weak compared to the other 2


annihilation - a god in 1 v 1 situations with the self heals and bleed damage that ignore armor completely, high survivability (with a healer practically unkillable)


Rage - crazy burst and very good mobility - this is the spec that flashes damage on the chart pulling 350 k + dmg in warzones if you play it well


So there you go just depends on ur playstyle, I prefer Anni but that's up 2 u


The class is fine if you need advice look out for some of the other threads

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I don't play a marauder but I have been tempted to start one. I know people complain they suck and die fast but I seen this pvp video from a well geared BH. First fight is against a marauder and even with the jump the marauder almost wins.




Saw him attacking people in the pit @ huttball & turned it off.


Great gamer.

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I'm a level 50 marauder in all pvp gear, carnage spec'd. I chew people up and spit them out. Other night i went 350k damage with 75 kills and 47 killing blows, just insane.


I honestly didn't want to share this with you guys since you qq so much and wanted to keep this secret hidden but marauders really rock end game pvp and pve. I have cleared eternity vault also and i do believe myself to be my guilds top dps. Also the group b uffs we bring are very significant.


I have to say the amount of ignorance on these forums is astounding btw. People judge before they see the class fully developed. Maybe the lower levels could use some tuning but it's manageable. At level 50 we really shine.

Edited by andretious
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You need to pick an avatar. After that you need to know that carnage is the best pvp and pve spec currently. With a few talents moved around for pvp or pve depending what you're doing. You really just showed alot of people how much you know lol.


And you are trolling with the carnage is the best campaign. :D

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Carnage is quite far from bad in PvP. It requires a significantly different approach to attacking players than Annihilation or Rage, however.


His total damage number sounds dubious though, in the sense that more enemies should have died; sounds like his team needed better focus fire, or shutdown on the enemy healers ^_^.

Edited by EasymodeX
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I was already Carnage before i read this but this will just make you feel dumber.




We will fix your bad dps yet sir. Pvp as well.

Not that i want to help you. Force choke would be nice.

I also want to say that 100% armor pen in pvp and pve is amazing. Massacre just owns.

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I'm a level 50 marauder in all pvp gear, carnage spec'd. I chew people up and spit them out. Other night i went 350k damage with 75 kills and 47 killing blows, just insane.



I'm a level 50 (any class) in all pvp gear, (DPS) spec'd. I chew people (without epic PvP gear) up and spit them out. Other night i went 350k damage with 75 kills and 47 killing blows, just insane.



Edited by Kromzor
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3 BH's 2 Agents 2 Inquisters must be nice getting heal botted in a premade


A premade? You know you can only queue with 4 people right?

Either way i queue solo for this particular warzone, and i cant control how many healers join, or if the healers decides to hug me the whole time.

Im only proving a point that marauders are good, so please, stop trying to troll.

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You're the archetyoe of the healbotted guy, don't come here telling us how great you did with a flawless comp.


Thank you, bro.


i must get a flawless comp every warzone i enter then. funny how many people are complaining when we are clearly OP.

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I'm a level 50 marauder in all pvp gear, carnage spec'd. I chew people up and spit them out. Other night i went 350k damage with 75 kills and 47 killing blows, just insane.


I honestly didn't want to share this with you guys since you qq so much and wanted to keep this secret hidden but marauders really rock end game pvp and pve. I have cleared eternity vault also and i do believe myself to be my guilds top dps. Also the group b uffs we bring are very significant.


I have to say the amount of ignorance on these forums is astounding btw. People judge before they see the class fully developed. Maybe the lower levels could use some tuning but it's manageable. At level 50 we really shine.


I believe it. I played a Carnage marauder in pvp during beta for quite some time. The amount of damage they put out is pretty stupid. Too bad they've been nerfed pretty hard from the first beta i've played back in August to release. If it were still the original way i don't think anyone would be QQ'ing about a free 100% crit force scream after leap.


Also pop off berserk with carnage and you get 3 attacks with 2 ataru form procs in the time everyone else gets two. Massacre hitting for like 2k damage each with 4-600 ataru procs, that damage adds up pretty quick specially when you can 100% armor pen it too.

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Also pop off berserk with carnage and you get 3 attacks with 2 ataru form procs in the time everyone else gets two. Massacre hitting for like 2k damage each with 4-600 ataru procs, that damage adds up pretty quick specially when you can 100% armor pen it too.



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Levelling is bollocks, you should welcome the challenge. If you don't like levelling just go play a lobby game or dota.


Also, mara is fine at endgame. Considering their damage output and survivability when played well - I see no reason for a nerf/buff at the moment. They just need to fix resolve so the "2 CC = immune" thing actually works. That way we stop wasting our Unleash. All three mara specs are very cool, serve their purpose and put out great dps.


Itemization of medium gear feels a bit ... copy-paste from Heavy I think someone called it. I'm sure this'll get ironed out with patches and content being released.


Mara is fine in PvP.

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