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Crafting Changes Coming in December (6.0.2)


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I'm not sure I agree with this. The reason is that they are high in numbers but much lower in cost. I think before 6.0 the high end ones cost 1850 credits each. Now it's around 300-400 or something like that.


And the game does need credit sinks. But I would prefer to have a higher price with lower numbers cause even when I buy 500 of them they don't last. I would already be happy if they simply reduced the requirements by half and simply doubled the price. High numbers for the sake of high numbers is just not really helpful.


So white matts that you buy level 10

2775x2= 5550 x4 for blue 22200 x 2 for purple 44400

For level 11

standard cost 300x8=2400 x 3 for blue 7200+2800 x3 =30000 x3 +3200 =93200 for one purple component that you need not one but two just to create 6 medpacks so the base cost for 6 purple med packs is 186400 +180 greens + 60 blue +30 matts plus the GTN percentage tack on another 100000 plus a bit of profit and you have 1,500,000 for 6 purple med packs is about the bottom line.


However the reality is that the price is not that far off at 1.8 mil for 6 currently on the GTN

Compare this to the rank 10 medpac base cost is about 90k to make 6 rank 11s are 20 times more expensive to make than rank 10 take 9 times longer or more to make.

With the massive amounts of new credit sinks no one can afford the new prices except for a few maxed out guilds. or billionaires who a 100 mil is nothing to them.


So the rank ten is much cheaper to make. Rank 11 is double for one purple and ten times more expensive in cost to even break even.

With the credit sinks in game higher repairs, double cost to remove mods, 1mil per set piece 1 mil per tactical. The lack of trash to sell and what trash you get has been reduced in value to about 10% of what it used to be and the credit rewards are lower over all for quests or have not changed. Normal game play you gain far less credits then you had before.

No armor pieces to sell now that you get from world drops as they are even BOL

No more mounts, companion gifts, pets from any of the crates though I have had a few randomly drop in a heroic. Still not on par with the command crates. I made my money on those companion gifts.


Crafting was the one guaranteed way to earn credits now it is not worth anyone's time. No one is going to pay 300k for one med pack when you could easily go thru 6 in an operation. do you earn 2 million every operation you go into?

Edited by Hawkebatt
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I vote for ANY mission and i literally mean ANY mission, from moderate to wealthy, from Archeology to Slicing, from Diplomacy to Underworld trading - to give green materials (well unless they fail right?).


i've been farming grey mission like a madman to even get started with any crafting, thats dumb, rich yield bringing purple and blue is nice but 0 green, thats baaaaaaad.


This is my big comment.


It feels bad when I have plenty of money to run any mission, but I purposely avoid wealthy and rich missions because they don't give what I need. Those should always feel like a better option.

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These changes seem like a good start.


If you want gathering to be mre important than mission, Onderon and Mek-Sha need a massive upgrade in nodes to farm. Find whoever did the swamps on Zakuul or the temple area of Yavin IV should get a crack at these locations.


The one thing I don't really see mentioned are items like the Supplements like Veda cloth and Flerovium flux all come from a single grey mission. Please have these items drop from all missions in the appropriate category that primarily reward crafting mats.


I would also like to see Assembly Components removed entirely. They are a pain and just slow crafting down as I need to make those to make what I really want. Just add the ingredients and extra craft time to the final project.


There is a total lack of interesting and unique cosmetic items to make, please consider addressing that in future updates.


Please List one shot missions at the top of the list and not at the bottom.


Please have the mission list stick to the last grade you were working on, going back to get older mats is a real pain.


I would love to see much longer missions, up to 20 hours long, that allow us to, for great expense, to basically have once a day missions that deliver a lot more materials and companion influence. Short missions, while nice to get some quick mats, do a lot to interrupt the flow of game play, and put people with less time at a major disadvantage over players that can scroll through 15+ alts and continuously run missions. I wouldn't expect for 20 hour missions to be that good, but a ton closer then what we have now.

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Thank you for this update, Eric. I'm encouraged by some of these changes, and by the clear communication. I want to give some feedback on these changes, and I'll start with the good.


Although we want to incentivize harvesting over missions for gathering skills, mission inflow was a little too low:

  • Increase overall inflow of Premium quality materials from Missions.


This is very important, so a good change. Hopefully this also means that you'll do a check on all mission rewards to make sure that every mission difficulty does reward Premiums at all, because right now some of them don't.


[*]The materials that you are earning are not coming in at the correct ratio of Premium : Prototype : Artifact to correlate with expenditure:

  • Rebalancing material inflow to match a 7:2:1 ratio that many of you have raised.


This is a completely vital change, so thank you. Very encouraging that the ratio correlation is being emphasized and looked at. It's important that you check your harvesting nodes to make sure this ratio is being respected there as well. In this post from PTS feedback I specifically tested materials inflow, and the average from node gathering for one hour was 12 greens, 8 blues, 4 purples per node. The deficiency definitely lies with the Premium (green) mats, and you can see this exactly reflected in the behavior of the GTN where Prototype and Artifacts mats are selling for significantly cheaper despite being more rare. Demand for Premium mats far outstrips current supply.


  • Too high of a requirement for Matrixes when crafting:
    • The Matrix material requirement has been removed from all schematics below Artifact quality.
    • We are looking closely at data around inflow of Legendary Ember requirements. We may increase requirements here but this is still being investigated.


THANK YOU for removing Matrices from anything below Artifact quality. I think it's also important that you remove Isotopes from any recipe of Premium quality as well.


As for the Legendary Ember requirements, I actually think these flow pretty steadily for anyone who is running Wealthy missions, and it's perfectly fitting that someone trying to craft Legendary items should have to devote that time and investment. The only thing I would suggest about Legendary Embers is adjusting the rewards table for those Wealthy missions so that there's less extreme RNG ranges of possibility. I've run some Wealthy missions were I got 1 Ember, and some where I got 6. That's too extreme. A Wealthy mission should have a guaranteed Ember return rate better than 1, for sure. Even just making that 2-6 would be better, but 3-6 seems more reasonable.


Ok, and now for the bad...


  • The materials required for “material combination” schematics was too high. We are making the following changes:
    • Premium and Prototype material requirements have been reduced to 6 each (down from 10).
    • Artifact material requirements have been reduced to 12 each (down from 15).
    • The requirements to convert Premium combination materials to Prototype has been reduced to 2 (down from 3).


I understand you are trying to not swing the pendulum too hard the opposite direction, and I respect that, but in this case I think you are still being too conservative. The changes you made with 6.0 were so extreme (not conservative at all there!) that you need to take bigger steps.


The 6.0 increase of mats required for a Premium component, going from 2 to 10, was a 400% increase. Reducing that from 10 to 6 is only a 40% decrease. The only way trying to patch a 400% problem with a 40% fix is going to work is if you are dramatically increasing the yield on Premium mats from both nodes and missions.


Going back to some PTS testing, in Estelindis's spreadsheet they laid out the numbers to show how many materials are really required. Looking at just the 240 Premium attachments required for a 278 item (that's not even counting the second Premium component type requirement)...


Under 6.0 numbers, that requires 4,800 green mats.


Under these proposed changes, that would be lowered to 2,880 green mats.


The problem is still that this is too high a requirement when compared to our mats inflow. Again in this post from PTS I pointed out that the nodes (with zero competition, I was the only person in the instance) yielded 558 green mats for one hour. So even with this proposed reduction I would need to gather for five hours (with miraculously zero competition) to meet the mats requirement (for just one of three different categories in the schematic) to have sufficient mats for one 278 rated item.


This is still completely out of whack with how easy it is to get gear from any other game activity out there.


So I go back to a point I raised earlier: Unless you are planning to dramatically increase the amount of Premium mats that come from nodes and missions, the 40% decrease in mats requirements is not sufficient.


I still personally believe that the addition of Prototype and Artifacts mats and components to the crafting system was all the increase in difficulty required. Please remember that this change alone makes everything multiplicative, so the 40% decrease you are proposing is not going to have a very significant impact. You could reduce components all the way back to 2/2/2 and still have made crafting much harder. At the very least I would strongly suggest you consider reducing them to 4/4/4.

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Great move, but frankly, too late. I resubbed three days ago, already unsubbed. Game is worse than ever.


You say Crafting is not where you want it to be? Where is it now? I don't think anyone has any idea. lulz


I used to really enjoy crafting between WZ or Arena pops. Now I just said eff it and gave up. I'm in total limbo with no idea of how to earn schematics or anything else. Sorry, December is far too long to wait for a significant change. I'm already gone.


Best of luck to you. Back to Fortnite I go.

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One other thing. Musco, I met you bro, at the Anaheim Star Wars festival, or whatever it's called. You're a good dude and sharp to boot. Why in the world are you still working for BW? lol. I mean, you're a talented and good guy. There have to be hundreds of gaming publishers and titles looking for quality candidates like yourself.


Make the move bro. This game is ish.

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1. Making green grafts/assembly components to make blue ones to make purple ones to make something gold is a royal pain in the arse. PLEASE change that to something less tedious.

To make one gold stim, I have to start with 45 level grade 11 green cell grafts. Then I have to make 15 blue cell grafts. Then I have to make 5 purple ones. That's just NUTS. And that's not including all the other mats involved making blue, green, purple and gold things. Since I can only make 40 grafts max at one time, I have to constantly send out companions during whatever else I happen to be doing at that time. That's a challenge in vet Ops or FPs. It's impossible in PvP. Can you imagine me saying to an opponent, "Uh, excuse me, I need to send Theron out to make 5 more cell grafts...." I know I'm just waiting with bated breath every day when I log on to say "Oh God, here is my greatest opportunity in game: craft 65 cell grafts, cause that's just how I envisioned having fun in SWTOR!"


Instead of having to do that to make any gold thing, instead just require the equivalent mats and time requirement we're using to go from green to gold anyway and let us do it in one shot rather than through a bazillion intermediate steps that are nothing more than time gates. I love crafting, but stopping in the middle of a flashpoint to tell my guildies "Hang on--I have to make 4,000 green grafts, and all my companions just finished making their 40. Only 3960 left to go....." I'd rather just gather up the required 4000 (as an example, not as an actual amount, please don't torture us players that way) mats and send a toon out for an hour than send 60 companions out for 1 minute a shot.


2. The RE percentage needs to be substantially increased or even better, eliminated. This is clearly a time and credit sink hoop that we have to jump through. Just put the schematic on the vendor for a reasonable and appropriate cost and spread out the time and credit sink into getting the mats and fabricating the item.


3. I can't harvest enough stuff to keep up with the amount of mats required to make all the green, blue, and purple things to get to gold without sending out companions all the time. It currently takes 1,385 harvested mats of various grades and 540 recombinators of various grades to make one single reusable stim. :eek:

Nor does my bad-*** Sith Warrior want to spend all day picking flowers instead of using his elite skills to gut the enemy. Fighting people over crafting nodes is even less fun. At least Guild Wars 2 got that one right by allowing everyone at the node to harvest it, and that would be a great feature to add here to stop people ninja-ing nodes. I gather mats by necessity, but it's not fun. And I actually _like_ crafting.


4. Out of the thousands of items my crafters could make, there are only about 20-30 actually useful items:

a. Synthweavers' mk 10 and 11 augments and kits. None of the top tier gear is in any way useful, sadly, compared to gear drops. Maybe armorings might be semi-decent now since the set bonus is on the shell instead of the armoring.

b. Cybertech's earpieces and _maybe_ mods as an intermediate step to gear drops

c. Armstech's barrels (as an intermediate step to the top gear), mk 10 and 11 augments and kits

d. Armormech's mk 10/11 augments and kits, maybe an armoring now that the set bonus is on the shell instead of the armoring

e. Artifice's relics and hilts as a stepping stone to the top tier relics/hilts that drop. Lightsabers, shields and foci have never been useful, sadly. Some crystals can be made that are useful if you are cool with the colors, and some dyes are fun.

f. Biochem--this one has the most utility with the medpacs, stims, adrenals and implants (intermediate to highest level implant drops). Oh, and Ice scrabbler jerky. Can't forget that.


There is so much more you could do with crafting--e.g. allow crafters to make decos and decorative gears and weapons (and then you sell crafting packs on the Cartel Market to compensate for the lost CC for the gear people would buy there. I'm aware EA has to make their $ to keep the lights on and the devs paid and server hamsters fed). Allow more variety in dyes and crystals, make the crafted mods/enhancements/armorings reasonably close to top end gear.

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Hey all,


We have been reading your feedback since Onslaught launched (and of course from PTS beforehand) on your feelings on the current state of crafting. We agree with your feedback that it isn’t where we want it to be either. There are quite a few changes planned for 6.0.2 in December and we want to give you a preview of those changes today. As 6.0.2 will not have its own PTS, please use this thread to share your feedback on the changes.


  • The materials required for “material combination” schematics was too high. We are making the following changes:
    • Premium and Prototype material requirements have been reduced to 6 each (down from 10).
    • Artifact material requirements have been reduced to 12 each (down from 15).
    • The requirements to convert Premium combination materials to Prototype has been reduced to 2 (down from 3).

    [*]Although we want to incentivize harvesting over missions for gathering skills, mission inflow was a little too low:

    • Increase overall inflow of Premium quality materials from Missions.
    • Increase material rewards from Wealthy Yield Missions.
    • Reduce the overall failure rate of “grey” quality Missions.

    [*]Getting crafting schematics when deconstructing gear was too hard with too low of a chance:

    • Broadly increased the chance to earn crafting schematics from deconstructing.
    • Sort of related, we are making a pass to ensure that deconstruction is giving the correct professions materials. Raise any specifics you have where this isn’t the case.

    [*]Too high of a requirement for Matrixes when crafting:

    • The Matrix material requirement has been removed from all schematics below Artifact quality.
    • We are looking closely at data around inflow of Legendary Ember requirements. We may increase requirements here but this is still being investigated.

    [*]The materials that you are earning are not coming in at the correct ratio of Premium : Prototype : Artifact to correlate with expenditure:

    • Rebalancing material inflow to match a 7:2:1 ratio that many of you have raised.

These are all currently planned changes for 6.0.2 so please let us know your thoughts. As always, we will continue to monitor crafting data and your feedback post-6.0.2 and make further changes as needed! Thanks everyone.




Legendary embers are not droping enough. Increasing requirement of it would be a big mistake. Only few players are lucky to have secondary missions which drop those embers.


And pls start looking into class balance. Deception assassins recking all other classes in ranked. Thanks

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Legendary embers are not droping enough. Increasing requirement of it would be a big mistake. Only few players are lucky to have secondary missions which drop those embers.


And pls start looking into class balance. Deception assassins recking all other classes in ranked. Thanks


The fast, green grade 11 slicing lock box mission provides the missions that drop embers - they are not difficult to obtain.


IMO the issue isn't the inflow, rather that the vast majority of items requiring them are junk and / or have such high overall materials requirements they are not worth the time and effort to craft.

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I think I have gotten 1 leg ember from a mission once. Sometimes when I RE all the drops fro FP's I can get 1. As someone who does about 80 missions a day, it unreasonable to have high end mats required. The person who came up with this idea for crafting has absolute zero common sense.


When I am making a FP run I make the comps do missons, but when I start farming they make cell grafts now. I used to wait until I was done farming, but I got TIRED of spending 3 hours making grafts so 1 comp can make a batch of pacs. To make things worse, they can't even keep up.


However....its much better to run missions every chance you get, then when you farm nodes for 3 DAYS, on the 4th day you can make some pacs without having to spend hours making grafts. Lets not forget you better go to fleet also, because your going to be buying to white mats from the vender because doing missions for 3 days straight will last about 20 mins of making grafts.


Is this a game or a second job ?

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[...]please use this thread to share your feedback on the changes.

As requested. (beware, I do statistics for fun)


  • The materials required for “material combination” schematics was too high. We are making the following changes:
    • Premium and Prototype material requirements have been reduced to 6 each (down from 10).
    • Artifact material requirements have been reduced to 12 each (down from 15).
    • The requirements to convert Premium combination materials to Prototype has been reduced to 2 (down from 3).

No mention of Vendor Supplements, but I'll be generous and assume they've seen similar changes, bringing the raw materials ratio for each quality to 2:3:6. While this represents roughly half the total materials cost of previous, without knowing harvest/gather/mission returns I can't tell if this change is meaningful. I can tell that it reduces the effect of criticals on premium "combination matterials" (hearafter "components").


two alternative sugggestions, both simpler than the above, and more inline with the 6.0 design intent

Alternative A

    • leave the "convert" value at 3 (no change from current)
    • Multiply all Material requirements by (X / 5)
    • Multiply all supplement requirements by ((X-1) / 4)
    • X = 2 or 3


    • Material Ratio remains the same: 1:2:6
    • Compononet Ratio (and critical effect) remains the same 1:3:9

Alternative B

    • change the "convert" value to 2 for all qualities
    • use the same value for material / supplement requirements for all 3 qualities


    • Material and component Ratio falls naturally at 1:2:4
    • critical effect also reduced by 1/3 per quality tier
    • easier numbers to manage for tuning harvest / gather / mission reutrns

Critical Effect explained


When you craft parts in sequence, where one part is used in the next part, critical successes multiply. if I craft 100 things, with a 10% crit rate, I get 110, I use those 110 to craft the next thing, and I get 121, etc.... the more steps, the more effect it has. this effect is only seen when you craft in sequence.


When you craft in parallel (craft all steps at once, using existing stock), and use the results to "backfill' the stock you used, the critical chance doesn't multiply, since you're applying the critical rate directly to each step instead of as an input to the next step... you aren't losing your bonus crit, it's just being applied more evenly



  • Although we want to incentivize harvesting over missions for gathering skills, mission inflow was a little too low:

I have to ask... WHY!?

Harvesting has always been problematic for the following reasons

  • Harvest Nodes are too sparse with few exceptions (Balmorra, Yavin, Zakuul, Mek'Sha)
  • Harvesting is NOT Group Friendly (No one wants to wait on the person benefiting only themselves)
  • Harvesting is NOT Community Friendly (People on quests don't want you killing trash they need for goals)
  • Harvesting is NOT Personally Friendly (Nodes are directly contested resources)
    • As a consequence, Harvesting is not reliable (The more people doing it, the less efficient it is)


It's fine as an opportunistic and supplementary system, but it's horrible as a primary method. There is no fix for this, because any reasonable fix enables credit farmers.


    • Increase overall inflow of Premium quality materials from Missions.
    • Increase material rewards from Wealthy Yield Missions.
    • Reduce the overall failure rate of “grey” quality Missions.

those statements are too vague to evaluate, so instead allow me to list my expectations.


  • Grade 11 Wealthy Missions
    • Return types: All qualities and type of materials in it's grade (same as lower grades)
    • Return quantities: Base values equal to Critical Success on a grade 11 Bountiful Mission, Critical Success Values
    • equal to Critical Success on Grade 11 Rich Missions

    [*]Grade 11 Rich Missions

    • Return types: all qualities of materials in it's grade for it's type (same as lower grades)
    • Return quantites: Base values in the rough ratio required by components (currently 1:2:6, 1:2:4 in my "Alternative B" suggestion)

    [*]Grade 11 Bountiful Missions

    • Return types: Premium, and Prototype materials in it's grade / type, Artifact on critical
    • Return quantities: Base values in the rough ratio required by components (currently 1:2:6, 1:2:4 in my "Alternative B" suggestion)

    [*]Grade 11 Lockboxes (both)

    • Just do exactly what you did for all other grades of these

    [*]Grade 1-11 Color Crystals

    • Please stop making these single random rolls... it's horrible... a fixed value for each color with a random component is much more acceptable

    [*]Grade 11 Abundant Missions

    • Return types: Premium materials in it's grade / type, Prototype on critical
    • Return quantities: Base values in the rough ratio required by components (currently 1:2:6, 1:2:4 in my "Alternative B" suggestion)

    [*]Grade 11 Vendor Supplement Missions

    • Return types: All qualities and type of materials in it's grade (same as lower grades)
    • Return quantities: Base values in the rough ratio required by components (currently 1:2:6, 1:2:4 in my "Alternative B" suggestion), large multiple of required for a single component (same as Lower Grades)

    [*]Grade 11 Moderate Missions

    • Return types: Premium materials in it's grade / type
    • Return quantities: See Below

    [*]Grade 11 Harvest Nodes

    • Return Types: All qualities below the highest quality given
    • Return quantities: Base values in the rough ratio required by components (currently 1:2:6, 1:2:4 in my "Alternative B" suggestion), can be more highly randomized


Quantities are mostly tweakable, but should closely resemble the multiples of previous tiers based on the "Infused" type (eg at the 1:2:6 ratio, Moderate Misions should provide at least Half the premium materials required to make one Prototype Component as a base)


  • Getting crafting schematics when deconstructing gear was too hard with too low of a chance:
    • Broadly increased the chance to earn crafting schematics from deconstructing.
    • Sort of related, we are making a pass to ensure that deconstruction is giving the correct professions materials. Raise any specifics you have where this isn’t the case.

    [*]Too high of a requirement for Matrixes when crafting:

    • The Matrix material requirement has been removed from all schematics below Artifact quality.
    • We are looking closely at data around inflow of Legendary Ember requirements. We may increase requirements here but this is still being investigated.

Nice to hear about schematic changes, although I am not overly bothered by the lower chances with the Matrix requirement removed from practice level crafting schematics.


RE deconstruction returns:

There appear to be 2 major bugs.

BUG #1: Dropped Loot Deconstruction misbehavior

    • Deconstructing a dropped item of a type WITHIN your crafting profession returns jawa scrap
    • Deconstructing a dropped item of a type OUTSIDE your crafting professing returns jawa scrap AND Tech Fragments
    • Side Issue: no way to determine beforehand which profession an armor piece is within


    • The exact opposite of the above, or at least better returns for a matching crafting profession


BUG #2: Materials Storage Prevents Proper Deconstruction

    • Items that have been ever stored in Materials Storage do not deconstruct to materials, but rather to jawa scrap as if they were dropped/or the wrong profession.


    • Materials Storage should not affect deconstruction

  • The materials that you are earning are not coming in at the correct ratio of Premium : Prototype : Artifact to correlate with expenditure:
    • Rebalancing material inflow to match a 7:2:1 ratio that many of you have raised.

ratio is 1:2:6, not sure how the 7 crept in there, but I suspect it was a repeated typo.

Regardless, if you are changing the requirements for components (as you mentioned earlier in your post), then the new inflow should match the new ratio, not the current one.

calculation hidden below for the curious



  • 1x Artifact Assembly Component =
    • 15x Artifact Material A
      • 15 is our baseline to divide materials by
      • 15 / 15 = 1

      [*] 15x Artifact Material B

      [*] 12x Prototype Supplement

      • 12 is our base to divide Supplements by
      • 12 / 12 = 1

      [*] 3x Prototype Assembly Component =

      • 3 * 10x Prototype Material A = 30
        • 30 / 15 = 2

        [*] 3 * 10x Prototype Material B = 30

        [*] 3 * 8x Premium Supplement = 24

        • 24 / 12 = 2

        [*] 3 * 3x Premium Assembly Component (= 9)

        • 9 * 10x Premium Material A = 90
          • 90 / 15 = 6

          [*] 9 * 10x Premium Material B = 90

          [*] 9 * 8x Standard Supplement = 72

          • 72 / 12 = 6

    [*]total : 378x

Raw Mats Ratio 1:2:6


For each Artifact Component ingredient, Two of the middle tier ingredients, and Six of the lowest tier ingredients are required


These are all currently planned changes for 6.0.2 so please let us know your thoughts.

I have 4 more issues I'd like to add to the list...

BUG: Some Crew Missions return partial rewards

  • Multiple crew skill missions are only returning partial reward counts. They return only the fixed part of their rewards, but not the random addition. and example of this would be the Grade 11 Archaeology, Moderate Yield, Power Crystals: "Calling Home", which returns a flat 10 for success, and 20 for critical. there are others in the Mission Skills, and I suspect more at higher yields.

BUG: +Critical Crafting Amplifer does nothing

  • +Critical Amplifiers do not appear to do anything. and it's nearly impossible to guess what they are supposed to do


Parts list requirements for Modifications, Static Gear Pieces, Augments, and Biochem Reusuables are out of synch with game usage.

    • Augments and Biochchem reusables have the lowest construction costs, despite being equivalent to max endagme gear
    • Static Gear pieces and modifications have the highest costs, despite not being max stat endgame gear
    • Modifications have an equal cost to Static Gear pieces, despite offering <1/3 the stats of of static gear pieces and requiring a shell piece to go into.


    • Reusables should have the highest crafting cost as endgame gear with max beneifits, that skirt money sinks.
    • Augments should also be at or near highest crafting cost (for their max versions), as they are endgame gear with max benefits
    • Static Gear pieces should have lower crafting costs, relative to their iRating vs endgame gear with max benefits
    • Modifications should be significantly lower crafting costs still, relative to their iRating vs endgame gear with max benefits

Request for information

Currently in the Crafting profession, there are several unknowns which make testing and cornfirming bugs very difficult (especially if you don't know what the expected behavior is). While the community is very resourceful, dedicated, and tenacious, the following information is unknown and would be helful

  • Intended Failure Percentage for crew skill missions at each difficulty?
    • This was aproximated at 0% Grey, 1% Green, 5% yellow, 10% Orange prior to Onslaught, and assumed to have a +5% global chance with onslaught.

    [*]Intended formula of +Success <gather/mission skill> Amplifiers?

    • Guessing the formula is either (FAILURE_CHANCE - SUCCESS_AMPS), or (FAILURE_CHANCE * (1 - SUCCESS_AMPS))

    [*]Intended formula of +Critical <craft skill> Amplifiers?

As always, we will continue to monitor crafting data and your feedback post-6.0.2 and make further changes as needed! Thanks everyone.

And thank you Eric for the acknowledgement, information, and opportunity to communicate directly on these issues.



- Void

Edited by Void_Singer
forgot to label a specific mission
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Hello, I am pretty happy with the proposed changes!


Can you please add one more to the list. Armormech's schematics a "broken/bugged" compared to Synthweaving for its MK-0 non-moddifiable armor and resistive armoring. The green schematics (the ones you get from the trainer) requires the Solid Resource Matrix (they are bugged and are requiring the materials the next tier requires).


This has scared a lot of players off of crafting because if they start with Armormech they don't realize that the other crew skills do not have this too-steep starter cost.


Example comparison: https://imgur.com/a/AtHY73V


Here is a list of the "bugged" items:


Resistive Armoring 77

War-Forged Asylum Belt MK-0

War-Forged Asylum Body Armor MK-0

War-Forged Asylum Boots MK-0

War-Forged Asylum Bracers MK-0

War-Forged Asylum Gauntlets MK-0

War-Forged Asylum Helmet MK-0

War-Forged Asylum Legplates MK-0

War-Forged Mender Armguards MK-0

War-Forged Mender Belt MK-0

War-Forged Mender Boots MK-0

War-Forged Mender Gloves MK-0

War-Forged Mender Headgear MK-0

War-Forged Mender Jacket MK-0

War-Forged Mender Leggings MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Armguards MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Belt MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Boots MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Gloves MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Headgear MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Jacket MK-0

War-Forged Onslaught Leggings MK-0

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The irony of course being: Much of SWTOR's 6.0 was umm inspired by ESO's very similar systems. :cool:


Either way, i prefer STAR WARS, so i stay right here.


To Each His Own .


TBH so do I ...mainly because i miss Kira when i am gone but ESO it may have been inspired but in practice truly lets me "Play my way" even to the point where I can solo some group dungeons without really worrying about my health.....so you have to go with the game that is allowing you to play how you want really.....if bioware stop just using that as a catchphrase and actually means it and starts adding companion content to every expansion and actually means it when they say "play your way " i'll be back .

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Also, can the devs give some of the Crew Missions a quick pass-through please? Different materials are not always available from the same type of mission, I'll include an example;


Bioanalysis has the following Grade 11 crew skill missions;

  • Rich Yield - Tipping the Scales / Biochemical Compounds
    Rich Yield - Pollution Solution / Biochemical Compounds


Where ideally it would be one Rich Yield Biochemical Compounds and one Rich Yield Biochemical Samples.




This is just a display bug, Grade 11 Bioanalysis, Rich Yield "Polution Solution" actually returns Biochemical Samples.


There are however some issues with skills only returning the fixed portion of their output, and not the random part, which is causing artificial inbalances between materials of the same yield... both have been bug reported by myself

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Once gathering is at 700 one doesn't get anything from open world gathering... this seems like an issue... the number of times open world gathering fails currently also seems like an issue... and needing a month and a half to fix something that could have been figured out on the PTR yep amazing just amazing. I guess the devs like to run around looking for nodes only to have them fail cause that's one way to test such things *shrug* I'm sure it didn't happen though or it wouldn't be an issue. Wasn't that the purpose for holding off on the September release to better test stuff before it went into play?
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This has probably already been mentioned, however please fix the display bug in the crew skills window which currently fails to correctly show or update how many items can be made. Example: in the following screenshot I should be able to make x1 Artifact Curious Cell Craft but it's listing I can make 0:


I've seen this on all my crafters and so far it only seems to be affecting the new crafting items from 6.0.

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This has probably already been mentioned, however please fix the display bug in the crew skills window which currently fails to correctly show or update how many items can be made. Example: in the following screenshot I should be able to make x1 Artifact Curious Cell Craft but it's listing I can make 0:


I've seen this on all my crafters and so far it only seems to be affecting the new crafting items from 6.0.

I didn't mention it above because it's just a display bug....


... well, it's actually two bugs, because the left pane refusing to update happens independently of the right pane refusing to update...

I think I've nailed down the cause on both. Left pane only updates the first craft it finds with those materials then exits before updating the rest.... the right pane fails to update when any value falls to zero (probably exiting with a backend error message caused by a bad fencepost count)

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Unless they reduce the training cost to learn any of the skills above 600, I won't be crafting. I don't have 1.5 million to throw away on all my alts to train crafting/gathering skills. You might make it back with slicing, but that got reduced with the previous patch.
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In the Gathering Part of Crafting, you did put listing what was gathered into the chat window, but if your person is Gathering and Not the Companion you don't get the list, Now in your bag you can choose what leaves the bag the lowest to go to storage is White, but you can choose everything Gold and lower, The request form many is that what you gather stays in your bag until you choose what to do with the gatherings, finally the list in the Storage bag is Much better it does need the ability the list by Grade of material added though.
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This has probably already been mentioned, however please fix the display bug in the crew skills window which currently fails to correctly show or update how many items can be made. Example: in the following screenshot I should be able to make x1 Artifact Curious Cell Craft but it's listing I can make 0:


I've seen this on all my crafters and so far it only seems to be affecting the new crafting items from 6.0.


Yes, that is bugging the crap out of me. All I’m doing is making dyes at the moment till changes come through, but that bug is soooooo annoying.


And so is the one that often scrolls the mission window back to the top after you select a mission down the list. So many times I’ve accidentally clicked the wrong one as it flicks back to the top.

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The flash point mat is dropping enough as I have nearly 400 of them, but they should drop for every pvp match that you do.


I’ve got 6 after doing 200 FPS. How the heck did you get 400 just doing FPs.


Edit: I should clarify, do you mean the gold mat or the blue isotope mat?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Crafting idea


Could we please have an extra 2 or more comps (than the 8 we already) for crafting and gathering missions.

8 was fine when we only had 8 comps years ago and it was fine when things didn’t take 30+ mins to craft.


It might be time to reconsider the number now because most people will have more than 10 comps when they hit 700 crafting and things take longer to craft too.


Maybe you could add the extra comps as part of the lvl 11 upgrade. That would help off set the 500,000 cost to go from 600 to 700.

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The The mission list resetting is caused by any craft completion, andy new new pending rewards, and for some reason, the buff change on Krall's Accord tactical.


The Gold Mat (Legendary Embers I assume you mean) mainly drops from Wealthy missions,, the deconstruction of gold set pieces is just a bonus. (pretty sure the guy meant the blue siotope, which drop like rain)


AND OMG PLZ YES Moar Deployable Companions... I could easily send out 18+ on my crafting toons... and with increased times for everything, would need to just to keep up with requirements

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