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Game is too difficult now.


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Onslaught is not really that difficult. I was able to play as a Lightning Sorc (which many consider to be pretty squishy and not the highest DPS class out there)...got through Onslaught with no problem at all. I came close to dying in a couple of boss fights, but never actually died. Make your NPC companion a healer or tank for the major boss fights, and you'll cruise though all the fights in the expansion. Healer/tank companion during boss fights and DPS when fighting everything else, it's not a big deal. As for old content...I don't think those were all that hard either. Nail-biting, on occasions, sure.


The only thing hard in SWTOR right now is...maybe PvP and some of the raid stuffs.

Edited by TracyJackson
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All the hardcore MMO players here are still stuck in 2004 when MMOs were king.


Thats not the case anymore. No one cares about MMOs nowadays.


Infact, all multi-player games have burnt out their playerbase.


Take a look at how big a failure The Division 2 and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint have been. Ubisoft actually had to delay all their upcoming games to 2021-2022 because how badly both games have been received.


On another point. This game isnt growing.


So, forcing players to group in a stagnant MMO that has no future is stupid when the majority of the people are only here for the single player aspect of the game.


Also, increasing the difficulty increases the frustration. Increase the frustration for the solo players. They leave.


Once they're gone. The game goes into maintenance mode and then eventually gets shutdown. Because lets face it... There's not enough hardcore MMO players to keep this game alive.


I'm sorry, but you don't need to be a hardcore mmo player to clear content in this game. SWTOR is ridiculously easy to play. People should probably quit gaming if they can't clear the solo content in this game.

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How is this thread still a thing? How abysmally terrible do you have to be to have issues with this old content?


This is not Bioware’s fault, this is entirely on players for being incompetent and spoiled by having overpowered companions.


It's their fault.


They are the one who introduced 1) Level scalling . and 2) they are the one who upped the XP peoples would get so they rush them to the end and put on sale the TOKEN . The TOKEN make it peoples (Or new players) just jump ahead and don't learn squat . They can do a starter planets and they are beyond overleveled.


I don't remember seeing a thread that said ''Hey BW make it super easy for us'' .


Of course, players still have to decide if they want to learn to play or not.


But the dance..was started with BW decisions.

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Sorry, I'm going to use this post to agree with both you and sharkfishman. That's exactly what it is. Has to be. I used Force Speed in Shadow Town on Nar Shaddaa and somehow got a huge mass of the yellow inmates aggroing on me. Fun stuff :p


It's definitely what it is. We do an all-stealthers OPs run each week in my guild for fun and this is one of the things we warn about. If you have that SP applied don't Force Speed through mobs.

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Onslaught is not really that difficult. I was able to play as a Lightning Sorc (which many consider to be pretty squishy and not the highest DPS class out there)...got through Onslaught with no problem at all. I came close to dying in a couple of boss fights, but never actually died. Make your NPC companion a healer or tank for the major boss fights, and you'll cruise though all the fights in the expansion. Healer/tank companion during boss fights and DPS when fighting everything else, it's not a big deal. As for old content...I don't think those were all that hard either. Nail-biting, on occasions, sure.


The only thing hard in SWTOR right now is...maybe PvP and some of the raid stuffs.


Onslaught content itself is not hard, it’s actually easier than Kotfe and Kotet were when released.

But the old content has been rebalanced and in some cases it is much harder than before.

Plus, not all of the older content has been balanced properly. I think bioware just added an over all algorithm to the rest of the game to up the difficulty, which is why some of it is totally unbalanced and other parts are fine.


The game is harder, but some is balanced fine and should not provide difficulty for the majority. It’s the completely unbalanced parts that are really tripping story people up. aka, walkers are too OP for some story people.

I also came across one group of trash mobs in vet mode Korriban incursion that can nearly instant kill you and I’ve yet to get past them with out dying once because their total dps out put is higher than you can heal through, which is totally unbalanced when we can also defeat the bosses without dying.


Difficulty is also relevant to people’s skills and what they’ve been used to. If you aren’t used to using DCDs, med packs or tactics, then the difficulty increase can be a shock. If you already know how to use those, then the increase is barley noticeable in the balanced areas.

Story people have been strung along by Bioware on a steady diet of instant kills and easy mode for 3-4 years. They aren’t used to things fighting back or comps not keeping their health at 100% the whole time. So you can’t really blame them if they find the increase hard.

While I do think the game needed the difficulty increased in certain parts, I think abioware could have picked another option so that the story players wouldn’t be affected. Aka, create a different instance for story mode.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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A different instance for story mode would be great, so long as I can do all that which I could do before, up to and including every world H2+ heroic, which, in the past, the devs have stated are *supposed* to be soloable. It was around the time they first nerf companion power in 4.x, before reboosting it. If they've changed their minds about heroics and soloability, they should formally come out and say so, so we all know where we stand.


Having been worried about getting through content alone, especially heroics, I find I just can't survive in the Oricon heroic area now, for one. My characters are so weak, in both health and damage dealt, as a couple of very visible examples, and the DCDs, including the 100% damage immunity barrier, were no help at all. Coupled with the KOTFE/KOTET issues, this expansion has taken away from me more than it has given. I'm not an expert gamer, and nor should or anyone else have to be to play this game. I remember the nightmares that were 2.x and 3.x, I'm so sorry that the nightmare has returned.


People claim that 4.x and 5.x were cakewalks, frankly, that wasn't my entire experience; especially with higher-level heroics, I still had to be careful on Oricon and Ilum, and Makeb, just as examples. There are as many difficulty experiences as there are players...

Edited by sentientomega
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Yes it is difficult now. No matter what item rating you use and we get SCAM on the modify gear status. You max 75 level and wearing item rating 252 modify status and visiting low level planets. You are not getting your best use out of item rating 252 normal modify status gear after you go to low level planets, flash points and heroics 4. Down scaling from 75 to 28 level causes to bother your best modify status got low. Needs to leave item rating modify status alone during down level system.
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as the topic says. companions sux again. and my character does so too. that means no fun , atleast for me.

i dont have time to grind and group up with strange fellows. i play solo like a used to, but cant anymore.

im talking about lev 1-75 not odessen stuff.

-thanks for reading

I certainly noticed the difference when it played 6.0 but soon remembered about DC's and interrupts etc again. when you use these at the right time its still pretty easy, just have to get used to actually playing the game again rather than sleep walk though it :D

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I wish repair costs hadn't gone up so much.


I know for ppl spamming Hammer MM they don't have to worry about it, but for those of us who actually want to run challenging content, costs are outrageous.


17.5K for every wipe.


The MM fights for advanced flashpoints are very tough due to boss health. They are grueling slogs that don't work the way they used to anymore (perhaps it's what the devs intended, however). There's no more taking down the last boss at Umbara by just burning through the 15% phase. There's no way you can burn fast enough anymore.

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I wish repair costs hadn't gone up so much.


I know for ppl spamming Hammer MM they don't have to worry about it, but for those of us who actually want to run challenging content, costs are outrageous.


17.5K for every wipe.


The MM fights for advanced flashpoints are very tough due to boss health. They are grueling slogs that don't work the way they used to anymore (perhaps it's what the devs intended, however). There's no more taking down the last boss at Umbara by just burning through the 15% phase. There's no way you can burn fast enough anymore.


That is how it was at the beginning when Ops started. Spendy. I don't do ops but that is way to much. Let people have fun. Shoot it is a game.

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That is how it was at the beginning when Ops started. Spendy. I don't do ops but that is way to much. Let people have fun. Shoot it is a game.


They need to get money out of the game due to the insane inflation over the years and repairs is one of the many ways to remove money from the game. The cost of repairs right now is fine.

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They need to get money out of the game due to the insane inflation over the years and repairs is one of the many ways to remove money from the game. The cost of repairs right now is fine.


i have tousands of ways to spend my creds on, then repairs tho.

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Onslaught hasn't generally been difficult, but on my healing class it was neither easy nor fun.


It's also again made it harder to avoid being ninjaed. You HAVE to fight the mobs first on Mek-Sha and Onderon because if you don't they slaughter your companion and knock your health way down, and it takes some time to kill them, which means anyone can and does swoop in and grab your objectives. That's one more deterrent from doing the dailies on either planet.

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I played both side now (Onslaught) haven't gone back to low level content yet.


And bugs aside (Repb side is way buggy in comparaison to Imp side), but one thing I can say after doing the flashpoint on both side : It's unbalanced .


Imp side felt grindy, where the repb side felt easy peasy . I played both side with a Healer (the mirror class Jc and Sith Sorc) and I have them setup the same .

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I played both side now (Onslaught) haven't gone back to low level content yet.


And bugs aside (Repb side is way buggy in comparaison to Imp side), but one thing I can say after doing the flashpoint on both side : It's unbalanced .


Imp side felt grindy, where the repb side felt easy peasy . I played both side with a Healer (the mirror class Jc and Sith Sorc) and I have them setup the same .


I felt the same way about the flashpoint. I think on Republic side it is easier because you have help from two companions the entire time, but on Imperial side you only have one.

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I felt the same way about the flashpoint. I think on Republic side it is easier because you have help from two companions the entire time, but on Imperial side you only have one.


Tau mostly. She was a killing machine when she wasn't stuck on the floor . I saw that the Padawan Kid health kept going down (same as the Twilek Soldier) where Tau health stayed up the whole time.


A good way to substitut this situation (At least until they fix everythinge the bugs, the unbalance) is hand over the droid we usually get in the Flashpoint on the Imp side.


Though the lag and bugs were the real killer here . I died 3 times on the Imp side, and barely had to do anything on repb side cose Tau killed the 2 droids on her own lol was funny to watch lol .

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