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KOTET Chapter 5 Colossus Droid Fight HP Bug


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Just in case the dev team isn't aware: the quest Showdown on Iokath where you fight against three giant droids called Sentinels, is also bugged.


The daily on Iokath for killing 40 enemies as a walker (at least impside, haven't done pubside) is NOT broken, thankfully.


Due to some helpful people in Iokath gen chat last night, I did manage to beat the Sentinels. For anyone having issue, here's what to do: first, ignore all your abilities except for the Stomp power (big damage) and your basic shooting power. (QB abilities 1 and 2)


Focus on one Sentinel at a time, and only one. Do Stomp, Shoot, Stomp, Shoot, rinse and repeat. HOWEVER, when the Sentinels start channeling Rocket Blast, stop Stomping and walk around to avoid the red circles (but still keep Shooting at your targeted Sentinel).


You should be able to destroy at least one Sentinel before you die. If you do, then it will NOT respawn, thankfully. So just respawn in place, and take down the second one before dying again, then respawn a second time and take out the third one.


I was lucky, managed to take out two of them before dying once (it was close!), and so only died once to finish it.


Hope this helps someone.

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Hey folks,


Can confirm there is definitely an issue with the HP associated with the walker fights in KOTET. We are tracking a fix for it in our patch early next week.




Its not the HP, its the scaling and theres issues with it elsewhere, whoever made changes to the system for 6.0 didnt seem to have a full grasp on the system.

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For anyone having issues with Chapter VIII: End Times walker event I just found a "easy" fix at the very least for me. First walker wait for it to be on the furthest point away and skirt around the very right edge behind the array (which you can destroy the array from the far side). Then keep following to the right, you can drop off in to the water and keep going along that path (Left as you drop down then hug the right), once you reach the second walker with the large group of enemies run through hit your 6 button killing off the smaller adds as you're running and get to the checkpoint area where you would drop off the walker to start the next part. Once you die from the overwhelming adds, it will reset you right at the checkpoint, you just have to kill the few adds there, and can continue on without having a headache trying to kill the Large Champion walkers with the HP issue.


<3 <3 <3

Finally got past this part thanks to you.

Devs are still clueless. :3


aand theres more walkers BS missions to do following, fml.

Use the anti person missle on the big droid. 2 shots killed it for me.

Edited by Jazzsession
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Yea, I just canceled my subscription, as I've finished Onslaught on my 3 main characters that are able, I was hoping to get my smuggler up to that but no game is worth this frustration. Hopefully they'll fix it before my sub expires, then I'll resub but until they fix this or add more Onslaught content, this destroys my enjoyment of the game.


I'm not normally one to say "I canceled" but I really think in this case, EA/Bioware need to understand that this makes the game unplayable for so many of us, and we're not paying for a game we can't play.

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Yea, I just canceled my subscription, as I've finished Onslaught on my 3 main characters that are able, I was hoping to get my smuggler up to that but no game is worth this frustration. Hopefully they'll fix it before my sub expires, then I'll resub but until they fix this or add more Onslaught content, this destroys my enjoyment of the game.


I'm not normally one to say "I canceled" but I really think in this case, EA/Bioware need to understand that this makes the game unplayable for so many of us, and we're not paying for a game we can't play.


Well I mean you have the expansion content unlocked, no need to be subscribed after the fact if you're just playing the story content I'm assuming. I only play this for story and character building with no regard for endgame so I just subscribed for one month getting everything they have until now. Just unfort that these issues came up the second I reached that content. Obviously still means that the fact remains, it's a game breaking phase at this moment.

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I managed to complete chapter 8 ..few of us were helping each other in chat to try various ways..but for now i have stopped playing as the new expansion is so bugged out that I am not gonna bother playing it till they fix the major issues..shame really but this issue was posted on the PTS section yet was ignored ..hats off to the quality assurance department ..
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How did you get past the elite skytrooper in Ch. 8? The game seems to demand that I fight it.


Never mind. Just ran out of range then back in range over and over and over until it finally died. Blegh.


I charged it and just stomped it while it was on the ground. The stomp interrupts the trooper's channeling and it does not try to do anything else so I survived to the point it took off and started to fly. Then I just shot it but for some reason it does not need to be killed. When I was almost dead the "eject" function became active. When I ejected the elite trooper just died even though it had over half of its HP left, maybe the ejection seat hit it or something. :) The mission continued from there.

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After the players level 75 at max and been shifted down to lower level on planets does work find or great. Don't need to bother the players HP status on modify gear status. Item rating at 230 status don't need to change to lower status because a player visiting lower level planets. Game system scam the players with companions on item rating gear status is worthless to use item rating 228, 230, 252, 270 or higher during visiting lower level planets. That is the problem. Edited by Wagerbane
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Well I mean you have the expansion content unlocked, no need to be subscribed after the fact if you're just playing the story content I'm assuming. I only play this for story and character building with no regard for endgame so I just subscribed for one month getting everything they have until now. Just unfort that these issues came up the second I reached that content. Obviously still means that the fact remains, it's a game breaking phase at this moment.


Yeah, but I hate preferred status restrictions, even relaxed as they are now, I just can't play the game unless I'm subscribed. Plus, I'm one that if I am playing the game, I subscribe to help fund more content. Hell, even a certain game that I will not mention for reasons (and if you know the game I mean, you should know why it shouldn't be mentioned so please do not do so) takes donations once a month in the amount they need to run the servers, then they stop until the next month's hosting bill is due... I keep planning to contribute to them but I am always too late and they cut off donations... they get their full amount (like $4000 dollars, which might not seem like much but if you consider these are all players fully able to play the game 100% free sending them money via Paypal) in a few minutes. So like I said, for me to unsubscribe like this, it's specifically because it's so game-breaking that I am no longer able to play the character(s) that are at these broken points in the game.


After the players level 75 at max and been shifted down to lower level on planets does work find or great. Don't need to bother the players HP status on modify gear status. Item rating at 230 status don't need to change to lower status because a player visiting lower level planets. Game system scam the players with companions on item rating gear status is worthless to use item rating 228, 230, 252, 270 or higher during visiting lower level planets. That is the problem.


Sorry, what? This problem is specifically an issue with fights in which you are not using your character's stats, but a secondary temporary character, the walker or the Colossus droid. As for what you said, sorry that made no sense whatsoever to me.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Managed to get through chapter 8 by avoiding and running, thx for the tip.


Now I am doing the Iokath Superweapon story, supposed to beat 3 Champion Droids with a walker. Problem is, their first attack takes out 80% of my health. So this mission isn`t finishable as well and a fix is "being tracked for early next week", likely another week or so of a game breaking bug happening if we are lucky.


Musco, for the vague chance that you even still care enough to read this: This kind of service is a joke and exactly the reason why my entire guild packed their bags and went to World of Warcraft. Just a few reasons without even touching on the game content:


1) People there work on the weekends as well, knowing it is the time when many many people are playing the most and bugs can ruin that. You aren`t given some vague statement on friday and then left hanging.


2) After a big patch, bugs are expected. No one minds. But you know what happens after a big patch in World of Warcraft? DAILY hotfixes. Daily. They don`t just drop a patch and then have a week off. They FIX their game.


3) Patch times are as ridiculous as ever. Prime time for everyone in the EU. Basically an entire day the game is offline for the working population here. You know when they patch in WoW? During the night and very early mornings, when you come back from work to unwind the game is up to play (and usually has already had it`s first hotfix)


4) The streaming launcher is STILL bugged. It was already not working when I played 2 years ago, it STILL isn`t. You have to search the nets to find the solution to somehow turn the streaming mode of and have the game download normally. You can`t be serious with this thing.


You basically alienated the entire raiding community by stopping to produce decent group content and instead make a single player story game, which is by itself already a step that is hard to believe for a game that once wanted to be a "WoW Killer", but now we see you cannot even get your single player content working (and apparently this stuff was even tested and reported by people).


I would really like to hear a statement adressing these things, but I won`t hold my breath. I have no idea what you are doing with the sub and cartel money, but it surely does not go into providing a decent service for your customers.

Edited by Hilberian
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Managed to get through chapter 8 by avoiding and running, thx for the tip.


Now I am doing the Iokath Superweapon story, supposed to beat 3 Champion Droids with a walker. Problem is, their first attack takes out 80% of my health. So this mission isn`t finishable as well and a fix is "being tracked for early next week", likely another week or so of a game breaking bug happening if we are lucky.


Musco, for the vague chance that you even still care enough to read this: This kind of service is a joke and exactly the reason why my entire guild packed their bags and went to World of Warcraft. Just a few reasons without even touching on the game content:


1) People there work on the weekends as well, knowing it is the time when many many people are playing the most and bugs can ruin that. You aren`t given some vague statement on friday and then left hanging.


2) After a big patch, bugs are expected. No one minds. But you know what happens after a big patch in World of Warcraft? DAILY hotfixes. Daily. They don`t just drop a patch and then have a week off. They FIX their game.


3) Patch times are as ridiculous as ever. Prime time for everyone in the EU. Basically an entire day the game is offline for the working population here. You know when they patch in WoW? During the night and very early mornings, when you come back from work to unwind the game is up to play (and usually has already had it`s first hotfix)


4) The streaming launcher is STILL bugged. It was already not working when I played 2 years ago, it STILL isn`t. You have to search the nets to find the solution to somehow turn the streaming mode of and have the game download normally. You can`t be serious with this thing.


You basically alienated the entire raiding community by stopping to produce decent group content and instead make a single player story game, which is by itself already a step that is hard to believe for a game that once wanted to be a "WoW Killer", but now we see you cannot even get your single player content working (and apparently this stuff was even tested and reported by people).


I would really like to hear a statement adressing these things, but I won`t hold my breath. I have no idea what you are doing with the sub and cartel money, but it surely does not go into providing a decent service for your customers.


i agree with this...you can't just leave game breaking bugs like this over a weekend where you know your player base is going to play.

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this bug has been in the game for almost 2 years now and hasn't yet been fixed. Having a character being stuck on a mission for so long because of a bug is a real bummer. I personally managed to get past all of the previous chapters up to chapter eight but here it is impossible to use any workarounds because of how the mission was put together. Funny thing is that this bug has already been reported by a ton of people from what i have seen, both on bug forums as well as from recent PTS reports and yet they let it slip through once again. First they delay the expansion and in the end it still comes out in a poor state. Really bad look for the game which is really sad because i really liked this game in the past but was ruined for me with some of the choices made in KOTFE and KOTET and now coming back i can't even get past the old content to be able to jump into new stuff on my existing characters. Does nobody test these things internally before they ship out? Guess not, but PTS had these issues as well so actions should have been taken before releasing this buggy mess out to the public. Having to waste precious sub time because of game breaking bugs is not my idea of fun. Def not subbing again any time soon thats for sure, sad as this could have been the expansion that would have get me back into the game but such poor management is just too much. Rant over
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Colossus, just hit skill 1 over and over again it has aoe dmg so it does the trick and stand far away from spawn point. End game or how it is called, go without the walker avoid fights, whenever possible kill 1st walker, continue, kill second walker, go back get a walker, go till you can. Second phase, mount the walker right away and proceed. I found this workaround by trial and error. Enjoy 😉. On Voss just play it safe. There is a workaround too and I found it on my second death, last walker is easy to kill.
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Having the same issue as mentioned in this thread. Hit 71 at chapter 6 so I got past most of it, but now I'm stuck at 8. Got past the first part but the Siege Skytrooper is a complete wall for me, none of the workarounds mentioned in the thread about it works either.


Hotfixes need to happen in this game, having to wait for patch day is ridiculous.

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Having the same issue as mentioned in this thread. Hit 71 at chapter 6 so I got past most of it, but now I'm stuck at 8. Got past the first part but the Siege Skytrooper is a complete wall for me, none of the workarounds mentioned in the thread about it works either.


Hotfixes need to happen in this game, having to wait for patch day is ridiculous.


other games do hotfixes when major bugs happen...why can't SWTOR

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Well, I'm hoping that tomorrow the fix will come out with the rest of the patch. Praying that scaling down levels doesn't break the game like it did here. Thanks for the people coming up with workarounds for these (imho) quite redundant pieces of content. The Colossus segment felt like the best part, feeling like The Iron Giant - the walkers felt awful, just a very slow way of getting through a level with no real climax to it other than a boring boss fight on Voss or a buggy fight on KOTFE. Gonna close the thread now though as it, hopefully, isn't going to be relevant anymore. Cheers


EDIT: Apparently can't close my own thread. Noice.

Edited by Ikkai
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Nothing like being stuck in an un-winnable faliure loop that this piece of turd game won't even let you reset without Stronghold --> Exit to Fleet --> Still can't reset --> [ALT - F4] --> Hard reboot --> Finally reset --> try again on foot --> wait out cool-downs after almost every pull --> eventually get murdered by pulls of literally *********** two dozen useless trash mobs that add absolutely nothing to the experience except time-padding.


In a tank class/spec, geared on-level appropriate, with a rank 40+ companion.


And now I can't progress that scenario on that character at all because of this crap.


How the absolute, serious, utter **** does this still happen in 2019?


Oh, right: BioWare.


I was foolish to re-sub to this, it's the same broken piece of **** it always was, arrogantly railroading you into being forced to play the way this up-itself farm team thinks is somehow "fun".


(It's not, OK? These *********** walkers have never been anything but pure, grating tedium in the best of times. Oh, just as an aside, the mob perma-aggro-then-evasion bug has never even been acknowledged, either, let alone fixed.)


Stop forcing this crap on us, and let us do this on foot, or open up paths that make at least some of this avoidable on non-stealthers?


Get it through your heads, we want real choices on how to play, in which case ******** like this could at least be worked around --if I want to be railroaded this blatantly, then I'll boot up an 8-bit-era jRPG.

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Well, I'm hoping that tomorrow the fix will come out with the rest of the patch. Praying that scaling down levels doesn't break the game like it did here. Thanks for the people coming up with workarounds for these (imho) quite redundant pieces of content. The Colossus segment felt like the best part, feeling like The Iron Giant - the walkers felt awful, just a very slow way of getting through a level with no real climax to it other than a boring boss fight on Voss or a buggy fight on KOTFE. Gonna close the thread now though as it, hopefully, isn't going to be relevant anymore. Cheers


EDIT: Apparently can't close my own thread. Noice.


It's fixed, now the droid has like 2,000,000 HP.


As for closing a thread, no... This isn't Facebook. Only a forum moderator can close a thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey folks,


Can confirm there is definitely an issue with the HP associated with the walker fights in KOTET. We are tracking a fix for it in our patch early next week.




It is now Nov 9th, Most of what was patched "last week" (your next week) did not fix anything. Except your extraordinary nerf to slicing nodes on Onderon. That went swimmingly for you. I am trying to do this partciular fight, and last walker and friends took me out 3 or 4 times this morning. I gave up. I did this 3 times on other chars this summer before 6.0 went live with no difficulties. Yes, almost every character that gets to Kotfe is already 70 becasue they actually do content and the game overlevels us.


What do you suggest we skip so that we can get there before? We will lose that story content by your own admissions when we skip it. Or we can skip everything and have decisions we don't want made for us.


Or we can sit on our hands and not use our characters until YOU GUYS ACTUALLY FIX THIS! It seems you are ignoring yoru player base again. I unsubbed for 2 years last time, after another such disaster. For 2 months I was happy then 6.0 came out.

Your patch didn't fix content. Maybe it should.

Communication needs to be far superior. -such as a single mention of crafting in patch notes after a complete overhaul.



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Its not fixed.... Last night (11-08-19) I had a walker Fight on Odessan. I can not go toe to toe with another walker. I had to run all the way to the end of the Fight. I never had trouble with walker fights other than just hating them.

Also I just completed Iokath and the Three droids and walker fight is bugged. I died 5 times, the droids all respawned once.

Edited by akdonkey
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  • 3 months later...

Can confirm that as of 3rd March 2020 the walker is still bugged in Chapter VIII: End Times.

I can't even kill 1 group of standard enemies without dying.

Not tried Chapter 1, but I completed it recently (last 2 weeks) on Veteran and it was doable, but you die noticeably quickly.

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