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Unplanned Downtime: October 22nd


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Hey all,


We are going to be bringing the game offline briefly to address a couple of issues including a severe issue where players can lose all of their Tech Fragments. Servers will stop logins in about 10 minutes and come offline in about 25 (about 6:15PM Central). We are expecting an hour or less of downtime from when we go down.


Thanks all.



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It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.

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It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.


I know this dance.

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It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.


Wise words. :rak_03:

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interesting I was in just before the servers went offline. I noticed that my characters had lost all of his character perks. is that in what you guys are fixing?


No that is in the patch notes as having to redo (for you to re-select them).

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Hey all,


We are going to be bringing the game offline briefly to address a couple of issues including a severe issue where players can lose all of their Tech Fragments. Servers will stop logins in about 10 minutes and come offline in about 25 (about 6:15PM Central). We are expecting an hour or less of downtime from when we go down.


Thanks all.




Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.

Edited by Sortrin
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Hey all,


We are going to be bringing the game offline briefly to address a couple of issues including a severe issue where players can lose all of their Tech Fragments. Servers will stop logins in about 10 minutes and come offline in about 25 (about 6:15PM Central). We are expecting an hour or less of downtime from when we go down.


Thanks all.




Can you fix dark side corruption not working on nautolans while you're at it?

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character perks are lost? thought it was just utility points.


I was referring to combat proficiencies needing to be reset.

I have not lost any character perks that I noticed. At a glance on my main, I had all the perks I thought I should have.

If something was missing I didn't notice.

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this is probably not an important issue but I just finished the onslaught empire side story and had a conversation with an invisible (and dead!) theron on the fleet during the debrief with lana even though he died a while ago in one of those flashpoint stories previous to onslaught so now I fear that the story safe points are corrupted on my main...
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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


everyone was advicing ppl to spend all over the week end , telling you to get rid of command tokens and unassembled

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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


They said it at every event since the expansion was announced and posted on the forums again last Thursday. There was a massive failure, but it wasn't Eric.

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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


well, actually there was. Numerous posts about it including a post by Eric https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9772619#edit9772619

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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


It was reported weeks ago what currencies were going away and when. people have been posting on all social media to spend asap, people on fleet and Ossus have constantly spammed warning to spend them and what to spend them on, It happens with every expansion where old currencies get removed or change so if you failed to keep yourself informed then that is on you. While it would be nice for an in game letter to be sent out it is also not their duty to inform you in that manner when they already post it on the main site, patch notes and other places.

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Are you also going to give us back our CXP items? How about giving us back our Command Tokens. We should at least have been provided the opportunity to spend them before you willy nilly took them away. There was no mention of them being taken away. No Email to "spend them before the 22nd of October" - No notification at all. Great Job guys. You know how you are trying to improve communications? Massive Failure Eric.


You obviously only play the game and not read the website and read the forum. Its been said many many times that you would lose this currency.

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