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besides what I just said --

you know, ALLIES do send you supplies and personnel too - or at least they should .. we do in real life don't we ?

and the Republic and Empire have had quite a while to recover from the Eternal Empire's damage -- so they have no excuse not to share ....

you do not have to join an ally to get supplies from them ...


But just my 4 cents here ....

Not without trade agreements. We dont have any.

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anything it wants to .. for that matter, what can the Republic and Empire trade ?


Besides -- my Alliance ( all 4 tiimes); kept Scorpio alive -- and well, Scorpio; Iokath; advanced weapons and ships --

so yea ....

Edited by Tashia
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The alliance dooes not own Iokath and the tech so no trade there. Also we do not have anything else. Food we lack, fuel we lack, tech well again its not more advanced. We have nothing to trade. The only thing we have to offer is military in nature which means troops and more important the commander himself. Since those 2 things need food and we probably should get at least those in return for boot on the ground.
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The alliance dooes not own Iokath and the tech so no trade there. Also we do not have anything else. Food we lack, fuel we lack, tech well again its not more advanced. We have nothing to trade. The only thing we have to offer is military in nature which means troops and more important the commander himself. Since those 2 things need food and we probably should get at least those in return for boot on the ground.


Pretty sure the Alliance does own Iokath. It definitely doesn't "join" the Republic at any point and I didn't hear Acina "claim" it from me. The only person I've heard stake a real claim to the world itself is the Commander (In certain dialogues). When the Empire and Republic go there, it's in search of a single item, and I think once the side that you are fighting is pushed off the world and the side you have allied with realises the weapon isn't what they believed it to be, both sides simply leave the world back in your hands. I feel like if something different had been happening after the ending of the story there it would have to have been mentioned outright, because I'm pretty sure my DS V power hungry SI would have had serious objections to Acina simply claiming a world HE discovered and claimed FIRST. My LS characters who sided republic likely would have been happy enough to allow the Republic access to the world, but even they would never have simply given up such a resource for their alliance when the Alliance is being deemed as still needed.

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the Alliance IS a friend to Scorpio -- at least mine is --

THAT would make an interesting plot twist -- and THEN the people who killed her would be upset -- but /shrug ..

that's what happens when you go full dark and kill everyone you "dislike "

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I realize people don't like the Alliance --and want to see it G O N E ..

however, I spent way too much time ( in real time and story time) -- getting it up and running ..

it may very well go bye-bye in the future, but I want to keep MINE as long as possible ... period --

and my RPGing may be a lot different than some -- but that is the beauty of playing a GAME --

different strokes -- and that also includes how we interpret the story and what is happening according to us as individuals

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With fleet destroyd and Zakuul going independent, the Alliance is just small armed group occupying empty planet. Keep in mind Alliance is not getting any stronger, rather weaker, because personel is leaving (well letters say many are going to leave, but they are all still at commander service tho, might be another bug).

In terms of power not only well below Empire/Republic, but also intergalactic crime syndicats like Exchange, hutt cartels and single rich worlds. Option to become high rank within galactic superpower is best possible to get something for sinking ship the Alliance is.

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Pretty sure the Alliance does own Iokath. It definitely doesn't "join" the Republic at any point and I didn't hear Acina "claim" it from me. The only person I've heard stake a real claim to the world itself is the Commander (In certain dialogues). When the Empire and Republic go there, it's in search of a single item, and I think once the side that you are fighting is pushed off the world and the side you have allied with realises the weapon isn't what they believed it to be, both sides simply leave the world back in your hands. I feel like if something different had been happening after the ending of the story there it would have to have been mentioned outright, because I'm pretty sure my DS V power hungry SI would have had serious objections to Acina simply claiming a world HE discovered and claimed FIRST. My LS characters who sided republic likely would have been happy enough to allow the Republic access to the world, but even they would never have simply given up such a resource for their alliance when the Alliance is being deemed as still needed.


Agreed. I have played that story too many times not to have remembered something like that and in fact my DS sorceress jumped down Acina's throat for acting the way she did when they were supposed to have an alliance with each other. To say my sorceress was unhappy with Acina's actions would not really explain how angry she was with Acina.

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I realize people don't like the Alliance --and want to see it G O N E ..

however, I spent way too much time ( in real time and story time) -- getting it up and running ..

it may very well go bye-bye in the future, but I want to keep MINE as long as possible ... period --

and my RPGing may be a lot different than some -- but that is the beauty of playing a GAME --

different strokes -- and that also includes how we interpret the story and what is happening according to us as individuals


Very true. While some of my characters went back to their factions, there are some that will not for various reasons. My agent would never return to the Empire and that is why she is a saboteur. Why return to an faction she doesn't trust.

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With fleet destroyd and Zakuul going independent, the Alliance is just small armed group occupying empty planet. Keep in mind Alliance is not getting any stronger, rather weaker, because personel is leaving (well letters say many are going to leave, but they are all still at commander service tho, might be another bug).

In terms of power not only well below Empire/Republic, but also intergalactic crime syndicats like Exchange, hutt cartels and single rich worlds. Option to become high rank within galactic superpower is best possible to get something for sinking ship the Alliance is.


Wait I agree with well below empire/republic but not with hutt cartels and single rich worlds and the Exchange. Do any of those have an fleet an starship fleet protecting their planet? We still have one sure not Iokath kinda ships in tech(eternal fleet) and numbers but we still have one. Also the hutt cartels at least really got their *** kicked an lot that they lost tons of resources and personal and their leadership both political and religious. Not to mention we have more force users then any of the rich planets, the Hutt or the Exchange by an lot and force users are power. It was once said an force user can conquer an entire planet if the planet does not have any other force user to protect them.

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Wait I agree with well below empire/republic but not with hutt cartels and single rich worlds and the Exchange. Do any of those have an fleet an starship fleet protecting their planet?

Alliance doesnt have economical powerbase, everything is either brought by joiners or stolen. While cartels and rich populated worlds do. If you rely on borrowed power you can easily make your way from eternal empress to teenager that missed anger management class. Entities with solid foundation can lose battles and even wars, but they are not easy to be reduced to nothing.

Take away plot armor and Alliance is around Black Sun gang power wise. I find all these "why would i be second in the Empire if i can be first in the Alliance" extremely naive.

Edited by Eanke
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Alliance doesnt have economical powerbase, everything is either brought by joiners or stolen. While cartels and rich populated worlds do. If you rely on borrowed power you can easily make your way from eternal empress to teenager that missed anger management class. Entities with solid foundation can lose battles and even wars, but they are not easy to be reduced to nothing.

Take away plot armor and Alliance is around Black Sun gang power wise. I find all these "why would i be second in the Empire if i can be first in the Alliance" extremely naive.


I am pretty sure cartels and the hutts have what they have what they have because of the joiners and the stolen things. They steal people, resources, tech, planets and have people join them which increase their power. Pretty sure that is what they do to stay afloat. But we do have force users an lot of force users which which are an huge power multiplier.

Another thing are not the mandalorians part of the alliance and do they not have an economical powerbase as well as a military one? There an power that is there for hundreds of years and as you pointed out they where certainly not easy to reduce to nothing.

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Pretty sure the Alliance does own Iokath. It definitely doesn't "join" the Republic at any point and I didn't hear Acina "claim" it from me.

No it doesn't. At best we share it with Empire or Republic. Should they decide they dont' want to share it with us anymore and send their full army to take it, we wouldn't be able to do much about it.


In reality of course, Bioware just not interested in exploring Iokath's current political situation, since they are too busy with faction war in othe places.


the Alliance IS a friend to Scorpio -- at least mine is --

THAT would make an interesting plot twist -- and THEN the people who killed her would be upset -- but /shrug ..

that's what happens when you go full dark and kill everyone you "dislike "


Riiiiight.:D Because we killed Scorpio totally just because we disliked her, Its not like she deserved it somehow or anything...:D Poor Scorpio just wanted freedom who cares how she was getting to it....


That was sarcasm.

Edited by Gelious
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Sure, bad wording. But they (atleast the republic does) make a point of saying we get the package deal only by joining their ranks. If we don't, we should still be at resource loss, correct? So why is Lana doing a 180 on her assessment?


So I got to that convo. Lana doesn't actually say anything about resources per se. She speaks only about military power, how you cant fight both factions at once. And in Onslaught, you have picked you side anyway, even if you don't become official part of it. So Lana didn't change her views or anything,

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I don't believe it states that as a fact anywhere, so I'm just gonna have to agree to disagree.

Of course it isn't stated, but Acina was pretty adamant about getting Republic out of there, and then Theron mentiones how with the crystals from Umbara Iokath will be ours. I don't think Acina just packed and left the planet for us. So at the very best we have our Alliance base, and Acina have hers. and Force only knows if Republic is still there....

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Of course it isn't stated, but Acina was pretty adamant about getting Republic out of there, and then Theron mentiones how with the crystals from Umbara Iokath will be ours. I don't think Acina just packed and left the planet for us. So at the very best we have our Alliance base, and Acina have hers. and Force only knows if Republic is still there....


Do you think they stole Tech from Iokath and thats what they are using (Or have used) to keep Malgus alive ?


Also..anyone though at that ending (On Imp) : Dr. gero strike again! :D

Edited by SerraShar
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It doesn't matter who is in control of that ugly planet. The alliance got all the data about the Iokath technology, Empire and Republic do not. Alliance ships and troops now are armed and equipped with the most advanced technology in the galaxy, Empire and Republic are not. I think this was even mentioned in Lanas report. Empire and rEpublic have quantity, the alliance has quality. Most of the galaxys finest teamed up on Odessen, Acina / Vowrawn want them as de facto operational leaders of the empire aka "The hand" for a good reason. They are the best, they have proven it and whoever they support is at a huge advantage. So yeah, the alliance lost its eternal fleet. But Odessen is still one if not the most heavily fortified planet in the galaxy (thx to Oggurob and Iokath and also mentioned). Though a full out assault might be successfull, the casualties would be extraordinary. A planet at the edge of the galaxy is not worth such a bloodshed.

I hope we get a visual update of Odessen in the future, showing the time passed and results of our decision (rep / imp / alliance banners, additional defenses, a planetary shield generator, maybe a town and daily area etc.) I liked especially what Bioware did in case you join the republic. Odessen will get a seat in the senate and i get to rebuild the Jedi order? Yes sir! First: Free love for everyone! Made the reunion with Kira so much more enjoyable :D

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It doesn't matter who is in control of that ugly planet. The alliance got all the data about the Iokath technology, Empire and Republic do not. Alliance ships and troops now are armed and equipped with the most advanced technology in the galaxy, Empire and Republic are not. I think this was even mentioned in Lanas report. Empire and rEpublic have quantity, the alliance has quality. Most of the galaxys finest teamed up on Odessen, Acina / Vowrawn want them as de facto operational leaders of the empire aka "The hand" for a good reason. They are the best, they have proven it and whoever they support is at a huge advantage. So yeah, the alliance lost its eternal fleet. But Odessen is still one if not the most heavily fortified planet in the galaxy (thx to Oggurob and Iokath and also mentioned). Though a full out assault might be successfull, the casualties would be extraordinary. A planet at the edge of the galaxy is not worth such a bloodshed.

I hope we get a visual update of Odessen in the future, showing the time passed and results of our decision (rep / imp / alliance banners, additional defenses, a planetary shield generator, maybe a town and daily area etc.) I liked especially what Bioware did in case you join the republic. Odessen will get a seat in the senate and i get to rebuild the Jedi order? Yes sir! First: Free love for everyone! Made the reunion with Kira so much more enjoyable :D


what about Zaakul though ? For those who decided to rule it .


Didn't we get anything from that stupid rock planet ? what about those annoying Bot-troopers ? There was a factory that popped them like candy! Why don't we fire it up and use those too? If only to make the side we are fighting suffer the ANNOYING Bot like we did..........


I walked last night in the cantina on Odessen, and found the ''THrone Room'' and it look destroyed....:mad: tha heck happen to my throne room! (well it was never....I mean..come on..I made my own in my stronghold...)...

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what about Zaakul though ? For those who decided to rule it .


Didn't we get anything from that stupid rock planet ? what about those annoying Bot-troopers ? There was a factory that popped them like candy! Why don't we fire it up and use those too? If only to make the side we are fighting suffer the ANNOYING Bot like we did..........


I walked last night in the cantina on Odessen, and found the ''THrone Room'' and it look destroyed....:mad: tha heck happen to my throne room! (well it was never....I mean..come on..I made my own in my stronghold...)...


After you lost the fleet they decided to go the independence route. You gain nothing from them

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Plenty. Along with [faction newbies], he and Lana are by your side most of the time and there's some good flirting and kiss at the end. I've been extremely pleased with the interactions.

I must have missed something significant because Theron was hardly in my story (romanced on my main - a sith inq who sided with the Empire for Ossus but kept her alliance in 6.0).


I finally got round to completing the 6.0 story tonight just to see exactly what happens at the end and found:


a) There's no end!

b) I had no idea for the most part what was supposed to be going on, especially during the Corellia flashpoint (that's not really a flashpoint)

c) I had very little interaction with Theron as my mains romance - I did the escape trick to try various options but it made no difference.

d) Was Onderon/Mek Sha meant to be a chapter type thing with more to come? If so, why didn't they make this clear? Why don't they release a "state of the universe" or "timeline of things to come" so people like me don't throw "it's all ****" tantrums and rage quit. If there's to be more, PLEASE TELL US!

e) Tharan Cedrax's comment on Theron (Shan) spelling his name "the stupid way" was hilarious. That made me want him in my alliance, so I kept him alive. I nearly re-subbed after that bit.

f) I thought the Scourge/Kira in-a-coma-for-years-because-emperor-corpse-plague was a bit of a weak way to explain their absence. It might, however, be interesting to see what becomes of that Satele-&-co-plague-boat-in-space malarky. Theron (Shan) better be involved in that.

g) I no longer want to kill major Anri - they've improved her voice & accent hugely. Thanks Devs.

h) Scourge and Kira having more than a two sentence return appearance made me dust off my dormant Jedi Guardian (I'd been saving in the hope of a Scourge romance) and start running her through the kotfe/kotet/etc/etc/etc slog.

i) I have no idea why my character sheet icon is constantly flashing at me in the menu bar. Anyone? Help me!

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I must have missed something significant because Theron was hardly in my story (romanced on my main - a sith inq who sided with the Empire for Ossus but kept her alliance in 6.0).


I finally got round to completing the 6.0 story tonight just to see exactly what happens at the end and found:


a) There's no end!

b) I had no idea for the most part what was supposed to be going on, especially during the Corellia flashpoint (that's not really a flashpoint)

c) I had very little interaction with Theron as my mains romance - I did the escape trick to try various options but it made no difference.

d) Was Onderon/Mek Sha meant to be a chapter type thing with more to come? If so, why didn't they make this clear? Why don't they release a "state of the universe" or "timeline of things to come" so people like me don't throw "it's all ****" tantrums and rage quit. If there's to be more, PLEASE TELL US!

e) Tharan Cedrax's comment on Theron (Shan) spelling his name "the stupid way" was hilarious. That made me want him in my alliance, so I kept him alive. I nearly re-subbed after that bit.

f) I thought the Scourge/Kira in-a-coma-for-years-because-emperor-corpse-plague was a bit of a weak way to explain their absence. It might, however, be interesting to see what becomes of that Satele-&-co-plague-boat-in-space malarky. Theron (Shan) better be involved in that.

g) I no longer want to kill major Anri - they've improved her voice & accent hugely. Thanks Devs.

h) Scourge and Kira having more than a two sentence return appearance made me dust off my dormant Jedi Guardian (I'd been saving in the hope of a Scourge romance) and start running her through the kotfe/kotet/etc/etc/etc slog.

i) I have no idea why my character sheet icon is constantly flashing at me in the menu bar. Anyone? Help me!


I didn't have so much Theron in mine either and what I did have made me sad, but that's likely owing to some of the choices I've made throughout. I hope I get to improve things with him. And some things did seem off and missing endings and resolutions. Not sure if that's how it was intended or because it's bugged.


As for your armour icon flashing...have you a piece of armour that took a lot of damage? Have you repaired all your pieces? That's the only reason mine has ever blinked...

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