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I didn't come across any voice-acting for Koth in Onslaught, just the opportunity to mention to Veek that we had someone (Koth, unnamed) working against the Exchange, assuming we'd previously agreed to Koth's request in Hearts and Minds.



Yeah. :( I can just about figure out some angle for agent, trooper, and hunter... but I still haven't been able to justify bringing a smuggler through it. And even with those who I can see some angle on, it's not as good a fit as a force-user. I mean, of course, there are also chapters dedicated towards subterfuge, military ops, etc., but I feel like a sith or jedi is able to "multitask" the odd time into such pursuits, in a way that doesn't really work the other way around. Military training and derring-do just doesn't suffice when confronted with the most powerful force-users in the galaxy. :rolleyes:


Of course, the great equalizer is Valkorion. Anyone can be the protagonist and go up against his children if his power is within them. But then... doesn't that only really succeed at making KotFE/ET his story? And making the main character utterly replaceable? Bah.


On that note, I shall retire for the night, having stayed up way too late to continue this pleasant conversation with you. Thank you for the chat! I look forward to whatever story discussion tomorrow brings. :)


What bugs me most about KOTFE moving forward is that it's irreparably ruined all my non-force classes, I never like the idea of continuing with them even now that the story is returning to Imp vs Pub, simply because no matter what happens now, I singlehandedly killed Valkorion and will ALWAYS henceforth be seen as one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. My smuggler doesn't want that! Neither does my agent to be quite honest

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What bugs me most about KOTFE moving forward is that it's irreparably ruined all my non-force classes, I never like the idea of continuing with them even now that the story is returning to Imp vs Pub, simply because no matter what happens now, I singlehandedly killed Valkorion and will ALWAYS henceforth be seen as one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. My smuggler doesn't want that! Neither does my agent to be quite honest


would it help, if I told you ''We don't kill Valk at all ?'' . The whole thing was just him trusting Microsoft , and didn't change his password ''Kneel before the ****** of zaakul!'' . I mean, they been harping about changing password..for..god..so long.


You would think he would've changed his password!!!


I played my Smuggler as someone who accpeted his powers, so she could survive. She even kneeled cose ''****, if he zapped Marr that fast..what chances do I have...'' .


The wimpy way is the true way lol

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Going back to Dorne for Senator...


I can't back Dorne for senator because I don't think the other senators would work well with her. Unfortunately, her imperial background would make her too much of a pariah to get anything done. To be clear: I think SHE would be capable of working with the rest of the senate, I don't think THE SENATE would be capable of working with her.


Some of the other ideas are interesting:

* Nadia seems like a reasonable candidate, but I thought Jedi explicitly avoided such positions. If they don't, then fine with me.

* Hylo is a super famous criminal (or, at least, she was back in the original storyline) - maybe it's been long enough for that to slide, but I'd hesitate to make her the representative to the senate.


Also, as a semi-troll, please keep in mind:

Person in Charge: "Whose fault is it that nobody knew Havoc Squad was defecting?"

My Trooper: "Jorgan worked closely with them. He should have known"

Jorgan: "You son of a..."

Being oblivious seems like a good reason to pass someone over for a promotion.

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* Nadia seems like a reasonable candidate, but I thought Jedi explicitly avoided such positions. If they don't, then fine with me.


I memtioned Nadia, because she has experience with dealing with the Noble and Kings and Queens of her world. So she has experience there . And unlike Risha, she is isn't tied to rule anything, so she is free from such a thing.


And since day 1, the game harp that the Jedi are known diplomat on and on.


The major issue usually, why the jedi don't go and tangle in politic is because Politic is messy. And politician are greedy bunch , who want and see the Jedi as space Jeebus that should solve all their problem with the glowy stick.


IF I were to put Nadia in such a position, I would stress that she fill the capacity of a diplomat and nothing else . No solving with Jeeday Powers Nothing. A diplomat use words, not lightsabers .

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... but I still haven't been able to justify bringing a smuggler through it. And even with those who I can see some angle on, it's not as good a fit as a force-user. I mean, of course, there are also chapters dedicated towards subterfuge, military ops, etc., but I feel like a sith or jedi is able to "multitask" the odd time into such pursuits, in a way that doesn't really work the other way around. Military training and derring-do just doesn't suffice when confronted with the most powerful force-users in the galaxy. :rolleyes:


Of course, the great equalizer is Valkorion. Anyone can be the protagonist and go up against his children if his power is within them. But then... doesn't that only really succeed at making KotFE/ET his story? And making the main character utterly replaceable? Bah.


To me, this is exactly the point: Regardless of my character's personal abilities, it's really the emperor's power that lets me beat Zakuul. My character literally is interchangeable - he could be a sith warrior or a republic trooper and it works out the same.


However, that said, the emperor is only going to pick someone with certain characteristics that make them special and capable. Strong will, leadership qualities, fighting prowess, and - most of all - fate (or, as my smuggler would call it: luck). Was it fate that brought your smuggler to Ziost to help Theron and put you in the emperor's crosshairs? Maybe. But he wouldn't have cared except that you were already awesome.


All the characters became a big deal at the end of chapter 3 for different reasons. My smuggler had a vast criminal/pirate (I mean privateer!) organization that she had built up over the course of her story, had almost single-handedly taken out one of the most dangerous imperial leaders, and was well enough known that the chancellor herself called on my smuggler to deal with Makeb. Whichever character is canon to you was respected enough before KOTFE to lead a coalition that included Darth Marr, Satele Shan, Mandalore the Avenger, etc. against Revan.


I justify the current state of the story in my head in two ways:

1. This story spans a very long time. There are new characters rising up to be awesome all the time - not to mention old characters that have also been leveling up!

2. Sure, I beat Valkorion, but (a) the holocron did all the work in that final confrontation, and (b) the timing was just lucky with Kira and Scourge destroying his body. My reputation is somewhat overblown. Heck, Vaylin probably did more to actually defeat Valkorion than I did.


In other words, I'm powerful, but more lucky than godlike and there are lots of other powerful folks around that just didn't luck into becoming famous.



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Wait! You heard Koth speak in THIS expansion?!? Wow. I thought for sure he had evaporated as well. Can't remember the last time I seen him, and he's living on a fair amount of my toons.


He didn't speak on mine characters and at least 2 of 3 that I have done the store with have never killed him. (Now my sorceress different story)

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Going back to Dorne for Senator...


I can't back Dorne for senator because I don't think the other senators would work well with her. Unfortunately, her imperial background would make her too much of a pariah to get anything done. To be clear: I think SHE would be capable of working with the rest of the senate, I don't think THE SENATE would be capable of working with her.


Some of the other ideas are interesting:

* Nadia seems like a reasonable candidate, but I thought Jedi explicitly avoided such positions. If they don't, then fine with me.

* Hylo is a super famous criminal (or, at least, she was back in the original storyline) - maybe it's been long enough for that to slide, but I'd hesitate to make her the representative to the senate.


Also, as a semi-troll, please keep in mind:


Being oblivious seems like a good reason to pass someone over for a promotion.


Agreed on Dorne, but disagree heavily on Jorgan. Wasn't he just the officer working on Ord Mantell at the time? Whereas Havoc Squad are a galaxy wide unit that never stay anywhere long? It's hypocritical in the extreme for high command to think he would have had enough time spent with them to really know about a plot they've been participating in and actively hiding for a while now, especially when it's not like he's known them for years and all of a sudden they changed and he should have noticed, we aren't told that at any time, we're told he isn't even Havoc Squad until the rest defect and he is made your first new member. I find it hard to buy that ANY officer outside of their own squad could have known about what they were doing in advance unless through sheer dumb luck and being in the right place at the right time to hear the right things. Jorgan isn't a Jedi after all, he can't read peoples minds.

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There was this one thing that bothered me in Onslaught aftermath.


Just before Ossus Lana is giving us a speech about how we need to align with Republic or Empire because we cant afford neutrality anymore. But then after Corellia we get a choice to remain independent- if we take that choice, Lana is overjoyed over the fact we remained neutral and we'll have more resources to do what we want.


Uhh, did we get a serious troop and resource donation from somewhere for our Alliance resources to suddenly be fine to continue independence again? Did I miss a plot point somewhere or did devs forget we were struggling to maintain Alliance just one patch ago?

Edited by Kiesu
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There was this one thing that bothered me in Onslaught aftermath.


Just before Ossus Lana is giving us a speech about how we need to align with Republic or Empire because we cant afford neutrality anymore. But then after Corellia we get a choice to remain independent- if we take that choice, Lana is overjoyed over the fact we remained neutral and we'll have more resources to do what we want.


Uhh, did we get a serious troop and resource donation from somewhere for our Alliance resources to suddenly be fine to continue independence again? Did I miss a plot point somewhere or did devs forget we were struggling to maintain Alliance just one patch ago?


You are confusing neutrality with independance. You are not neutral in Onslaught any more, you are allied with either Empire or Republic, you simply either a official part of their chain of command or an independent willing ally.

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You are confusing neutrality with independance. You are not neutral in Onslaught any more, you are allied with either Empire or Republic, you simply either a official part of their chain of command or an independent willing ally.

Sure, bad wording. But they (atleast the republic does) make a point of saying we get the package deal only by joining their ranks. If we don't, we should still be at resource loss, correct? So why is Lana doing a 180 on her assessment?

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Sure, bad wording. But they (atleast the republic does) make a point of saying we get the package deal only by joining their ranks. If we don't, we should still be at resource loss, correct? So why is Lana doing a 180 on her assessment?

Even if you chose to stay independant, you're still an ally of the Republic, you're just not a part of it. The same way the Chiss were allies of the Empire without being a part of the Empire.

The only difference is that you don't have a senator, nor the republican citizenship.


That, and you're not forced to be a Jedi again if you don't want to.

Edited by Goreshaga
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On another topic is empress Acina or emperor what is his name afraid of the Outlander? Have you all noticed she/him defer to the Outlander like not bombing civilians or killing dark council members?Why is that? Edited by adormitul
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Even if you chose to stay independant, you're still an ally of the Republic, you're just not a part of it. The same way the Chiss were allies of the Empire without being a part of the Empire.

The only difference is that you don't have a senator, nor the republican citizenship.


That, and you're not forced to be a Jedi again if you don't want to.

This doesn't have anything to do with what I was asking so I'm not sure what you're going on about here.

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personally -- I don't want to be a Jedi Council member -- I can do more by staying clear of their politics and protocol ..

and I am STILL a Jedi -- and a Battlemaster -- I EARNED those titles long ago ...

you never stop being a Jedi -- it's there always ... even if not a council member ...


I was slightly insulted they would "give" me something I considered I had always had .. I mean really .. I never stopped being a Jedi


And I believe that Lana is just doing what the Commander wants to do - as a subordinate, she should -- I don't consider it "changing her mind" -- just obeying her commander's wishes, as she should

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Sure, bad wording. But they (atleast the republic does) make a point of saying we get the package deal only by joining their ranks. If we don't, we should still be at resource loss, correct? So why is Lana doing a 180 on her assessment?


I dont remember what she actually said, but I have an Agent in the process of doing story on Copero now so I will see it again soon enough. Then I'll be able to answer..:D

Edited by Gelious
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On another topic is empress Acina or emperor what is his name afraid of the Outlander? Have you all noticed she/him defer to the Outlander like not bombing civilians or killing dark council members?Why is that?


Wouldn't YOU be scared of the person who killed the strongest sith in the galaxy? Knowing the empire they would be biding their time until they figure out a way to take you down and steal your spot. Probably hoping co-operation will make you complacent. Either that or they really are taking the direction of the player changing the empire from within.

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This doesn't have anything to do with what I was asking so I'm not sure what you're going on about here.

The only difference between accepting or rejecting the Chancellor's offer is that if you accept, you have a Senator representing Odessen, the citizenship for every member of the Alliance and your old title back.

Everything else stays the same no matter if you decide to become part of the Republic of stay as an independant ally.


To me Lana's reaction more of being happy that by staying independant, you'll have more freedom to do things the way YOU want rather than the way the Republic wants you to.

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The only difference between accepting or rejecting the Chancellor's offer is that if you accept, you have a Senator representing Odessen, the citizenship for every member of the Alliance and your old title back.

Everything else stays the same no matter if you decide to become part of the Republic of stay as an independant ally.


To me Lana's reaction more of being happy that by staying independant, you'll have more freedom to do things the way YOU want rather than the way the Republic wants you to.

Since you've missed the question twice now, I'll write it again just for you:

At late Iokath/ start of Ossus Lana tells us we must allign with rep or emp, because by her words "We can no longer afford neutrality". This is just as we lost the Gravestone and half of our staff has left the Alliance back to their respective sides, making a point that we are practically out of resources to keep Alliance going.

Moving to Onslaught, if no sabo route is taken, we get option in the end to not join Task Force or The Hand. If we join, we get resources from the respective sides for our operations. If we dont join, we gain nothing but they will "remain in touch" with us. Meaning we gained nothing. But Lana is no longer worried about not being able to afford Alliance. Why is that.

We're talking resources here, not motivations.

Edited by Kiesu
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On another topic is empress Acina or emperor what is his name afraid of the Outlander? Have you all noticed she/him defer to the Outlander like not bombing civilians or killing dark council members?Why is that?


Well considering the Commander defeated the Emperor (Valkorian) someone very powerful and that most could not defeat, that would be the reason for that.

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Interesting is the Outlander because of his renown and power both personal, political and in military terms practically equal to the empress/emperor in terms of authority but nominally subservient? Like an prime minister having equal authority to the king but the king is nominally still above him?
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Since you've missed the question twice now, I'll write it again just for you:

At late Iokath/ start of Ossus Lana tells us we must allign with rep or emp, because by her words "We can no longer afford neutrality". This is just as we lost the Gravestone and half of our staff has left the Alliance back to their respective sides, making a point that we are practically out of resources to keep Alliance going.

Moving to Onslaught, if no sabo route is taken, we get option in the end to not join Task Force or The Hand. If we join, we get resources from the respective sides for our operations. If we dont join, we gain nothing but they will "remain in touch" with us. Meaning we gained nothing. But Lana is no longer worried about not being able to afford Alliance. Why is that.

We're talking resources here, not motivations.


And NOW Lana trusts us and the power of the Alliance -- she changed her mind --- no Eternal Fleet, no Gravestone; but she now knows what we can do -- so yea, trust is a big deal and now she trusts us; and who says we don't get more resources ?

people do change their minds, and situations do change for the better .... who said the Republic or the Empire has access to more resources and people than we do -- seems pretty evened out to me ( and remember, not everyone leaved the Alliance, some did stay ... we are just not given exact numbers in the story)

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And NOW Lana trusts us and the power of the Alliance -- she changed her mind --- no Eternal Fleet, no Gravestone; but she now knows what we can do -- so yea, trust is a big deal and now she trusts us; and who says we don't get more resources ?

people do change their minds, and situations do change for the better .... who said the Republic or the Empire has access to more resources and people than we do -- seems pretty evened out to me ( and remember, not everyone leaved the Alliance, some did stay ... we are just not given exact numbers in the story)


So much wrong in this comment I'd have to write a novel to cover it all. Sorry but not helpful man.

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besides what I just said --

you know, ALLIES do send you supplies and personnel too - or at least they should .. we do in real life don't we ?

and the Republic and Empire have had quite a while to recover from the Eternal Empire's damage -- so they have no excuse not to share ....

you do not have to join an ally to get supplies from them ...


But just my 4 cents here ....

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