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Is change of difficulty confirmed?


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Do what jstank and I do: get the White Acute Module [available during 2xp weeks] and use it during regular leveling. It reduces xp gain to 2.0 levels. There's some difference if you're subbed while using it versus unsubbed [the xp rate is higher while subbed], and it's not a consistent rate - on the early planets from starter to about Alderaan, you'll notice that the xp rate is fast enough that you'll still skip many exploration quests [on my most recent alt, I skipped all of balmorra's and Tatooine's planet quests], but by the time you reach the Act 2 planets, it'll slow you down tremendously and you'll need to do FPs or heroics or something to stay at level, otherwise the planets will red-line by around Belsavis. You can toggle it off anytime though.

I'd thumbs up this comment if I could. Didn't realize WAM works outside of the 2x event. Cool to know. Doubt any of those are gonna be on for a while now though cuz fresh expac. Bummer.


With the changes to difficulty, you might finally start using up all those medpacks sitting in legacy storage.

Is this speculation or factual from PTR tests? Wasn't around when all that was still going on. If they atleast made bosses a whole lotta harder I'd already be a lot happier. Used to ramp difficulty by staying under-leveled but that haven't worked for a looong time now, dem bosses still like wet noodels.

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I'd thumbs up this comment if I could. Didn't realize WAM works outside of the 2x event. Cool to know. Doubt any of those are gonna be on for a while now though cuz fresh expac. Bummer.



Is this speculation or factual from PTR tests? Wasn't around when all that was still going on. If they atleast made bosses a whole lotta harder I'd already be a lot happier. Used to ramp difficulty by staying under-leveled but that haven't worked for a looong time now, dem bosses still like wet noodels.


Short answer is that if you already found the game too easy, nothing will change (short of a couple of improperly tuned areas in KoTET and KoTFE). In fact if you are playing a non-force using ranged class, you may even find it easier. The only people that will find it more difficult are players whose primary interest is story and have not been in the game long enough to collect all of the Legacy boosts and have low influence companion. This is what makes the whole change completely worthless (from the perspective of both player types). They would have been better off using that developer time for more content or creating a real "difficulty" slider.


The overall problem is there is no good way to create challenge for the grizzled veteran with every imaginable boost, BIS gear, and a max influence companion while not creating a frustrating environment for the new player and his influence 1 companion in green gear dropping from mobs.

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The overall problem is there is no good way to create challenge for the grizzled veteran with every imaginable boost, BIS gear, and a max influence companion while not creating a frustrating environment for the new player and his influence 1 companion in green gear dropping from mobs.

I'm not looking to ease or ramp up the difficulty of endgame or gear. I'm looking to make the lvling from 1-50+ even a little bit less of a snoozefest. Even being naked and underleveled you're never in any danger of dying to anything doin vanilla content.

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I stoped playing a month or so after i first started playing. Why ?

Not because of the lack of engame content, but because the leveling process was awfully slow, you had to spend too much time killing trash, loosing time completely getting out of your class story to play all the not necessarily interesting planetary quests who are the same for every classes of the same faction, and even with all that as i was F2P at the time, i was constently underleveled so i had to loose even more time killing yet more trash just to get to the next planet.


I gave up before even finishing my 1st class story (i think my first SI who was my most advanced character was somewhere on Taris), because i though the game was absolutely boring and not fun to play, and as i was constently being distracted from my class story, even that felt underwhelming.


It took my friend who got me into the game in the first place a lot of effort and the nice KOTFE trailer to convince me to come back, and when i came back i deleted my old characters, made new ones and was really happy to see this had changed and i was finally able to concentrate mostly on the actual class story.


So not everyone gave up because of no endgame content.




It took me a few months to get through my first class story and I did spend some time after that doing the dailies for the gear that was around. At the time running another class story with another character and having to grind through everything over again was such a daunting slow process so I left after just 1. Now I've done all 8, some ,multiple times.

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the main reason was slower XP gain rate than it is now. They upped xp gain rate roughly x12 right before 4.0.

Now you can level up just doing purple quests (class and planetary), back then you needed almost EVERY quest. Or pvp or FP.



It was also a lot harder to the point of frustration.


I played a Jedi Sentinel, which at the time was the hardest character to play and died multiple times on every boss, some almost to the point of quitting the game on the spot. And yes everything was slower. Now there is 2x more story etc to do already, takes me about 2 to 3 weeks per character depending on playtime as it is. Slower with increasing mob hp isn't better.

Raiders just want to get to end game asap, story players just want to kick back and enjoy the story. PVPers just want to PVP. The amount inbetween all that who want everything to be hard can't be that many by comparison.

Edited by Suzsi
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That fight...

I had a trooper character once, i never managed to defeat her with that character no matter how many times i tried...

I got so frustrated i ended up deleting the character and now i go DS on Dramath every single time just to never get frustrated like that ever again...


Clearly, if they intend on making all story content like that in the future, i see no point in playing anymore. I'm clearly not here to spend forever defeating 1 boss, and i don't play to be frustrated, there are far to many thing that can be frustrating irl, to loose time on frustrating things in a game, which is supposed to be fun.


I don't see a problem. Can simply skip KotFE and KotET and level up using heroics, and have money to burn when you are done. Then jump into Ossus once you hit level. Easy Peasy. I do it all the time.

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I don't see a problem. Can simply skip KotFE and KotET and level up using heroics, and have money to burn when you are done. Then jump into Ossus once you hit level. Easy Peasy. I do it all the time.

Well, maybe because i actually like KOTFE/ET and also want to be able to make my own choices instead of the game assuming that my imperial characters want to kill everything on sight for imaginary offenses.


Honnestly the only part i'd like to skip on all my characters is Copero because the NPCs in that FP are really getting on my nerves and there's not even that much story there

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If only they made the white Acute modules do that. Like they turn off double xp when the event is on.


WAM works outside the double xp event too!

It slows xp gain rate significantly, though probably not to the levels of pre-4.0


I know because I use it almost all the time.

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Well, maybe because i actually like KOTFE/ET and also want to be able to make my own choices instead of the game assuming that my imperial characters want to kill everything on sight for imaginary offenses.


Honnestly the only part i'd like to skip on all my characters is Copero because the NPCs in that FP are really getting on my nerves and there's not even that much story there


Isn't it funny how no one likes Copero because it's slow and grindy, yet a select few want the whole game to be that way. :rolleyes:

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Well if they can't or don't want to make different instances with different difficulty levels, then why not give stealth to all classes, so that people like me who find endless fights upon endless fights to be utterly boring and in my case sometimes actually painful for my right wrist who already suffers from repetitive movements when i'm working (which is also why long fights or too many mobs are really annoying to me) can just stealth through all the mobs and go from point A to B to just enjoy the story ?


As it is now, i spend most of my time going from a point to another actually trying to avoid as many mobs as possible on non stealth characters, which may not be necessarily faster but far less annoying.

i guess they culd make stealth belts like in kotor

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Well if they can't or don't want to make different instances with different difficulty levels, then why not give stealth to all classes, so that people like me who find endless fights upon endless fights to be utterly boring and in my case sometimes actually painful for my right wrist who already suffers from repetitive movements when i'm working (which is also why long fights or too many mobs are really annoying to me) can just stealth through all the mobs and go from point A to B to just enjoy the story ?


As it is now, i spend most of my time going from a point to another actually trying to avoid as many mobs as possible on non stealth characters, which may not be necessarily faster but far less annoying.


Uh, no- not only is it balance breaking but that's a feature for certain classes. You want stealth, roll an assassin/shadow or an operative/scoundrel. I wrap my right wrist which has helped me. At the end of the day, this is an MMO and there will be trash between story sections. I think people need to be taught but I don't think frankly shoving this in (difficulty increase for story) at the same as implementing a gear grind for PvE/PvP players is a good way to support the game considering we lost so many people in 5.0, it led to server merges.

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I think people need to be taught but I don't think frankly shoving this in (difficulty increase for story) .


If you talking about onslaught difficulty on onderon and Mek-sha, I disagree I support making the game harder like it was in 3.0. IMO, difficulty today is extremely easy to the point you don't even have to play.

Edited by commanderwar
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