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That feeling... (part 2)


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When I queue for PVP and get a Voidstar that goes down to the last second of the enemy trying to get to the core and failing, leaving our team with the win by a mere seconds. Had a match like this yesterday was great.




When checking the GTN I find a Executioner's Lightning Tuning for 10 million creds and I resell it for 71mil. Thanks for that cheap tuning whoever that was, made a nice profit off that! :p

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When I queue for PVP and get a Voidstar that goes down to the last second of the enemy trying to get to the core and failing, leaving our team with the win by a mere seconds. Had a match like this yesterday was great.




When checking the GTN I find a Executioner's Lightning Tuning for 10 million creds and I resell it for 71mil. Thanks for that cheap tuning whoever that was, made a nice profit off that! :p


nicely done !!

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Don't you have one of your own feelings to share? Surely you have some good experience you can reflect on!


Back in the day, bought a Supreme Inquisitor's Robe for something like 17k and flipped it for some millions later on.


Dominator's Command Throne for 5m and flipped for 40m. White Indestructible color crystal for 1m. Armored Varactyl for 100k. Devastator's Double-Bladed Lightsaber for 300k. One of the MSM jetpacks for 1m.


Patience is a virtue.

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Don't you have one of your own feelings to share? Surely you have some good experience you can reflect on!





I'm working on it !!




To be perfectly honest bud for this game... right now ! The only real find memory I have will probably be nothing more than that.


I made two suggestions in particular. One is connected to the other. I did spend a lot of time in research before actually beginning the post... found that there was some actual … you know … LORE to it. I started the first post laying the ground work in the "Story and Lore" section. And I discovered that much of what we read seemed to be on the right track. I then went with the suggestion of a companion for what would be a suggestion for a new class.


Yeah I know .. trust me. It AINT going to happen. BUT.. for me personally taking the time to do more than just suggesting "Hey … know what would be cool ?" … then finding the information to support the lore (something I'd not done in a long, long, long, time.) … That meant something to me personally.


Just one of those fond memories that will only ever mean anything to me personally. It was fun.


I really do like this game... Not as much as we use to … but it's still good to even post here in the forums (for the most part).

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That feeling when you discover story easter eggs [or more likely, snippets BW forgot about] and only discovering them after playing the story half a dozen times. It's the sense of wonder of seeing something entirely new.


A good example of this is on the Agent storyline in Balmorra. When you're at the terrorist base to meet the cyborg chick, click on the Russian dude and a storywheel will pop up. There's no prompts to do this and it doesn't have any consequences with the rest of the story, it's just this backdrop character telling you about life in the resistance.

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That feeling when you discover story easter eggs [or more likely, snippets BW forgot about] and only discovering them after playing the story half a dozen times. It's the sense of wonder of seeing something entirely new.


A good example of this is on the Agent storyline in Balmorra. When you're at the terrorist base to meet the cyborg chick, click on the Russian dude and a storywheel will pop up. There's no prompts to do this and it doesn't have any consequences with the rest of the story, it's just this backdrop character telling you about life in the resistance.


That's pretty neat. How many of these NPCs are there that do stuff like that I wonder.

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The good feeling you get when you clear out a lot of your Inventory and Legacy Bank to make room, and dump a lot of stuff on the GTN real cheap. Plus the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that someone will buy the cheap stuff to resell at a higher price.

Two people's days made in one. 😎

(But no, that didn't include any expensive tunings. 🙄 )


Also, the warm feeling of lightheartedly arguing about who's fault it was that I fell of a ledge in a Flashpoint. If you're reading this, the "actual" bottom line is that you attacked just as I was about to jump down using rocket boost. But since rocket boost won't work in battle, I was too far back from the edge to make the jump without it, and couldn't stop.

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Yesterday we up 4-2 in frogball. Next you know it's 4-3. I follow ball handler up the ramp and he literally scores at 1 sec left to tie the match and for some reason they win the tiebreaker. :(


Yes it's great when I find 10m armor set for 10k. Yesterday I score obsidian bundle for only 50m!!!!

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When you build and wield your first light saber as a Jedi Knight.


It's been many years ago, now, but I still remember the chills.


That's what is missing from SWTOR, for me... feelings of real intense emotion. I had it from EQ1, EQ2, even WAR! I get a more even-keeled sense of satisfaction playing SWTOR when our relationship is going well but no real intense moments. :D

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That feeling when you accidentally list 10 dye kits at 200,000 credits instead of 20,000..... and they ALL sell. :eek:


lol nice. That reminds me when I have an item on the GTN for ages, never selling then I just raise the price for the heck of it and it sells.

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That feeling when you accidentally list 10 dye kits at 200,000 credits instead of 20,000..... and they ALL sell. :eek:


Oh my stars !! You DOG you !!


The only thing I hate about that... for me it would have been the other way around … 200K listed for 20K … and YUP .. gone in a heart beat !


Nicely done !!

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Most of the time, when I'm listing things on the GTN, I start to get "sold" mails before I even finish listing everything. 🙂


HA ! Doesn't happen a lot for me .. but from time to time it does !!


Then the next thought: Crap !! I KNEW I should have charged more !!



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