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Guild System Is Still Outdated Because of One Thing...


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If you do not plan on being active you should not be running a guild that has active members, its as simple as that. The system was put in place to give guilds a chance to continue with new leaders so the right thing happend to you, just accept it and move on. I actually find those people that hold on to an active guild by logging in once within the 28 days worse, they are the deadbeats that won't let go.


I was in what used to be a large guild on Darth Malgus for 4 years, most of that time I ran it as a senior officer, then for 4 months as GM before drama and stress got me so I decided to pass it back to the origional creator and leave... looking back that was a mistake but thats on me, she passed leadership to a guy who could not run a bath nevermind a guild (he's probably reading this but I don't care) and his great plan involves being inactive until 6.0 apart from logging in once a week and standing around doing nothing because the game is dead at the moment and people are not joining guilds...... which any recruiter would tell you is bulls&%~, thats been the state of the guild for over a month and its killed it, a top conquest guild of 50+ active members every night while I had it to 5-8 hangers on who believe in his plan to revive the guild in 6.0.... even though it didn't need reviving until he killed it. I would love a system that would allow us to remove people like that from leadership but I also know that its inpossible to have such a system as it would be open to abuse.


I agree with you on that one part.

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One of my characters was in a Guild in which apparently all the officers abandoned because somehow even though I was new to the Guild got made leader. I didn't want any part of an guild that makes me its leader. So I passed leadership back to person log showed did it to me and immediately left the guild.
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One of my characters was in a Guild in which apparently all the officers abandoned because somehow even though I was new to the Guild got made leader. I didn't want any part of an guild that makes me its leader. So I passed leadership back to person log showed did it to me and immediately left the guild.


You could have booted everyone out of the guild, then sold it for 500mil credits!

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It doesn't have to be this way, the policy is garbage.

No, it is not. I explain later.


What of unexpected deaths irl?

Irony. I am member of a guild that had a GM that died. ONLY thanks to this "garbage" policy, one of officers inherited GM status and the guild could continue thriving.


What of Preferred officers losing out to subscribed members?

Wait. What? Are you saying that in a subscription based game with f2p option the paying customers are prioritized?

What a decadent abomination of a game is this. I am shocked and disgusted.

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If I choose to invite other players into the guild, and all they want is the extra xp and/or conquest participation...the fact that the guild is mine doesn't change.


I am affraid you misplace facts with wet dreams.


Allright, since some of posters including OP live in sweet delusion, I try to clarify some things here. The GM is not the owner of the guild. Period. All (s)he has is the leader status with coresponding rights. And (s)he doesn't own the GM status either. (S)He was just given it automatically by the system because (s)he met the criteria (either was a group leader when forming guild or inherited guild based on strict rules) or previous GM simply promoted him(her).


Now, you may ask, who is the owner of the guild, when not the GM? Those, who think the whole guild community, live in sweet delusion, too. The truth is, owner of every guild is EA or its licensors. So EA/BW has every right do decide what system they implement to handle GM status. And it's only good that they implemented a system, where needs of the Many (guild members) outweigh the needs of the Few (guild leaders).

Edited by black_pyros
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