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You Can't Change Your Advanced Class!?!?!


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Your confused. You keep saying "classes" when , even in the game its called an "Advanced Class". An "advanced class" which , in fact, shares about 6 abilities, the main stat (Aim, cunning etc.) and a talent tree with the other advanced class.


Stop calling it a class, if they had meant it to be a class they woulv'e labelled it as such. Dont go putting words in biowares mouth by trying to call an advanced class a class in its own right, its clearly not.


No confusion.


Your class is what you chose. Notice in your guild list, it says "Sith Marauder, Sith Sorcerer. Sith Assassin, Sith Juggernaut, Mercenary, Powertech etc etc" It does not say Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Inquisitor


I don't understand whats so hard to understand about this. If you chose at the character creation screen instead of level 10, then what? Would you still be saying we are confusing what our "class" is? Would you still be crying for the ability to change your class I wonder?

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I brought this over from a similar thread. Its accurate and inarguable.



Originally Posted by Dunzo

Since there's so much semantics here and some people don't seem to understand how this game works, I'll draw it out.


Step 1 - Pick Class (Jedi Knight)


Step 2 - Level 10, Pick Advanced Class (Jedi Sentinel)


What just happened? Did I suddenly stop being just a Jedi Knight and become something else entirely? No. You have specialized into an Advanced (adj.) Class (n.), something completely dependant on your core class. If this was not the case, we would all simply start as Jedi and specialize into Sage, Shadow, Guardian or Sentinel each with their own stories and zones. The game itself does not distinguish between your AC. You get the same ship, story, companions and titles regardless of your AC. All it is - is play style.


Bioware did this instead of making more central classes because it would mean more class stories, more gear, different companions, so forth. So they made 4 classes each with different specializations. This is like being a Doctor and specializing as a Heart Surgeon. In the end, you're still a Doctor but you specialize in heart surgery. This is blatantly obvious. It's not a matter of opinion, it's just the way it is.


Step 3 - Pick a tree (Combat)


Each subclass has it's own trees to further specialize your play style - PVP, PVE, etc, DPS, heals, tanking, etc. This gives players a more refined character overall. Good idea, if not unbalanced for several classes at the moment.


So at this point you are for all effective purposes a Jedi Knight Sentinel, or Jedi Sentinel for short. You still go to a Jedi Knight trainer, and you still learn shared Jedi Knight abilities in addition to your Jedi Sentinel abilities. You enter Jedi Knight story zones, titled as such, and even your codex puts entries as (Knight).


So finally, should players be allowed to respec CLASSES? No. Knight->Consular? No. Should we be allowed to respec our advanced classes for a multitude of reasons? Yes. Why? Because nobody stands to lose anything and everyone stands to gain something. It doesn't hurt the game in any way, and it gives players the ability to change their role in PVE, PVP and so forth.

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+1 do not forget that the story line, gear, companions, ship, and class trainers overlap as well.


The advanced classes are far more similar to each other than they are apart. They are not unrelated classes in the same sense rogue to a mage would be. They are more akin to the rift soul system, an assassin and a bard are both subsets of the same overall class. A gunslinger and a scoundrel are as well, we just do not have the option to change between them as you would in the rift system.


Because this is not Rift. This is a different game/design.


I personally feel Rift would have benefited in implementing more separate classes instead of so many different trees for each. I left Rift because it was obvious they had bitten off way more than they could chew trying to balance all those tree's.

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I brought this over from a similar thread. Its accurate and inarguable.



Originally Posted by Dunzo

Since there's so much semantics here and some people don't seem to understand how this game works, I'll draw it out.


Step 1 - Pick Class (Jedi Knight)


Step 2 - Level 10, Pick Advanced Class (Jedi Sentinel)


What just happened? Did I suddenly stop being just a Jedi Knight and become something else entirely? No. You have specialized into an Advanced (adj.) Class (n.), something completely dependant on your core class. If this was not the case, we would all simply start as Jedi and specialize into Sage, Shadow, Guardian or Sentinel each with their own stories and zones. The game itself does not distinguish between your AC. You get the same ship, story, companions and titles regardless of your AC. All it is - is play style.


Bioware did this instead of making more central classes because it would mean more class stories, more gear, different companions, so forth. So they made 4 classes each with different specializations. This is like being a Doctor and specializing as a Heart Surgeon. In the end, you're still a Doctor but you specialize in heart surgery. This is blatantly obvious. It's not a matter of opinion, it's just the way it is.


Step 3 - Pick a tree (Combat)


Each subclass has it's own trees to further specialize your play style - PVP, PVE, etc, DPS, heals, tanking, etc. This gives players a more refined character overall. Good idea, if not unbalanced for several classes at the moment.


So at this point you are for all effective purposes a Jedi Knight Sentinel, or Jedi Sentinel for short. You still go to a Jedi Knight trainer, and you still learn shared Jedi Knight abilities in addition to your Jedi Sentinel abilities. You enter Jedi Knight story zones, titled as such, and even your codex puts entries as (Knight).


So finally, should players be allowed to respec CLASSES? No. Knight->Consular? No. Should we be allowed to respec our advanced classes for a multitude of reasons? Yes. Why? Because nobody stands to lose anything and everyone stands to gain something. It doesn't hurt the game in any way, and it gives players the ability to change their role in PVE, PVP and so forth.


So that heart surgeon can walk into the hospital one day and say, "Today, I am a neurosurgeon, change my schedule accordingly nurse".....


No, even by your own example this is not how it works

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Because this is not Rift. This is a different game/design.


I personally feel Rift would have benefited in implementing more separate classes instead of so many different trees for each. I left Rift because it was obvious they had bitten off way more than they could chew trying to balance all those tree's.


Funny I cancelled swtor to go back to rift lol. Funny

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If your not following the other posts like this there is some excellent information being introduced.


Quoted from Dunzo

Joined: Aug 2011


AC's are specializations of a single overall class. It's not something to debate, it's not opinion. It just IS.





Same Ship

Same Story

Same main stat

Same Trainer

Shared abilities


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If your not following the other posts like this there is some excellent information being introduced.


Quoted from Dunzo

Joined: Aug 2011


AC's are specializations of a single overall class. It's not something to debate, it's not opinion. It just IS.





Same Ship

Same Story

Same main stat

Same Trainer

Shared abilities



And its been stated that this was to save time/resources from having to create all these things for 8 completely unique classes as opposed to the 4 Base classes we have now. It has been stated that FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES your Advanced Class is your class.


Did I start as an Inquisitor? Yes. Do I have a couple of shared abilites with a Sorc? Yes. Am I really just a Sorc that's spec'd to be an Assassin? Not at all. My character is an Assassin, end of story. Two completely different classes.

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Your a Sith Inquisitor Assassin. Yes your an assasin, but you dont stop being an inquisitor. Whose your trainer? The Sith Inquisitor.


Did you watch the stephen reid interview on youtube? They already said they are going to allow AC change.


Its not even an argument anymore, they even say themselves its a subclass, a specialization Not a class in it own right.


Even the forums reflect this. Four class forum, then the specializations under that.


At this point the arguement over what a class is or isnt is settled. Theres nothing to debate about that part. An AC is not a class.

Edited by Redorbz
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Your a Sith Inquisitor Assassin. Yes your an assasin, but you dont stop being an inquisitor. Whose your trainer? The Sith Inquisitor.


No, you become an Assassin. Look at the /who list. It doesn't say "Sith Inquisitor Assassin" and it doesn't say "Sith Warrior Juggernaut".


It says "Sith Assassin" and "Sith Juggernaut".


You train at the "Sith Inquisitor" or "Sith Warrior" trainers because the level 1-9s get skill upgrades too! Because it would confuse them to have to go to a Juggernaut or Assassin trainer before they even know what those are?


Did you watch the stephen reid interview on youtube? They already said they are going to allow AC change.


I'm going to smear tuna on my body. Doesn't mean I'm actually going to do it in the future right?


An AC is not a class.


That's probably why they call it advanced CLASS right?

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I'm really happy to hear they're going to implement Advanced Class changes. Now, I don't have to level another Bounty Hunter up to level 50, just to enjoy the class! I think I'll play a Sorc until I can switch my Mercenary to PowerTech. You know, experience other parts of the game to have fun, rather than experiencing the same plot twice over.
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I'm really happy to hear they're going to implement Advanced Class changes. Now, I don't have to level another Bounty Hunter up to level 50, just to enjoy the class! I think I'll play a Sorc until I can switch my Mercenary to PowerTech. You know, experience other parts of the game to have fun, rather than experiencing the same plot twice over.


read the latest interview. It say maybe. Maybe means just that maybe. So don't assume.

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Ac is your class.

You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

Deal with it.

Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.


yes but its not changing from mage to rogue ur changing between tank heals or dps...

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1) Because it would allow a single character to fulfil all roles in the entire game.


Why is this a bad thing?


2) Because no other game MMO-formulaic game allows you to switch classes.


Why is that relevant?


3) Because it would reduce the number of available classes to 4 from 8.


There are already 4. I can be a trooper with a big gun at ranged or a trooper with a small gun in melee. The story and most of the abilities are the same.


4) Because it would discourage rerolling.


Re-rolling the same base class is tedious and not fun.


5) Because it would discourage experiencing the different paths available in any single class reroll (because there would be no incentive to reroll the same class to begin with).


The incentive to reroll the same class is tedious at best as it is. As others have said, AC respecs WILL happen eventually. With that in mind, be aware that any time you reroll to a different AC of the same class today at some point in the future you will have a mirror character that is completely useless.


I hope everyone that is against AC respecs are also against talent respecs. Choices should have consequences right?!?

Edited by Aurlon
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I am in the exact same situation. I went with Operative and I really regret it now. I knew it was permanent but only because people outside the game told me about it beforehand, otherwise I didn't once notice where the game tells you this. Regardless, I think there should be an option to go back and change it. Maybe it can be a once a week or month thing, but I think it should absolutely be added.


I honestly don't know what to do next, I'm not gonna start over and I really don't like my character now.

Edited by DexterKid
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It just baffles me as to why anyone is against the possibility of switching advanced classes.


For the players that are not satisfied with how their advanced class turned out it saves them time and wasted effort - playing through the EXACT same storyline.


The people that are against the possibility are obviously happy with their advanced class so why they want people to waste time and not enjoy the game is simply absurd.

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It just baffles me as to why anyone is against the possibility of switching advanced classes.


For the players that are not satisfied with how their advanced class turned out it saves them time and wasted effort - playing through the EXACT same storyline.


The people that are against the possibility are obviously happy with their advanced class so why they want people to waste time and not enjoy the game is simply absurd.

Yeh same here, I don't know why people say it would damage the game in anyway. It would just give more options and keep more people playing and experimenting with different play-styles.


I'm gonna wait and see if they add the option at some point. If not, then I have so many other games I wanna be playing right now, that there is no way I'm gonna start my character over again just to change that one decision.

Edited by DexterKid
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That's why I say that they should change it so that people pick their class at level 1, even if the first 9 levels have the same skills. Then this sort of thing would not be an issue. EQ2 had this sort of leveling system at release, and it was eventually changed.


Wrong. EQ2 had a system that make you chose you pirmary advanced class at lvl 10 and finely advanced class at lvl 20... after lvl 10 you couldn't change the primary advanced class anymore and after lvl 20 you couldn't change the final advaned class... so it's like you chose to become an imperial agent at lvl 10 and than operative at lvl 20... so according to your statement, I believe that you would have got to lvl 28 when you would have decided that operative isn't for you...


Moreover it took much more 5hours to get to lvl 18... you mantion eq2 but in the time you roll one char lvl 18there you could roll 3 chars on swtor...

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