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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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And yet another thread to make the game easier.


Not easier, just less of a timesink


I spent 4 hours on that stupid baloon on Tatooine because I bugged out 3 times which resulted in me being ejected from the baloon on the ground and stuck forced to wait for it to do its round trip


I spent an hour on Nar Shaddaa jumping for 1 datacron because the jump mechanics only work 50% of the time (more like a lucky roll to be honest) and what is merely a 2 foot gap becomes an epic gaping chasm for your character to traverse and fail to jump but look like it's taking a dump before falling without doing the "jump".


I'm all for things like this and they're not exactly difficult, they're just *********** frustrating and time consuming.

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Was standing in the middle of a pipe. Tapped the s key two or three times to get jump room. My character was no longer visually standing on the pipe. But he was still "standing" on it. Pressed W to get my run forward, space to jump and let both go. Landed on the next pipe, in the center.


This game is very forgiving with its jumping and positioning.

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The problem is, the games registration of jumping (especially when you are right next to a ledge) is VERY bad. You frequently hit jump, but then end up running off the edge of the object instead. I've never seen another MMO with such bad jump detection, especially one that forces you to jump so much.


Some of the holocron locations are almost game-breakingly bad when it comes to how much you have to re-do if the game decides to not register that last jump and force you to start over. Several times I've had to quit before throwing my keyboard through the monitor because of the stupidity of it. It's very, very bad.


Fix the jump mechanic and it's fine, as is now it's extremely frustrating. (And no it's not my system lagging or a crappy keyboard

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You're not a "fairly" good jumper if you miss a datacron jump over forty times without success. You're horrible, deal with it. You don't deserve a reward until you get better.


Yeah, I have had some frustrating times, but this should be hard... I also think that since a database of locations is available, just come back at some point...


The only problems I have had with datacrons is being underleveled for the spawn around them... Then falling into a rancor pit can be problematic...


If this wasn't hard, what's the point?

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You're not a "fairly" good jumper if you miss a datacron jump over forty times without success. You're horrible, deal with it. You don't deserve a reward until you get better.


Really ? Go try some old School vanilla Call of Duty jump servers, that'll define what is a good jumper but in that game the jumping mechanic actually works instead of bugging out 50% of the time

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I don't mind the difficulty, I can't jump so I won't. But my husband insisted that he would get them for me. Now the strange thing is that my female consular misses jumps more often than his male jedi.


We also tried it on other computers with other keyboards and had other people make the jumps, but still the male jedi does better than the female consular. Might this have to do with the body models? Yeah, we even tried it without armor, still there is the difference lol.

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Im fairly horrible at jumping in this game, and every other game.


lemme explain and paint a picture for you pro's.


A long time ago a girl who had never even sat infront of a pc, was given the game Everquest.

With no idea what to do, she asumed that movement was done with the little arrow keys!


jumping was hard.. when the right hand was on arrow keys, and the left hand wasnt comfortable to use for jumping...strangeness ensued, left hand on arrow keys, wrists crossed, right hand for spacebar jumping...- this did not win awards for jumping.


With time she unlearned the movement keys and got comfortable with wasd. And suddenly jumping felt natural. However, everytime she has to jump to traverse anything, the old sense of dread overcomes her, skin *****les, coldsweat ensues. Memories of holding up groups due to inept keyboard use and the preassure of doing well with people watching.


For me! jumping has become an existential task of epic proportions. I cannot fail. if I fail I get quiet, determined and slowly very very angry. I cannot fail. If it doesnt work out, I will not leave untill I have mastered to datacron. I will spend an hour or two - I will not leave. I will look retarded while falling down over and over again, but I will not leave! - and I will never get any better at this jumping thing. I just get way too nervous every time!


When I have all the datacrons I'll get on this here forum and be all pro like, tsk its so easy what are you rejects complaining about, hoping noone remembers the IA who couldnt traverse two sets of pipes for over an hour on Hutta, for the stupid datacron. Hah

Edited by Nilenya
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The problem is, the games registration of jumping (especially when you are right next to a ledge) is VERY bad. You frequently hit jump, but then end up running off the edge of the object instead. I've never seen another MMO with such bad jump detection, especially one that forces you to jump so much.


Some of the holocron locations are almost game-breakingly bad when it comes to how much you have to re-do if the game decides to not register that last jump and force you to start over. Several times I've had to quit before throwing my keyboard through the monitor because of the stupidity of it. It's very, very bad.


Fix the jump mechanic and it's fine, as is now it's extremely frustrating. (And no it's not my system lagging or a crappy keyboard


It really glitches often when i try a jump. And i´m a STO vet so i know a thing or two about

game gliching/being to hard or when you just have to read up and try again.

And to you all that love to seak out people that complain and put them down and calling them winers: Go and take a bath in bantha podoo!!

Try to behave like...i don´t know, a normal and polite person!?

Edited by commander_ingvar
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It all comes down to the way you have to time your jumps when you're right on the edge that screws it up & makes it so frustratingly hard at times. Ever other game you hit 'W' to run forward and then jump, or can jump and then hit 'W' to start moving that direction in midair. In SWTOR, you have to hit jump, and then within the 1/4 second or so before you actually start to jump hit 'W' to make your jump go forward. Too soon, and you'll run off the ledge. Too late, and you'll, if you're lucky jump straight up and land where you were to try again, if you're unlucky jump with a very small amount of forward momentum and fall short.


That timing it just too tight, nearly anything can throw it off. The net lagged and extra 50ms, too bad the timing didn't register and you ran off the edge, go back to the beginning and start over. Don't you dare get a new keyboard! I just got a new, very high quality mechanical, keyboard for Christmas and even though it's actually got way better keys than my old one, it's still taking me several days to adjust to the slightly different timing required for jumping compared to my old one.


That's just way too small a margin for error for something you have to execute a dozen times or more in a row perfectly. One small miss of less than 1/10th of a second after 11 correct jumps and you're back to the beginning. (After having to run halfway across the map at times through a bunch of enemies just to get to the start again)


Very, very, frustrating. And not at all fun. (Which is supposed to be the point, is it not?)

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I like the Datacrons so far. I play a lvl 31 Sith Inquisitor and got all of the Datacrons up to Tatooine. Just the ones on Nar Shaddaa were really difficult to get to and most of them made my day by being in awesome locations where I was able to think about my success and enjoy the view ;D


The only problem I see with Datacrons is that some of them are not difficult to find but they are pretty much impossible to find unless you permanently keep your eyes open while running through every little spot by yourself. I personally don't like to use Websites telling me where to go which is why I searched most of the Datacrons by myself. The only utility I used was a list which told me how many Datacrons there are to prevent me from searching ones that don't exist.

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Do people like this irritate anyone else.

Its because of people like this that arnt good gamers that our games are being dumbed down for these days.


Ive gotten every datacron on all the planets im up 2 so far without breaking so much as a sweat.

The ones you have to jump for have been the best so far, ESPECIALLY the one on nar shadaa where u climb the boxes, then the pipes onto another level, more pipes onto the canvas....


L2P or go away and stop getting our games dumbed down

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Do people like this irritate anyone else.

Its because of people like this that arnt good gamers that our games are being dumbed down for these days.


Ive gotten every datacron on all the planets im up 2 so far without breaking so much as a sweat.

The ones you have to jump for have been the best so far, ESPECIALLY the one on nar shadaa where u climb the boxes, then the pipes onto another level, more pipes onto the canvas....


L2P or go away and stop getting our games dumbed down


yes, these people annoy me too.


this guy is probably the same guy that asks general chat where the sack of seeds is.


Didn't get it on your first attempt? Couldn't find it after thirty seconds? "omg nerf!"


you're a plague unto us all.

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Not easier, just less of a timesink


I spent 4 hours on that stupid baloon on Tatooine because I bugged out 3 times which resulted in me being ejected from the baloon on the ground and stuck forced to wait for it to do its round trip


I spent an hour on Nar Shaddaa jumping for 1 datacron because the jump mechanics only work 50% of the time (more like a lucky roll to be honest) and what is merely a 2 foot gap becomes an epic gaping chasm for your character to traverse and fail to jump but look like it's taking a dump before falling without doing the "jump".


I'm all for things like this and they're not exactly difficult, they're just *********** frustrating and time consuming.



This is a mmo .Its very definition is to be a timesink with challenges. I like timesinks, i WANT timesinks and grinding.


What the hell kind of game do you people want? Something to be beaten in 2 weeks?


I just dont understand everytime someone says...grind, timesink, takes to long, to hard...


ITS MEANT TO BE ALL OF THE ABOVE. The game is meant to be ever going, not cap out, raid all the content then quit, .Things have to take a long time to do, things have to be hard, why the heck wont you people understand this?????

Edited by darthjerro
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wait...someone spent FOUR HOURS attempting to get a datacron?


sigh. there is no hope for some individuals.


Just because you get them fast(er?) doesn't mean everyone plays like you.

Imagine the satisfaction after hours and hours and finally accomplishing. Don't diss hard triers.

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