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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Play the way you want???


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I don't believe gearing will drive away NiM raiders. Yes as it currently stands there are some serious issue, but it's PTS, and devs HAVE been making changes based on feedback. I actually think gearing will be in a good place by the time exp releases, though perhaps not tuned all the way.


What I think will drive away NiM raiders more than anything else:




It's fundamentally flawed, and I haven't heard a single thing from devs to make me feel like there is any light at the end of this dark tunnel.


With the current scaling system of hard capped Mastery & Power stats, mods, relics, stims, & adrenals that are BiS in Level 75 content - i.e. new content ONLY - will be rendered useless at lower levels. So as soon as you leave Lvl 75 world, your current gear, stims, adrenals are very likely sub-optimal, meaning two sets of BiS gear and accessories.


Add to that the new stats curve that makes 1.3 GCD not worth it for most classes / disciplines, well to me this dwarfs the gearing system issues. Get BiS gear... but why bother if it's just going to be nerfed to hell in 99% of SWTOR content?


A few of the best NiM raiders I know have already let their subscriptions lapse specifically because of this.


BW would have to re-vamp how their level scaling is implemented. There are a few ways they could do that, some simple, some more complex. But the system they've chosen severely diminishes the raid experience in non Lvl 75 content for me (and I daresay those that have let their subscriptions lapse feel the same way).


The lack of any communication about this, other than some vague comments about still tuning adaptive scaling or whatever they're calling it, gives me little confidence and make me sad for the game since raiding is really all I'm here for at this point.


I've seen a few people bring this up in posts, but it's not got near the same amount of outrage as gearing has, even though no matter how well you get your toon geared, BW is going to nerf the living $@$& out of it in all but one raid & FP.

Why would the scaling be an issue? The gear will come quick enough to have 2 sets (if you feel you really need them). Lets be honest, stats wont be much of an issue in scaled content. So gear for BIS for the new content as it will likely be the only content that would merit min/maxing.


Secondly, the gcd variations werent an issue in the previous 7 years before their discovery, so any issue with that is because people dont want to adapt (hello, NIM players should be adaptable - consider it your most difficult NIM content ever - Life adaptability). If people really want to play, they will not be deterred by a minor change auch as gcds. And very likely more stat pools within a year anyways, so i reckon most people will feel this is a non-issue.

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I don't do cosmetics so not on my mind typically, but that's a great point. They'd be cannibalizing their own CMwith all these trash unmoddable drops.


I strongly suspect we'll be seeing mod vendors of some kind, and Eric did write about the team revisiting moddable gear drop rates so if they can deliver there it should smooth out the cosmetics debate.


The bigger question is will CM weapons be legacy? Because if not, then I still won't buy any, as I move weapons around just like the rest of my gear. Or just do the right thing and make weapons part of the character designer skinnables.


I don't typically buy expensive stuff from the CM, but some of the orange weapons you can earn or buy in the game are things my characters have kept and moved up with. My Inquisitor has used Kallig's lightsaber from the time she earned it, for example, and a few of mine have the lightsabers from the DS/LS vendors. There have been some I've liked from the Command or Alliance crates that I put in the legacy hold for other characters, and my toons have used since they left Korriban or Tython and just kept modding.


Mod vendors (that aren't RNG) and putting weapons in the outfit designer would solve it, but otherwise it's going to be an issue. I would never spend $30 on a virtual weapon, but people did, and if they can't use it? Or that expensive tuning? That could get nasty.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I'm not going to stop using the gear I've chosen (and at times spent money for) just because 6.0 gear drops will not (by Design) be used to upgrade my existing gear.




This is that characters gear. I plan to start and finish 6.0 with exactly the same (Looking) gear. If the mods are upgraded thru game-play that's great; but I'm not changing the outside... Period.

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I'm just waiting for the players who spent 5400CC on that vented lightsaber or special tunings, or worked really hard for a legacy weapon, to realize they can't equip those weapons if they want to upgrade their gear. That alone is going to lose subs and Cartel Market funds.


How does that even get by dev management? I mean do they not consider how gear changes will affect the CM sales? I thought the CM was the most important thing. :D


Seriously though, who came up with the idea of introducing unmoddable gears? For years their own gearing systems always considered this making it possible to move mods in and out of different armor/weapon shells.


Even if you don't use CM weapons or armors, just removing this as a feature seems incredibly shortsighted on BW's part. Talk about shooting one's own foot.


Even if they fix this, in who's mind was this sensible? It's stuff like this that really makes you wonder what the **** is going on.

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Just play 1 character. Problem solved.


Mine was geared from gear 60 lvl to 252 in 3 weeks. Another 3 weeks took to make 258.

Played minor times by other chars just to boost crafts to proper level. They're 55 some yet.

Playing more than one character is the only way some people stay interested in the game.


But they are at least trying this time, and to see the forums be this petulant is just disheartening.

I could go on quite a rant of my own about people being accused of petulant behavior by generalizing a small number of people who occasionally go too far. In fact, that sort of thing was used as an excuse for devs hiding away in the context of this game for... well, since the incident happened, I don't think it ever really went away fully as an excuse.

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I could go on quite a rant of my own about people being accused of petulant behavior by generalizing a small number of people who occasionally go too far. In fact, that sort of thing was used as an excuse for devs hiding away in the context of this game for... well, since the incident happened, I don't think it ever really went away fully as an excuse.

You know what, screw it, I'm gonna do a rant. I haven't done one in a while, should be fun.


I'm tired of "gamers" being blamed for the actions of fringe members of their communities. I can't control what other people do. There is no central body of "gamers." I'm not a "head gamer" and there is no such thing as one. When some guy starts insulting devs, or goes way beyond the pale and sends death threats to somebody, I can't do a damn thing about it. I could condemn it, sure, but what difference is that really going to make? I'm nobody. I'm one guy in a sea of hundreds or thousands of voices, all talking over each other.


The video game industry has become more and more greedy over time. Every year, it asks more from its patrons for less output. Pay for an experience designed to be subpar, so that you'll pay more to get the "real" experience. The people who run this stuff have a lot to answer for, but what happens when they get called out? Somebody goes too far, one of those thousands of voices I can't control, and the headlines read, "So and so gets death threats," "gamers are entitled," "gamers are immature," etc.


But despite that, I continue to put my best foot forward. I continue to give thoughtful feedback and treat with respect people who have no control over what they're making. Some of whom are dealing with horrific burnout working conditions where they're afraid to speak up for fear of losing their job and being blacklisted. And yeah, I fight back against the creeping greed of the game industry and I'm less apologetic about it the more brazen they get.


I gave this game a good-faith, smiling-face chance for a good steady six months or so and got burned by Galactic Command. I've gone through the same with other games. I give them a chance, I trust them even though I have no reason to, and they make maneuvers full of cynical, cash-grabbing, manipulative greed that give me no reason to ever trust them again. I mean, I'm not talking about features I don't like. If it was as simple as that, it'd be so easy to deal with. It runs way deeper than that. You'd think at a certain point, I would learn my lesson and just peace out. Maybe take up knitting or something, but I care too much about this silly hobby and I keep finding my way back to these places, caught in the trap of my own sunk cost fallacy, trying to get a little something more out of it before access is cynically shut off with no legal recourse.


I don't show all that on the surface because I try to keep to the topics at hand and keep things as impersonal as possible. And I'm sure most people couldn't care less what my personal feelings are on it, but there it is. I'm sick and tired of putting my best foot forward and then watching people trash talk entire communities because a handful of people didn't put their best foot forward. I'm tired of the excuses made for these companies, excuses I've made myself on some occasions with some game companies, and I'm tired of the waiting. Tired of waiting for something to happen that will somehow push the needle on this cynical ship we call the video game industry that will get it back moving in a direction that isn't so cynically greedy, something that will get it to stop treating its players like wallets and its devs like consumables. I'm tired of fighting to push the needle and then facing pushback from other people in those communities, who take it upon themselves to muddy the waters and tell everyone how they should or shouldn't talk about things.


I'm becoming a grumpy old man long before my time, I'm not happy about it, and I should probably just take up knitting because at least with knitting, if I get jabbed with a needle, I can safely say it's my own fault.

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