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Behind The Scenes Of World Design


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We have access to some options that players don't when dressing our NPCs. For example, some of our outfits are made with embellishments that we can attach or leave off, depending on how fancy we want the character to be, and in that way we can get more variety out of the character outfits we have. I can make a less dangerous enemy in underworld armor not have the heavy pauldrons or elbow armor. Or I can leave off a helmet's goggles so players can see the eyes in cinematics. Or I can leave off some of the elaborate elements of boots because your average vendor might not have heavy armor greaves, but would wear a sturdy pair of synth-leather boots.


This is something that has been driving me crazy since launch, the fact that the devs get to play around with the attachments on armor pieces while the players are not. There's so many armor sets in this game people have access to where I have been thinking "If only these shoulder bits weren't there. I want the version that NPC has!" etc.

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I love the implication that the NPCs like Indigo will react differently if the player brings Shae Vizla or Torian Cadera along. That kind of subtlety is important when there is only going to be essentially one (or two, if per faction) major storylines. It’s great to know these exist and provide some replay value in addition to the immersion factor.
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Looking at the picture of Indigo's crew, and taking into consideration the part that BenKatam quoted, I'm left with the unsettling realization that while TOR's design team hates shoulderpads for their NPCs, they seem to think shoulderpads are 'fancy' and that all of us players love them. Like if all that armor was CM armor or drops you wouldn't see all those smooth armored shoulders, there'd be bits of metal crap sticking out awkwardly for each mando. This is apparently a feature.
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I love the implication that the NPCs like Indigo will react differently if the player brings Shae Vizla or Torian Cadera along. That kind of subtlety is important when there is only going to be essentially one (or two, if per faction) major storylines. It’s great to know these exist and provide some replay value in addition to the immersion factor.


I was thinking about that flaming redhead … Shae. Now that would be interesting !!

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He said they wouldn't like it if you were a mando yourself. How would that work anyway? There's not option for that is there?


Yep, the Bounty Hunter can choose to join the Mandalorians. I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out in Onslaught.

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This is something that has been driving me crazy since launch, the fact that the devs get to play around with the attachments on armor pieces while the players are not. There's so many armor sets in this game people have access to where I have been thinking "If only these shoulder bits weren't there. I want the version that NPC has!" etc.


Me too. Between ludicrous shoulder pads and the gravity defying loincloth/butt flap things, many a good set have been ruined.


The sad reality is if they just let us do/talk about cosmetic client modding (so only affects what we see, no affect on anyone else) this kind of stuff could be done by the players easily enough.

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Not long ago I spent several hours trying to figure out how to get a specific look for one of my characters that didn't include large shoulder pads, large elbow pads, butt cape or crotch curtain. When I thought that I had finally succeeded, I noticed the antenna backpack.


This was not an isolated incident.


Now I have someone specific to blame.

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Would be nice to have that dev's ability to construct the world as we see fit. I'd start with being able to customize my stronghold with hooks that I deem fitting and appropriate instead of the placement we have now. Secondly, add npc armors in to the crafting mix and finally swap out animations to my preference, including what ever weapon I wanted to use.
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