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Most Grind-y Achievements


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Which achievements do you think are the most grind-y? Not the most difficult, or the longest to take, but the most long AND tedious? Before datacrons became legacy-bound, people supposedly did them on every character. Which cheevos are you glad you never have to do again? I've listed a few examples, not in any order:


1) 'Umbara Proprietor': Buy the Umbara SH. You need 60 Alliance Recon Data. If you do all the bosses on story mode, you get 6 of them, so that's 10 story FPs, and you don't get a Jesusdroid to walk you through like the other story-mode FPs. A right pain, plus the SH sucks.


2) 'I mean it! No more Bormu!': Kill 500 Bormu on Balmorra. There's an area with about six or seven that reliably respawn, but if you hadn't bothered to kill any beforehand [and why would you?] doing 500 in a go is pretty slow.


3) 'Securing Quesh for the Empire/ Republic': Two cheevos, kill 750 of the opposite faction of strong difficulty or higher. For reference, if you go through the Quesh planetary storyline say, 25 times, you might kill 100 of each.


4) 'Fallen Knights of the Empire': I haven't finished this one. Defeated each of the paladins on all of the Star Fortresses. This isn't difficult, but the paladins are randomized, so this requires you to do the SF dozens of times to catch them all, and I don't think it's possible to catch them all on SM, which means doing the heroic over and over again just for the chance to come up. Doing the heroic 6 times for 'An End to the Exarchs' was bad enough.


5) 'Big Time': Reach Social Rank 10. The highest I've gotten is 5, you don't get any CCs between 5-10, and I don't think you get much social armor after 5, and to reach Rank 5 I grinded Esseles to death on speedruns. You could quite possibly do nothing but Esseles / BT speedruns from 10-70 and still not get enough social points.


I think there should be a cheevo for taking all eight classes through KoTFE/ET, but if there were, there wouldn't be a need for this thread because the clear winner would be obvious. The most I've done is 4.

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Before the datacrons became legacy bound, I did them on about 40 characters. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds and with a tiny bit of help, you could do them relatively fast.

The only painful one was the Tattooine balloon and waiting for it and then spending 20 mins taking the ride. If you didn’t move every now and then you could afk out of the game and if you danced you could fall through the balloon and die, which meant waiting and traveling all over again. And you certainly didn’t want to mess up the jumps at the end or you’d have to spend another 40 mins if you wanted to do it in that session.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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1) 'Umbara Proprietor': Buy the Umbara SH. You need 60 Alliance Recon Data. If you do all the bosses on story mode, you get 6 of them, so that's 10 story FPs, and you don't get a Jesusdroid to walk you through like the other story-mode FPs. A right pain, plus the SH sucks.

Nah i did it in like one evening, nothing special or grindy about it.

Fallen Knights of the Empire': I haven't finished this one. Defeated each of the paladins on all of the Star Fortresses. This isn't difficult, but the paladins are randomized, so this requires you to do the SF dozens of times to catch them all, and I don't think it's possible to catch them all on SM, which means doing the heroic over and over again just for the chance to come up. Doing the heroic 6 times for 'An End to the Exarchs' was bad enough.


All paladins are actually available to find and kill in solo mode, so this one is pretty easy and fast too.


How about "Fleet Admiral" (play 1000 GSF matches)?

This one really took forever.

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It's funny how perception works. My first reaction to mention of the random paladins was to dismiss the notion of it being tedious, because I remember it as being fairly quick and fun.. but when I try to think back on how that went exactly, then I realize that it was only fun to me because I worked on that achievement with my partner, which was the part that was fun (and the part that made it quick, for that matter).


Seeker droid achievements. Pretty much all that begin with 'Unearthed' in their description. I get frustrated just mentioning them right now. :mad:

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Before the datacrons became legacy bound, I did them on about 40 characters. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds and with a tiny bit of help, you could do them relatively fast.

The only painful one was the Tattooine balloon and waiting for it and then spending 20 mins taking the ride. If you didn’t move every now and then you could afk out of the game and if you danced you could fall through the balloon and die, which meant waiting and traveling all over again. And you certainly didn’t want to mess up the jumps at the end or you’d have to spend another 40 mins if you wanted to do it in that session.


I cheated this one with another guy, so I didn't have to wait for the balloon. I did have to wait for the elevator on Hoth Starship Graveyard though.


Seeker droid achievements. Pretty much all that begin with 'Unearthed' in their description. I get frustrated just mentioning them right now. :mad:


I haven't done those. I was happy just to finish the quest.


All paladins are actually available to find and kill in solo mode, so this one is pretty easy and fast too.


How about "Fleet Admiral" (play 1000 GSF matches)?

This one really took forever.


That's good to know, maybe I'll finish it one of these days. Fleet Admiral sounds ghastly. I only just started GSF and well, there's a reason no one plays it.

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Eternal Legend - survive all ten rounds of the Eternal championship with each class and without the aid of a group.

This was before the ossus skip, that unlocks the championship. So I had to run them all through, I believe, chapter 9 of kotfe.

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"Meat Bag" Defeat the Assassin Droid 25 times in Master Mode "The Foundry" and 25 times in Master Mode "The False Emperor". Not only is it a grind but it can't be done solo so you need 3 other people.


I honestly couldn't believe this one wasn't on anybody's list yet.


Maybe it's just a grind for me since I don't pug for groups.

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"Meat Bag" Defeat the Assassin Droid 25 times in Master Mode "The Foundry" and 25 times in Master Mode "The False Emperor". Not only is it a grind but it can't be done solo so you need 3 other people.


I honestly couldn't believe this one wasn't on anybody's list yet.


Maybe it's just a grind for me since I don't pug for groups.


Well, this one isn't any different than all other Master Flashpoint achievements. It is actually much easier than things like Battle of RIshi bonus boss 25 times, Copero bonus boss 25 times - noone is doing those, very hard to get a group together.

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All Makeb kill achievements come to mind. Those were quite tedious.


The only kill achievement I still haven't finished is "Securing Quesh for the Republic". I've grinded through the imperial one and it was hell. Still haven't started the republic one and it's been a year, lol.


Finishing all Master chapters wasn't as much of a grind as it just took a long time (to not burn myself out I was working on 1-2 chapters a month). It was actually quite enjoyable overall.


The biggest grind for me is GSF. I don't like it, I am bad at it and it has a ridiculous amount of achievements. I think I'll get all Nim achievements sooner than GSF...


And, of course, an honorable mention - all achievements connected to digging and dreadseed/star forager armor sets. Don't think I'll ever force myself to do THAT.

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Of the kill achievements, Securing Quesh for Empire/Republic is probably the worst.


For Flashpoints, you have to run most 25x in MM. But certain ones require more than that: Black Talon, Mandalorian Raiders, Assault on Tython and Korriban Incursion. The first two can be farmed by killing the boss then stealthing out to reset, but the last two require you to do 25 MM runs on each faction.


Another tedious one: Mobile Contagion - infect 1000 players with the Rakghoul plague. Get infected, stand around for 8 mins, jump to your death. Repeat at least 99 times.

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It can't be much of an "achievement" if there's not at least some work (grind) involved. ;)


But there's a difference between work and grind, isn't there?


The master mode levels of kotfe and kotet for instance. I'm not good at those. Even with a healer comp, I find them way too difficult. Hell, I find vet pretty drat difficult. That would be a lot of work, and it would be slow, but I think it would be more difficult than grindy.


Or the SF cheevo 'One For All' iirc, where you have to beat the heroic unassisted with the alliance specialists. Difficult, - I've never done it - but not really grindy.

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But there's a difference between work and grind, isn't there?


The master mode levels of kotfe and kotet for instance. I'm not good at those. Even with a healer comp, I find them way too difficult. Hell, I find vet pretty drat difficult. That would be a lot of work, and it would be slow, but I think it would be more difficult than grindy.


Or the SF cheevo 'One For All' iirc, where you have to beat the heroic unassisted with the alliance specialists. Difficult, - I've never done it - but not really grindy.


You know you can group up on those MM Chapters. 2 I believe are sorta glitched with a group, but the rest go fine grouped up. Just sucks that the person helping isnt getting credit for theirs.

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