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Hammer Station Loot Feedback


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Hey folks,


Phase 2 is all about getting loot, whether that is from drops in content, purchased from vendors, or crafted. We want your thoughts! One of the few places where loot drops are fully implemented is Hammer Station. If you are a Flashpoint player looking to understand loot acquisition, please run Hammer Station in any difficulty.

  • Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Too slowly?
  • Were you getting items you expected to get?

Make sure to be specific in your feedback. Thanks!



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Hammer station loot on 2 MM runs and 3 Vet solos was disappointing. Got one dpsmod while tanking and several tank mods while dps. Dropped unmoddable gear not even better than my augmented 258 gear, and a tactical not relevant to anyone in the group. It'll work for my operative, so kudos on making almost everything legacy bound, but at this rate gear grind is going to be WAAAAAAY too slow, and coming from Korean MMOs I'm accustomed to and even like a bit of grind.


This was not at all what I expected based on Cantina talk or livestream, I'm disappointed by current loot drops in Hammer Station.

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Went through Hammer Station Master Mode. Most of the personal loot was appropriate, except for the last boss -- he dropped a tank relic (270 Relic of the Shrouded Crusader) on my sentinel. Also, the group consisted of a sentinel, commando, gunslinger and guardian, and the final boss's group loot was a tactical that was meant for a sage (Two Time Trouble)
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Playing through 5 veteran modes of hammer station as operative, the overall amount of loot seemed pretty low especially after seeing the livestream yesterday where each boss supposedly drops 5 pieces of gear.

I got a double bladed lightsaber which I was not expecting at all considering I can't even use it. Saw a single higher tier item/ tactical on the last boss but since it was a piece of loot that needed to be rolled for, it made the whole process kinda disappointing.


I'm the type of player that hates having a big focus on loot upgrades that need to be rolled for by a group of players as the worst thing to happen after running through a piece of content is to feel like someone else has just stolen your piece of gear and wasted your time.

Is it possible to find set piece and tactical items in personal loot for flashpoints? If not I doubt I'll play them anywhere near as much as I used to.

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Hey folks,


Phase 2 is all about getting loot, whether that is from drops in content, purchased from vendors, or crafted. We want your thoughts! One of the few places where loot drops are fully implemented is Hammer Station. If you are a Flashpoint player looking to understand loot acquisition, please run Hammer Station in any difficulty.

  • Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Too slowly?
  • Were you getting items you expected to get?

Make sure to be specific in your feedback. Thanks!




Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough?



Were you getting items you expected to get?

No. I was getting accuracy and tank stat drops on a sorc healer.

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For me it seemed good. Did 5.. 4 vet and 1mm. In that time I got almost full set of green 270 tank gear as well as a legendary set bonus bracer from mm. Tactical drops were disappointing a d not relevant to my class. But only got 1 other gear drop not related to immortal jugg.


Mods on the other hand.. all over the place. Not one tank mod dropped so that was mildly frustrating.

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Ok Vanguard item 252

Comp Yuun level 20


Hammer Station vet mode

Items, Well first thing to mention all 3 bosses dropped a Renown trophy none ended up in my inventory or any other list.


Item first boss

renown trophy (not there)


one mod

scrap metal


Boss two.


Renown trophy (not there)

Legging for tank spec

Blue crystals

10 tech fragments


final boss.

Renown trophy boost (again not there when claiming items)

Malmounrrac Mask for Sith inquisitor class

Onderonnion blotblaster

10 tech fragments

jawa scrap.


The mask I could use on a different toon, not the one I was playing but really did not have an issue with that. Other gear which did drop, two I could use. and the mod may just add to a legacy weapon for a different character which was not high in command rank, if this was on the live server.


So did not have an issue with the loot at all, though the renown trophy needs to be there once claimed. The disappointment here was just 25395 renown points in total out of 160000 towards a crate.

As far as I am concerned but the 160000 per renown crate has gotta go. Did you not learn a single thing with Galactic Command? Yes I know it's just the PTS and yes may well change but really which BW employee thought 160000 was a good starting point?



NO ISOTOPE! So crafting was fun while it lasted. But yea crafting finished as far as I am concerned. Thanks for that BW>


On the plus side not run hammer station before as its not listed in solo activities so was nice to do. and to be able to do solo.



Need to add 33930 points to the 25395, once I finished the FP I had not done the talk with Satele which gave more points. However I stand by my earlier point 160000 is far to high and even when adding the 33930 points it's still small amount towards 160000 for a renown crate.


Second run though, same character same comp.

First boss

3 premium fragment

Savant Legging



Second Boss

10 tech Fragments

tech parts

intertype package


Third boss

Ruthless Interrogation

10 tech fragments

6 crystals

Batold Bracers

Nimble Enhancement


same renown point as before with all 3 renown boosts not being able to be claimed. I guess once these are added points over all won't be that bad. Same as last time I personally was ok with loot drops as I have lots of alts so equipment will come in handy in time.


Vet mode hammer station with good gear is certainly solo-able and as such should be added to solo activities. I am now wondering how many other FP's I could have done solo but never tried as not advertised as solo playable?

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I think overall, they are trying to go back to how it used to be, where what dropped might not exactly be for you, but by making it all tradeable and sellable, it opens up the markets on gear to find what you want.


That said, I think people got used to getting gear that directly pertained to them from the previous system.


I think a compromise on the 2 systems is in order - To me, bosses should have 1 piece of gear for each person that lines up with the advanced class they are playing, and then 4 pieces of "random" gear that people can need or greed. All gear tradeable and sellable (no timers on it before sale).


Then I think the final boss should have a bonus extra loot drop that is what you would get on the "next tier" of group content.


To explain further:


  • Final Boss "Solo" or "Story" mode flashpoint: 1 random piece that can be normally obtained in Veteran Mode Flashpoints
  • Final Boss "Veteran" mode flashpoint: 1 random piece that can be normally obtained in Master Mode Flashpoints
  • Final Boss "Master" mode flashpoint: 1 random piece that can be normally obtained in Story Mode Operations
  • Final Boss "Story" mode Operation: 1 random piece that can be normally obtained in Veteran Mode Flashpoints
  • Final Boss "Veteran" mode Operation: 1 random piece that can be normally obtained in Master Mode Operations
  • Master Mode Operations: All Gear highest tier

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I did Hammer Station, solo on VET mode, with my Jedi Guardian, Vigilance.

I got 2 useable upgrades to my gear, implant and wrist lvl 270, but the last Boss dropped a Arsenal Mercenary tactical item, not useable for my character :eek:

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I think overall, they are trying to go back to how it used to be, where what dropped might not exactly be for you, but by making it all tradeable and sellable, it opens up the markets on gear to find what you want.



Well it still bound to legacy so not going to open up any kind of market. So not tradeable or sellable (well other than to a vender) What it does do though is get you gear for alts. Players who only play a single character are the ones who will lose out on this method. Everyone else should do better with it. PTS is not ideal to showcase this as most only copied 1 or 2 characters to it. I got two items one for inquisitor one for agent/smuggler on my vanguard. I do have inquisitors agents and smugglers. So if this was the live version instead of PTS, all would be good pick ups.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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howdy all

questions about the adds/trash drop what should they be dropping, because i got a 272offhand of a trash kill but i also got like 30-40 item rating main hand or legs

so far it feels bad i would like to see more armorings mods and enhancements drop from bosses cause they allow one to optimize better instead of this green unmodable crap, so far it seems like i get one of those items per HS vet run

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Humm so this could be the god of RNG but, I ran 20+ Vet HS on my Merc in a group today to very limited success in termsof Gear. Much the same as everyone else in the thread. Masny Greens that are basically the same as I was already wearing. This evening i got on my Sin and rather than group started to Solo the Vet mode and i must say the loot drop is significantly better, Out of 4 runs so far i have 1 tactical For a Jugg, a 274 green Chest, a stimulated armour piece set bonus shell & a Preservers set bonus head. Edited by DarthBryn
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Run hammer station mm a few times, and I thought the drops were well below par. The inference on the live streams and forum posts led me to be disappointed with what dropped. I feel that the drops were not adequate, and the drops were not specific to my advanced class or even my class. I would like to have seen more armorings mods and enhancements too. No set pieces dropped. I was shocked that there was such little to be gained from the content.


I would like to see more of the tech fragments, as I think it is way to low at this time. Given that one armor set piece costs 1500 tech fragments (plus a million credits), and after running an ops, and 5 flashpoints, and 2 warzones I couldn't even earn 600 tech fragments. if this low acquisition rate translates to launch, gearing is going to be mind numbing, and alt very unfriendly using this method.

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ran Hammer Station on Tactical and Hard Mode (refuse to use new naming conventions) on a Tank, all the personal loot was for DPS or healer classes, got 2 piece of tank gear in 5 runs.


I though the whole idea of personal loot was to get gear for the class and discipline that you are on at the time.

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So, a lot of green gear has been dropping. It's been useful so far, and there has been a lot I could use oh, but I'm worried that once I am fully up to 270, it's still going to drop a green gear.


Mentally, the player base is just gotten used to Blue gear dropping from flashpoints.


Now if that is changing and green gears coming from veteran flashpoints, we need to be told this so we know what to expect and at least told that the plan then is say for blue gear to drop from Master flashpoints.


I did get a tactical in my first Hammer station run that my bounty hunter could use. And there was a tactical that dropped in the second run but I did not win it.


Overall I would say that it needs some fine-tuning but roughly feels "ok", but not great.


Also, the random drops from killing mobs in the flashpoint are not dropping level appropriate gear. On average I would say the item rating was about eight for those drops in that will need to be adjusted.

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Giving it some further thought, my ideal Flashpoint run would be:


Regular trash mobs drop green gear that is currently dropping from bosses in veteran Hammer station.


Bosses drop blue rated gear and have a chance to drop tacticals.


Final boss drops 1 purple rated gear and a guaranteed Tactical, as well as blue gear for everybody.


And then just tweak the item ratings on the gear to make it a soft progression. What I mean is, the gear in veteran will help you gear up for master mode but isn't completely required. You can still do Master mode with lower gear but the stuff in veteran will make it easier to do Master mode. The stuff in master mode will help you do story operations. And so on and so on.


Just to make the loot curve where it isn't that you need that gear to be able to pull off an operation but that having it will make it a lot easier. Same thing for every other level in the progression. The one exception I would say is veteran and master mode operations. I think those two you need to have the gear absolutely in order to be able to do them.

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I'm the sort of person who will loot every npc on my way through a FP and hang off the back of a group as they do their best to skip past every skippable mob. I'm also the person that just hits greed on every roll for fear of needing something I don't need or delaying moving on to the next boss.


I found when I did this in Hammer Station Veteran runs I was coming away with very little of anything useful. It would be nicer if, in a change away from the norm, that each person came away with something basic useful thing and we all stood equal chance to get the prize item which should be something that could be univsally used....a mount, a deco, even rare crafting material.


Flying though flashpoints and coming away with nothing of value, even skipping the story is why people end up asking for Solo modes...it would be nice to see this change. Remove the random nature of getting something.


I also thought that because everything was new and unusual amnd because they are not our real characters everyone eventually just went Need on everything.

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Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Too slowly?

- I run about 9 times that flashpoint as I didn't checked, that you have to talk to Malgus to get it count toward the achievement. I didn't liked all that green items, that was not that good as my 258 set with augments reduced to a simple equipment of item level 258. So I disassembled all of it. That was a failure I think as you really need better item level, even though it's worse for you. So probably you need to run such easy to do flashpoint for a while, where the stats doesn't matter, so that the drops get actually better. For "story mode" flashpoint, as it's not really a veteran one, it was acceptable.


Were you getting items you expected to get?

- I got a marauder tactical item that was really good as I was with juggernaut there. So I was a little bit surprised to get marauder tactical and it was that good. Have no use for me on that char, but maybe I start one just because this tactical item :-D. So basically, I didn't expected anything useful or really good there and it was about like that, with the exception of the one legacy bound tactical item, so I think that's about right.

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I run about 9 times that flashpoint as I didn't checked, that you have to talk to Malgus to get it count toward the achievement.


Good point, I noticed this myself though I'd say a lot missed it and might think they have done whats needed to be done for the achievement and therefore the mount without actually checking. I anticipate a lot of outrage if the devs do not flag this up before they shut down Phase 2

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Hey folks,


Phase 2 is all about getting loot, whether that is from drops in content, purchased from vendors, or crafted. We want your thoughts! One of the few places where loot drops are fully implemented is Hammer Station. If you are a Flashpoint player looking to understand loot acquisition, please run Hammer Station in any difficulty.

  • Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Too slowly?
  • Were you getting items you expected to get?

Make sure to be specific in your feedback. Thanks!




Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Too slowly?

As as Source for Tactical Items i would say that Master Mode Flashpoints are fast enough if one tactical will drop on final boss.


Were you getting items you expected to get?

This is a total desaster. you get one random tac item for classes which are not in your group. so the chance to get one on specific tac item is one to the amount of all tac items (three per each spec, classes, etc) and then you have to roll for it against 3 other people? you cant be serious...get riif ot this rngesus

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Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Too slowly?

Yes, it felt about right.

I copied my char and went right to master FP,

It seemed to be scaled because i struggled as a tank.

But a few runs and i went from 252 to 271 gear rating.


Were you getting items you expected to get?

I think it works okay.

It dropped gear for my char, not for my role in specific.

So initially i equipped the higher gear rating items even if they were not for a tank.

And then tried to changed those with better stats for tank after.

Just didn't get the tactical for my class but some tactical's for other classes dropped is most of the runs.

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